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Catalog No: 57
Rating: V2
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Sören Wesseltoft (DK)
Written critics: veterantæve af god størrelse, en anelse smal i næse-skalle ellers godt udtryk, korrekte ører, korrekt ryglinie, lidt stejl skulder, kunne være en anelse mere udfyldt i brystkassen, lidt stejl skulder, normale vinkler bag, bevæger sig med et godt men lidt trippende drive og en smule forsigtig i sine forbensbevægelser, fint for alderen, dejlig pels og farve.
Catalog No: 60
Rating: V3
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Inge Artsoe (DK)
Written critics: næsten 11 år, dejlig størrelse og type, feminint hoved og udtryk, velkroppet, udmærkede velvinklede benstammer, glimrende bevægelser af en 11-årig som stadig virker i vigør, udmærket pels, godt temperament.
Catalog No: 1056
Rating: V1
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Bo Skalin (S)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: herlig veteran i mycke god kondition, bra rastyp, vackert huved, med korrekt front står mycket bra på sine tasser, bra storlek, herligt temperament bra pelskvalitet.
Catalog No: 45
Rating: V2
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Lisbet Utke Ramsing (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 10,5 år gammel veterantæve. God størrelse, feminint hoved med velplaceret øjne, udemærket næseparti, passende forbryst, udemærket hals og god overlinje. Velvinklet, gode benstammer, god kondition og frie og kraftfulde bevægelser, trods alder.
Catalog No: 5
Rating: Platz3
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Gary J. Coldwell (GB)
Catalog No: 37
Rating: V1
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Camilla Gothen (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 10 år og 3 mdr. gammel veteran i super kondition. God størrelse og type.
Kraftigt og feminint hoved - kunne ønske en anelse mørkere øjne og knap så lav
øreplacering. Kraftige ben g poter. God hals og ryglinje. Tilpas vinklet for,
velvinklet bag. God dybde i brystkassen. Bevæger sig alderstilsvarende. Godt
temp. God pels og god farve.
Catalog No: 1659
Rating: V1
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Markku Kipinä (SF)
Written critics: good size and proportions well angulated behind a bit uprigth shoulder plades a bit long muzzel nice topline and tail kan se already her age from movement loose in front
Catalog No: 52
Rating: V2
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Freddie Klindrup (DK)
Catalog No: 48
Rating: V2
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Birthe Möller Hansen (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 10 år gl., stor og kraftig velbygget tæve, hoved med rette proportioner, en anelse lavt ansatte ører mørkebrune øjne, lidt løse læber kraftig hals stærk ryg, passende god brystdybde og bredde, kunne være en anelse bedre vinklet fremme acc. vinklet bag god pelsstruktur, man kan ikke på bevægelser se alderen
Catalog No: 47
Rating: V4
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Astrid Indreboe (N)
Written critics: snart 10 gl veteran, stor og kraftig, tiltalende hovede, stærk overlinie, normalt vinklet, gode benstammer, bevæger sig godt for sin alder, god pels trivelig temperament,
Catalog No: 774
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Sean Delmar (IRL)
Written critics: mouth a little irrgular, a little too loaded in shoulder, well developed ribbcage, like more shape in hindquarters, coat too harsh, movement too lazy,
Catalog No: 787
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Svend Lövenkjaer (DK)
Written critics: kraftfuld tæve, god substans, lidt påvirket af sin høje alder i bevægelse, kunne bevæge sig med mere kraft og tåer for meget ind i fronten, kraftig skalle, kraftigt næseparti. meget rene tænder, fin hals, meget godt forbryst, lige forben, kraftig brystkasse, muskuløs, moderat vinklet i knæ og has, fin dybde i kroppen, alt for åben pels
Catalog No: 43
Rating: Cannot be judged
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Monica Mattfolk (S)
Written critics: 9½ år gammel veteran tik herlig type, feminint hoved og udtryk, bra bid, bra hals og overlinie, herlig benstammer til kroppen, vacker vel plejet pels, vel præsentert, men desværre på dagen er hun halt på bagben, der af prisen
Catalog No: 54
Rating: fehlt
Class: Champion
Judge: Eva Liljekvist Borg (S)
Catalog No: 1242
Rating: V1
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Lotte Jörgensen (DK)
Anwartschaft: BIK, bester Veteran
Written critics: 9 årig tæve. 'Still going strong'. Hun har stadig mange fine detaljer. Smuk repræsentant for racen. Tillykke med den flotte veteran :-)
Catalog No: 127
Rating: V2
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Fabrizio La Rocca (I)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 9,5 yrs, medium colour of the eyes, very good in size, strong jaw, excellent ears, excellent head profile, very good neck, balanced strong body, correct tail, excellent coat and condition, moves well, excellent topline.
Catalog No: 123
Rating: V3
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Irene Donné (N)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 9,5 år, stor kraftig feminin, herligt hoved, godt udtryk, tilstrækkeligt vinklet over det hele, godt forbryst, kraftig benstamme, noget ustabil i bevægelserne, bra steglænde, velholdt og velstilt veteran.
Catalog No: 4
Rating: Platz2
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Mette E. M. Tufte (N)
Anwartschaft: VDH/VND-Vet-R-Ch-A
Catalog No: 7
Rating: Platz2
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Susanna Johansson (S)
Anwartschaft: VDH/VND-Vet-R-Ch-A
Catalog No: 825
Rating: V2
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Jens Utke Ramsing (DK)
Written critics: stor, kraftig og næsten kvadratisk bygget tæve, udmærket hoved, korrekt bid, velformede mellembrune øjne, udmærket hals og overlinje, tilfredsstillende vinklet bag, fremme noget eftergivende i mellemhånden, i bevægelse lidt kort, fremme noget indfodet
Catalog No: 841
Rating: V2
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Guido Schäfer (D)
Written critics: 9 years, corr proportions strong bones, feminine head, good neck and topline, very good angulations, paralelle movements good coatcondition,
Catalog No: 798
Rating: V1
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Tanya Ahlman-Stockmari (SF)
Written critics: 9 years old, lovely type, correct body proportions, excellent ribcage and bones, good skull and stop, a bit upright shoulders, still moving enough long step, keeping the topline very well in movement, lovely tail.
Catalog No: 39
Rating: V2
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Charlotte Hoier (DK)
Written critics: 9 år gammel veteran i super kondition. Jeg kunne ønske et lidt mere feminint udtryk. God skalle, Lidt vel løs halshud. Noget fremskudte skuldrer. Imponerende, stærk og lige ryg for alderen. Gode benstammer, men jeg kunne ønske noget mere bryst og kropsfylde ift. hendes størrelse. God haleansætning. Træder lidt vel meget ind på forpoterne under bevægelse - men idebevægelserne er imponerende - med godt fraskub. Fremvises og viser sig med stor entusiasme.
Catalog No: 44
Rating: V1
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Zoltan Baffia (HU)
Anwartschaft: CK BIK, Best Veteran
Written critics: 9 years old veteran bitch. Very god size, excellent type, strong bones, medium substans. Excellent pigmentation. Very nice head-proportions, a little bit light eyes. Lovely neck, still firm topline, excellent depth of chest. Very well constructed hindquaters. Good reach and drive - front paws are turning a little bit in.
Catalog No: 396
Rating: SG2
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Jochen Eberhardt (D)
Written critics: Frendly and happy veteran bidge, nice in substans and type, but her frontmovement has seen better days, nice body bone and substans, tipical coat, god temprement
Catalog No: 31
Rating: V2
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Satu Ylä-Mononen (SF)
Written critics: 9 years old, still in exl condition, femini ne head with nice expression, exl neck and topline, well developed body, god bone, narrow forechest, exl tailset, well angulated in rear, nice hock, moves with good drive, narrow in front, correct coat,
Catalog No: 69
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Elina Haapaniemi (SF)
Written critics: 9 year old, Black bitch, exl size and type, very nice head, worn bite, good bone, strong body, enough rear angulation, looks very good standing,but is beginning to show her age on the move, moves a littl gingerly on her right front leg.
Catalog No: 1400
Rating: V2
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Peter van Montfoort (NL)
Written critics: 9 years old, very good type, excellent size and substance, nice head, very good topline, strong body deep chest well angulated an d still in good coat, excellent mover,
Catalog No: 1259
Rating: V3
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Birgit Seloy (DK)
Written critics: 8 årig tæve med dejligt hoved, velplacerede ører, godt stop, god toplinie, god brystkasse, let faldende kryds, gode benstammer, lidt tunge bevægelser for sin alder, korrekt pels, velpræsenteret
Catalog No: 63
Rating: V1
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Anita Al-Bachy (SF)
Written critics: Big, still feminin 9 ½ yrs old veteran in top condition. Nice proportions, feminine head, good bite, good muzzle. Scull could be broader. Lowset big ears. Enough neck. Level topline. Nice body, could have more forechest. Strong bone. Equally angulated. Nice tail. Moves free in front and little narrow behind. Today dry coat
Catalog No: 58
Rating: V2
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Dr. Steffen Schock (D)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 8,5 yrs, Black bitch, typy newf, perfect condition, correct head close to body, correct ears and eyes correct front, Deep chest correct angulations, vry nice back, correct tailset, very nice movement for age, top handling
Catalog No: 93
Rating: V2
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Carol Stuckey (GB)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: good size 8 years old bitch - nice ballance - good head porportions - sound moving
Catalog No: 93
Rating: V2
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Marie-Pierre Delaunay (F)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 8,5 years big size Black bitch in good coat condition - very nice head with good porportions - a Little light eye - good scull - a Little low erset - good muzzle - good teeth - correct neck and front angulations - very good bone for size - good topline - good body - good rear angultion and correct tail - close rer and a Little in the front - powerfull movement.
Catalog No: 5
Rating: Platz2
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Elina Haapaniemi (SF)
Anwartschaft: VDH/VND-Vet-R-Ch-A
Catalog No: 4
Rating: Platz2
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Brigitte Greisler (D)
Anwartschaft: VDH/VND-Vet-R-Ch-A
Catalog No: 516
Rating: V2
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Inese Pablaka (LV)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: exellent type and size expressiv head in good proportions exellent strong topline good ribbcage enough parallel movement nice temperamnet exellent coat strukture and volume m oved with good steps
Catalog No: 563
Rating: V1
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Attila Czeglédi (HU)
Written critics: nice breed type strong bitch without any coarseness strong enough head with deep muzzle firmly build front big ribcage good topline for her age nice rear angulation excellent static balance good site gate
Catalog No: 37
Rating: V2
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Johan Andersson (S)
Written critics: veteran tik af korrekt typ, bra skalle, bra kropsproportioner, ytmerkt benstammer bra tasser, tilreklige vinkler hendes alder syns i rørelse, ytmerkt temperament
Catalog No: 36
Rating: SG2
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Monika Erber (A)
Written critics: very good sized veteran female, typical head, ears and eyes are ok, she should be in better condition, even if she is 8 years old, nice neck and topline, I would like to see darker eyes, good body, acceptable bones and angulation, good front, she does not want to run and moves very slowly, in the rear she stands under herself, typical temperament, good coat.
Catalog No: 48
Rating: V4
Class: Offene
Judge: Delphine Richards (GB)
Catalog No: 50
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Hedd Richards (GB)
Catalog No: 103
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Gordon Cutts (GB-IRL)
Catalog No: 32
Rating: V4
Class: Offene
Judge: Georg Roth (D)
Catalog No: 28
Rating: V3
Class: Offene
Judge: Birthe Möller Hansen (DK)
Catalog No: 42
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: August de Wilde (B)
Anwartschaft: CK, BTK3, CERT-R
Catalog No: 23
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Karin Trauhsnig-Payer (A)
Catalog No: 77
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Svend Lövenkjaer (DK)
Catalog No: 93
Rating: V4
Class: Offene
Judge: Anna Rusinowska (PL)
Written critics: 6 Jahre alte Hündin, große starke, starkknochige Hündin, mit massivem Kopf, klein bisschen langes Ohr, klein bisschen helles Auge, starker Hals, könnte etw. länger sein. Gute Vorbrust, angedeuteter Widerrist, klein bisschen loser Rücken, tiefer Brustkorb, gute Winkelung, stellt die Vorderpfoten leicht eng beim Gehen, etw. übereinander tretend, Bewegung in Ordnung, aber es könnte dynamischer sein, leicht träge.
Catalog No: 34
Rating: V4
Class: Offene
Judge: Carsten Lorenzen (D)
Written critics: 6 Jahre alte schw. vorzüglich im Typ stehende Hündin, kräftige Kopf – und Fangproportionen, braune Augen, gut geschnitten, Scherengebiss, in dem die unteren Inc. fast komplett abgenutzt sind, große Ohren, sehr schöne Oberlinie, Brust in Breite und Tiefe voll ausgeformt, Rutenansatz und Länge korrekt, sehr gute Knochenstärke, bei vorzügl. Winkelung der Vorhand und sehr guter Winkelung der Nachhand. Typischer Bewegungsablauf mit sehr gutem Vortritt und Schub, ausgesprochen gepflegt, liebevoll vorgeführt, rassetyp. Wesen.
Catalog No: 32
Rating: SG4
Class: Offene
Judge: Wendy Lowe (GB)
Catalog No: 29
Rating: fehlt
Class: Offene
Judge: Delia E. Sarson (GB)
Catalog No: 466
Rating: gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Paula Heikkinen-Lehkonen (SF)
Catalog No: 45
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Dorothy N. Collier (USA)
Catalog No: 44
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Patricia W. Laurans (USA)
Catalog No: 107
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Kirsteen Farrar (GB)
Written critics: 5 year old of average size and bone, sweet expression, eyes could be a little darker, good depth to her body, would like to see a little better angulation in the rear, slight curling coat over her back detracts from her level top line, would like to see a litte bit more enthusiasm on the move, sweet bitch
Catalog No: 50
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Anne Springthorpe (GB)
Written critics: 5 year old bitch of good size and substance good weight of skull eye a little light good bite deep forechest well boned throughout strong neck with good level behind moved ok I think the weather isn’t for the bitch as she didn’t want to move excellent presentation.
Catalog No: 31
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Andi Hudono (ID)
Catalog No: 26
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Solvi Schjelderup (N)
Catalog No: 461
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Michael Forte (IRL)
Catalog No: 1587
Rating: V3
Class: Offene
Judge: Ulf Bräthen (DK)
Catalog No: 87
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Ramune Kazlauskaite (LT)
Written critics: 4 Jahre alt, sehr gute Größe und Proportionen, starke Knochen, sehr gute Hündinenkopf, korrekte Fangbreite, Augen könnten etw. dkl. sein, guter Stop, korrekte obere Linie, fester Rücken, sehr gute Brust, etw. lose Ellenbogen, korrekte Winkelungen, freie Bewegung, korrektes Haar.
Catalog No: 33
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Petra Junehall (S)
Anwartschaft: VDH-R-Ch-A
Written critics: 4 years, excellent type, size and proportions, feminine typical head, strong muzzle, correct bite, good lips and pigmentation, medium brown well shaped
eyes, slightly big ears, very good neck and topline, medium strong bones, very good forechest and ribcage, well angulated in front and rear, very good
croup and tail, correct tail carriage, well muscled broad size, strong hocks, well balanced in movement with enough power, well presented in excellent
coat condition very good coat texture and colour, typical temperament. ----- 4 Jahre, vorzüglicher Typ, Grösse und Proportionen, typischer femininer Kopf, kräftige Schnauze, korrektes Gebiss, gute Lippen und Pigmentierung, mittelbraune gut geschnittene Augen, etwas grosse Ohren, sehr guter Hals und Oberlinie, mittelkräftige Knochen, sehr gute Vorbrust und Brustkasten, vorn und hinten gut gewinkelt, sehr gute Kruppe und Rute, korrekte Rutenhaltung, gut bemuskelte breite Grösse (?), kräftige Sprunggelenke, harmonisch in der Bewegung mit genug Kraft, gut vorgeführt, in vorzüglicher Fellbeschaffenheit und sehr guter Textur und Farbe, typisches Temperament.
Catalog No: 28
Rating: V3
Class: Offene
Judge: Sabine Wotenick (D)
Written critics: 3 Jahre alte sehr harmonisch aufgebaute Hündin, kräftiger Hündinnenkopf, Scherengebiss, dunkelbraune Augen, Brustbreite und -tiefe sehr gut ausgeformt, sehr gut gewinkelt in Vor – und Nachhand, fester breiter Rücken, freies flüssiges Gangwerk vorne etwas eindrehend, sehr gut gepflegtes Haarkleid von sehr guter Textur, freundliches liebes Wesen.
Catalog No: 83
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Frode Jevne (N)
Anwartschaft: VDH-Ch-A, VND-R-Ch-A
Written critics: Feminine bitch of excellent type and overall impression, correct head proportions, prefer a bit darker eye. Very good neck and top line, lovely body and bone, deep broad chest, good colour and condition. Good drive and covers ground well, lovely temperament and well handled. ----- Feminine Hündin von vorzüglichem Typ und Gesamteindruck, korrekte Kopfproportionen, ich bevorzuge ein etwas dunkleres Auge. Sehr guter Hals und Oberlinie, herrlicher Körper und Knochen, tiefe breite Brust, gute Farbe und Kondition. Raumgreifend und guter Schub, herrliches Temperament und gut vorgeführt.
Catalog No: 38
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Maija Heinilä (N)
Anwartschaft: VDH/VND-Ch-A
Written critics: A lovely bitch throughout, very much what a like when I see the standard, exc. Size, head, topline and angulations, good coatstructure, moves breedtypically, exc. Temperament,
Such a pleasure to judge
A lovely bitch throughout, very much what a like when I see the standard, exc. size, head, topline and angulations, good coat structure, moves breedtypically, exc. temperament. Such a pleasure to judge. ----- Eine durchweg herrliche Hündin, sehr viel, was ich mag, wenn ich den Standard sehe, vorzügliche Grösse, Kopf, Oberlinie und Winkelungen, gute Fellstruktur, bewegt sich rassetypisch, vorzügliches Temperament, solch eine Freude zu richten.
Catalog No: 47
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Peter Ludes (D)
Written critics: 2 ½ Jahre alte schwarze Hündin von guter Größe, etwas schmaler Oberkopf, braune Augen, Scherengebiss, breiter Rücken, gute Brustproportionen, steile Oberarmwinkelung, korrekte Hinterhandwinkelung, kräftige Laufknochen, flüssiger Bewegungsablauf, korrekt in der Hinterhand, vorne deutlich eingedreht aufgesetzt.
Sehr gut gepflegt, ruhiges Wesen, sehr gut vorgeführt.
Catalog No: 31
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Wanda Kotik (PL)
Anwartschaft: VDH-R-Ch
Written critics: 2 Jahre alte, schwarze, kräftige Hündin sehr guter, femininer Kopf
schönes Gebiss die Augen sind gut angesetzt; könnten ein bisschen dunkler sein
die Ohren etwas zu tief angesetzt sehr schöne Winkelungen in Vor- und Hinterhand sehr gute Ober- und Unterlinien die Rute ist gut angesetzt und getragen sehr gute Fellstruktur sehr gute Präsentation.
Catalog No: 47
Rating: SW2
Class: Jüngsten
Judge: Hassi Assenmacher-Feyel (D)
Written critics: 6 month old, feminine head, good expression, nice dark eyes, well carried ears, good head proportions, nice neck, top line, good rib cage, correct front, well angulated behind, bitch has problems with the carpet, puppy coat, good temperament.
Catalog No: 46
Rating: SL1
Class: Jüngsten
Judge: Ilona Kroos (D)
Written critics: 6 month old black bitch, nice head, correct dark brown eyes, correct bite, for that age good angulations and a strong top line, good movement for the age, but a little bit bear paw, very well groomed, nice temperament.
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