Blacksails Lord Gonzo

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This content is only visible to registered users.

Gold Cup Nyborg (DK), 2016/07/23

Catalog No: 60
Rating: fehlt
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Fabrizio La Rocca (I)

Gold Cup Nyborg (DK), 2016/07/21

Catalog No: 60
Rating: V4
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Irene Donné (N)
Written critics: 9 år, godt hoved og udtryk, noget stejl og fremskudt skulder, god hals og overlinie, gode vinkler bak, noget tung i bevægelserne, velstilt og velpræsenteret.

Noerager (DK), 2013/11/24

Catalog No: 12
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Karin Trauhsnig-Payer (A)

Herning CACIB (DK), 2013/11/02

Catalog No: 876
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Jens Utke Ramsing (DK)

Varde (DK), 2013/08/24

Catalog No: 513
Rating: V4
Class: Champion
Judge: Ole Nielsen (CAN)
Anwartschaft: CK

Gold Cup Nyborg (DK), 2013/07/20

Catalog No: 51
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Svend Lövenkjaer (DK)

Svendborg (DK), 2013/05/20

Catalog No: 15
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Carsten Lorenzen (D)

Svendborg Idrætspark (DK), 2013/05/18

Catalog No: 796
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Carsten Birk (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK

Svendborg (DK), 2013/05/18

Catalog No: 14
Rating: V4
Class: Champion
Judge: Birgitte Gothen (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK

Randers (DK), 2013/04/07

Catalog No: 20
Rating: V4
Class: Champion
Judge: Wendy Lowe (GB)
Anwartschaft: CK

Randers (DK), 2013/04/06

Catalog No: 19
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Delia E. Sarson (GB)

Fredericia CACIB (DK), 2013/02/09

Catalog No: 503
Rating: V2
Class: Champion
Judge: Camilla Gothen (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3.BHK

Nyborg Winter Specialty (DK), 2013/01/27

Catalog No: 33
Rating: V3
Class: Champion
Judge: Gerda Schlichting (D)
Anwartschaft: CK

Nyborg Winter Specialty (DK), 2013/01/26

Catalog No: 25
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Petra Junehall (S)

Nyborg (DK), 2012/11/25

Catalog No: 17
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Maija Heinilä (N)
Anwartschaft: CK

Herning CACIB (DK), 2012/11/04

Catalog No: 913
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Pirjo Aaltonen (SF)

Mosede Fortet (DK), 2012/10/07

Catalog No: 15
Rating: V3
Class: Champion
Judge: Inge Artsoe (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK

Mosede Fortet (DK), 2012/10/06

Catalog No: 14
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Susanne Laursen (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK, 2.BHK

Vejen CACIB (DK), 2012/09/16

Catalog No: 467
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Dr. Otto Schimpf (A)
Anwartschaft: CK, 1.BHK, CACIB, BOB

Vejen CACIB (DK), 2012/09/15

Catalog No: 336
Rating: V2
Class: Champion
Judge: Svend Lövenkjaer (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK

Aarhus (DK), 2012/08/25

Catalog No: 457
Rating: V2
Class: Champion
Judge: Paula Heikkinen-Lehkonen (SF)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3.BHK

Gold Cup Nyborg (DK), 2012/07/22

Catalog No: 22
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Dorothy N. Collier (USA)
Anwartschaft: CK

Gold Cup Nyborg (DK), 2012/07/20

Catalog No: 23
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Patricia W. Laurans (USA)
Anwartschaft: CK

Aalborg (DK), 2012/05/28

Catalog No: 15
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Andi Hudono (ID)
Anwartschaft: CK

Aalborg (DK), 2012/05/27

Catalog No: 11
Rating: V3
Class: Champion
Judge: Solvi Schjelderup (N)
Anwartschaft: CK, 4.BHK

Aalborg (DK), 2012/05/26

Catalog No: 448
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Michael Forte (IRL)
Anwartschaft: CK

Roskilde CACIB (DK), 2012/05/06

Catalog No: 324
Rating: V4
Class: Champion
Judge: John Wauben (NL)

Roskilde CACIB (DK), 2012/05/05

Catalog No: 390
Rating: V3
Class: Champion
Judge: Evgeny Kuplyauskas (RUS)

Tinglev (DK), 2012/03/18

Catalog No: 9
Rating: V3
Class: Champion
Judge: Wenche Eikeseth (N)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3.BHK

Handewitt (VND), 2012/03/17

Catalog No: 18
Rating: V2
Class: Champion
Judge: Paul d´Hooge (B)
Written critics: Impressive 2,5 year black male of excellent type, sound in every aspekt, lovely masculin expression, excellent eyes and ears, sqare muzzle, body of great proportions, strong neck, firm topline, good croup and tailset, excellent spring of ribbs, strong and loin, excellent chest in all three dimentions, grat bone and feet, coat in excellent condition, adequate reach and drive, a little doing in in front, very well handled.-----Eindrucksvoller, 2,5 Jahre alter, schwarzer Rüde von vorzüglichem Typ. In jeder Hinsicht solide. Wunderschöner maskuliner Ausdruck, vorzügliche Augen und Ohren, quadratischer Fang, großartige Körperproportionen, kräftiger Hals, feste Oberlinie, gute Kruppe und guter Rutenansatz, vorzügliche Rippenwölbung, kräftige Lenden, vorzügliche Brust in allen drei Dimensionen, großartige Knochenstärke und Pfoten, vorzügliches Haarkleid, passender Vortritt und Schub, dreht vorne leicht ein, sehr gut vorgestellt.

World Dog Show Herning (DK), 2010/06/27

Catalog No: 17166
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Ole J. Staunskjaer (DK)

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Recent studies with our data have shown that our breed worldwide is based on ONLY 200 dogs that are not related to each other!

This is a very low and alarming number!
It would be highly desirable if no mating would occur worldwide below the threshold of AVK 85% to open the gene pool.

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