
Pedigrees are only visible to registered users.
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This content is only visible to registered users.

Sundsvall (S), 2019/10/13

Catalog No: 9
Rating: V1
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Carina Andersson Rapp (S)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3. BTKL

Sundsvall (S), 2019/10/12

Catalog No: 19
Rating: V1
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Jari Laakso (SF)
Anwartschaft: CK, 4. BTKL

Mosjöen (N), 2019/08/11

Catalog No: 87
Rating: V1
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Branislav Rajic (SLO)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3.BTK
Written critics: 9,5 years, in exc condition. wonderful coat and collor. well balanced body, beautifull head and ecx eyes. perfect forchest and front, compact body, movment sound with sertain since of age,

Mosjöen (N), 2019/08/10

Catalog No: 84
Rating: V1
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Tino Pehar (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK, 2.BTK
Written critics: 9,5 yrs. g cond for age. fem head could havelitt more stop. g topline. g front. mod rear ang. corr mov for age.

Svenstavik Nordic-Dog-Show (S), 2019/08/03

Catalog No: 6
Rating: V1
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Freddie Klindrup (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK, 1. BTKL, CERT, NORDC, BOS

Vännäs (S), 2019/06/16

Catalog No: 5
Rating: V1
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Asa Andersson Fröding (S)

Vännäs (S), 2019/06/15

Catalog No: 7
Rating: V1
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Maria Lindström (S)
Anwartschaft: CK

Sundsvall (S), 2018/10/06

Catalog No: 16
Rating: V2
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Monika Akesson (S)

Överkalix (S), 2018/08/18

Catalog No: 6
Rating: V1
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Marianne Holm Larnemaa (SF)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3. BTKL

Fauske CACIB (N), 2018/08/04

Catalog No: 138
Rating: V1
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Carin Akesson (S)
Anwartschaft: CK, 4.BTK
Written critics: feminim tispe med bra prop. bra uttrykk. noget store ører. bra overlinje og fin bredde i kroppen. bra sansansetning. velvinklet. rør seg velvinnande, men kunne hatt litt mer energi i bevegelsen.

Pitea CACIB (S), 2018/07/14

Catalog No: 7
Rating: V1
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Birte Scheel (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3. BTKL

Vännäs (S), 2018/06/17

Catalog No: 9
Rating: V2
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Benny Blidh von Schedvin (S)
Anwartschaft: CK

Vännäs (S), 2018/06/16

Catalog No: 11
Rating: V2
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Nils Molin (S)

Pitea (S), 2018/05/26

Catalog No: 5
Rating: V1
Class: Veteranen
Judge: John J. Walsh (IRL)
Anwartschaft: CK, 2. BTKL

Pitea CACIB (S), 2017/07/15

Catalog No: 5
Rating: cannot be judged
Class: Champion
Judge: Birgitta Svarstad (S)

Vännäs CACIB (S), 2017/06/17

Catalog No: 10
Rating: V4
Class: Champion
Judge: Gunilla Skallman (S)

Vännäs (S), 2017/06/16

Catalog No: 10
Rating: V3
Class: Champion
Judge: Kurt Nilsson (S)

Pitea (S), 2017/05/20

Catalog No: 6
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Markku Kipinä (SF)

Sundsvall CACIB (S), 2016/10/16

Catalog No: 8
Rating: SG2
Class: Champion
Judge: Einar Paulsen (DK)

Sundsvall (S), 2016/10/15

Catalog No: 24
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Champion
Judge: Liliane de Ridder-Onghena (B)

Harstad CACIB (N), 2016/10/01

Catalog No: 1068
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Champion
Judge: Elin Normannseth (N)
Written critics: 6 år tispe, god strl. Savner det typiske hodet. Nesepartiet er noe avsmalende og ikke skvært nok sett fra siden. Mørke fine øyne. God kropp som i dag bærer på litt vekt. God front, kunne vært bedre vinklet i kne. Blank fin pels som er noe kort. Passende benstamme. Beveger seg med effektive steg når hun vil. Trivelig temperement.

Mo I Rana (N), 2016/08/21

Catalog No: 117
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Shaun Watson (CY)

Mo I Rana (N), 2016/08/20

Catalog No: 127
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Cristine Watson (CY)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT, 1.BTK, BOS

Överkalix (S), 2016/08/13

Catalog No: 6
Rating: V2
Class: Champion
Judge: Wenche Eikeseth (N)

Pitea CACIB (S), 2016/07/17

Catalog No: 7
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Liz-Beth Liljeqvist (S)
Anwartschaft: CK 3.BTK CACIB-R

Gällivare CACIB (S), 2016/07/02

Catalog No: 4
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Benny Blidh von Schedvin (S)
Anwartschaft: CK 2.BTK CACIB-R

Vännäs (S), 2016/06/19

Catalog No: 5
Rating: V2
Class: Champion
Judge: Anne-Chatrine Edoff (S)
Anwartschaft: CK 3.BTK

Vännäs (S), 2016/06/17

Catalog No: 7
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Aina Lundmark (S)
Anwartschaft: CK 3.BTK

Pitea (S), 2016/05/29

Catalog No: 11
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Ann Long-Doyle (IRL)
Anwartschaft: CK 1.BTK BOS

Sundsvall (S), 2016/04/10

Catalog No: 3
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Cindy Pettersson (S)
Anwartschaft: CK 2.BTKL

Sundsvall CACIB (S), 2015/10/11

Catalog No: 15
Rating: V2
Class: Champion
Judge: Carsten Birk (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK 2.BTK CACIB-R

Sundsvall (S), 2015/10/10

Catalog No: 21
Rating: V4
Class: Champion
Judge: Diane Anderson (USA)
Anwartschaft: CK

Harstad (N), 2015/10/03

Catalog No: 721
Rating: V4
Class: Champion
Judge: Elina Haapaniemi (SF)
Anwartschaft: CK, 4.BTK

Mosjöen (N), 2015/08/15

Catalog No: 67
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Kurt Nilsson (S)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT, 1.BTK, BOB

Pitea CACIB (S), 2015/07/04

Catalog No: 8
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Nina Lönner-Andersson (S)
Anwartschaft: CK 4.BTK

Vännäs (S), 2015/06/12

Catalog No: 5
Rating: V2
Class: Champion
Judge: Hans Almgren (S)
Anwartschaft: CK 3.BTK

Mo I Rana (N), 2014/08/24

Catalog No: 98
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Hanne Laine Jensen (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK, BTK2, CERT

Mo I Rana (N), 2014/08/23

Catalog No: 104
Rating: SG1
Class: Champion
Judge: Gunnar Nymann (DK)

Pitea CACIB (S), 2014/07/05

Catalog No: 3
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Roger van Hoenacker (B)
Anwartschaft: CK, BTK1, CACIB, BOB

Gällivare CACIB (S), 2014/06/28

Catalog No: 4
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Anwartschaft: CK, BTK2, CACIB-R

Vännäs (S), 2014/06/15

Catalog No: 4
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Liz-Beth Liljeqvist (S)
Anwartschaft: CK, BTK3

Vännäs (S), 2014/06/13

Catalog No: 9
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Karl-Erik Johansson (S)
Anwartschaft: CK, BTK2

Pitea (S), 2014/05/17

Catalog No: 4
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Benny Blidh von Schedvin (S)
Anwartschaft: CK, BTK2

Vännäs CACIB (S), 2013/06/16

Catalog No: 5
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Champion
Judge: Ake Cronander (S)

Vännäs (S), 2013/06/14

Catalog No: 5
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Kurt Nilsson (S)

Pitea (S), 2013/05/19

Catalog No: 5
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: August de Wilde (B)
Anwartschaft: CK, 2.BTK

Pitea (S), 2012/05/19

Catalog No: 5
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Svante Frisk (S)
Anwartschaft: CK, 1.BTK, CERT, BOB

Sundsvall (S), 2012/04/14

Catalog No: 4
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Inese Pablaka (LV)
Anwartschaft: CK, 4.BTK, CERT-R

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We hope that you as a user and breeder will use this tool extensively to keep our beloved breed as healthy as possible - this is the main goal that we have linked from the very beginning with the idea and realization of this database!

Recent studies with our data have shown that our breed worldwide is based on ONLY 200 dogs that are not related to each other!

This is a very low and alarming number!
It would be highly desirable if no mating would occur worldwide below the threshold of AVK 85% to open the gene pool.

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Advantages of Premium Membership:

  • Advanced search for colors, age, titles, continent, offspring and various examinations.
  • Statistic pages on colors, titles and results of HD, ED, OCD, cystinuria, heart, patella, eyes, thyroid
  • Virtual pedigree of two dogs with numerous statistical functions.

The premium membership is an offer for breeders, who are looking for suitable males or bitches, but also to everyone who is interested in the Newfoundland breed.

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* Health data is only available to premium members.