Newettas Danish Royal

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Herning CACIB (DK), 2019/11/03

Catalog No: 1069
Rating: V3
Class: Champion
Judge: Annette Bystrup (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: massiv og maskulin, stærk krop og benstammer, stærk massivt hoved, med bred rummelig skalle, velplac små ører, korr bredt plac øjne som ligger lidt dybt, kvadratisk næseparti med saksebid, udm front hals og overlinie, passende pels men savner på dagen lidt underuld, bred stærk bag, brede muskuløse lår, stærke poter, bev med velbåren hale, lange skridt, udm fraskub.

Herning CACIB (DK), 2019/11/02

Catalog No: 944
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Hans Almgren (S)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3. BHK, CACIB
Written critics: Nästan 5 år. Han är idag på topp. Allt vad gäller kroppsbyggnad, stabilitet, proportioner med ett underbart temeperament och det vackraste av huvuden. Korrekt ansatta öron. Utmärkt läpplinje. Huvud som balancerar med kroppen. Djupt svart pigment. Vaskler nacklinje. Stark rygg. Kroppsbredd som dukat för fyra. Långt kors. Fast i muskulatur. Utsökt dubbel glansig päls. Håller väl i rörelserna. Tar för sig väl fram. En värdig champion

Rostock CACIB (D), 2019/10/05

Catalog No: 179
Rating: V3
Class: Champion
Judge: Gisa Schicker (D)

Tvaaker (S), 2019/07/13

Catalog No: 3
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Liz-Beth Liljeqvist (S)
Anwartschaft: CK, 2. BHKL, CERT-R

Tvaaker Nordic-Dog-Show (S), 2019/07/12

Catalog No: 5
Rating: V3
Class: Champion
Judge: Eva Nielsen (S)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3. BHKL, CERT-R

Neumünster CACIB (D), 2019/05/26

Catalog No: 1857
Rating: V4
Class: Champion
Judge: Hans-Erhard Grüttner (D)

Egtved Special (DK), 2019/04/14

Catalog No: 23
Rating: V3
Class: Champion
Judge: Suzanne Archer (GB)
Anwartschaft: CK, 4. BHK
Written critics: another impressive quality male, good head proportion, nice ear placement, lovely front and rear, exc tail carriage on the move, good coat quality and very well presented

Egtved Special (DK), 2019/04/13

Catalog No: 21
Rating: V4
Class: Champion
Judge: Marie K. Due Petersen (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 4 åe og 2 mdr gammel vel proportioneret, massiv og velbygget, kvadradirsk i krops bygning, passende skalle, velansatte øre str og form, tydeligt stop, velplaceret øjne af passende str. korrekt bid, firkantet næse parti, kraftig hals, stram kort lige ryg, velansat hale af pasende længde, kraft ved haleroden, bærs korrekt, veludviklet brystkasse, stram og fat i fronten, solide ben stammer, lige under linje, bevæger sig racetypisk, korrekt pels

Fredericia CACIB (DK), 2019/02/10

Catalog No: 1997
Rating: V3
Class: Champion
Judge: Birte Scheel (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 4 år., velproportioneret, korrekt kvardratisk næseparti, halsen kunne være lidt længer, ganske godt frontparti, fin overlinie, velvinklet kraftig benstamme, frie bevægelser, flot pels, godt temperament.

Herning CACIB (DK), 2018/11/04

Catalog No: 624
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Camilla Gothen (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 3 årig han af middel størrelse, giver et kompakt helheds indtryk, kraftigt velskåret hoved med mildt udtryk, korrekt ører og bid, gode benstammer og poter, skulder kunne være lidt bedre tilbagelagt og deraf give lidt længere hals, gode proportioner i kroppen, velvinklet bagpart, bevæger sig med godt afskub, en anelse knap rækkevidde for til, god pels og farve, godt temperament

Herning CACIB (DK), 2018/11/03

Catalog No: 628
Rating: V4
Class: Champion
Judge: Michael Leonard (IRL)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: Very nice outline, I like the shape and size, the body is balanced, really good bone, is in top condition, beautiful body, deep chest, strong neck, nicely balanced head of correct shape and sized, with a very nice expression, front actions could be stronger, he toes slightly in.

World Dog Show Amsterdam (NL), 2018/08/12

Catalog No: 11950
Rating: fehlt
Class: Offene
Judge: Joao Vasco Pocas (PORT)

Amsterdam Specialty connected to the WDS (NL), 2018/08/11

Catalog No: 6439
Rating: fehlt
Class: Offene
Judge: Dr. Enrico Drudi (SMR)

Benelux-Winner Show Amsterdam (NL), 2018/08/09

Catalog No: 1819
Rating: fehlt
Class: Offene
Judge: Andrzej Kazmiersky (PL)

Aarau CACIB (CH), 2018/06/24

Catalog No: 449
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Branislav Rajic (SLO)
Anwartschaft: CAC

Aarau CACIB (CH), 2018/06/23

Catalog No: 483
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Krisztina Fischer-Garami (CH)
Anwartschaft: CAC

Aarau CAC (CH), 2018/06/23

Catalog No: 429
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Bernard Metraux (CH)
Anwartschaft: CAC

Vejen CACIB (DK), 2018/06/17

Catalog No: 545
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Birgitte Schjöth (DK)
Written critics: Maskulin han af udmærket størrelse, godt skåret hoved, korrekt bid, en anelse stramme øjenrande, god hals og overlinie, god brystdybde, lidt kort overarm, ellers velvinklet, prima haleansats, prima pels, bevæger sig frit, med god skridtlængde, lidt trang bag, ellers parallelt, god pels.

Vejen CACIB (DK), 2018/06/16

Catalog No: 513
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Elina Haapaniemi (SF)
Written critics: 3 years old black dog, who is a little square in outline, masculine medium sized, pleasing head, correct bite, one broken tooth, medium brown eye, good neck and topline, good bone, would like a better croup, his hind movement is a little uneconomical, not totally typical, movement overall needs more reach an drive.

Neumünster CACIB (D), 2018/06/02

Catalog No: 6
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Rita Kadike-Skadina (LV)
Anwartschaft: VDH-Ch-A, CACIB-R

Aarhus (DK), 2018/05/26

Catalog No: 429
Rating: V4
Class: Offene
Judge: Dr. Otto Schimpf (A)
Written critics: Bewegung vorne gut, hinten etwas weich und eng. Schöner Kopf, etwas geschlossenes Auge, kräftiges Scherengebiss

Venray CACIB (NL), 2018/05/20

Catalog No: 4
Rating: V3
Class: Offene
Judge: Rade Vesic (SRB)

Venray CACIB (NL), 2018/05/20

Catalog No: 19
Rating: V2
Class: Champion
Judge: Rade Vesic (SRB)

Clubshow Clemency (L), 2018/05/19

Catalog No: 18
Rating: V1
Class: Offene-schwarz
Judge: Eric Prunier (F)
Anwartschaft: CACL

Roskilde CACIB (DK), 2018/05/13

Catalog No: 439
Rating: V4
Class: Offene
Judge: Per Svarstad (S)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: Udmærket type og storlek. Vackert huved. Fifnt udtryk. Kunne have noget strammere læber. Bra hals og ryg. Fint rundet kors. Udmærket brystdybde. Kraftig krop. Udmærket benstamme. Bra tasser.- Udmærkede vinkler. Rør sig bra. Udmærket pels, god svarte.

Roskilde CACIB (DK), 2018/05/12

Catalog No: 633
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Christine Rossier (CH)
Anwartschaft: CK, 1. BHK, CERT, CACIB, BOS
Written critics: 3 years old, exc. size, compact, exc., top line and tail set, good length of tail, exc. front and bones, typ. head with sound expression, exc. ears, exc. coat and color, very correct and free in movement

Roskilde (DK), 2018/05/11

Catalog No: 642
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Miroslaw Redlicki (PL)
Written critics: strong, well developed male. good profile and expression. dark eyes. good shoulder and front. slightly sloping topline. good front and chest. well balanced. excellent, but slightly cowhocked in movement.

Jelling (DK), 2018/04/22

Catalog No: 16
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Karin Butenhoff (D)
Anwartschaft: CK, 2.BHK, CERT
Written critics: 3 Jahre alter, typischer, harmonisch aufgebauter Rüde mit vorzüglichem, freundlichem Rüdenkopf, kompletten Scherengebiss, dunkelbraune Augen, anatomisch vorzüglich gewinkelt mit leicht abfallender Kruppe, Brust ist sehr gut ausgeformt, steht auf geraden festen Läufen, die Bewegung ist flüssig und frei, freundliches Wesen.

Jelling (DK), 2018/04/21

Catalog No: 9
Rating: V3
Class: Offene
Judge: Bernard Metraux (CH)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 3 Jahre alter Rüde, gute Größe und Knochenstärke, maskuliner Kopf, gut geschnittene Augen, Scherengebiss mit trockenen Lefzen, sehr gute Hals- und Rückenlinie, gut angesetzte Rute, gut entwickelte Brustbreite und –tiefe, gut gewinkelt in Vor- und Hinterhand, freier Bewegungsablauf mit vorzüglicher Rutenhaltung, sehr gutes Temperament, schönes schwarzes Haarkleid.

Fredericia CACIB (DK), 2018/02/10

Catalog No: 514
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Hassi Assenmacher-Feyel (D)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: masculine h ead, very expressive, excellent scull and muzzle, small dark eyes, nice earcarriage, well marked stop, nice neck, excellent body, correct in all parts, sound movement, good tail carriage, nice coat and temperament.

Nyborg Winter Specialty (DK), 2018/01/28

Catalog No: 14
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Jan Counotte (B)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 3 years old black male, compact in size, a Little bit slopping topline, good head, good skull, good stop, good muzzle, with scissor bite, good front and rear angulation, good chest, and underline, moves free.

Nyborg Winter Specialty (DK), 2018/01/27

Catalog No: 22
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Paul d´Hooge (B)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 3 years old, elegant male of good proportions,. lovely head and expression, small dark eyes, good ear and earset, strong neck, level topline, good croup and tailset, good Width between the shoulders, exl chest, good spring of ribs, strong in loin, exl bone and good feet, moved well with a correct tail, very good coat very well handled and presented.

Herning CACIB (DK), 2017/11/04

Catalog No: 1019
Rating: fehlt
Class: Offene
Judge: Bo Skalin (S)

Vesthimmerland (DK), 2017/04/14

Catalog No: 1641
Rating: SG3
Class: Offene
Judge: Markku Kipinä (SF)
Written critics: a bit feminin but enough long body well angulated behind uprigth front places shoulders plades and short neck smaler size head good eyes and bite not in best coat good tail could have better balance when moves nice temperament

Fredericia CACIB (DK), 2017/02/11

Catalog No: 1824
Rating: SG3
Class: Offene
Judge: Gunilla Skallman (S)
Written critics: maskulin ganske bra utryck, men viser til og fra underøgonlåget, lidt kort hals, stærk ryg, behøver utviklet i sit forbryst og få mere volume, bra ben og tasser, men blød i sin mellemhånd, rør sig ok fram kunne have mere påskub bak, idag intet i bedste pels, fin attitude,

Herning CACIB (DK), 2016/11/06

Catalog No: 713
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Sean Delmar (IRL)
Written critics: ex. headshape, nice strong foreface, would like body more developed. a little ligth acorss loin, ex hips and hocks, good coat, nice shape moving, a little loose in front movement.

Herning CACIB (DK), 2016/11/05

Catalog No: 733
Rating: fehlt
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Svend Lövenkjaer (DK)

Mosede Fortet (DK), 2016/10/01

Catalog No: 17
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Eva Liljekvist Borg (S)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: Veltypet maskulin han, kunne have en anelse mere kraftfuldt hoved til volumen i kroppen og højden, udmærket overlinie, tlstrækkelig udviklet forbryst og bra brystdybde, velvinlet bagstel, aning rak i skulder og overarm, udmærket rørelser fra siden, lidt læs fremme, gode pels anlag, vel presenteret

Ballerup CACIB (DK), 2016/09/17

Catalog No: 285
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Horst Kliebenstein (D)
Anwartschaft: CK R.CERT
Written critics: vorzüglicher Gesamteindrück, korrekte Behaarung, rassetypischer Kopf mit sehr schönen Stop, korrekt in Auge, gut ausgerichtete Ohren, Guter Widerrist und fester Rücken, gute Brustbreite und Tiefe, gute Bewegung.

Luxemburg CACIB (L), 2016/09/11

Catalog No: 2336
Rating: V3
Class: Zwischen schwarz
Judge: Jeane Lawless (IRL)

Bornholm CACIB (DK), 2016/08/14

Catalog No: 442
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Jorgen Hindse (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK R.CERT
Written critics: Middelstor, middelkraftig maskulin, er endnu lidt ungdommelig, godt næseparti, gode øjne og ører, skallen må endnu tiltage i bredde, flot hals og ryg, middelkraftige benstammer, godt for og underbryst, endnu må tiltage i masse, god pels, gode langstrakte bevægelser med godt fraskub, godt temperament.

Bornholm CACIB (DK), 2016/08/13

Catalog No: 438
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Maria Kavcic (SLO)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 18 month old, good size, correct head, full dentition, deep set eyes, loose lips, long neck and straight topline, correct length of body, but shorter ribcase, good length of legs, well balanced movement, correct tailcarriage, straight coat, good temperament.

Vejen CACIB (DK), 2016/06/11

Catalog No: 810
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Guido Schäfer (D)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 16 months exc type, exc proportions, and bones, masculine and very expressive head, small eyes, at bit round scull, long neck straight topline, deep tailset and carriage, balanced angulations, very nice pressented exc coatcondition

Vejen CACIB (DK), 2016/06/10

Catalog No: 770
Rating: disq
Class: Jugend
Judge: Tanya Ahlman-Stockmari (SF)
Written critics: Good size male, short in body proportions, good skull for his age, a bit narrow underjaw, a bit upright shoulders, correct coat texture, unfortunately the judge is not able to judge the bite or testickles, when the judge goes near the dog try to bite. The dog needs more self confidence to showing him.

Koge (DK), 2016/05/14

Catalog No: 284
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Zafra Sirik (ISR)
Anwartschaft: CK 4.BHK
Written critics: good size maskulin head good outlines exellent angulation a little bid dancing in the movement nice coat needs to get more confidence in the ring

Roskilde CACIB (DK), 2016/05/01

Catalog No: 425
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Andrew Beare (IRL)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 1 year outstanding, well balanced head, nice stop good ark pigmentation sissor bite adecuate length of neck adecuate layer of shoulder, level topline, fair rear angulation, very good coat, exc reach and drive

Roskilde CACIB (DK), 2016/04/30

Catalog No: 1049
Rating: SG1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Liliane de Ridder-Onghena (B)
Written critics: 1 year, scissor bite, nicely proportioned head, dark eye, good lay of shoulder, correct bone, needs to develop more body, nice rear angulation, with low set hocks, but in overall Picture he could have a bit more substance for the age, rather narrow in the movement, needs to build up more stability

VND-Cup 2016 (D), 2016/03/27

Catalog No: 10
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Jugend
Judge: Lorenzo Giuliano (I)

Luxemburg CACIB (L), 2016/03/26

Catalog No: 487
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend schwarz
Judge: Giovanni Battista Tabo (I)

Fredericia CACIB (DK), 2016/02/13

Catalog No: 355
Rating: SG1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Jochen Eberhardt (D)
Written critics: Junior well up to size, but still has to grow body and substans. Nice head god expression, correct mouth, God reach of neck, limited front, medium bone,. Front needs to become furmer. nice coat and temprement.

Gold Cup Herning (DK), 2015/07/17

Catalog No: 1
Rating: vv4
Class: Baby
Judge: Marie-Pierre Delaunay (F)
Written critics: 5 months old - male in full transformation - correct head with corect porportions god teeths good eyes and expression - would like a Little more neck - correct front angulation - would like more bone for age - good body and topline - good tail -max accepted for rear anulation - presntd a little thinn good movemenn.

Vejen CACIB (DK), 2015/06/21

Catalog No: 468
Rating: vv3
Class: Baby
Judge: Inese Pablaka (LV)
Written critics: nice type middel strong bones exellent body format head with lovely expression good proportion scull and muzzel exellent earsert good for age topline a bit narrow front could have better forcheasth angulation and front good angulation behind typical coat for age nice temperament

Vejen CACIB (DK), 2015/06/20

Catalog No: 519
Rating: vv2
Class: Baby
Judge: Attila Czeglédi (HU)
Written critics: nicely shaped baby clean cut head good outline nice rear angulation good bone for his size he needs lot of practice for shows

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