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Catalog No: 452
Rating: SG3
Class: Offene
Judge: Rony Doedijns (NL)
Written critics: this dog needs more power when standing and on the move, needs to have a firmer
topline, corr in front and rear ang, needs to be more refined in head, has too
much loose skin in head, too much open lip, this spoils the typical expr, good
bite, needs to move with more power drive and extention, needs to have more
parallell action needs more enthusiasm when going
Catalog No: 16
Rating: SG3
Class: Offene
Judge: Delphine Richards (GB)
Written critics: 3 years old. Massive head, med brown eyes, too much lip, good dental, ears
reaching corn of eye. Strong neck, front ang could be better, strong bone,
slightly long in body, but ok loin. ok tailset, reaching just too hook. med ang
in hind. slight heavy in movement, untidy in fron legs, with feet moving out in
movement. not tracking up corr.
Catalog No: 2
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Genoveffa Giambona (GB)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 3 years old, sub male, plenty of bone and sub, allthough he has a few rinkles
his head is well prop, eyes c be tighter, beat str front, corr chest and lay of
shoulder, par legs into good feet, firm topline into cor croup and rear ang,
moves well in profile and going away, but needs to be tighter coming towards
Catalog No: 800
Rating: SG1
Class: Offene
Judge: Pernilla Sandström (S)
Written critics: veldig god type, maskulin, alt for tung hode med løse øyne og lepper, for mye
skinn, store ører, velvinklet men fremskutt skulder, utm bryst, herlig
benstamme, utm vinkler bak, rør seg vegvindande men løst frem, kraftig pels, utm
Catalog No: 844
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Anna Rogowska (PL)
Written critics: good type, good bones, good topline, a little french, good set tail, good
proportion head, too big lips, scissorbite, good eyes
Catalog No: 770
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Uwe Nölke (D)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 3 years old well constructed dog Strong square foreface with little floppy lips
eyes could be bit darker the left eye is quite open Shoulder very well laid
back Good range of body Short hocks Moves with drive Little incrossing
in front Excell presented
Catalog No: 5
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Maciej Ziolkowski (PL)
Written critics: big male, little bit long in body, strong and masc with lots of substance,
enough chest, a bit close elbows, a lot of head, with big broad muzzle, quite
loose skin, and lips, good dark eyes, good outline, correct angulaiton, quite
close going, crossing over coming, quite lazy mover, with not enough reach and
drive, lovely temp, nice coat nice presented
Catalog No: 3
Rating: V3
Class: Offene
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Written critics: 3 yr old black male, strong in appearance, nice size, and well prop, with strong
bone, storng head piece, muzzle is very deep, good whidth good bite, nice shape
eyes, topp is correct, nice strong top skull, earset i okay, neck is strong
,maybe a little more, in length, front angulaition good, length of foreleg okay,
deep chest okay, good strong bone, angle of pasterns jnust a little down, plenty
spring of ribs, nice level bakc,good over croup, tailset is okay, as is length
and angle of stiffle is good, he moved cleanyl and steadily both going and
coming, nice in profile, correct footfold
Catalog No: 84
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Maarit Hassinen (SF)
Written critics: Strong, masculine male with strong bones. Massive head with correct proportions,
but a bit too much skin. Especially loose lips. Strong neck. Correct broad back.
Very well angulated. Moves well, but could be in bit firmer shape. Excellent
Catalog No: 96
Rating: SG1
Class: Offene
Judge: Per Kristian Andersen (N)
Written critics: Meget bra type, litt tung, ok prop, tung i hodet, dype lepper, ok bitt, små litt
dyptliggende øyne, litt lavt ansatte ører, bra hals, ok overlinje, kraftig
kropp, ok front, og vinkler fram og bak, beveger seg med litt tunge bevegelser,
ok pels og temperament
Catalog No: 104
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Niksa Lemo (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK, 1.BHK, BOB
Written critics: Strong male Nice type Exc expression Little bit long in body Typical movement
Catalog No: 91
Rating: gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Dr. Kostantinos Andreou (CYP)
Written critics: 3years, corr isze, masc head but over done, very loose in chops, corr lenght of
neck, pref stronger topline n more dev chest, pref better sprung of ribs, corr
ang, narrow in front and behind, corr coattextr
Catalog No: 8
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Kurt Nilsson (S)
Catalog No: 5
Rating: V3
Class: Offene
Judge: Beatrice Schiatti Zancan (I)
Written critics: 3 years, in type. masc, corr bite, v sweet expr even if the eyes a little loose
and lite, very imp head, v solid dog of med size, with rich coat, corr ang front
and rear, mov is nice, very sweet temp
Catalog No: 184
Rating: SG1
Class: Offene
Judge: Benny Blidh von Schedvin (S)
Written critics: mask hodet, litt vell mye lepper, tilstrekkelig stopp, bra hals, litt svak
rygglinje, bra kors, litt rette vinkler, dyp kropp, bra benstamme, bra steg,
ganske løs og ustødig framme, bra pels
Catalog No: 2
Rating: SG1
Class: Offene
Judge: Annika Ulltveit-Moe (S)
Catalog No: 30
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Zita Lukácová Kerak (SK)
Written critics: 3yo, correct in size, correct bones, correct body prop, nice head prop with beak
round eyes, beak a bit loose lips, neck long enough to body, deep chest, correct
over and underline, correct mov, narrow in rear, front is ok, typical beery,
nice grooming and presentation
Catalog No: 26
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Jan Herngren (S)
Written critics: substansfull reel hanne, utmerket kjønnspreg, bra skalle, ok øyne, alt for
hengende lepper, skulle ønske nesa mer kvadratisk, bra ører, utmerket hals rygg
og kryss, gode vinkler frem og bak, tilrekkelig brystkasse, velformet
brystkasse, ok i lenden, bra benstamme, aning svak i mellomhånden, utmerket
haser, fine tasser, vel pres, utmerket pels, beveger seg med bra steg fra siden,
litt smal bak, velbåret hale, ok frem, herlig mentalitet
Catalog No: 220
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Davor Javor (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK, 1.BHK, BOS
Written critics: g size and prop. heavier head, g topline and underline, g coat and cond, strong
bones, well ang, g mover, g temprament.
Catalog No: 369
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Asa Andersson Fröding (S)
Written critics: Bra typ, ok prop, Kraftfull hovud, men altfor mye løs hud. Ok bet, lite lyse
øyne. Utm på benstumme. Svage mellomhendar. Bra forbryskasse og vinklar. Utm
svans, rør seg med lang tungt steg. Fin pels.
Catalog No: 523
Rating: SG1
Class: Offene
Judge: Frode Jevne (N)
Written critics: maskulin hanne av meget god typ og helhet, meget god hodeprop, men noen tunge
lepper, velplass øyne, meget god hals og overlinje, tilstrekk dybde og bredde i
kropp, tåer noe fram og er noe myk i sine mellomhender, ønsker noe mer kraft i
sine haser, bev seg med tilstrekk steg fra siden, er noe smal fram og ustabil
bak, triv tempr, vel vist.
Catalog No: 548
Rating: SG1
Class: Offene
Judge: Petra Junehall (S)
Written critics: meget god type, litt lang, bra str, mask kraftig hode, alt for mye leppe og
halsskinn, meget dybt snuteparti, korr bitt, mørke øyne, myk o-linje, tilstr
vinkler, bra benst, myke mellomhender, mangler muskulatur, bra kryss og hale,
pels ikke i kond, bev seg meget løst, bra gemytt
Catalog No: 528
Rating: SG1
Class: Offene
Judge: Hannele Jokisilta (SF)
Written critics: kraftig maskulin helhet, bra krat i hodet men veldig løse lepper, behøver mer
frembeinsvinkler, mycket vekar mellom hender, bra beinstamme, kraftig kropp,
behøver strammere haser, bra pels, veldig løst fremme, behøver mye mer kraft i
Catalog No: 2
Rating: gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Antti Nieminen (SF)
Catalog No: 174
Rating: SG1
Class: Offene
Judge: Kurt Nilsson (S)
Written critics: maskulin, utm hodet og uttrykk, god hals, gode prop, behøver å utvikles i
brystpartiet, gode vinkler, rører seg mycket ustabilt frem og back,
tilfredstillende nok pels
Catalog No: 4
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Johan Andersson (S)
Written critics: 2 år komp og krft hanne mask hode m bra skalleparti ganske dypt neseparti kunne
være litt strammere anig løse øyekanter tilr hals norm vinklet dyp velf
brystkorg krft benst bra kors of svans rør seg ok men kunn ehatt mer kraft i
steget rikl pels triv temp
Catalog No: 145
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Denis Kuzelj (SLO)
Anwartschaft: CK, 1.BHK, BOS
Written critics: correct type, nice strong head, good stopp, enough dark eyes, correct bite, nice
neck, narrow movement behind, too soft not paralell pasterns in front
Catalog No: 146
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Drin Zhaveli (RKS)
Anwartschaft: CK, 1.BHK, BOB
Written critics: nice strong male, corr head, corr nose, good bite, scissor bite, cood topline
and under line, vg angulations
Catalog No: 99
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Suzana Simon (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3.BHK
Written critics: Lighter build dog. Good head. Correct bite. Loose skin on the head and the neck.
Good topline. Correct angulation. Good coat. Moves a little bit close in front
and behind. From side could be a little stronger. Nice temperament.
Catalog No: 131
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Ernestas Balsiukas (LT)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3.BHK
Written critics: Good size and prop, good lines of head, good topline and chest, balanced
angulation, free movement, good coat.
Catalog No: 99
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Olga Sinko Kupriyanova (SLO)
Anwartschaft: CK, 2.BHK
Written critics: big strong. big very nice head. typical prop. nice neck. strong body. nice
movement. abit to short tail. very typical coat
Catalog No: 113
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Liz-Beth Liljeqvist (S)
Anwartschaft: CK, 2.BHK
Written critics: stor, grov maskulin hann, korr bitt, fine øyne, kraftfull neseparti, bra skalle,
store ører, utm beinstamme, vinkler og tasser, vellagt skuldre og sterk rygg,
bra kryss, utm forbryst, velkroppet, kunne hatt bedre kne, bra pels, unødig
tung, bev seg fint fra siden og bakdra, løst i front, utm pels
Catalog No: 7
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Sören Wesseltoft (DK)
Written critics: kraftig maskulin hanne, utmekert hodet med godt utrykk, korrekt bitt, øyne og
ører. normal hals, litt bløt rygg, normale vinkler frem og bak, mer bløt i
mellom hånden, beveger seg tungt og mangler fraspark i sine bevegelser, noe
trang frem og bak, skulle hatt mer kraftfulle bevegelser i den alder han er. fin
farge og pels, deilig temp
Catalog No: 5
Rating: gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Susanna Johansson (S)
Written critics: 2år hanne, alt for overvektig, og ikke i beste kondisjon, massivt hodet, små
velformet ører, , bitt ok, står og går med hengt hodet, merkbart påvirket av
varmen, bra hals og rygg, velformet brytskasse, kledd med alt for mye ull,
passende vinkler frem, kunne hatt mer bak. skulle ønsket mer muskelatur i
bakparti, bev seg med tungt steg, pels ok, passende benstamme.
Catalog No: 93
Rating: SG2
Class: Offene
Judge: Goran Dojcinoski (MKD)
Written critics: lovely head, long body, soft toppline soft paws, cor front, cor angulation, in
movment hi has problem with the back legs
Catalog No: 94
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Vigan Etemi (RKS)
Written critics: 2 years old male. corr bite, deep chest. good earset. a little soft in forearms.
very well presented.
Catalog No: 2
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Espen Engh (N)
Written critics: 23mnd, kraftfull maskulin hanne, meget tiltalende type, utmeket skallebredde, et
volumfatisk hodet med overdrevende lepper, og øyelokkene kunne vært strammere,
sterk hals, kunne vært lengre, meget bra forbryst og overarm, dyp og romelig
kropp, balansert baklegsvinkling, kraftfull benstamme og um poter, kan
perfeksjoneres i sin bev frem og tilbake, balansert fra siden men kunne vært
lettere på foten, vakker pels og farge
Catalog No: 2
Rating: SG2
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Susanna Johansson (S)
Written critics: 23mnd, maskulin hanne, gir et tungt intrykk, god kjønnspreg, utmeket bredde i
skallen, fine øyne, store ører, alt for mye leppe, tilrekkelig hals, myk i rygg,
bra kryss og svans, bra forbryst og velformet brystkasse av god lengde.
velvinklet frem men noe oppreist bak, passende benstame, fine tasser, fransk
benstilling, bev seg trang bak og løst frem.
Catalog No: 2040
Rating: gut
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Elina Haapaniemi (SF)
Written critics: 22mnd gammal, masku hannhund, som har et nogot grovt hovud, runda mellanbruna
øgon, korr bett, generøse leppar, mellankraftig benst, nogot kort hals,
velkroppad, tilstr vinklade bakben, nogot framskutte skuldre, rør seg vel bak,
men altfor løst framtil, han er mellanstor til storlek och ej i beste pels for
Catalog No: 280
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Per Kristian Andersen (N)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3.BHK
Written critics: utm type, bra prop, flott hode, bra bitt, litt lavt ansatte ører, litt halshud,
bra hals og overlinje, fin kropp og front, bra benstamme og vinkler, beveg bra,
bra pels og temp
Catalog No: 20
Rating: V3
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Liz-Beth Liljeqvist (S)
Written critics: medels stor. maskulin. vælformat huvud. bra øgon och bett. mycket læppar.stark
hals och rygg. onødigt høg svans. passande benstomme. vælvinklad fram. starka
tassar. kunde ha mer knæ. lagom brøstkorg, fint førbrøst. utmkt pæls. rør sig m
bra steg och drive. lite tætt bak och lite løs fram.
Catalog No: 5
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Jan Counotte (B)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 15 months old male, of correct size, lenght and height, nice muzzle with correct
teeth, ears and eyes well set, nice stop, good neck, straight back, nice mover
up and down, forechest still needs to develop, good angulation rear, prefer more
in the front.
Catalog No: 269
Rating: SG1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: George Schogol (GE)
Written critics: 17 months, g size and format, enough bone, g prop of muzzle and skull, a lot of
loose skin on head and dewlap, v g neck, enough support of front, narrow behind
on the move, moderatly strong hip joints
Catalog No: 273
Rating: V2
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Trine Gustavsen (N)
Written critics: Hanne av utm type, maskulint hode og uttrykk, mngt god skalle, stopp, utm bredde
på snuteparti, ønsker noe mer dybde. Sunne øyne, store åpne nesebor, strerk
nakke, skal styrke overlinje, mngt godt kryss, mangler noe forbryst, men god
dybde og ganske god lengde på brystkasse. Utm benstamme og poter, velvinklet,
gode steg fra siden, fortsatt noe smal bak, god pelskond for årstid, utm temp,
foretrekker noe mindre løst skinn og strmmaere lepper.
Catalog No: 9
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Ann Wiseman Stavdal (N)
Written critics: 17 mnd. utm mod. maskulint hode og utr. men aning løse lepper. godt plasserte
ører. meget god hals og nakke. herlig bryst og brystkasse. meget god front
konstr. utm kryss og stilig bakstell i stående. mg haleføring. beveger seg med
silige sidebevegelser, utm steglengde, nøster noe kommende og skal ennå bli mer
stabil kommende og gående.
Catalog No: 8
Rating: V3
Class: Zwischen
Judge: John-Sigve Berg (S)
Written critics: 17 mnd. mask hanne utm str. mask hode. ønsker en aning lenger snuteparti. aning
runde øyne. kunne hatt litt strammere lepper. bra bitt. moderat vinklet. bra
rygg og kors. utm benst. fine poter. rør seg bra fra siden. fortsat ganske
utstab. fram og noe trang bak. utm pels og farge. trivelig temp. velvist.
Catalog No: 241
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Elizabet Caminade-Lavault (GB)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3.BHK
Written critics: 15 month old male, good strong head, well placed ears, good expression, corr.
forquarters and forchest, with good strong bone, well sit tail, corr. coat, a
little loose on the move, needs time to mature and tighten up.
Catalog No: 240
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Per Kristian Andersen (N)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3.BHK
Written critics: utm type, bra proposjoner, flott hode, korrekt bitt, mørke øyne, litt lavt
ansatte ører, bra hals og overlinje, fin kropp for alder, ok vinkler, bra
benstamme, bev seg med bra steg, litt løs i fronten, trivelig temprament, bra
Catalog No: 209
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Francisco Salvador Janeiro (PORT)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3.BHK
Written critics: ex type, g prop in head. g exsp, strong neck, top line could be a bit stronger,
g prop, g movment behind, but in front elbous turning out.
Catalog No: 4
Rating: cannot be judged
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Loredana Salina-Toma (CH)
Written critics: 16mon, big male, nice head, a little round eyes, correct head prop, correct
bite, a little loose open lips, would love to see a little more for chest, g
deep chest, g bonce, well angel shoulder, g rear angel, a little long on halks,
correct croop, g tailset of correct lenght, g coat condition, a little low ear
set, in the mov the paws are turned inside - today marked on the right hand
courter, very nice temp, ex pres, Price is given because of the mov
Catalog No: 5
Rating: SG3
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Svend Lövenkjaer (DK)
Written critics: 16mnd, bra strl, maskulin, kraftig hode, kraftig skalle, sunde öyne men litt
lyse, saskbitt, alt for mye lepper, noe höye skuldre som gir bratt overgang
mellom hals og rygg, bra mark forbryst, rette fremben, lang bred og dyp
brystkasse, fin overlinje og vel plas svans, kunne värt mer stabil og mer
paralell i bakstegene, krysser bakbena i bev og alt for lös i front, herlig pels
strukt, velvist, ras typ temp
Catalog No: 632
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Antti Nieminen (SF)
Anwartschaft: CK, R.CERT, CACIB-R, 2.BHK
Written critics: 15 måneder, bra volum, sterk benstamme, bra forbryst, vedlig bra vinkler i
balanse, bra over linje, behøver lite mer kraft, maskulint hode, brune øgon,
lite logt ansikte och ægon. bra men lite løse bevegelser. rase typisk pels
Catalog No: 860
Rating: SG1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Mette E. M. Tufte (N)
Written critics: masku hann, utm type og str, maksu hode, bra stopp, tilstr mørke øyne men bra
øyenform, godt utfylt snuteparti, bra pigm, fin hals og overlinje, tilstr
vinklet fram, god lengde i brystkasse, velvinklet bak, god bredde over lend,
ønskes mer parallell fram, bev seg ustab bak, spesielt høyre hase, meget god
pels og farge, triv temp
Catalog No: 609
Rating: SG1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Anna Kochan (PL)
Written critics: correct bod prop, mail head, very g neck, bit soft back, corr tail, correc
chest, not ennough forechest front pastern v weeck, front feet turn out, in
movement now behind, coat g
Catalog No: 1
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Cindy Pettersson (S)
Anwartschaft: CK, BHKL3, CERT-R
Catalog No: 13
Rating: V4
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Sharon Ashdown-Bedford (GB)
Written critics: 15 months, lovely profile movement, g coming and going away. lovely head with g
eyes, nice muzzle, very g topscull, v g front, v g shoulder, topline could be
more level, g in rib to loin, a nice curv to croup
Catalog No: 6
Rating: V3
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Catalog No: 114
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Branislav Rajic (SLO)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT, 3.BHK
Written critics: 15 mnt. well devl and strong. nice bala. beatu maskl head. soft pasterns and
feet in front. exc neck and topline. exc angu. good body bala. and sound movment
that should be better pasterns only exc coat. perfect color sound and nature.
Catalog No: 116
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Davidovic Natasa (SRB)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT, 1.BHK, BOS
Written critics: 15 month. Standing boy. Beautiful big broad head. With good stop. Light pigment.
Shoulder laid back. Deep chest. Exl. Angull. Good size. Good coat condition.
Well set tail, good caring. Free movement.
Catalog No: 255
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Ricardo Manuel Miranda Silva (PORT)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT-R, 4.BHK
Written critics: NO38077/21
Catalog No: 272
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Jürgen Sauer (D)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 14m. black. corr color and coat. exl expr. Corr head , corr stop. Sissor bite,
corr eyes. In body corr lines and prop. corr topline. Good dept of cheast, corr
ribbs. rear ang. moves exl. very good caracter.
Catalog No: 345
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Wenche Eikeseth (N)
Written critics: God type, maskulin. Vell prop. Godt hode for alderen. God front. Utm brystkasse.
Bra b-ben. Må bli strammere i o-linjen. Utm pels og farge for alderen. Beveger
seg godt fra siden, men meget ustabil i fronten.
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