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Catalog No: 19
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Champion
Judge: Maija Heinilä (N)
Written critics: meget maskulin hanne av utm str. Kraftig snuteparti. Vel mye lepper. Venstre øye
er litt irritert pga noe innrullende øyelokk. Bra o-linje. Max vinkl bak. Åpner
ikke helt haseleddet under beveg. Beveg seg med nok steglengde. aning smalt
fremme. prisen pga dagens øyetilstand - VG
Catalog No: 22
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Sebastian Harnik (PL)
Anwartschaft: CK, 2.BHK
Written critics: exc format. masc head, bit narrow skull. Exc neck. Corr forechest. good ribcage.
Exc t-line. Exc hindquarter. good angl behind. I would like more substance. bit
loose in the front. Good reach and drive.
Catalog No: 10
Rating: fehlt
Class: Champion
Judge: Toke Larsen (DK)
Catalog No: 11
Rating: fehlt
Class: Champion
Judge: Monika Akesson (S)
Catalog No: 460
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Rony Doedijns (NL)
Written critics: male of good size and type, nice length of legs, good bone and subst, typ front
and rear ang, mascu head, head has a bit too much loose skin, lip profile could
be tighter, good bite, good eye, typ topline and body, bit narrow behind on the
move, good side action, lovely coat qual, and overall cond, typ on the move
Catalog No: 198
Rating: V3
Class: Champion
Judge: Dagmar Klein (RO)
Written critics: ex type, bautifull head and exp, corr stop, ex eye, ex neck and corr topline,
corr coat texture, needs a bit more substans, very typ, moves with corr long
steps, lovely temp
Catalog No: 213
Rating: V3
Class: Champion
Judge: Karl-Erik Johansson (S)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3.BHK
Written critics: utm typ, vakkert mask hode, mørke øyne, bra bett, vakker hals og ryggl,
brystkorg er tilrekkelig dyp men skulle hatt mer volum, utm vinkler, noe svake
mellomhender, rør seg mycke bra, bra pels
Catalog No: 1346
Rating: V2
Class: Champion
Judge: Veli-Pekka Kumpumäki (SF)
Anwartschaft: CK, CACIB-R, 2.BHK
Written critics: lovely male, ex prop, beauteful tline, mask head, beautefull dark eye, g muzzle,
ex ribcage, well ang, at it can be seen in his movemet which is very easy, ex
coat, just wish he has mor body to day.
Catalog No: 2
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Stephen Hourihan (IRL)
Anwartschaft: CK, 1.BHK, BOB
Written critics: Excellent outline. Lovely well developed male head. Good strong muzzle and
underjaw. Excellent forechest. Excellent, well born forefeet. Correct lay of
shoulder. Nice deep body, well sprung ribs. Lovely shaped reach of neck flowing
into an excellent level topline. Excellent broad back. Lovely shaped croup.
Excellent hindquarters. Correct length of tail and correct tailcarriage. A dog
of excellent substance and bone, shown very well and handled very well.
Catalog No: 18
Rating: V2
Class: Champion
Judge: Caroline Elise Hals (N)
Anwartschaft: CK, 2.BHK
Written critics: utmkt type og helhet. maskulin. kraftig snuteparti. god bredde. fine øyne og
ører. korr bitt. kunne ha litt strammere lepper. utmkt hals og overlinje.
velvinklet frem og bak. mgt god brystkasse. utmkt bredde i lår. godt musklet.
utmkt benstamme. utmkt bevegelser. fine poter. utmkt pels og farge. utmkt temp.
Catalog No: 15
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Aleksandra Dobrut (PL)
Anwartschaft: CK, 1.BHK, BOS
Written critics: exc type. very good prop. strong bones. very nice head. exc topline. deep chest.
corr angulations front and back. exc movement. nice coat. very good temp.
Catalog No: 250
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Torbjörn Skaar (S)
Written critics: mycket bra hoved og udtryk. mørke øjne velbåren øre mycket bra hals og ryglinie. velvinklet. bra pels. rør sig med bra steg. vel præcenteret.
Catalog No: 267
Rating: V3
Class: Champion
Judge: Lise Møller Frandsen (DK)
Written critics: 5 år maskulin han af god størrelse, fine proportioner mellem længde og højde, korrekt massivt hoved, kvadratisk næseparti, tilpas stop, velansatte ører, moderate vinkler for, særdeles gode lige massive forben, flotte tætte poter, god bredde over ryg, lænd og bagpart, kunne ønske en aning mere bredde i brystkassen, herlig velplejet dobbeltpels, lidt faldende kryds, rør sig med kraftfulde skridt, herligt temperament, meget vel vist
Catalog No: 261
Rating: V3
Class: Champion
Judge: Jorgen Hindse (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: stor maskulin harmonisk bygget, kraftigt kvadratisk næseparti, gode øjne og ører, flot hals og ryglinje, velvinklet for og bag, kraftige bben stammer, lidt eftergivende i forreste mellemfod, prima krop, god pels, langstrakte og kraftfulde bevægelser, godt temperament
Catalog No: 21
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Delphine Richards (GB)
Anwartschaft: CK, 1.BHK, BOS
Written critics: Well balanced and mature, good shape of head, with corr stopp, corner of lips a
little too much, dark eye, and corr size of ears, med ang in sholder, good bone,
slight flat in feet, leveled topline, with ok rib/loin ratio, and corr tail set,
good lenght of tail. Good ang of hind. light on feet, beautiful outline, good
strength from bhind, and ok towards judge
Catalog No: 4
Rating: V4
Class: Champion
Judge: Genoveffa Giambona (GB)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 2 years, sub male, full oof type, pleasing masc head w cor shaped eyes, forchest
c be deeper, strong frontlegs into well shaped feet, g dept of body, I w prefer
a bit shorter loin, moves freely
Catalog No: 803
Rating: V2
Class: Champion
Judge: Pernilla Sandström (S)
Written critics: utm type og str, maskulint med noe tungt hode, med for mye skinn og store ører,
bra bitt, tilrekkelig bryst, sterk rygg, balanserede vinkler frem og bak, utm
benstamme, noe platta tassar, utm svans, typiska rullande rørelser, rikelig
pels, triv temp
Catalog No: 850
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Anna Rogowska (PL)
Written critics: a little long and narrow loins, good angulation and movement
Catalog No: 10
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Maciej Ziolkowski (PL)
Written critics: 2.5 yrs big male, in good prop, well balanced, impressive bones, quite strong
head with big square muzzle with loose lips, quite big ear, of lower set, lovely
chest, good shoulders, quite long ribcage, nice short single hocks, lovely
angulaiton front and rear, lovely outline, good coat, going is quite closed but
coming is clean, free mover, topline should be better in movement, enough reach
and drive on him, well presented, nice temp
Catalog No: 15
Rating: V3
Class: Champion
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3.BHK
Written critics: 2 yr old black male, very nice size, very well prop head strenth and balance is
correct ,good depth to muzzle and enough whidth, fluse could be a little
tighter, nice shape eyes and correct bitem good top skull, good reach fo neck,
front angultation very good, good length to foreleg, which he holds nice and
straight, nice depth of chest, enough whidth, nice spring to ribs, holds good
topline, very good nagle to corup good length to tail, plenty of turn to stiffle
to hold topline on the move, going away, i could take him a little more
prallell, coming very good, excells in profile movement excellent reach and
holds topline
Catalog No: 636
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Teija Salmi-Aalto (SF)
Anwartschaft: CK, Nordic-CERT, 1.BHK, BOS
Written critics: 2 1/2 years old. excl size and prop. masc head with good eyes. strong muzzle.
little hanging lips. excl neck. good topline. good body and chest. very nice
bone and feet. balanced in angulations. moves very well and carry himself with
excl attitude.
Catalog No: 667
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Birgit Seloy (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK, CACIB, 1.BHK, BOB
Written critics: Maskulin. 2,5årig hann. Utm hode og uttrykk. Velansatte ører. Lett rundet
skalle. Korrekt stopp. Passende lepper. Korrekt saksebitt. Godt forbryst. Dyp
brystkasse. Kraftig beinstamme. Passende over- og underlinje. Velansatt og båret
hale. Utm bevegelser med godt fraspark bak. Korrekt dobbelpels. Deilig temp.
Catalog No: 18
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Beatrice Schiatti Zancan (I)
Written critics: 2.5 years, masculine, corr bite, corr expr, eyes could be darker, important
head, ears a bit heavy, enough neck, v nice ang front and rear, v effortless
Catalog No: 750
Rating: V2
Class: Champion
Judge: Svend Lövenkjaer (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK, 4. BHK
Written critics: Herlig størrelse, flotte linjer, kunne være en anelse kortere i sin lænd, yndefuld skalle, mørke øjne, korrekt stop, kvadratisk næseparti, saksebid, lidt for meget underlæber, velansatte ører, kunne have haft lidt mere forbryst, tilpas kraftige forben, tilpas dyb og lang brystkasse, en anelse langt og forfaldende kryds som giver ham lidt for ustabile haseled og vrider bagpoterne for meget udaf også i bevægelse, herlig pelsstruktur, velplejet, bevæger sig med kraft set fra siden.
Catalog No: 829
Rating: V2
Class: Champion
Judge: Anton Spindler (D)
Written critics: 2 years, 7 months, close scissorbite, strong bones, tall, strong head with a pronounced stop, fluent topline, very good angulated, broad shoulders, strong muscled, correct black coat, free movements with a partly loose back
Catalog No: 775
Rating: V2
Class: Champion
Judge: Pedro Sanchez Delerue (PORT)
Anwartschaft: CK, 2. BHK, CERT, NCAC-R
Written critics: good size cor. type, maskulin head, could be more powerfull, cor neck and topline good prop. cor angulation, typoical movement, ex coat, good condition
Catalog No: 1805
Rating: V3
Class: Champion
Judge: Anne Livö Buvik (N)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: velbalansert helhet. bra strl og prop. god bredde i skallen og velutfylt
snuteparti. sunne øyne. god hals og stram overlinje. kunne ønske noe bedre
forbryst. og litt mer bredde i brystkassen nedre del. god beinstamme og
velvinklet fremme og bak. beveg seg med bra fraspark men litt trangt bak. god
pels kavlitet, og trivelig temp.
Catalog No: 28
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Matti Tuominen (SF)
Written critics: Exc type and proportions good bone could have a bit more body wellangulated and pleasing mover pleasing headshape a bit deep set eyes wel behaving well presented
Catalog No: 26
Rating: V3
Class: Champion
Judge: Elina Haapaniemi (SF)
Anwartschaft: CK, 4. BHK, CERT-R
Written critics: 2 years old, black, lovely young champion, very. Nice size, not in full coat. But type and shape are exc., lovely head, very typical eye and kind expression, corr. Bite, lovely neck and topline, just a bit heavy in head, and would prefer smaller ears, Soundly made, with good bone and feet, I very much like this young dog. He is a capable mover, just needs a bit more time to get to his prime
Catalog No: 35
Rating: SG2
Class: Champion
Judge: Zita Lukácová Kerak (SK)
Written critics: 3yo, high in legs, correct body prop, skull is to rounded, correct bite, nice
small eyes, a bit open lips, neck long enough deep chest, correct upperline,
strance is parallel, correct gate, i am missing the drive
Catalog No: 28
Rating: V4
Class: Champion
Judge: Jan Herngren (S)
Written critics: 2år, hanne av utmerket type, bra skalle, utmerket øyne, aning store ører, noe
for mye lepper som er litt åpne, utmerket overlinje, velvende skuldre, gode
vinkler frem og bak, bra forbryst og brystkasse, noe lang i lenden, utmerket
ebnstamme, fine samlede tasser, lave kraftig haser, utmerket pels, representert,
beveger seg med et langt og bra steg fra siden, parallelt bak, velbåret hale,
ennå litt smal frem, herlig mentalitet
Catalog No: 638
Rating: V3
Class: Offene
Judge: Bjarke Falk Sando Sabroe (DK)
Written critics: af udmærket type, passende proportioneret, maskulin, stærkt hoved, med god skalle, passende ansatte ører, mørke øjne, godt næseparti, korrekt bid, god hals, passende over- og underlinje, godt forbryst, velvinklet for og bag, gode benstammer, korrekte poter, korrekt hale, herlig pels og farve, bevæger sig med fin fraskub, stærke bevægelser
Catalog No: 633
Rating: V4
Class: Offene
Judge: Pirjo Aaltonen (SF)
Written critics: nice proportions, but needs more body, and needs a bit more bone, very masculine, nice neck and topline, good coat, typically angulated, very nice head proportions, nice expression, very well carried tal when moving, moves well in rear,bit loose in front, moves very well from side
Catalog No: 506
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Mette E. M. Tufte (N)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT, 2.BHK
Written critics: 2 år kraftfull hann av utm type og str, bra bredde i skallen, tilstk stopp,
velutfylt snuteparti, tilstrk stramme lepper, tilstrk vinklet fram, skal få mer
forbryst, fin hals,o.l og bredde over lend, bra benstamme og poter, mg vinklet
bak, bev seg med godt steg, ena noe løs fram, utm pels og farge, trivelig temp
Catalog No: 599
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Michele Utke Ramsing (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 2 år gammel stor maskulin, udmærket type, maskulin hoved som behøver udvikles i bredden, udmærket stop, kort næseparti, med for dybe læber, lav ansatte store ører, saksebid, mørke næsten for dybt siddende øjne, udmærket hals, over og underlinje, faldende kryds, udmærket vinkling for og bag, kort has, behøver udvikle bryst, kraftig ben stamme, velafrundet poter, vist i sommerpels på dagen, men udmærket struktur, vel præsenteret
Catalog No: 746
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Fabrizio La Rocca (I)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: Big boy. Masculine type. Very wide truffle. Deep and dark eyes. Big ears. Skin on the throat. very long neck and withers. Could have more front chest. Very well angulated in front and back. Could have stronger feet. Correct quality coat. Not in the best condition today. Very long croup. Free mover. Very long steps.
Catalog No: 461
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Tomas Rohlin (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK, 4. BHK
Written critics: 2 år, herlig maskulin, udmærket skalle, bredt dybt næseparti, smuk læbelinje, lidt blød mundvig, smukke øjne, udm proportioner, herlig hals og overlinje, udm bestamme og brystkasse, gode vinkler for og bag, god hale, med smuk sommerpels, bevæger sig udmærket med godt afskub, tilstrækkelig stabil foran , godt bagtil, udm temperament
Catalog No: 32
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen weiss-schwarz
Judge: Zoltan Baffia (HU)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: medium size. very nice male. very well prop maskulin head. elegant neck. deep
muzzle. very well developed forechest. nice parallell front. topline is still
ok. corr rear ang. easy movement.
Catalog No: 30
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Per Kristian Andersen (N)
Anwartschaft: CK, 2.BHK
Written critics: utmkt type. bra prop. utmkt hode. korr bitt. mørke øyne. fine ører. bra hals.
stram rygg. mgt bra kropp og vinkler. bev seg utmkt. fin pels, men i røyting.
trivelig temp.
Catalog No: 2
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Birgit Bischoff (D)
Anwartschaft: CK, 4.BHK
Written critics: 23 months, corr masc head and expr, corr eyeset, strong Nick, exc toppline, well
ang front and rear, Moses fluently with corr drive, corr coat Colorado and
structure, beautiful dog without ant exaggeration. Nice behaviour
Catalog No: 228
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Dr. Zsusanna Vaczi-Balogh (HU)
Anwartschaft: CK, 1.BHK, BOS
Written critics: 22 months, little bit heavy, but elegant, dog, with corr head type, a bit loose
lips, corr bones, corr front, for this age, corr body, g moving.
Catalog No: 241
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Eytan Hendel (ISR)
Anwartschaft: CK, 1.BHK, BOS
Written critics: Very nice impressive male, lovely head and exp, corr prop, well bal topline,
strong and typical body, corr coat and pigm, i pref stronger and wider ribcage,
well bal front and rear, very nice an typ moves sideview coming and going
Catalog No: 3
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Johan Andersson (S)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3.BHK
Written critics: fin modell mask velf hode m krft skalle fin nosparti noe store ører bra hals og
rygg velvkl fin forbryst velf brystk som kunne vært noe lengr velst kors utm
krft sidebev bra pels tr temp velpresentert
Catalog No: 3
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Nina Lönner-Andersson (S)
Written critics: mask krftf utm prop, massivt hode, vakre velf øyne, vel utf neseparti, ngt
overdrevne lepper, ngt store ærer, snygg overl, vel marlert forbr, harm vinkler,
brant kors, utm benst, vakker velstelt pels, rør seg vel fra siden , løs fram,
hastrang, velvisat
Catalog No: 1072
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Einar Paulsen (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK, Nordic-CERT-R, 2.BHK
Catalog No: 1043
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Jackie Stubbs (IRL)
Catalog No: 385
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Myriam Vermeire (B)
Anwartschaft: CK, BHK3, CERT-R
Written critics: 1 year 9 months, scissor bite, masculine type with square muzzle and good stop, underlips a little loose, small eyes of good color, good neck and topline croup a bit sloping, well developed forechest and depth of chest, good feet and coat missing undercoat at the moment, movement with good drive covering a lot of ground, good tail
Catalog No: 302
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Jens Utke Ramsing (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 21 mdr gammel harmonisk velbygget middelstor han af exc type, med godt skåret hoved, en anelse svagt saksebid, velansatte lidt store ører, lidt dybt indsatte mørke øjne, udm hals, overlinje og vinkler bag, gode frie parallelle bevægelser bag med godt afspark, fremme lidt indfodet.
Catalog No: 2
Rating: V2
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Sören Wesseltoft (DK)
Written critics: unghund i god strls, maskulint hodet, litt for tunge lepper, ellers godt utrykk,
korrekt bitt øyne og ører, god hals og rygglinje, normalt vinklet skulder og
bakpart, litt for trang i front, beveger seg med godt drive, en anelse trang
bak, men litt for trang frem, som hemmer hans effektivitet i front, deilig farge
og pels
Catalog No: 3
Rating: V2
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Susanna Johansson (S)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 20mnd, maskulin hanne av um helhet, massivt hodet, sunde øyne, um snuteparti,
aning store ører, vakker overlinje, passende vinkler, noe sluttende kors, for
aldern bra brystkasse, bev seg med herlig driv og attitude, passende benstamme
og fine tasser, um pepls, velvist og trivelig temp
Catalog No: 585
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: John Williams (NL)
Anwartschaft: CK, 2.BHK, CACIB-R
Written critics: 19 months. Nice type. Good substance. Wide scull. Nice eyes and ears, well dev.
muscles. Nicechest in front, nice ribs, topline, angul. and tail. Typical
Catalog No: 598
Rating: SG2
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Dina Korna (EST)
Written critics: masc, standard size, strong bones, correct lines of head, very pendulous lips,
correct topline, flat ribcage, a little narrow chest, well angulated, moves a
little close in front
Catalog No: 2042
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Maija Heinilä (N)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: Bra str. skallen kunne vært aning bredere, brune øyne, velvinkl. aning langt
lendep. langt kryss velvinkl bak, massiv benst. Bev rasetypisk god steg lengde
og parallellitet.
Catalog No: 1
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Espen Engh (N)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3.BHK
Written critics: 15mnd, staslig i øyenfallene, utmerket kropssiluett og kroppsprop, maskulint
hodet som må utvikles ytterligere og bli mer massivt og mer modenhet, utmeket
stopp, korrekt snutelengde, kraftfull hals velansatt, meget bra ffront, utmekert
overarm, meget tiltalende kroppssiluett, får utvikle mer vol for aldern,
velansatt hale, utmerket pels og farge, bev seg sundt og eff fra alle hold,
meget bra fraspark tross det glatte gulvet
Catalog No: 1
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Charlotte Hoier (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK, BHKL4, CERT-R
Catalog No: 266
Rating: SG2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Trine Gustavsen (N)
Written critics: mask han, god strl, mask huvud och uttr, ønskar mer bredd i skallen, god stop,
mørka øgon utfyllt nosp, mkt læppar, løstskinn i huvud, kraftig nacke, skall
styrk øv linje, avf kors, bryst i utv, god dybd, ska breddas och aning kort.
mkt god benstomme, ok tassar, vælvinklad, ok pælskvalitet, blir ngt lång, skall
styrke bev, ænnusmal fram och bak, utm temp.
Catalog No: 285
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Svein Erik Bjornes (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT, 3.BHK
Written critics: 15 mnd, maskulin hund, fint utrykk hærlig kropp, hærlig skalle for alder, mørke
små fine øyne, skal bare a utvikling, god overgang, hals skulder og rygg, massiv
substansfull kropp, litt løs fram og bak, god dybde i ribbensparti, fine bukser,
hærlig temperament, fine bevegeler fra siden, litt smal bak og ustødig, god
kraft etter gulvets forhold
Catalog No: 3
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Nina Janger (SF)
Catalog No: 2038
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Elina Haapaniemi (SF)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT, 4.BHK
Written critics: 14mnd gammal svart, mykket tilt, och lovande jr hanne, som har bra storlek och
tydelig kjpreg, mykket velsk hovud, skulle for ha lite mindre leppar, och ønsker
nokke mørkere øgon, bra bett, mykket bra benst, bra hals och overlinje, tilstr
kropp for alder, en tanke long i lend, velvinklade bakben, bra pelskval, rør seg
m mykke bra steglengd
Catalog No: 279
Rating: SG2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Per Kristian Andersen (N)
Written critics: meget bra type, stor, en anelse lang, litt smalt hode, bitt ok, lavt ansatte
ører, bra hals og rygg, ok kropp, kunne hatt mere bryst, velvinklet forann, litt
åpent bak, beveg lett og med godt steg, kunne hatt mere kraft, pels og temp ok
Catalog No: 17
Rating: V3
Class: Jugend
Judge: Liz-Beth Liljeqvist (S)
Written critics: bra strl. lovande huvud. bra bredd i skallen. mørka øgon. kraftigt nosparti m
mycket læppar. vælvinklad fram. stark rygg. fallande kors. fører svansen væl.
behøver mer volum i kroppen. lovande førbrøst. hastrång. kunde ta ut
bakbensteget længre bakåt. vid i armbågarna i stående, løs i rørelse. lovande
pæls. passande benstomme, starka tassar.
Catalog No: 21
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Inge Artsoe (DK)
Written critics: 12 mnd. herlig strl. mask hode og uttrykk. velutfylt neseparti. gode mørke øyne.
litt løse lepper. lavt ansatte ører. god hals og overlinje. velkroppet. kraftig
velvinklet benstamme. velsansatt hale. utmkt bev med godt drive. litt løs i
front. utmkt pels.
Catalog No: 2
Rating: V3
Class: Jugend
Judge: Jan Counotte (B)
Written critics: 11 months old male, nice head, well placed ears and eyes, good size, but chest
still needs to develop more, very nice bones, good angulation front and rear,
straight back, light movement but a little narrow behind.
Catalog No: 128
Rating: gut
Class: Jugend
Judge: Rob Douma (NL)
Written critics: strong male, he's correct in size and length of body, strong masculine head with
too marked stop, dark eyes, could be dryer in the lips, well placed ears, good
neck, level topline, slightly rounded croupe, well angulated behind, enough in
front, would like to see stronger pasterns, good coat, on the move he likes only
pacing, this youngster needs more exercise all over
Catalog No: 113
Rating: SG2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Ligita Zake (LV)
Written critics: strong mail, corect propp, corect typ of head, musck brod enof, cor toppline
when stadning coud be stronger in move, enof volum and bodu for his age, prenas
triangualtin, but could have better movm, coller coud be better , nicce dog need
tims to motjure
Catalog No: 101
Rating: SG4
Class: Jugend
Judge: Ingrid Lyden (USA)
Written critics: Good head type, a bit too much flew, good length of leg, good bone, a little down in the pastern, very close in the rear and deep croup is impacting the gait
Catalog No: 110
Rating: V3
Class: Jugend
Judge: Satu Ylä-Mononen (SF)
Written critics: Good size, correct proportions, correct bite, heavy lips, nice dark eyes, good neck and topline, strong bone, good body, sloping croup, low tailset, well angulated, changing his coat, moves well
Catalog No: 101
Rating: fehlt
Class: Jugend
Judge: Solvi Schjelderup (N)
Catalog No: 4
Rating: SG4
Class: Jugend
Judge: Ann Wiseman Stavdal (N)
Written critics: 10 mnd. STOR. hode i sterk utv. noe løse lepper. og anelse snaut snuteparti og
bredde i skalle. godt plasserte ører. utm hals og nakke. meget god frontkonst.
men forbryst og brystkasse skal breddes og dybdes. aning lang i lenden. godt
kryss med fin bredde. utm benst til str. ok poter, mellomhender og haser skal
styrkes. beveger seg med lange steg men man merker tydelig at han er i sterk
utv. og allerede er stor slik at bav skal få tiden til å sette seg.
Catalog No: 3
Rating: V4
Class: Jugend
Judge: John-Sigve Berg (S)
Written critics: 10 mnd. av utm. type og str. maskulint hode, bra øyne. ønsker en aning lenger
snuteparti. bra bitt. rør seg bra fra siden. fortsatt en aning svak i sine
bakhaser. akseptabel fram. fin rygg, bra kors. utm. pels og farge. trivlig temp.
Catalog No: 2
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Loredana Salina-Toma (CH)
Written critics: 9mon, big male, g prop, ncie head, dark eyes, atm little open, correct ear set
which are a little long, correct bite w g pigemnt, good lenght of neck, g deep
of chest, forchest need to develop, ex bone, parallell front, g shoulder angel ,
aswell rear angelation, g topline, g coat condition, g mov, could have a little
more drive, ex temp, g pres
Catalog No: 2
Rating: SG2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Svend Lövenkjaer (DK)
Written critics: 9mnd, kraftig hanne, masse substans, maskulin, tilpass bred og kraftig skalle,
korrekt stup, utrykksfulle öyne, saksbitt, litt for mye lepper, tilrekkelig lang
hals, tilbakelagte skuldre, vel mark forbryst, tilrekkelig dyp brystkasse men
kunne hatt lengre ribbein for mer plass i brystet, tilrekkelig bred og rak rygg
og lend men alt for fallende kors gir en for lav ansatt hale og et understilt
bakstill hvor han vrir kneet og labbene utover både stående og i bev,, herlig
pels struktur, velvist, pga sin ustabile bakstilling pris
Catalog No: 631
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Antti Nieminen (SF)
Written critics: 9 måneder, mellan stor, tilrettelikt sterk benstamme, kompakt, lite trang hase,
bra volum i brustkorv. bra brust, bra manke och overlinje, kraftig i bevelese
men lite løs. maskulin hode, klassetypisk utrykk. bra hårkvalitet.
Catalog No: 857
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Mette E. M. Tufte (N)
Written critics: masku hann, meget god type og str, velutv hode for alder, bra stopp, fine øyne,
godt utfylt snuteparti, korr bitt, store nok ører, bra hals, og overlinje i
stående, hever lendparti noe i bev, tilstr vinklet fram, kraft benst, god
kroppslengde, velvinklet bak, bev seg m godt steg, skal bli mer parallell fram
og bak, pels og farge i god utv, triv temp
Catalog No: 605
Rating: V3
Class: Jugend
Judge: Anna Kochan (PL)
Written critics: correc bod prop mail hedand expres ex dev chest and forhead for the age a bit
soft topline carring up in loin correct tail corret anggulation correct movment
but narrow behind a bit to close in hock correct coat
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