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Catalog No: 698
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Jussi Liimatainen (F)
Written critics: Very strong female, body could be slightly shorter, head could be more feminine,
excellent neck and topline, excellent front and ribcage, well angulated behind,
movement could be more efficient
Catalog No: 544
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Loredana Salina-Toma (CH)
Written critics: 2y 7m. Good size. Lovely type black and white with good markings. Lovely head with
sweet expression. Correct bite with excellent pigmentation. Standing parallel on good
feet. Good chest good topline. Good angulation. Bit narrow in rear. Correct
sidemovement keeping good head and tail carriage. Excellent temperament. Nice
Catalog No: 1096
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Marit Kortleve-Prins (NL)
Written critics: 30 maanden oud wit/zwarte teef. Goed formaat hoogte lengte. Fors teven hoofd, had
wat mij betreft wel wat vrouwelijke mogen zijn. Diepe stop. Brede schedel. Goed oor
en oog. Mooi aangesloten lippen. Compleet schaargebit. Mooie hals rug belijning.
Goed afgeronde croupe. Voor en achter evenredig, functionele hoekingen. Staat op
stevige benen met ronde voeten. Tijdens het gaan wordt de staart goed gedragen.
Gangwerk had weer meer power mogen hebben. Prima vacht met ondervacht. Mooie
kleurverdeling, wel wat ticking. Rustig ringgedrag. Nette presentatie.
Catalog No: 696
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Karen V. Gilliland (IRL)
Anwartschaft: CAC, CACIB, BOS
Catalog No: 64
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Joao Vasco Pocas (PORT)
Anwartschaft: Best Female, CAC, BOB
Catalog No: 587
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Dirk Spruyt (B)
Anwartschaft: CAC, BOB
Written critics: 2,5 jaar, krachtige teef, hoofd met goede verhouding snuit schedel, voldoende donker
oog kon iets beter omsloten zijn, zeer goed ontwikkelde borst, strakke
bovenbelijning, goed gehoekt voor en achter, beweegt iets nauw achter, correcte
Catalog No: 93
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Trevor McVea (IRL)
Catalog No: 43
Rating: V3
Class: Offene
Judge: Lou Ann Lenner (USA)
Catalog No: 55
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Birgitte Gothen (DK)
Written critics: Kraftig typisk tæve, kraftig skalle, og næseparti, korrekte øjne og ører, udmærket skulderparti og brystkasse, kraftig hals, med lige overlinje, tilpas vinklet for og bag, ganske god farve, næsten ren i det hvide, god benstamme, kunne have bedre drive, korrekt hale
Catalog No: 69
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Loredana Salina-Toma (CH)
Written critics: 27 months, big girl, black and white, with a lot of black, a little bit ticking in the white, correct proportion, pincher bite, medium pigmentation, excellent proportion of scull and muzzle, good underjaw, could have a little bit more bone for her size, excellent length of neck, with a broad strong topline, could have a little bit more forechest, well ribbed, good length of croup, in summer coat but good textured, in the side movement keeping a good topline with a low tail carriage, good temperament, good presentation.
Catalog No: 66
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Laurent Pichard (CH)
Written critics: Well developed, 27 months old, shown in good condition, could be a little more feminine all-over, pretty head, dark ember colored eyes, well set ears, proper shoulders, correct length of neck, sligthly close behind, could be a little more tonic in movement,
Catalog No: 119
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Dr. Augustin Ionescu (RO)
Anwartschaft: CAC, CACIB, BOB
Catalog No: 317
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: John Williams (NL)
Anwartschaft: CAC, BOS
Written critics: 2 jaar en 1 maand. Mooi type. Prima hoofd met mooie uitdrukking. Goede schedel.
Prima oor. Mooi oog, kaak en gebit. Prima hals. Mooie hoekingen in de voorhand.
Prima welving van de rib. Mooie vlakke rug. Prima staart en hoekingen in de
achterhand. Mooi krachtig gangwerk.
Catalog No: 1068
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Pedro Ivo Santos Bispo (PORT)
Anwartschaft: CAC-R, CACIB
Catalog No: 43
Rating: V2
Class: Züchter
Judge: Marit Kortleve-Prins (NL)
Catalog No: 232
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Hans Stigt (NL)
Anwartschaft: CAC, CACIB, BOS, Rijnland Runner-Up Star 2024
Catalog No: 217
Rating: SG2
Class: Zwischen
Judge: John Wauben (NL)
Catalog No: 246
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Anne Livö Buvik (N)
Catalog No: 463
Rating: V4
Class: Jugend
Judge: Carla Dusseldorp (NL)
Catalog No: 476
Rating: V3
Class: Jugend
Judge: Monja Remmerswaal (NL)
Catalog No: 32
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Angel Maestro Lafuente (E)
Anwartschaft: DNK/VDH-Jgd-R-Ch-A
Written critics: 17 month old, feminine, very nice head, very good ears, a little open eyes,
scissor bite, excellent chest, very good angulation in front with a little short
scapula, excellent bone, excellent topline, very good tail set, very good
angulation in rear, very good movement
Catalog No: 29
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Manlio Massa (I)
Anwartschaft: DNK/VDH-Jgd-Ch-R-A
Written critics: 16 month old, verry good size, good head with correct expressions, should
have better shoulder angulation and a better front, good topline and
muonium croup and rear angulation, moves free, cold be more efficient
Catalog No: 26
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Sabine Wotenick (D)
Anwartschaft: DNK/VDH-Jgd-R-Ch-A
Written critics: 16 Monate alte, weiß-schwarze großrahmige Hündin, standartgerechte
Farbverteilung, kompletes Gebiß, sehr gute Winkelung in Vor und Nachhand,
Brustbreite und Tiefe gut angelegt, fester straffer Rücken, freies,
raumgreifendes Gangwerk etwas lose vorne, gut gepflegtes knappes
Haarkleid, freundliches liebes Wesen.
Catalog No: 125
Rating: V4
Class: Jugend
Judge: Annette Bystrup (DK)
Catalog No: 27
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Jugend
Judge: Arne Foss (N)
Written critics: 15 mdr, kraftfuld tæve på den længere siden, kraftig skalle, bra næseparti, ganske bra udtryk, noget knappe vinkler fram, bra benstamme, velvinklet bag, bra overlinie, veltegnet, velgående fra siden, trang bag, løs fram, bra pelsstruktur, triveligt temperament, velvist
Catalog No: 28
Rating: gut
Class: Jugend
Judge: Milan Lint (USA)
Written critics: Pretty type bitch, good head, plenty of substance, she moves around nice, rear a bit close, she is somewhat longer in body
Catalog No: 26
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Jugend
Judge: Svante Frisk (S)
Written critics: Fina proportioner, rejält huvud, något lågt ansat öron, bra halssätning, bra rygg, bra vinkling bak, mjuka mellanhänder, något tät bak, kunde bli fastare fram, fint set från sidan, inte bra kvalitet i pälsen, mycket bra färg
Catalog No: 33
Rating: V3
Class: Jugend
Judge: Bas Bosch (B)
Catalog No: 34
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Jugend
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Catalog No: 1173
Rating: vv3
Class: Jüngsten
Judge: John Wauben (NL)
Catalog No: 1771
Rating: vv1
Class: Jüngsten
Judge: Marion Klok-´t Hart (NL)
Anwartschaft: beste Jüngsten
Catalog No: 151
Rating: vv4
Class: Baby
Judge: Dr. Emmy Bruno (I)
Catalog No: 151
Rating: vv3
Class: Baby
Judge: Andras Polgar (CZ)
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