Lasydogs I Am Zlatan

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Älvsjö Nordic-Dog-Show (S), 2024/12/14

Catalog No: 3
Rating: V4
Class: Champion
Judge: Bruno Nodalli (I)

Sandefjord CACIB (N), 2024/11/23

Catalog No: 461
Rating: V4
Class: Champion
Judge: Rony Doedijns (NL)
Anwartschaft: CK, 4.BHK
Written critics: brown male, up to size, nice length of legs, good body and topline, corr front and rear ang, nice forechest and body, nice head profile, mascu, good scull, stop, and muzzle, good bite, typ ear, suff on the move, good extention and drive, lovely coat q and cond, nice color, nice temp

Eckerö CACIB (SF), 2024/09/28

Catalog No: 17
Rating: SG3
Class: Offene
Judge: Caroline Friend-Rees (GB)
Written critics: tall male with very broad head and deep muzzle. loose lips. strong neck into good layback of shoulder. level topline with rise over loin. tailset a bit high. moving well in profile but a bit close in hind action.

Elverum Specialty (N), 2024/09/14

Catalog No: 9
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Monika Akesson (S)
Anwartschaft: CK, 1.BHK, BOS
Written critics: cahmp han av utm modell. mykket vakkert velf hode, vakre øyne og velb ører, utm nospart i korr bitt. my vakker hals, sterk rygg, bra kors. utm forbryst. gede vinkler fram og bak. utm benstamme. bra asser. rør seg mye vel fra side og fram, tyver trangt og slarvigt bak. velbal og imponerente helhet. vakker pels. velpresentert

Orre CACIB (N), 2024/09/07

Catalog No: 1343
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Veli-Pekka Kumpumäki (SF)
Anwartschaft: CK, CACIB, 1.BHK, BOB
Written critics: lovely male, very eyecathcing, beauteful prop and bal, ex bone, lovely head and sound expr, strong muzzle, ex neck and tline, beautefully balansed ang, ex coat, easy mover

Sola Hundesenter Specialty (N), 2024/09/07

Catalog No: 4
Rating: V3
Class: Champion
Judge: Stephen Hourihan (IRL)
Anwartschaft: CK, 4.BHK
Written critics: 2 years old. Brown. Well matured dog with an excellent outline. Nice, typical head. Excellent bite. Good powerfull front. Excellent, strong forefeet. Good depth of body. Excellent spring of rib. Very nice reach of neck. Excellent firm topline. Very broad back. Nice shaped croup. Good, well made hindquarters. Moved very well both going and coming, tail still a little high. Shown in lovely coat and condition. Very well handled.

Hokksund (N), 2024/09/01

Catalog No: 16
Rating: V3
Class: Champion
Judge: Caroline Elise Hals (N)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3.BHK
Written critics: utmkt type og helhet. maskulin. kraftig snuteparti med rett neserygg. lepper kunne vært noe strammere. fine øyne og ører. korr bitt. utmkt hals og overlinje. velvinklet frem og bak. mgt god brystkasse. bra kryss og hale. utmkt benstamme. utmkt bev. utmkt pels og farge., fine poter. herlig temp. velvist

Skiptvet Specialty I (N), 2024/07/13

Catalog No: 19
Rating: V4
Class: Champion
Judge: Delphine Richards (GB)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 2 years. Powerful large male, with massive skull, corre amount of stopp, deep and square in mussle, good eye, strong neck, med ang in front. Massive bone, very strong in rib with ok ratio too loin, toplinegood with cut at a good angle. Tail set ok, reaching just above the hook. Good prifilemovemen, with good balanse of stride, a little untidy going away, with a foot turned out, and ok towards judge. Kept good topline with good tail

Skiptvet Specialty II (N), 2024/07/13

Catalog No: 7
Rating: V2
Class: Champion
Judge: Genoveffa Giambona (GB)
Anwartschaft: CK, 2.BHK
Written critics: 2 years old, upst male og great size and sub, strong head bnot overdone w good eye colour for a brown, g lenght of legs, w ex bone, neck c be a bit longer, bur flying on to a powerful toplime, well laid hooks wich power him around the ring..I would prefer him to carry his tail a bit lower

Sandefjord Nordic Winner (N), 2024/07/06

Catalog No: 843
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Anna Rogowska (PL)
Written critics: strong, good bones, a little long legs, good angulation and movement, a little shallow chest, strong head, good proportion on skull and muzzle, good coat

Sandefjord CACIB (N), 2024/07/05

Catalog No: 771
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Uwe Nölke (D)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT-R, 4. BHK
Written critics: 2 years old well constructed dog Square and very good foreface Well placed stop The color eyes and nose matches to the color of the coat Shoulders very well laid back Very good forechest Straigt in back Short hocks But he moves little close behind Lovely coat Excell presentation

Valebö Specialty (N), 2024/06/29

Catalog No: 14
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Written critics: 4 yr old brown male, excellent siz,e very good prop, strong head to balance, good bite, correct shape eyes, very good muzzle shape with nice whidth, good strength to top skull, earset is very good, nice reach to his neck, front angulation okay, excellent length to foreleg, chest whidth is good, and he has enough, bone is very strong, he holds a very good topline, nice sprung ribs, strong enough over loin, tail set is good, could take a little more turn of stiffle, when he goes away hes a little closer to hock, very good coming ,excells in profile, showing excellent reach and drive and holding topline

Trondheim CACIB Cruft´s Qualification (N), 2024/06/08

Catalog No: 661
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Birgit Seloy (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK, 4.BHK
Written critics: Stor maskulin hann. Utm hode og uttrykk. Velbårne ører. Passende stopp. Utm øyne. Passende lepper. Korrekt saksebitt. Godt forbryst. Dyp brystkasse. Utm over- og underlinje. Med lett fallende kryss. Kraftig beinstamme. Velvinklet forbein. Går en anelse korthaset bak. Utm forbeinsbevegelse. Korrekt dobbelpels. Deilig temp. Velpresentert.

Morokulien (N), 2024/06/01

Catalog No: 8
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Beatrice Schiatti Zancan (I)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT, 3.BHK
Written critics: 2 years, big brown male, of v g type, bite is acceptable, very nice prop between muzzle and scull, ears a little heavy but do not disturb, corr neck and shoulder. t-line. u-line, front and back is correct, movement is effordless but is close in the rear, very nice colour

Skara CACIB (S), 2024/05/04

Catalog No: 1
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Annika Ulltveit-Moe (S)
Anwartschaft: CK, BHKL2, CERT, CACIB-R

Cruft´s Birmingham (GB) only placements, 2024/03/09

Catalog No: 12
Rating: 1st
Class: Yearling Dog (12/3)
Judge: Jeff Luscott (GB)
Anwartschaft: DCC-R

Hokksund (N), 2023/09/10

Catalog No: 31
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Zoltan Baffia (HU)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT
Written critics: big sized male. with strong enough bones. his ribcage needs to develop more, especially i would prefer much better spring of ribs. well prop mask head. nice strong muzzle. enough neck. firm topline and nice hind quarters. easy movement.

Hokksund (N), 2023/09/09

Catalog No: 29
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Per Kristian Andersen (N)
Written critics: mgt bra type. litt luftig. stor. fint hode. korr bitt. mørke brune øyne. fine ører. bra hals og overlinje. lett i kroppen. ok vinkler frem, åpne bak. bev seg m bra steg. ok pelsanlegg. temp ok.

Ransäter CACIB (S), 2023/07/30

Catalog No: 1
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Per Kristian Andersen (N)
Anwartschaft: CK, BHKL2, CERT

Skiptvet Specialty 1 (N), 2023/07/15

Catalog No: 1
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Johan Andersson (S)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT-R
Written critics: 14mnd av tilt tyype mask vekf hode fint nesep pass øyefarge lagom hals norm vinklet ennå ung i kropåpen og smal i front utm benst fine kraftfulle sidebev lovend epels tre temp viser seg trivelig

Skiptvet Specialty 2 (N), 2023/07/15

Catalog No: 1
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Nina Lönner-Andersson (S)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT-R
Written critics: kraftfull mask hann, bra prop, underb hode/uttrykk, vel utf nesep, tilr forb for alder, harm vinkler, dyp velf brystk, ngt lang lend, vellagt kors, utm benst, bra pels, herl bev fra siden ngt trang fram/bak, tr temp, velpresentert

Sandefjord Nordic-Dog-Show (N), 2023/07/08

Catalog No: 1071
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Einar Paulsen (DK)

Sandefjord Norwegian Winner CACIB (N), 2023/07/07

Catalog No: 1039
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Jackie Stubbs (IRL)

Bornholm CACIB (DK), 2023/06/25

Catalog No: 383
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Myriam Vermeire (B)
Anwartschaft: CK, BHK4, CERT-Jgd, CACIB-Jgd
Written critics: 13 mths, scissor bite well closing but a little irregular, underlips could be more tight, masculine type with good stop skull and square muzzle, good neck and topline abit long, good depth of chest, forechest needs to develop, well angulated front and rear, good coat and undercoat, movement still narrow in rear good drive good movement in front and good tail

Bornholm CACIB (DK), 2023/06/24

Catalog No: 300
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Jens Utke Ramsing (DK)
Anwartschaft: BHK3, CERT-R, CERT-Jgd, CACIB-Jgd
Written critics: 13 mdr gammel kraftig harmonisk bygget han af god str med et velskåret hoved af passende str og korr bid, rigeligt store ører, god hals, overlinje og vinkler bag, udm pels og brun farve, frie bevægelser, bag en anelse marktrang endnu en anelse trang ved skulderen, med med godt afspark.

Valebö Specialty (N), 2023/05/28

Catalog No: 1
Rating: SG1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Sören Wesseltoft (DK)
Written critics: jr i god strl, utmeket hodet, snuteparti kunne vært en anelse bredere, god bitt, øyne og ører, god hals og rygglinje, noe trang i front, litt utvridde forpoter, litt steilt vinklet skulder, normalt vinklet bak, litt for hase trang bak, bevegelser trangt bak, utmekret drive sett fra siden, smuk farge og pels

Kristiansand CACIB (N), 2023/04/30

Catalog No: 583
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: John Williams (NL)
Anwartschaft: CK, Junior-CERT, CERT, JCACIB, 4.BHK
Written critics: 11 mnth old, very nice type, masculine head, welset ears, good scull, nice eyes, and nice musceled jaw, good angulation in front. Nice feet. Good ribs and topline. Nice angulation and tail. Typicol movements.

Vikersund (N), 2023/04/08

Catalog No: 207
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Marjo Jaakkola (SF)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT-R, 3.BHK
Written critics: 11 mnd of exl typ, lovly neck and toplline, god head and expre, good forchest for his age still a bit narrow in front , vel boned, enof body for his age, balans angulation, moved vel around the ring, a bit narrow behind

Bö CACIB (N), 2023/03/18

Catalog No: 2035
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Maija Heinilä (N)
Anwartschaft: CK, Junior-CERT, JCACIB
Written critics: Fint hode for aldr enda noe luftig, maskl. hannh. Vakkert hode med myke linjer en aning steil i skulderbl. Bra overl. og kryss. bra best. tilstr. vinkl. Trenger tid til å vokse i rammen sin. Flott str. Bev rasetypisk fra alle kanter.

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