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This content is only visible to registered users.
Catalog No: 508
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Julija Aidietiene (LT)
Anwartschaft: CAC, CACIB, BOB
Catalog No: 494
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Dick Baars (NL)
Anwartschaft: CAC, CACIB, BOB
Catalog No: 142
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Dimitri van Raamsdonk (B)
Anwartschaft: CAC-R, CACIB-R
Catalog No: 1108
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Ilona Lodders (NL)
Anwartschaft: CAC-R, CACIB-R
Written critics: 25 maanden oude zwarte beer; mooi rastypische verschijning; goede
lichaamsverhoudingen en formaat; mannelijk hoofd met goede schedel en ooraanzet
en dracht; mooi donker oog met vriendelijke expressie; goede voorborst en diepte;
passend bone en goede voeten; goede ribwelving; iets lang in de lendenen; goede
staartaanzet en dracht; goede vacht en structuur; gaat vlot en moeiteloos door de
ring met voldoende stuwing; uitmuntend
Catalog No: 686
Rating: V3
Class: Offene
Judge: Jussi Liimatainen (F)
Written critics: Nice strongly built male, excellent shape of head, a bit short neck, good topline,
correct front, excellent ribcage and bones, well angulated behind, nice movement,
wel carried tail
Catalog No: 1083
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Marit Kortleve-Prins (NL)
Anwartschaft: CAC, CACIB, BOS
Written critics: 25 maanden oude zwarte reu. Prima formaat. Hoogte lengte. Mooi reuen hoofd.
Brede schedel. Goed aangezet oor. Mooi oog. Mooie voorsnuit. Compleet gebit. Mooie
hals - rugbelijning. Mooi afgeronde croupe. Goede voorborst en diepte. Had een
fractie breder mogen zijn. Prima hoekingen voor en achter. Gaat vlot door de ring.
Goed gedragen staart. Prima vacht met dichte onderwol. Goede bespiering. Nette
presentatie. Mooie verschijning in de ring.
Catalog No: 689
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Karen V. Gilliland (IRL)
Anwartschaft: CAC, CACIB, BOB
Catalog No: 61
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Joao Vasco Pocas (PORT)
Anwartschaft: Best Male, CAC, BOS
Catalog No: 21
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Birgitte Gothen (DK)
Written critics: 22 måneder, mellemstor, korrekt type, god bred skalle med velansatte små ører, mellembrune øjne, korrekt bid, udmærket skulder og overlinje, kraftig brystkasse, lidt trang i fronten, udmærkede bevægelser, men lidt kort skridt, korrekt hale, excellent pels.
Catalog No: 21
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Loredana Salina-Toma (CH)
Written critics: 22 months, correct size, correct proportion, eyes a little bit round, and could be a little bit darker, correct earset, forechest needs to develop, but already good deep of chest, standing a little bit narrow in the front, good bones, good topline, correct front and rear angulation, would love to see a little bit more neck, good in the side movement, a little bit narrow in the rear movement.
Catalog No: 20
Rating: V4
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Laurent Pichard (CH)
Written critics: Attractive, 22 months old black, with excellent head, well-set ears, sciccor bite, well prepared, clean neck and shoulders, proper ribcage, could havea better tail carriage, proper side mover.
Catalog No: 113
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Dr. Augustin Ionescu (RO)
Anwartschaft: CAC-R, CACIB-R
Catalog No: 311
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: John Williams (NL)
Anwartschaft: CAC-R
Written critics: 1 jaar en 8 maanden. Prima maat. Mooi hoofd met mooi aangezet oor. Prima oog.
Goede snuit, kaak en gebit. Goede hoekingen in de voorhand. Draait voeten iets uit.
Prima hals. Goede ribben. Prima rug. Goede staartaanzet. Zag 'm graag wat rechter
staan op zijn hakken. Gangwerk kan krachtiger.
Catalog No: 1051
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Pedro Ivo Santos Bispo (PORT)
Written critics: 19 months. Vg type, vg head with vg proportion and expression, good stop, long neck,
very well built, strong bone, ribcage very well developed, good angulations in the
front and in the back, good insertion of the tail
Catalog No: 9
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Marit Kortleve-Prins (NL)
Catalog No: 219
Rating: V2
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Hans Stigt (NL)
Catalog No: 208
Rating: SG2
Class: Zwischen
Judge: John Wauben (NL)
Catalog No: 225
Rating: V3
Class: Jugend
Judge: Anne Livö Buvik (N)
Catalog No: 449
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Carla Dusseldorp (NL)
Anwartschaft: CAC-R, CACIB-Jgd
Catalog No: 463
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Monja Remmerswaal (NL)
Anwartschaft: bester Jugendhund, CACIB-Jgd
Catalog No: 113
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Annette Bystrup (DK)
Catalog No: 1
Rating: vv1
Class: Jüngsten Rüde
Judge: Bas Bosch (B)
Catalog No: 1
Rating: vv1
Class: Jüngsten Rüde
Judge: Stephen Kinsella (IRL)
Catalog No: 1334
Rating: vv1
Class: Baby
Judge: Georges (Jos) de Cuyper (B)
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possible - this is the main goal that we have linked from the very
beginning with the idea and realization of this database!
Recent studies with our data have shown that our breed worldwide is based on
ONLY 200 dogs that are not related to each other!
This is a very low and alarming number!
It would be highly desirable if no mating would occur worldwide below the threshold of AVK 85% to open the gene pool.
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- Advanced search for colors, age, titles, continent, offspring and various examinations.
- Statistic pages on colors, titles and results of HD, ED, OCD, cystinuria, heart, patella, eyes, thyroid
- Virtual pedigree of two dogs with numerous statistical functions.
The premium membership is an offer for breeders, who are looking for suitable males or bitches, but also to everyone who is interested in the Newfoundland breed.
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* Health data is only available to premium members.