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Catalog No: 14
Rating: V3
Class: Champion
Judge: Lotte Jörgensen (DK)
Written critics: 2 år gl., maskulin han, Udm hovede, Fint udtryk, Godt pigment, Fin og veludviklet krop, Normal vinklet for og bag, gode benstammer. Fine forpoter, Udm topline, bevæger sig ok, flot pels og farve, godt temperament
Catalog No: 13
Rating: V4
Class: Offene
Judge: Maciej Ziolkowski (PL)
Written critics: 2 years old, medium sized male a bit short legs, Nice head. Good expression, dark eyes, A bit little pigmentated on lipps, enough chest, Good headquaters, Very nice knee and rear angulations, good bones all over, Good loneg ribcage but a bit flat, deep body, nice short single hock, wellset tail. Lots a of coat of good, very nice rear in action, Good drive, he needs more reach, Clean coming and going, Well handled. Nice temperament
Catalog No: 508
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Elin Normannseth (N)
Anwartschaft: CK, 4. BHK, CERT
Written critics: 2 år gammel, meget maskulin hanhund, utmærket hoved, gode øjne, bra ansat ører, godt pigment, godt forbryst, meget bra overlinie, når han vil stå roligt, utmørket benstammer og gode poter, vacker pels kunne kanske være mere sort ned på benene, kan være røvting, når han selv bestemmer utviser han fine rørelser,
Catalog No: 854
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Suzana Simon (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: good type, strong head, correct bite, nice shaped and color of eyes, good length of the neck a bit shorter upperarm, niec back line, excellent rear angulation, good coat quality, in movment a bit high carried tail, good size movement, good temperament
Catalog No: 756
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Carina Andersson Rapp (S)
Anwartschaft: CK, 2.BHK, CERT, CACIB-R
Written critics: udmærket racetype udmærkte proportioner myget vakert velskåret hoved herligt udtryk fint nosparti og læber, muget vel ansat hals som falder perlfekt ind i skulder herlifgt forbryst og brystkorg med bra bredde tilrækkelige lår passende benstamme herlig topline velbåren svans, paralelle rørelser rør sig myget racetypisk fin pels for årstiden myget velpræsenteret
Catalog No: 633
Rating: SG1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Johnny Andersson (S)
Written critics: trivelig helhed, maskulint hoved, bra hals, alt for blød i sin ryg, skulle ønske mere forbryst, bra ben og tasser, rør sig bra fra siden alt for slarvar fremme, , over tempereret i sit temperament
Catalog No: 595
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen schwarz
Judge: José Garcia Abad (E)
Anwartschaft: CACL, CACIB-R
Catalog No: 611
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen schwarz
Judge: Ingrid Hectors (B)
Catalog No: 246
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Torbjörn Skaar (S)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: maskulint hoved og udtryk. mørke øjne vebåren øre. mycket bra hsl og ryglinie udm. krop bra pels. mycket bra tasser. rør sig med bra steg. vel præcenteret.
Catalog No: 262
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Lise Møller Frandsen (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3. BHK, CERT-R
Written critics: 22 mdr. maskulin han af særdeles god type og størrelse, giver allerede et fint kraftfuldt indryk trods den ungen alder, herligt massivt hoved, korrekt kvadratisk næseparti, korrekt saksebid, flotte sunde øjne, tipas markeret stop, meget velvinklet for og bag, fine lige massive forben, god bredde og dybde på brystkassen, fint tætsluttende albuer, kraftfuldt lændeparti, god bred ryg og bagpart, lidt kort kryds, særdeles gode karaktiske bevægelsesr, velplejet pels af god struktur, herligt temperament, meget vel vist
Catalog No: 256
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Jorgen Hindse (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3. BHK, CERT-R, CACIB-R
Written critics: middelstor, middelkraftig, godt kvadratisk næseparti, godt udtryk, god skalle, velansatte ører, flot overlinje, godt for- og underbryst, velvinklet, gode ben stammer, ikke i bedste pels, jordvindende og energiske bevægelser, godt temperament
Catalog No: 1020
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Kelly Lawless (IRL)
Anwartschaft: CK, 4. BHK, CERT-R
Written critics: 22 months old, ok for size, enough substance, well balanced head, could be a bit bigger, good proportions nice eye, wellset ears, good neck, well developed forechest, good angulations, good topline, ok tailset, moves well, not in full coat
Catalog No: 19
Rating: V2
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Birgitte Gothen (DK)
Written critics: 21 måneder, god størrelse, typisk hoved, mellembrune æjne, korrekt bid, mangler P2 begge sider over, udmærket front og benstamme, udmærket overlinje, tilpas vinklet for og bag, gode bevægelser, korrekt hale og pels.
Catalog No: 22
Rating: SG4
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Loredana Salina-Toma (CH)
Written critics: 20 months old, correct size, would love to see a little bit more substans, head in good shape, could be alittle bit darker, correct proportion of scull and muzzle, muzzle could be a little bit more filled up, needs to develop more chest, good length of neck, good in the front, could be a little bit more angulated in the knee, excellent powerful movement, good carried tailset, narrow in the rear, and a little bit open in the elbows, very nice temperament, excellent presentation.
Catalog No: 24
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Laurent Pichard (CH)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: Correct side profile, with a masculine head, excellent eyes form, color and expression, sciccor bite, proper scull with well-set ears, excellent neck, proper tailset, ribcage OK for the age. Sound mover, with an excellent head carriage
Catalog No: 1073
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Oliver Simon (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK, 4. BHK, CERT
Written critics: 1,5 years old, correct bite. nice head, correct earset. welldeveloped cheast and forcheast. exelent topline and underline. correct tailset. i would prefer more undercoat. exelent temperament and movement.
Catalog No: 745
Rating: V2
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Svend Lövenkjaer (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: Velgående og helt parallel set bagfra, tilpas hvælvet i skallen, moderat stop, sunde øjne, saksebid, kunne være en anelse bredere længst frem over næseryggen, tilpas lang hals, en anelse åben i sine skuldre, trænger til lidt mere forbryst, kunne have lidt længere brystben, stabil overlinje, korrekt haleansætning, tilpas brede muskuløse over- og underlår.
Catalog No: 825
Rating: V2
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Anton Spindler (D)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 1 year, 7 months, scissorbite, strong, tall, alert, strong head, broad back, correct angulated, strong muscled, correct black coat, free movements
Catalog No: 13343
Rating: V3
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Michael Forte (IRL)
Catalog No: 5701
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Francesco Cochetti (I)
Catalog No: 62
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Serafino Bueti (I)
Catalog No: 995
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Vojislav Al Daghistani (SRB)
Anwartschaft: CAC, CACIB, BOB
Catalog No: 8
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Maija Heinilä (N)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3.BHK, CERT, CERT-Jgd
Written critics: 17 months old, massively build, Exc body proportions, beautiful masculine head, corr. Earset and size, Dark eyes, Suitable stop, Good reach of neck, could have a bit longer croup and a better tail carriage, exc angulations, Well let down hocks, Massive bone, Exc coat and color, Moves with effortless power and true coming and going, Well shown
Catalog No: 7
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Lars Christiansen (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3.BHK, CERT, CERT-Jgd
Written critics: 17 mdr gl., maskulin, god størrelse, korr. Proportioner, passende bredde i skalle, korr. Placerede ører der er lidt store, tydelig stop, Mørke øjne, Godt udfyldt næseparti, korr. Bid, passende læbe, God hals, Og manke, Udm vinkling i skulder, tilpas forbryst, Vandret overlinie, Særdeles god dybde i brystkassen, meget muskuløse lår, korr ansat hale, korr kryds og hale, udm dobbeltpels, udm flydende bevægelser, ønsker en anelse mere fremgreb for, godt temperament,
Catalog No: 1989
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Jarmo Hilpinen (SF)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT, CERT-Jgd, CACIB-Jgd, BOS
Written critics: Excellent in size and proportions and type, beautiful balanced, correct in head, very masculine expression, correct bite, excellent eyes, strong topline, strong bodied, well boned, well angulated, moves parallel coming and going, could use hocks more, has enough reach, lovely temperament
Catalog No: 12
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Matti Tuominen (SF)
Written critics: 16 month exc type super bones good neck good body for age pleasing head kind expression good hindquaters a bit soft topline today the muzzel could be a bit more square good tailset good neckline good mover should use his hocks much better well presented
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