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Catalog No: 386
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Karl-Erik Johansson (S)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: utmerkt typ, vackert feminint huvud, mørke øgon, bra bett, bra hals, bred ryg, utmerkt brystkorg, utmerkta vinklar, vægvindande rørelser, bra pels
Catalog No: 26
Rating: fehlt
Class: Offene
Judge: Lotte Jörgensen (DK)
Catalog No: 27
Rating: Cannot be judged
Class: Offene
Judge: Maciej Ziolkowski (PL)
Written critics: 2 years old, Average size, Short legged, Fine proportions in body, Feminine head, dark eyes, good top of skull, corr bite, would like a deeper muzzle and stronger underjaw, a bot low set ears, good chest, Corr upperarm, very nice ri?bcage. Solid topline, very nice knee angulations, short single hopcks, Good tailset, lot of body volume, lots of coat with good texture,, she is limping, due to the fact that she is limpiing i cannot judge her movements so thats cannot be judged
Catalog No: 517
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Elin Normannseth (N)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 22 måneder gammel, utmærket størrelse, meget gode proportioner i hoved og krop, utmærket uttryk på øjnene, meget godt snudeparti, kunne have en noget bedre tilbaglagt skulder, utmærket for på brystkasse, som har en god længde, velvinklet knæ, kraftig benstamme, gode poter, utmærket dobbeltpels, bevæger sig meget bra fra alle hold,
Catalog No: 864
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Suzana Simon (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: good type, good proportions ,nice head and expression correct bite, good scull shape, excellent topline, excellent front and rear angulation, good coat quality and condition, god movement, enough strong topline, excellent temperament
Catalog No: 766
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Carina Andersson Rapp (S)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3. BTK, CERT-R
Written critics: udmærkt helhed herligt hoved og udtryk fine øgon helrigt nosparti myget vaker overlinje vældig velbalanceret udmærkte proportioner herlig front med bra bredde kraftigt muskuløst bagstel bra mellemhænder og benstomme herlige rørelser velbåren svans myget fin pels vældig fin junior
Catalog No: 608
Rating: V2
Class: Zwischen schwarz
Judge: José Garcia Abad (E)
Catalog No: 625
Rating: V2
Class: Zwischen schwarz
Judge: Ingrid Hectors (B)
Catalog No: 255
Rating: V2
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Torbjörn Skaar (S)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT-R
Written critics: mycket bra femint hoved og udtryk. velformede mørke øjne. velbåren øre mycket bra hals ryglinie. udm krop. velvinklet. rør sig vel velpræcentert.
Catalog No: 273
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Lise Møller Frandsen (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT
Written critics: feminin tæve af god størrelse, særdeles god type, tiltalende massivt hoved og kvadratisk næseparti, tørre fine øjne, stærk kraftfuld hals tilstrækkelig vinkler for, velvinklet bag, massive lige forben, fine poter, herlig kraftfuldt kropsstykke, fin bredde over ryg og bagpart, særdeles god pelskvalitet, meget velplejet pels, rør sig harmonisk med fin skridtlængde samt den karakteristiske rullen over ryggen, herligt temperament, meget vel vist
Catalog No: 267
Rating: V2
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Jorgen Hindse (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: middelstor, feminin, udtryksfuld hoved, kvadratisk næseparti, velvinklet, forben ikke helt parallelle, passende krop, god pels, energiske bevægelser, med godt fraskub, godt temperament
Catalog No: 1029
Rating: V2
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Kelly Lawless (IRL)
Written critics: 19 months old, very feminine, nice outline, pretty expression, balanced head, nice eye, well set ears, enough neck, a bit straight shoulder, could have a bit more forechest, good topline and angulations behind and tailset, moves very well, handler needs not to stand the feet so far forward
Catalog No: 5
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Marie Thorpe (IRL)
Catalog No: 639
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Tino Pehar (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK, 4. BTK, CERT-R, CERT-Jgd, CACIB-Jgd
Written critics: 17 month old a bit low on legs, beautiful head with femininine expression, nice neck enough strong back, well set and carriaged tail, well developed rib cage for her age, well angulated, completly out of coat today, nice movement
Catalog No: 682
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Janelle W. Robbins (AUS)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT-Jgd-R
Written critics: 17 mths, correct size and shape, a little ligter in bone and she is still very loose, yet to mature, very good skull and muzzle and dark eye, good angulations, a liitle loose coming toward me, good presentation, happy attitude
Catalog No: 673
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: John-Sigve Berg (S)
Written critics: 17 mdr. gammel. feminin tæve. bra udtryk for sin alder. hoved med udmærkede proportioner. bra stop, øjne og snudeparti. korrekt bid. kunne være noget strammere i ryggen. moderat vinklet. udmærket brystdybde, skal fyldes ud i front. rør sig med acceptabel steg fra siden, stadigvæk lidt ustabil frem og bag. acceptabel pels. bra farve. treveligt temperament.
Catalog No: 1082
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Oliver Simon (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3. BTK, CERT-R, CERT-Jgd, NCAC-Jgd
Written critics: 17 months old, correct bite. very nice feminin head. a bit softer ears. exelent topline and underline. correct angulations. i would prefer a better coat. exelent temperament and movement.
Catalog No: 7
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Fernando Quilis Bonet (E)
Anwartschaft: CK, BTKL3, CERT-R
Catalog No: 7
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Galina Kalinichenko (UKR)
Anwartschaft: CK, BTKL2, CERT-R, CACIB-Jgd
Catalog No: 754
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Svend Lövenkjaer (DK)
Written critics: 16 måneder gammel, bevæger sig energisk, tilpas parallelt set bagfra, lidt for indtået forfra, meget feminin, kunne have haft lidt mere skalle og lidt mere stop, sunde tænder i saksebid, herlige flotte øjne, tilpas lang hals, markeret forbryst, gode skuldre, kunne have haft lidt længere brystben, kunne have haft lidt mere sul på sin krop for 16 måneder, tilpas vinkling i knæ og hase, står lidt for meget med sine bagben under kroppen, herligt væsen.
Catalog No: 837
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Anton Spindler (D)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT-Jgd, CACIB-Jgd
Written critics: 16 months, scissorbite, strong, strong head with a pronounced stop, broad back, very good angulated, strong muscled, very good chest proportions, strong bones, correct black coat, happy fluently movements
Catalog No: 13388
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Jugend
Judge: Michael Forte (IRL)
Catalog No: 5715
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Francesco Cochetti (I)
Anwartschaft: Junior-Winner, Best Junior
Catalog No: 65
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Serafino Bueti (I)
Anwartschaft: CAJC, Junior-BOB
Catalog No: 1002
Rating: CAC
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Vojislav Al Daghistani (SRB)
Catalog No: 24
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Lars Christiansen (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3.BHK, CERT-R, CERT-Jgd-R
Written critics: 15 mdr gl., feminin, god størrelse, meget god type, kort og kompakt, god hvælvet isse, Godt stop og øjne, Passende udfyldt næseparti for alder, korr. Bid, Udm forbryst, God dybde og længde i brystkasse, udm overlinie, fin bredt kryds, Muskuløse lår. Lav hase, velplejet dobbeltpels, bevæger sig godt bag. Lidt flagredne for men med god skridtlængde, dejligt temperament
Catalog No: 1999
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Jarmo Hilpinen (SF)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT-Jgd-R
Written critics: 13 month, correct in size and proportions, correct feminine head, good bite, correct topline, well bodied, correct angulated both ends, strong bone, correct feet, moves well with correct reach and drive, correct coat, good temperament
Catalog No: 36
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Matti Tuominen (SF)
Written critics: 13 month old, exc type, exc proportion super bone, still very narrow scull, big ears, good neck, could have a bit more substace, well angulated, pleasing mover, good tailset, needs more forchest, head needs time, well presented
Catalog No: 35
Rating: fehlt
Class: Jugend
Judge: Elina Haapaniemi (SF)
Catalog No: 1196
Rating: SL1
Class: Baby Hündin
Judge: George Kostopoulos (GR)
Anwartschaft: Future Hope of Europe 23
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