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Catalog No: 6
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Toke Larsen (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 22 måneder gammel, kraftfuld han, kompakt krop, massivt hoved, korrekt saksebid, næsepartiet må ikke bliver dybbere, korrekt tangbid, mørke øjne en tand små øjne, velplacerede ører, kunne have en anelse mere forbryst rummelig dyb brystkasse, udmærket underlinje, noget fallende overlinje, veludfyldt lændeparti, velvinklet bagtil, lidt for fallende kryds, kunne have en anelse mere afskub i bevægelserne og kunne med fordel have en mere stabil overlinje i bevægelserne, roligt temperament, tæt kraftfuld pels, god kondition, godt temperament.
Catalog No: 6
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Monika Akesson (S)
Written critics: 22 måneder, maskulin han, utmærket model og storlek, utmærket bredde i skallen, velplacerede øron, utmærket nosparti, mørke øgon men uttryket støres af nogle løse øgonkanter, bra hals, noget eftergivende ryg, noget affallende kors, utmærket benstamme og tasser, tilrekkeligt forbryst, bra brystdybde, rør sig mycket hastrangt og med løse armbåger, og er mycke glad for sin svans.
Catalog No: 506
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Elin Normannseth (N)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 22 måneder gammel, kraftfuld hanhund, må ikke blive tungere i hovedet, kunne have en bedre placeret skulder, god længde i kroppen, godt forbryst, velvinklet i bagparten, utmærket pels og farge, meget bra benstammer og poter, bevæger sig med kraftfulde steg, men kunne have an bedre hale føring under bevægelse, velvist og trevlig,
Catalog No: 853
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Suzana Simon (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK, 2. BHK, CERT, CACIB-R
Written critics: nice type, good proportions, good head, correct bite, littele bit wrinkled nose, good length of the neck, good back line, excellent front and rear angulations, good coat quality and condition, in movment a bit close behind, correct in front, good from the side, excellent temperament
Catalog No: 18
Rating: fehlt
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Birgitte Gothen (DK)
Catalog No: 18
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Loredana Salina-Toma (CH)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 18 months, big size, well balanced, nice silhouette, very nice head, correct scull and muzzle proportion, correct eye in color and shape, standing parallel, could have a little bit more forechest, but already well deep, good length of neck, which is fluently going in a very strong, broad topline, correct in front and rear angulation, in summer coat, powerful movement, with good ground covering, strong and powerful, a little bit narrow but parallel in the rear, excellent coat condition.
Catalog No: 21
Rating: V2
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Laurent Pichard (CH)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: Very masculine, attractive 18 months old, very pretty picture standing, very typey expression, bite OK, well-set ears, good front, with a proper ribcage, excellent tailset, well prepared, sligthly close behind, stylish mover.
Catalog No: 629
Rating: fehlt
Class: Jugend
Judge: Tino Pehar (HR)
Catalog No: 669
Rating: fehlt
Class: Jugend
Judge: Janelle W. Robbins (AUS)
Catalog No: 636
Rating: SG2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Bjarke Falk Sando Sabroe (DK)
Written critics: af meget god type, stærk hoved med god skalle, veludfyldt næseparti, korrekt bid, god læbe, kunne ønskes en tand bedre øjne, god lige ryg, kunne ønskes mindre hæjt stillet, korrekt underlinje, acceptabel kryds, kunne ønskes en tand bedre bagbensvinklet, stærke benstammer, velansat hale, god pels og farve, bevæger frit og utvunget og med fornuftigt afskab set fra alle sider
Catalog No: 629
Rating: SG1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Pirjo Aaltonen (SF)
Written critics: masculine male, but needs a lot of time to develop, high on legs at the moment and body is light at the moment, good coat texture, nice neck and topline, typical head proportions, nice eyes and expression, enough angulated, high carried tail when moving, moves well in front, but narrow in rear, very well from side
Catalog No: 3
Rating: vv1
Class: Jüngsten Rüden
Judge: Arne Foss (N)
Anwartschaft: BIK, Best Puppy
Written critics: 6 mdr, vældig fin for alderen, maskulin, meget trivelig model, udmærket skalle, mildt udtryk, meget bra næseparti, en god hals, bedre vinklet bag end frem, ok mellemhænder, holder overlinien fint når han går, god steglængde, meget velpræsenteret pels, udmærket temperament, meget velvist, er en udmærket silhouet for sin alder, endnu noget trang bag
Catalog No: 2
Rating: vv1
Class: Jüngsten
Judge: Milan Lint (USA)
Anwartschaft: BIK, Best Puppy
Written critics: Very handsome puppy, beautiful head, good bone, nice angulation front and rear, close in the rear going away, overall a very high quality
Catalog No: 1
Rating: vv1
Class: Jüngsten Rüden
Judge: Svante Frisk (S)
Written critics: 6 mths male, ståtlig, fin resning, bra nosparti, kraftfull, utmærkt hals, utmærkt rundat kors bra skuldrer med tillræckligt overarm, herligt forbrost, utmærkt djup i kroppen, behøver bredda i hasen, rør sig bra fram, rør sig med bra steg från siden
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beginning with the idea and realization of this database!
Recent studies with our data have shown that our breed worldwide is based on
ONLY 200 dogs that are not related to each other!
This is a very low and alarming number!
It would be highly desirable if no mating would occur worldwide below the threshold of AVK 85% to open the gene pool.
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