Name |
Birth |
Gender |
Color |
Photo |
A True Companion Winston Starts It All |
2021/03/15 |
SrSWrD |
A.R.M.R.L.R.s Bruno The Old Man |
2018/10/25 |
braun-weiss |
AAD H&M Acres Courage of The Heart |
2018/05/17 |
Aadya Guay |
2018/03/08 |
BmD |
Abagail Rose Nelson |
1998/05/10 |
S |
Abbie Hills Hemingway Old Man & The Sea |
2020/12/23 |
S |
Abbie Hills The Philosopher |
2020/12/23 |
S |
Abby Girl Altendorf |
2017/03/26 |
S |
Abby Road |
2001/09/07 |
S |
Abigail Dawn Breen |
1992/11/30 |
Grau |
Abigail Peaches Hickory GRV |
1997/10/13 |
SW |
Abigail SMP |
2019/03/18 |
B |
Abigail Sophia Cudworth |
2016/10/14 |
B |
Abigail V |
2017/12/24 |
S |
Abraham Bear |
2023/07/05 |
SmBrSW |
ACDs Napoleon Bone A Parti |
2018/01/01 |
braun-weissrD |
Ada Bauer-Reich |
2011/01/31 |
Ada Mae Gregory |
2017/09/02 |
SrBrSW |
Admiral |
2010/11/25 |
Adorabella Lunar Eclipse-Kee |
2007/07/08 |
S |
Adoras Pride |
2001/02/11 |
SW |
Aerostarr Pride of Stonecrest |
1992/08/11 |
SW |
Agatha |
2019/09/04 |
B |
Ai Trixie |
2018/03/19 |
B |
Aimee Murray |
2018/12/20 |
SrSW |
Aine |
2018/11/08 |
Ajax |
2018/05/18 |
B |
Akiya Royal Bear Newfoundland |
2018/06/01 |
braun-weiss |
Akvian Song Luna Goddess of The Moon |
2022/02/17 |
SmSW |
Alaska Susunaga |
2020/12/01 |
GraurBrSW |
Alaskas Buddy Boy |
2017/08/11 |
SrSW |
Albus Norman, Minister of Canine Mischief & Magic |
2022/11/18 |
SWrB |
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore Stepp |
2019/10/07 |
SrD |
Alex |
2010/05/30 |
Alexander Laura Bear Johnson |
1996/05/08 |
S |
Alexanders Night Lightning |
2012/10/06 |
S |
Alexandra The Great of Marietta |
1993/12/12 |
S |
Alexandria |
1972/08/15 |
Alexandria Lexi Fowlkes |
2016/10/01 |
SmSWrD |
Alexis Brown |
2003/10/04 |
S |
Alice of Chains |
2020/05/28 |
SrB |
Alice of St. Marys |
2007/11/11 |
S |
Alii Shores Kareem |
1996/10/30 |
S |
Alisons Best Chloe |
2016/12/25 |
SrB |
Alivia |
0000/00/00 |
Alley Phelans |
1912/01/01 |
Alli Gater Ivie |
2018/01/05 |
grau-weiss |
Allie Buck |
2018/12/31 |
SmBrSWrD |
Allie Rad Red Clemens |
2021/11/03 |
SrBmSW |
Allys Jade |
2017/06/19 |
B |
Aloha Kika Winds |
2014/07/03 |
SW |
Alpenglow Acres Good Golly Miss Dolly |
2020/12/26 |
S |
Alphas Hattie |
2018/01/14 |
BmSWmD |
Alpine Pulls Ahead |
2017/05/19 |
SmSW |
Altas Ryker Baker |
0000/00/00 |
SrBrSWmD |
Amadeus |
1982/12/18 |
S |
Amadeus La Contessa d´Almaviva |
1997/09/06 |
S |
Amadeus Le Doux Geant D´Elsa |
2019/01/31 |
SW |
Amanda Cynthia Dreammaker Glen |
2014/11/10 |
SrSW |
Amandas Babie |
2013/01/26 |
SmBmSW |
Amarnas Black Rose |
1997/04/01 |
S |
Amarnas Max |
2010/06/10 |
SmSW |
Amarnas Peppermint Patty |
1997/04/01 |
S |
Amarnas Ruby |
2010/06/10 |
SmSW |
Amassi Black Bear Griffin |
2003/05/14 |
S |
Amassi Miracle Boy |
2003/05/14 |
S |
Amaya |
2019/05/24 |
SrBmD |
Amber Lynn Joy |
2017/10/01 |
SWrB |
Ambrams Tank |
2016/07/06 |
SW |
Ambrosial Ivys Willow |
2021/07/11 |
SW |
Amelia of Pearl |
2022/11/12 |
SrB |
Amelias 99 Lures of Beauty |
2021/11/02 |
Grau |
America The Great |
2021/09/29 |
braun-weissrD |
Amigo |
2021/07/22 |
BrSW |
Amitys Behind The Eight Ball |
2011/09/14 |
S |
Amordori Too Hot To Handle for Bluwater |
2010/07/10 |
SrSW |
Amos Blackwells Jr. |
2022/05/25 |
S |
Amos Moses Revennaugh |
2020/02/13 |
braun-weiss |
Amy Valdez |
2016/08/05 |
grau-weissrB |
Anchor Points |
2018/04/10 |
B |
Anchor Points Everest |
2018/10/11 |
SrSW |
Anchor Points Hippy |
2018/04/10 |
SrB |
Anchor Points Kaja |
2018/04/10 |
B |
Anchor Points Lilly Belle of Wye Lake |
2018/04/10 |
SrB |
Anchor Points Luna |
2018/04/10 |
SrB |
Anchor Points Yogi |
2018/04/10 |
B |
Andromeda Lynn |
2007/10/14 |
S |
Andromeda of The Night Sky |
1999/05/11 |
S |
Anela Noelani Wahine |
2018/06/16 |
braun-weissrD |
Angel J |
2019/11/27 |
SrBrSW |
Angus Leclair |
2000/12/28 |
S |
Angus Lee McGreevy |
2019/04/28 |
SW |
Angus Og of Springhaven |
2012/02/06 |
SrSW |
Angus XII |
2005/08/11 |
S |
Angus XV |
2018/06/28 |
B |
Anime |
0000/00/00 |
Anka von Denhoffer |
2021/07/17 |
BrD |
Anna |
2009/11/24 |
S |
Anna Dronen Burdick |
2016/04/03 |
SrD |
Anna II |
2022/01/06 |
SrB |
Anna III |
2019/01/12 |
SWrB |
Anna Midnight Rambler |
2018/02/07 |
SrBmSW |
Annabelle Deveruex |
2014/08/28 |
SWrB |
Annabelle IV |
2007/09/17 |
SW |
Annabelle of Campbell House |
1999/05/11 |
S |
Annabelle of Hardscrabble |
2005/03/27 |
S |
Annabelle Sawhny |
2001/09/10 |
S |
Annabelle Wingate Shull |
2007/05/31 |
S |
Annelise |
2022/01/15 |
Annie |
1989/09/08 |
S |
Annie An Innocent Panda |
2021/04/05 |
SW |
Annie Beth |
2017/03/08 |
B |
Annie Mae |
2016/04/03 |
SrD |
Annie May |
2017/11/07 |
SrB |
Annie Oakley |
2022/04/26 |
Annie Oakley 2018 |
2018/02/20 |
SrBrSW |
Annies Tagalong Lady |
1975/02/19 |
S |
Annisquam Lights Come Sail Away |
2020/06/10 |
S |
Annisquam Lights Who´s On First |
2020/06/10 |
S |
Anold |
0000/00/00 |
Anouk |
2011/07/20 |
Anthonys |
2018/05/26 |
SrSW |
Anthonys Brown Eyed Girl |
2018/12/19 |
BmSW |
Anthonys Pal Gonzo |
1991/02/05 |
S |
Antietams Baron von Beowulf |
1977/12/08 |
S |
Antietams Brutus |
1977/12/08 |
S |
Antietams Ebony Velvet |
1977/12/08 |
SW |
Apache Mountain Storm |
2002/08/06 |
S |
Apaches Bear Hunter |
1999/11/25 |
S |
Apollo |
1984/01/14 |
S |
Apollo Beats Creed |
2018/10/27 |
grau-weiss |
Apollo Manley |
2017/01/28 |
SrB |
Appa Christman |
2018/12/31 |
GraumBrSW |
Appa III |
2020/12/01 |
SWrB |
Appa Wills |
2021/04/05 |
SW |
Apple Blossom |
0000/00/00 |
Arabella Meri Geyer |
2007/03/11 |
S |
Archibolds Lion |
0000/00/00 |
Archie |
2017/01/01 |
Archie Bastiaens |
2018/03/18 |
SWmB |
Archie Estevez |
2021/01/11 |
BmSWmD |
Archie Hamm |
2021/05/09 |
grau-weiss |
Ardeurs Dos Deux Le Plus Grand Licker |
2018/08/27 |
S |
Aretha Show Me Respect |
2001/02/17 |
SrSW |
Argos M |
2019/03/10 |
SrB |
Argos O´Caiphin Rochris |
2016/12/20 |
B |
Aria |
2017/05/10 |
Arie SMP |
2019/03/18 |
B |
Aries |
2016/08/18 |
Arizon Mason Jar |
2014/06/25 |
SrB |
Ark Angel Truces Kilian |
1993/10/13 |
S |
Ark Angels Pantera |
1993/10/13 |
S |
Arlo Jacobs |
2021/01/11 |
grau-weissrB |
Arnold |
0000/00/00 |
Arnold Falcon |
2018/02/07 |
BmSW |
Arrowwoods Lava Ridge Teeny |
1996/11/25 |
S |
Artemis |
2020/07/18 |
SrBrD |
Artemis Manley |
2017/01/28 |
SrB |
Arthur |
2009/08/10 |
S |
Arthur Ely |
2021/04/14 |
BmSWrD |
Ashley Loves Her Twin of Pine River |
2017/05/16 |
SrB |
Ashleys Gentle Giants Queen Layla |
2021/04/05 |
SW |
Aslan Hurst |
2018/01/02 |
B |
Aslans Dark Warrior Duncan of Liles |
2020/04/09 |
B |
Astral Tom of T Great Bear |
1992/10/03 |
S |
Astro II |
2019/05/03 |
SmSW |
Athena Goddess of Shady Acres |
2018/06/16 |
BrD |
Athena Wiseman |
2018/12/13 |
SW |
Atherleys Annabelle |
2012/02/21 |
S |
Atlantic Skye |
2008/12/21 |
SrSW |
Atlantic Splash |
2008/09/15 |
SrSW |
Atlas II |
1991/02/05 |
S |
Atlas Mathis |
2019/04/25 |
B |
Atlas Valley Keatnas Mountain Sunshine Cupid |
2023/02/05 |
SrB |
Atlas Valleys My Shaggy Ally |
2023/02/05 |
B |
Atlas VI |
2014/12/11 |
B |
Atom Curtis |
2016/09/23 |
S |
Atramental Arctoid Addie |
1991/07/15 |
S |
Aubrys Sultan |
0000/00/00 |
Auggie Moose Lane |
2002/03/30 |
S |
Augie Doggie |
0000/00/00 |
S |
Augustus |
2001/04/14 |
S |
Aunt Nig |
0000/00/00 |
Aurelius Lincoln Kylo Cyphers of Yellow Moon |
2017/02/14 |
SrBrSW |
Aurora Bear of Nighty Sky |
2014/11/10 |
SrSW |
Aurora Bora Alice of The Northern Lights |
2020/07/30 |
SrB |
Aurora Borealis II |
2021/04/22 |
B |
Autumn II |
2016/08/22 |
B |
Autumns Krystal Katrina |
1992/11/11 |
B |
Autumns Silas for Heinrich Family Newfoundlands |
2019/10/31 |
B |
Ava |
2010/04/22 |
S |
Ava McNessor |
2022/03/20 |
S |
Avah Maria |
2016/09/05 |
SrBrD |
Avalon Duchess Caoimhe Laoise |
2022/02/22 |
SrD |
Avalons Carefree Stormy |
2001/10/09 |
SmSW |
Avalons Hanna |
2001/10/09 |
SW |
Avalons Highland Lily |
2001/10/09 |
SmSW |
Avon Creeks Young Mr. Bozley |
2004/05/17 |
SmSW |
Avonleas Hello Dolly Too |
2005/10/15 |
S |
Axel Cane Hergert |
2020/11/21 |
SrB |
Axel Patriot |
2021/06/11 |
braun-weissrD |
Azarya Faye |
2019/06/20 |
SWrB |
Azimuths Cole Haan Luke |
2002/11/28 |
B Dozer |
2023/01/12 |
SrSW |
B Hoffman |
2017/11/26 |
GraurBmSW |
Babe Murphy |
2003/11/19 |
Baby Bear |
1984/02/01 |
S |
Baby Bear Silvia |
1998/03/07 |
Grau |
Baby Girl of Sterling |
2000/07/17 |
S |
Baby Girl Sissy Chases The Sun |
2018/02/16 |
SrBrSW |
Baby Virginia |
2018/11/28 |
SrSW |
Bacchanals Black Magic |
2002/10/06 |
S |
Bacchanals Holokai Tisat Umi |
2002/03/17 |
S |
Bach |
2010/01/01 |
Backwoods Calla Lily of Addabear |
2016/09/05 |
SrBrD |
Backyard Pets Bella |
2016/10/27 |
S |
Backyard Pets Bingo |
2018/04/02 |
grau-weissrB |
Baehr Mountains Black Jack |
1992/05/30 |
S |
Baehr Mountains Briggs |
1990/09/16 |
SW |
Baehr Mountains Jake |
1996/01/17 |
S |
Bagheera Baloo Neufeld |
2002/08/06 |
S |
Bahloo The Indigo of The Moon |
2020/01/04 |
Grau, weisse Abzeichen |
Baie Verdes Sophie Shelby |
1992/11/29 |
SmSW |
Baie Verdes Star Gazer |
1993/12/14 |
SW |
Bailey Baloo |
2020/05/20 |
SrB |
Bailey Beans |
2021/10/16 |
SrB |
Bailey Bear |
1998/08/31 |
SrSW |
Bailey Bear III |
2018/12/07 |
SrBmSW |
Bailey Leibowitz |
2021/02/04 |
SrSW |
Bailey Mae Wersinger |
2018/02/03 |
B |
Bailey Mitchell |
2018/05/26 |
SrSW |
Bailey van Hoose |
2020/09/12 |
braun-weiss |
Bailey Wendel |
2020/09/12 |
S |
Bailey XXII |
2018/09/04 |
SWrB |
Bailey XXIV |
2017/09/06 |
SrB |
Bailey XXX |
2021/10/12 |
SW |
Baileys Bear II |
2017/06/13 |
B |
Baileys Beauty M And M |
2017/04/03 |
B |
Baileys Sullivan |
2018/01/14 |
BmSWmD |
Baileyshannon |
2019/12/06 |
SW |
Baileywaks Charlie Miles Fox |
2006/10/28 |
S |
Baileywaks Elphaba Hollybear |
2006/10/28 |
S |
Baileywaks I Harlee Know You |
2000/12/29 |
SmSW |
Baileywaks Menny Arduer |
2006/10/28 |
S |
Baileywaks Simply Out Rayj S |
2009/07/06 |
S |
Baku Bastion of Boarderlands |
2020/09/12 |
S |
Baloo |
2012/08/29 |
Baloo Do |
2010/04/01 |
SW |
Baloo Ruiz |
2021/04/14 |
SWmBrD |
Baloo The Bearnecessities |
2021/01/02 |
B, weisse Abzeichen |
Baloo V |
2005/07/08 |
S |
Balsa Guthrie |
2021/04/22 |
SmB |
Bane Volkerding |
2020/08/15 |
SrBmD |
Banjo Junctions Grizzly Bear |
2018/06/04 |
B |
Bannow Fifty Shades of Grey |
2015/03/27 |
Grau |
Bao Bao |
2021/01/03 |
BrSW |
Bar-Bar von Millerhaus |
0000/00/00 |
S |
Barbaros Second Chance Riley |
2006/12/19 |
SW |
Barker Mayfield By Horner |
2019/04/26 |
SmB |
Barness Newfoundlands |
2016/11/27 |
SrBrSWmD |
Barney Shapiro |
2007/02/13 |
S |
Barnyards Silver Bear Hank |
2016/12/13 |
GraurB |
Baron Mato Sunka |
2014/04/15 |
SW |
Baroness of Irish Hill Farm |
2021/10/28 |
SmBrD |
Barrett Benjamins Thor of Duckcreek |
2020/08/15 |
SrBmD |
Barrister Bear Brown-Ford |
1999/12/23 |
S |
Barristers Ancient Mariner |
1977/06/20 |
S |
Barron Viger |
2014/07/28 |
B |
Barrs Abbey Jo |
1994/01/08 |
SmB |
Barry |
0000/00/00 |
Bartees Black Gold |
1999/06/22 |
S |
Bartholomew III |
2020/12/23 |
SrBrSWrD |
Bartholomew Johnson |
2021/05/29 |
SrD |
Basil The Bear |
2019/03/06 |
SrB |
Baxter Bear |
1991/07/15 |
S |
Bays Edge Lone Bear |
1994/04/16 |
SmSW |
Bays Edge Shadow Girl Marie |
2000/09/07 |
S |
Bayshores Black Storm |
0000/00/00 |
Beach Nut-Vishai Roman Dekka |
2004/01/30 |
S |
Beach Nuts Abigail |
2004/09/07 |
S |
Beach Nuts Glad To See Ya |
2004/08/22 |
S |
Beach Nuts Lord Bigsby |
2004/08/22 |
S |
Beachparty Moondoggie |
2006/04/18 |
SW |
Bear |
0000/00/00 |
Bear |
1998/04/26 |
SrSW |
Bear |
2012/10/18 |
Bear 2018 |
2018/03/15 |
SmBrD |
Bear Austin |
2019/05/23 |
BmSW |
Bear Bear |
2014/04/15 |
SW |
Bear Bear Bolton |
2012/01/23 |
S |
Bear Dogs Sonny of Dyer Lake |
2022/08/15 |
SrB |
Bear Foley |
2019/08/13 |
B |
Bear Fox Run |
0000/00/00 |
Bear Frederick |
2020/09/12 |
S |
Bear Harbors Beacon On The Horizon |
2008/10/29 |
S |
Bear Harbors Berkshire Mountain Girl |
2008/10/29 |
S |
Bear Harbors Between The Buoys |
2008/10/29 |
S |
Bear Heart Newfoundlands Teddy Oso |
2019/03/19 |
BrSW |
Bear Hearts Cookies N´ Cream |
2021/05/27 |
SW |
Bear Hearts Lottie Dottie |
2023/05/26 |
SrB |
Bear Hollows Chantilly Lace |
2013/12/03 |
SW |
Bear Hollows Jasmine |
2013/12/03 |
SW |
Bear Hollows Katy Did It |
2013/04/04 |
SmB |
Bear King |
2021/08/11 |
SWmD |
Bear Klee |
2020/09/01 |
BrD |
Bear My Heart On The Pine River |
2019/02/09 |
B |
Bear of Ashes |
2011/07/07 |
S |
Bear of Pine River |
2021/01/03 |
SrSW |
Bear O´Halloran |
2021/11/24 |
SrB |
Bear Paux Bristol of Paris |
2021/10/02 |
S |
Bear Ragland |
2010/03/15 |
Bear Track of Duck Haven |
1993/09/06 |
SW |
Bear Wood |
1983/01/01 |
S |
Bear XXIX |
1995/05/05 |
SrSW |
1998/05/25 |
S |
Bearcats Betly Sims |
1977/12/01 |
S |
Bearden Graceful Sage |
2011/05/28 |
S |
Bearfoot Lord Beauregard of Cottonwood |
2017/12/24 |
S |
Bearfoots Bella Ella |
2017/12/24 |
S |
Bearfoots Eagle River Angel |
1991/07/19 |
S |
Bearfoots Jolly Jonah |
1991/07/19 |
S |
Bearfoots Karyn Anne |
1991/07/19 |
S |
Bearfoots Mia |
2017/12/24 |
S |
Bearfoots Miss Chandler |
1991/07/19 |
S |
Bearfoots Thaddaeus |
1991/07/19 |
S |
Bearhavens Alexander |
1993/11/01 |
S |
Bearhavens Ariel |
1992/10/09 |
S |
Bearhavens Charli L Bear |
1993/11/01 |
S |
Bearhavens Daphne Bean |
1998/03/02 |
S |
Bearhavens Ebony Annabelle |
1992/10/09 |
S |
Bearhavens Graycee |
1978/12/22 |
Grau |
Bearhavens Lizzie B of Ebony |
1993/11/01 |
S |
Bearhavens Shelby Gemini |
1992/10/09 |
S |
Bearhavens Spirit of St. Louis |
1987/10/29 |
S |
Bearhavens Stefano Scarampella |
2004/03/05 |
S |
Bearhavens Stella d´Oro |
2004/03/05 |
S |
Bearhearts Gold Rush of Najuananlo |
2023/05/26 |
SrB |
Bears Coves Lady Samantha |
1984/06/17 |
Bearscmp Fiona of Flightdek |
1997/05/05 |
SWmD |
Bearscmp Silver Lining Fltdk |
1997/05/05 |
Grau |
Bearscmp Stogie of Flightdek |
1997/05/05 |
SrSWmD |
Bearsteads Blackberry Sundae |
2005/07/13 |
S |
Beartooth Mountain Baxter |
2017/11/24 |
SW |
Bearyl |
2022/03/03 |
BmSW |
Beatrice Wicks |
2018/11/16 |
braun-weissmD |
Beau Braves The Pine River |
2019/03/26 |
SmB |
Beaucephus Thunder |
2021/08/16 |
GraurSW |
Beaudoins Rocky |
2017/09/09 |
Beaufort |
2010/06/10 |
SmSW |
Beauforts Palmettos Titan of Quick |
2008/05/13 |
SrSW |
Beaulla The Beautiful |
2013/04/04 |
SmB |
Beaumont |
0000/00/00 |
Beauregard of Baie Verde |
1992/11/29 |
SmSW |
Beauregard Sullivan Goode |
2017/04/24 |
B |
Beauregarde II |
1993/03/20 |
SW |
Beaus Tall, Dark And Handsome |
2011/06/10 |
S |
Beautiful Sunny Day |
2000/07/24 |
SmSW |
Beccas Black Cuddle Bear |
2005/02/03 |
SrSW |
Beckwiths Merry Molly |
1973/10/22 |
S |
Bee Creeks III |
2000/09/17 |
SmSW |
Bee Creeks Julius Caesar |
2009/06/02 |
S |
Bee Creeks Oscar Gabrielle |
2009/06/02 |
S |
Bee Creeks Zeus |
2000/09/17 |
SW |
Beethoven Bhawk Sleeping Bear |
2022/04/04 |
BmSWrD |
Beetle |
2019/08/13 |
B |
Bell |
0000/00/00 |
Bell |
0000/00/00 |
Bella |
0000/00/00 |
Bella |
0000/00/00 |
Bella |
0000/00/00 |
Bella |
2008/09/09 |
S |
Bella |
2017/02/20 |
Bella Bear Magoo |
2021/04/23 |
GraumBrSW |
Bella Beauty |
2021/03/15 |
BrSW |
Bella Colossal Bear |
2014/11/10 |
SrSW |
Bella Ferrari |
2002/10/06 |
S |
Bella Lundgren |
2008/09/09 |
Bella Newfie |
2001/02/17 |
SrSW |
Bella Rae Bloodworth |
2019/05/16 |
SWmB |
Bella Star Bright |
2004/06/13 |
SrD |
Bella Starr |
2021/04/22 |
SmB |
Bella The Nubian Princess |
2004/12/01 |
SmSW |
Bella XIII |
2009/09/14 |
SrB |
Bella XXXVI |
2018/03/19 |
braun-weiss |
Bellatrix |
2015/02/07 |
Bellatrix Lestrange The First |
2021/03/23 |
SrBrSW |
Belle |
0000/00/00 |
Belle |
0000/00/00 |
Belle |
0000/00/00 |
Belle B. |
0000/00/00 |
Belle Da Beautiful |
2019/03/21 |
SWrB |
Belle Dorton |
2007/03/02 |
SmSW |
Belle of Bearhaven |
1992/10/09 |
S |
Bellisimas Pirates Treasure |
1978/07/28 |
S |
Belmar |
0000/00/00 |
Ben |
0000/00/00 |
Ben |
0000/00/00 |
Ben |
1986/04/18 |
Ben Abel Thompson |
2021/06/11 |
B |
Benjamin |
2001/07/24 |
S |
Bennetts Majestic Sage |
2000/05/15 |
S |
Benny Gumbleton |
2018/03/08 |
GraurB |
Benson Mercer |
2017/12/06 |
SmBmSW |
Bentley George Mills |
2023/01/05 |
SrB |
Bentley Mountain Dew |
2007/09/27 |
SW |
Bentley XVIII |
2015/03/16 |
SW |
Bentleys Lively Tobias |
2009/09/14 |
B |
Beorn |
2019/10/25 |
B |
Beowulf VII |
2011/06/07 |
S |
Berkley of Pine River |
2018/12/21 |
SW |
Bernadette Serafina |
2021/08/03 |
SW |
Bernice |
0000/00/00 |
Bertha Neuffer |
2023/07/05 |
BrSW |
Bertie Maples Butler Scott |
2017/11/07 |
B |
Bess |
0000/00/00 |
Bess |
0000/00/00 |
Bessie |
0000/00/00 |
Bessie |
0000/00/00 |
Bessie |
0000/00/00 |
Bessy |
0000/00/00 |
Bessys Legacy To Nautika |
2004/12/24 |
SW |
Bestbuddys Molly |
2011/05/29 |
S |
Bethwards Missie |
1965/07/08 |
Bibbi Simmons |
2022/08/16 |
BmSWmD |
Big Ben |
0000/00/00 |
Big Black Jackpot |
1994/08/23 |
S |
Big Bold And Beautiful at Windswept |
2018/11/12 |
BrSW |
Big Boy Denali |
2020/01/30 |
SW |
Big Boy Hoyt |
2013/08/14 |
S |
Big Buck of Embrys Hill |
2005/03/08 |
S |
Big Easys Morgan Le Fay |
2001/04/14 |
S |
Big Girl Jersie |
2016/10/26 |
Big Girl Panda Bear |
1993/11/14 |
S |
Big Head JP Maggie May |
2001/12/28 |
SrSW |
Big Jake The Shadow of Rick |
1991/01/04 |
S |
Big Luv Little Miss Muffie Bear |
2021/02/05 |
SrBrD |
Big Luvs Chewie |
2020/04/17 |
B |
Big Luvs Coast To Coast |
2020/06/23 |
BrD |
Big Luvs Diamond In The River |
2021/02/05 |
SrBrD |
Big Luvs First Mate |
2021/10/26 |
SW |
Big Luvs Go West for Gold |
2018/02/03 |
SrD |
Big Luvs Here Comes My Hero |
2020/04/17 |
B |
Big Luvs Minnie Duchess |
2020/04/17 |
B |
Big Luvs Mongo The Magnificent |
2017/08/16 |
BrD |
Big Luvs Mystical Forces |
2021/02/16 |
S |
Big Luvs Pomp And Circumstance |
2018/09/01 |
S |
Big Luvs Pretty Pumpkin |
2021/02/05 |
SrBrD |
Big Luvs Rise To The Occasion |
2016/06/24 |
SrSWrD |
Big Luvs Simple Twist of Fate |
2017/08/16 |
BrD |
Big Luvs True Grit |
2016/11/11 |
B |
Big Luvs Woodhouse |
2017/08/16 |
BrD |
Big Mack Keeps On Turning |
2019/12/11 |
SrSW |
Big Paws Morgan of Larkglen |
1983/07/06 |
SrD |
Big Paws Rifle Gap |
1983/07/06 |
SrD |
Big Ponds Chief of The Chesapeake |
2008/12/20 |
SW |
Big Ponds Good Golly |
2008/12/20 |
S |
Big Show Hadlock |
2016/04/17 |
SW |
Billy Dog Williams |
2020/12/01 |
SWrB |
Bingo III |
2018/05/17 |
B |
Birchbarks Admiral Mufasa |
2017/01/28 |
S |
Birchbarks Baxter Wabanaki Trails |
2018/12/06 |
S |
Birchbarks Boatswain Mate |
2017/01/28 |
S |
Birchbarks Bosuns Mate Fergus |
2017/01/28 |
S |
Birchbarks Flying Ebony |
2006/12/19 |
SmSW |
Birchbarks Gabriel |
2018/12/06 |
S |
Birchbarks Gunners Mate |
2017/01/28 |
S |
Birchbarks James P. Sullivan |
2018/12/06 |
S |
Birchbarks Maggie May |
1999/10/12 |
S |
Birchbarks Majestic Prince |
2006/12/19 |
SmSW |
Birchbarks Mind Your Biscuits |
2018/12/06 |
S |
Birchbarks Mint Julep |
2006/12/19 |
SmSW |
Birchbarks Mister Christian |
2006/02/07 |
SrSW |
Birchbarks Murphys Law |
2018/12/06 |
S |
Birchbarks Oscar Performance |
2018/12/06 |
S |
Birchbarks Sir Cedric of Tomhegan |
2018/12/06 |
S |
Birchcreeks Jack of Hearts |
2002/05/12 |
S |
Birchcreeks Jedi Q Lightfoot |
2002/05/12 |
S |
Birchcreeks Moya O´Boya |
2002/05/12 |
S |
Birdie G Bartush |
2020/03/22 |
SrSW |
Birdie IV |
2022/01/30 |
SmB |
Bis Maxx of Newfoundland Peak |
2020/05/03 |
SrB |
Bishop III |
2016/07/31 |
SWrD |
Bishops Rona Queen |
2019/05/14 |
SWrB |
Bismark |
0000/00/00 |
Bismark |
0000/00/00 |
Bjorn III |
2023/03/18 |
B |
Bjorn Oski of Medicine Creek |
2022/03/25 |
BrSW |
Bjorn To Be Wild |
2019/01/24 |
GraurB |
Black Bays Maiden Voyage |
2004/01/23 |
S |
Black Bear Shadow |
1993/11/14 |
S |
Black Bearys Mountain Lily |
2007/01/19 |
S |
Black Beauty |
0000/00/00 |
Black Beauty |
1902/01/01 |
Black Beauty Ben Franklin |
1976/01/29 |
S |
Black Beauty Cortana |
2013/04/08 |
S |
Black Beauty of Aston |
1978/01/19 |
S |
Black Beauty of Bear Country |
1981/05/15 |
S |
Black Beauty of Cromwell |
1971/09/03 |
S |
Black Beauty of Denny Court |
1977/07/28 |
S |
Black Beauty of Lava Ridge |
1996/11/25 |
S |
Black Beauty of Oak Hill |
1975/02/16 |
S |
Black Beauty of Tierra |
2002/08/06 |
S |
Black Beauty XI |
1975/02/25 |
S |
Black Beauty XII |
1976/02/11 |
S |
Black Beauty XIV |
2019/07/27 |
S |
Black Beautys Chance of A Lifetime |
2004/06/13 |
S |
Black Beautys Hazelnut |
2020/11/17 |
B |
Black Bell |
0000/00/00 |
Black Caesar |
0000/00/00 |
Black Cole Bear |
2017/04/03 |
SrB |
Black Dakota Sky |
1994/02/07 |
S |
Black Diamond Chip |
1995/02/03 |
S |
Black Diamond III |
2001/10/02 |
S |
Black Diamond Pepper |
2003/04/01 |
S |
Black Diamond Smokey |
2010/12/27 |
S |
Black Diamond Stormy |
2010/12/27 |
S |
Black Diamond V |
2006/05/02 |
S |
Black Duke |
0000/00/00 |
Black Harbours Indigo Grizzly |
1996/12/23 |
S |
Black Jack Bailey |
2002/08/26 |
S |
Black Jack Beauregard |
1997/12/08 |
S |
Black Jack Bugatti |
1974/10/05 |
S |
Black Jack Daniels II |
1980/12/27 |
SW |
Black Jack Dew |
1980/07/06 |
S |
Black Jack IV |
1975/12/17 |
S |
Black Jack Kodiak |
1977/01/01 |
S |
Black Jack Kodiak II |
1987/03/25 |
S |
Black Jack of Haven Hills |
1983/05/09 |
SrSW |
Black Jack Paws |
2012/11/17 |
S |
Black Jack Ross |
2007/09/17 |
SmSW |
Black Jack V |
1983/04/10 |
S |
Black Jack VII |
2000/12/15 |
S |
Black Jacks Baby Bess |
1980/04/01 |
S |
Black Jacks Little J Cryna |
1981/04/30 |
S |
Black Jacks Misty Sea |
1996/08/19 |
S |
Black Jacks Moonlight Grahm |
1997/01/30 |
SW |
Black Jacks Nanabelle |
1981/04/30 |
S |
Black Kelsy Best |
0000/00/00 |
Black Knight High Tide |
1989/05/14 |
S |
Black Knight of Berwyn |
1995/10/18 |
S |
Black Knight of Columbus |
1994/10/10 |
S |
Black Knight of Dompierre |
1991/01/04 |
S |
Black Knight of Worthley |
1974/08/04 |
S |
Black Knight Sampson |
1986/01/02 |
S |
Black Lady of Wright Acres |
1987/08/05 |
S |
Black Lady Velvet Sky |
1992/05/11 |
S |
Black Magic Bonnie Belle |
1973/10/22 |
S |
Black Magic Castaway |
1990/01/10 |
S |
Black Magic Delilah |
1999/10/23 |
SmB |
Black Magic II |
1992/11/11 |
S |
Black Magic IV |
1999/11/25 |
S |
Black Magic Maggie II |
2008/06/03 |
S |
Black Magic of Carefree |
1978/06/13 |
S |
Black Magic of Knightsbridge |
1984/08/22 |
S |
Black Magic of Sunmist |
1984/09/29 |
S |
Black Magic Queen |
1977/10/26 |
S |
Black Magic von Baranca |
1985/01/28 |
S |
Black Magick |
2005/03/03 |
S |
Black Magics |
1978/03/29 |
S |
Black Magics Ace of Annie |
1986/10/28 |
S |
Black Magics Angus von Tapakeg |
1978/03/29 |
S |
Black Magics Duke |
1975/04/23 |
S |
Black Magics Merlin |
1989/02/19 |
S |
Black Magics Olookum of Konungr |
2005/07/19 |
S |
Black Magics Olookun of Konungr |
2005/07/19 |
S |
Black Magics Oso |
1978/03/29 |
S |
Black Magics Papoelo |
1978/03/29 |
S |
Black Magics Trail Blazer |
1989/05/19 |
S |
Black Magics Wooly Woodman |
1989/02/19 |
S |
Black Moon of Bishops Castle |
1990/10/06 |
S |
Black Moons Kodiak Washakie |
1990/10/06 |
S |
Black Moons Midnight Sun |
1990/10/06 |
S |
Black Moons Miss Casey Bear |
1990/10/06 |
S |
Black Moons Murphys Mystique |
1990/10/06 |
S |
Black Moons Mystical Jake |
1990/10/06 |
S |
Black Moons Thor |
1990/10/06 |
S |
Black Night |
0000/00/00 |
Black Orchid of Baie Verde |
1993/12/14 |
SrSW |
Black Pearl IV |
2004/12/01 |
SmSW |
Black Prince |
1976/03/08 |
S |
Black Prince of Amarna |
1997/04/01 |
S |
Black Prince Thunder |
1978/12/02 |
S |
Black Princess of Alta |
1981/10/01 |
S |
Black Princess of Holly Bear |
1996/09/15 |
S |
Black Puppy Chonko |
2012/02/27 |
Black Queenie |
0000/00/00 |
Black Queenie |
0000/00/00 |
Black River Green Balashi |
2019/03/22 |
S |
Black River Yeti |
2019/03/22 |
S |
Black Rivers Josephine |
2019/03/22 |
S |
Black Rivers Marley Bear |
2019/03/22 |
S |
Black Ruth of Melbeth Hold |
1981/09/26 |
SrB |
Black Satin And Lace |
1991/10/15 |
SmD |
Black Satin Belle |
1975/04/17 |
S |
Black Satin of Oceanus |
1977/10/20 |
S |
Black Satins Abracadabra |
1987/12/02 |
S |
Black Satins Annie |
1987/12/02 |
S |
Black Satins Captain Nitro |
1987/12/02 |
S |
Black Satins Judals Nicole |
1986/12/09 |
S |
Black Satins Keesha |
1986/12/09 |
S |
Black Satins Patton |
1986/12/09 |
S |
Black Seas Shiny Sailor |
0000/00/00 |
Black Shadow |
1978/04/07 |
SW |
Black Shadow II |
1984/04/24 |
S |
Black Shadow III |
2004/02/16 |
S |
Black Shadow IV |
2008/01/20 |
S |
Black Shadow Magic |
1989/02/16 |
S |
Black Shadow of Canterbury |
1988/07/12 |
S |
Black Shadow of Munday |
1981/11/15 |
S |
Black Shadow of White Forest |
1988/11/04 |
S |
Black Shadows Ladies Love To Win |
2013/03/07 |
S |
Black Shadows Rio Oso Lewis |
1996/06/20 |
S |
Black Shadows Sampson |
2006/01/02 |
SW |
Black Shadows Shakey Jake |
1993/11/14 |
S |
Black Shadows Webster Knows |
1993/05/18 |
S |
Black Star |
0000/00/00 |
Black Velvet |
1984/11/06 |
S |
Black Velvet Baboone |
1999/08/11 |
S |
Black Velvet Black Bear Run |
1979/12/01 |
S |
Black Velvet Keesh |
1992/11/06 |
S |
Black Velvet Maher |
1975/02/25 |
S |
Black Velvet Mandessa Bear |
1990/01/04 |
S |
Black Velvet of Portage |
1984/03/10 |
S |
Black Velvet Tuxedo |
1983/01/21 |
S |
Black Velvets Instant Karma |
2002/05/14 |
SW |
Black Watch Baloo |
2017/09/03 |
SrB |
Black Watch Bear Anthony MacBuster |
2017/09/03 |
B |
Black Wolf Canadian Free Trapper |
2007/08/21 |
SrSW |
Black Wolf Oceane of Harbour |
2007/08/21 |
SrSW |
Black Wolf Zoey Aurora Strobeck |
2007/08/21 |
SrSW |
Blackangels Shadow |
2009/01/01 |
Blackbear W Growl of Thunder |
1991/02/16 |
SrSW |
Blackbearys Lord Sampson of Byron |
2008/12/31 |
SW |
Blackbearys Muffin |
1984/10/07 |
S |
Blackberry of Oak Hollow |
2004/11/05 |
S |
Blackberrys Lucky Lance |
2012/10/10 |
SWmB |
Blackberrys Midnight Ursa |
2001/06/30 |
S |
Blackberrys Sunlit Poppy |
2018/04/21 |
B |
Blackhawk |
1990/10/04 |
S |
Blackhawk Barthoven |
1996/01/06 |
SW |
Blackhawk Boy Wigal |
2013/02/15 |
Blackpaws Big Foot Ben |
1990/05/08 |
S |
Blackwaters Captain Jackson |
1992/11/26 |
SW |
Blackwaters Libbys Label |
1991/10/18 |
S |
Blackwaters Millicoma Denali |
1991/10/18 |
S |
Blackwaters Odin |
1991/10/18 |
S |
Blackwaters Winston Baylee |
2004/05/17 |
SmSW |
Blackwolf Denali |
2019/01/04 |
SrSW |
Blackwolf Mojo Rising of Chautauqua |
2019/01/04 |
SrSW |
Blackwolf White Pines Brady |
2017/11/25 |
S |
Blackwolf White Pines Willow |
2019/01/04 |
SrSW |
Blackwolfs Dark Knight |
2015/10/30 |
SmD |
Blackwolfs General Ulysses of The Third Coast |
2019/01/04 |
SW |
Blackwolfs Gentle Ben |
2022/02/25 |
S |
Blackwolfs Inkling Little |
2015/10/30 |
SmD |
Blackwolfs Looking for Trouble Hugh |
2015/10/30 |
SmD |
Blackwolfs Mighty Nanuk |
2017/10/04 |
SW |
Blackwolfs Roadtrip |
2019/01/04 |
SW |
Blackwolfs Sailors Dream Grey Seas |
2015/10/30 |
Grau |
Blackwolfs Samson Thurman |
2017/10/04 |
SW |
Blackwolfs Sarah Wheat |
2017/10/04 |
SmSW |
Blackwolfs She´s Got The Look |
2015/10/30 |
Grau |
Blackwolfs Take Me To The River |
2022/02/25 |
S |
Blackwolfs You Know What I Mean |
2019/01/04 |
SrSW |
Bladziks Queen Nana Rose |
2018/06/16 |
BrD, weisse Abzeichen |
Blakes Chena Bear |
1996/05/08 |
S |
Blakeshore Last Call Mia |
2020/06/01 |
SmBrD |
Blanka |
2023/05/21 |
SrBrSW |
Blaze Rockcastle Lundgren |
2022/01/02 |
Creme |
Blaze Starbear |
1996/11/16 |
S |
Blessed Shady Sadie |
2019/06/12 |
GraurSW |
Blessing |
2015/09/25 |
Bliss Jeanne |
2018/04/29 |
braun-weiss |
Blooming Hill Wendy |
2017/06/30 |
SrSWrD |
Bloom´N Newfs Black As Coal |
2020/11/22 |
SrSWrD |
Blossom On The Hill |
2006/05/04 |
S |
Blue Berry Hills Hannah |
2004/02/05 |
SmSW |
Blue Diamond |
2015/03/03 |
S |
Blue Gunner at Bearheart Newfoundlands |
2021/02/04 |
SrSW |
Blue Hills Bowrider Pandy |
1991/05/24 |
SmSW |
Blue Hills Brodie Bean |
2003/04/15 |
Grau |
Blue Hills Brook Duffy |
1982/07/26 |
S |
Blue Hills Bubba Bear |
2003/04/15 |
Grau |
Blue Hills Jacques Robi |
1996/07/21 |
SW |
Blue Hills Lady Raven Starr |
1998/02/20 |
S |
Blue Hills Maxmillion |
1983/06/29 |
SW |
Blue Hills Mayday |
1995/06/25 |
SW |
Blue Hills Meghan Lynn |
1991/05/24 |
SW |
Blue Hills Mike Fink |
1983/06/29 |
SW |
Blue Hills Mylady Dresden |
1991/05/24 |
SmSW |
Blue Hills Sir Ivan Dresden |
1983/06/29 |
SW |
Blue Hills Sojourner Truth |
1997/12/03 |
SW |
Blue Hills Tidbit Tootsie |
1983/06/29 |
SW |
Blue Hills Ursa Minor |
1983/06/29 |
SW |
Blue Hills Windy Noah |
1996/01/11 |
SW |
Blue Hills Zig Zag Dakota |
2002/05/07 |
SW |
Blue Lui |
2020/09/16 |
GraurSW |
Blue Newf Poof |
2019/01/17 |
SrB |
Blue Puppy Chonko |
2012/02/27 |
Blue Tide Luminous |
2017/02/24 |
B |
Blue Tide Mi-O-Maya |
2019/03/14 |
SrB |
Blue Tide Rose of Skye |
2021/04/24 |
SrB |
Blue Tide Selkie |
2021/04/24 |
SrB |
Blue Tides Kira Bella of Sherwood |
2017/02/24 |
B |
Blue/Green Odle |
2019/12/30 |
Blue/Lime Odle |
2019/12/30 |
Blue/Purple Odle |
2019/12/30 |
Blueberryhill Miss Callie |
2001/04/14 |
SW |
Blueberryhills Humble And Kind V Whipperwillridge |
2016/12/10 |
B |
Bluey Breakfield |
2022/08/16 |
GraurBmSW |
Blyss Chaney |
2010/12/20 |
SW |
BMFF Bear Mtns Little Sasquatch! |
2022/08/01 |
B |
BMFF Bear Mtns River Dancing Lad |
2022/08/01 |
B |
BMFFs Cali Bear |
2021/02/06 |
S |
BMFFs from The Moment We Met You Finn |
2021/02/06 |
S |
BMFFs Galileo |
2021/02/06 |
S |
BMFFs Shak´N What Momma Gave Me |
2021/02/06 |
S |
Bo Douglas Dietz |
2020/12/01 |
SWrB |
Bo-Cans Captain Kobuk |
1979/12/15 |
S |
Bob |
0000/00/00 |
Bob |
2008/12/25 |
Bob of Spring Lake |
2018/06/12 |
BrSWrD |
Bobbin of Heatherset |
2002/06/04 |
S |
Bobbis Black Beuty |
1998/08/31 |
SrSW |
Bobbler |
0000/00/00 |
Bobby Reno |
2022/10/06 |
S |
Bodhi |
2017/04/03 |
SrB |
Bodhi Biggs Kenobi H & M Acres |
2019/07/03 |
braun-weissrD |
Bodhi Tree Homer |
2020/04/09 |
B |
Bodie Stone |
2023/05/04 |
SmD |
Boley Ridge S Skye |
2021/09/29 |
braun-weissrD |
Bomars Inxs of Jolly Rogers |
1997/03/18 |
SW |
Bonavistanewtazinate Diamond Forever Yours |
2023/11/04 |
S |
Bonavistas Samson |
1990/11/18 |
S |
Bonne Bay Bear |
1992/04/23 |
S |
Bonne Bay of Fallen Timbers |
1999/01/12 |
S |
Bonne Bays Bear |
1981/03/01 |
S |
Bonne Bays Dubh Molly |
1978/07/03 |
S |
Bonne Bays Viking Trail |
1992/03/07 |
SW |
Bonners Ferry |
2020/12/27 |
S |
Bonners Ferry Kuma Kia |
2020/12/27 |
S |
Bonners Ferry The Prodigy |
2020/12/27 |
S |
Bonneville Boop |
2022/05/02 |
SmBrD |
Bonnie Freya |
2022/06/14 |
BrSWrD |
Bonnie Sanders |
2020/09/12 |
S |
Bonnie Vista |
0000/00/00 |
Bonny Buster Boy |
1996/11/16 |
S |
Boo IV |
2021/05/09 |
SrSWmD |
Bookcliffs Delilah Chalarra |
2017/08/11 |
SrSW |
Bookcliffs Four-Leaf Clover |
2017/08/11 |
SrSW |
Bookcliffs Honey Bunny |
2021/02/09 |
B |
Booker Bear |
1991/07/15 |
S |
Boomer |
2008/10/25 |
S |
Boomer |
1978/09/02 |
S |
Boomer Bear |
2001/09/12 |
S |
Boomer Bear Bennett |
2001/05/21 |
S |
Boomer Bear of Bee Creek |
1999/05/13 |
S |
Boomer Bear Renner |
2010/04/16 |
SW |
Boomer Bresnahan of Fairhaven |
2008/06/06 |
SW |
Boomer Brown Asgard Fuller |
1988/11/12 |
B |
Boomer Chandler |
2020/09/12 |
S |
Boomer Darr |
2003/08/06 |
S |
Boomer Halupke |
1975/09/21 |
S |
Boomer II |
1988/02/01 |
SW |
Boomer IV |
2006/12/21 |
SmSW |
Boomer Joseph Marchiniak |
2021/02/14 |
SWrB |
Boomer Mahl |
1997/03/16 |
S |
Boomer of Beechwood |
2003/04/14 |
SW |
Boomer of Pine River |
2020/11/05 |
SW |
Boomer Shaggy Bear |
1986/04/25 |
S |
Boomer V |
2011/10/05 |
S |
Boomer XIII |
2022/05/04 |
BmSW |
Boomer Yogi Moriarty |
1996/10/09 |
SW |
Boomerang |
1992/01/13 |
SW |
Boomers Hershey Kiss |
2005/07/31 |
B |
Boomers Penobscot Bear |
1982/05/31 |
S |
Boomerus Maximus |
2019/07/03 |
SrBmSWrD |
Boose By Horner |
2019/04/26 |
SmB |
Boradailes Blackberry Lover |
1990/07/28 |
S |
Boris Badanoff Apple |
1996/10/15 |
S |
Boris Bennett |
2021/02/13 |
SmBrSW |
Bosco Beaufort |
1985/07/25 |
S |
Bosco The Great |
2023/02/14 |
SrBrSW |
Bosco VII |
2015/03/03 |
S |
Bosen |
0000/00/00 |
Boss Lady |
0000/00/00 |
Bossler |
0000/00/00 |
Bostons Bear Jordan |
1993/08/21 |
S |
Bosun |
2020/11/28 |
SW |
Bosun Ted Bandicoot |
2022/01/30 |
B |
Bosuns Firstmate Tugwell |
1993/03/20 |
SmSW |
Boujee |
2019/04/04 |
B |
Boulder |
2014/12/14 |
Boulder Bachus of Bold |
1976/04/13 |
S |
Boulder Creek Murphy |
2020/03/09 |
SmSW |
Boulder Creeks Dakota Faith |
2020/03/09 |
SW |
Bourbon |
2021/10/21 |
Bourbon Waters Greta Anne |
2023/02/14 |
SrBrSW |
Bourbon Waters Lady Camden Pearl |
2021/04/14 |
grau-weissrB |
Bourbon Waters Miss Darla |
2017/04/08 |
SWrBrD |
Bourbon Waters Windswept Angel |
2021/02/20 |
SW |
Bowie |
2017/03/07 |
SWrB |
Bradley Black Bear |
2021/07/17 |
SrBrD |
Brady |
2013/12/01 |
Brady III |
2018/06/25 |
SrBmSW |
Brandow of Larkston |
1968/03/10 |
Brandy Alexander |
1981/07/04 |
S |
Brandy Alexander III |
1989/12/28 |
S |
Brandy Ann Moehr |
2007/10/21 |
S |
Brandy Bear |
1985/03/11 |
S |
Brandy Bear Oeder |
1990/09/03 |
S |
Brandy Bear Staton |
1991/02/05 |
S |
Brandy Colby |
1988/06/24 |
S |
Brandy Cook Lawler |
1982/05/15 |
S |
Brandy IV |
1980/01/20 |
S |
Brandy Lynn Mystique |
2004/06/03 |
S |
Brandy Michelle Griffin |
1979/06/17 |
S |
Brandy Noel of Stoney Run |
1978/10/11 |
S |
Brandy of Bloomfield |
1975/04/20 |
S |
Brandy Renee |
1979/06/05 |
S |
Brandy Shadow Chaser |
2000/11/17 |
S |
Brandy Splash |
1978/02/08 |
Grau |
Brandy V |
2007/01/24 |
B |
Brandy Wine |
1979/06/13 |
S |
Brandy Wine Hacquet |
2021/04/28 |
SrBmSWrD |
Brandy Wine of Carolina |
1975/01/16 |
S |
Brandys Biscuit Bear |
1986/04/04 |
S |
Brandys Black Thunder Bear |
1981/05/26 |
S |
Brandys Erwin |
1986/09/10 |
S |
Brandys Midnight Moon |
1983/10/25 |
S |
Brannons Dreaming of Ginger |
2018/02/07 |
braun-weiss |
Brannons Dreaming of Maddix |
2017/09/17 |
SW |
Brave Hearts Angus Mac |
2006/09/14 |
Braveheart Flyn of McCracken |
2000/12/13 |
SW |
Braveheart Heavenly Thunder |
1999/11/08 |
S |
Bravehearts Angel |
1995/12/08 |
S |
Bravehearts Angus of Anderson |
2002/11/08 |
SmSW |
Bravehearts Dinah Sophia |
2002/11/08 |
SW |
Bravehearts Gallant Bruin |
1999/11/04 |
S |
Bravehearts Syrophenigian Woman |
2002/11/08 |
SmSW |
Bravehearts Tribe of Levi |
2002/11/08 |
SW |
Bravuras Belle |
2002/05/03 |
SmSW |
Bravuras Black Malibu |
2002/05/03 |
SmSW |
Bravuras Bogachiel Sunset |
2002/05/03 |
SW |
Bravuras Dagobert |
2002/05/03 |
SW |
Bravuras Diamond Lily Bear |
2004/11/05 |
SW |
Bravuras Maximillion |
2002/05/03 |
SW |
Bravuras Pronta |
2002/05/03 |
SmSW |
Bravuras Sidney Johnston |
2004/11/05 |
SrSW |
Bravuras Triton |
2002/05/03 |
SmSW |
Bravuras Tully |
2002/05/03 |
SmSW |
Bravuras Ursa Maija |
2004/11/05 |
SW |
Bravuras Water Lillie |
2004/11/05 |
SW |
Brayton Creek Piper |
2020/08/26 |
Brayton Creeks Madam Margaret |
2019/07/31 |
BrSW |
Brayton Creeks Miss Dory |
2016/10/26 |
Brayton Creeks Sweet Katie |
2019/07/31 |
Brayton Creeks Tiny Tim |
2022/04/26 |
SWrB |
Breezo of Delos The Protector |
2019/08/21 |
SW |
Breezy Acres Eclipse |
2015/01/17 |
SmD |
Brenmars Johnny Cash |
2018/07/18 |
SrBrSW |
Brew By Horner |
2019/04/26 |
B |
Brick Belle Muller |
2020/09/12 |
SrBrSW |
Bridget |
2016/07/14 |
SrSW |
Bridget Reagan |
2020/01/27 |
SrB |
Bridgets Gentle Ben |
2004/08/29 |
S |
Brigantine |
1986/11/04 |
SW |
Brigantines Bubba |
1988/09/19 |
SW |
Brigantines Galleon |
1979/09/24 |
S |
Brigantines Gentle Ben |
1986/11/04 |
SW |
Brigantines Precocious |
1985/12/16 |
SW |
Brigantines Sadie Punta |
1986/11/04 |
SW |
Briggs Barney |
1989/08/13 |
S |
Bright Star |
1982/05/14 |
S |
Bright Stars Blkwt Koda |
2003/12/22 |
S |
Bright Stars Blkwt Sweet Abby |
2003/12/22 |
S |
Bright Stars Boomer of Blkt |
2003/12/22 |
S |
Briny-Bays Where You Lead I Will Follow |
2022/03/31 |
SrB |
Britannias Andine |
0000/00/00 |
Britannias Blake of Pouch Cove |
1986/05/24 |
S |
Britestars Favorite Pirate |
2005/06/10 |
S |
Britestars Pouch Coves Hallie |
2001/05/08 |
S |
Britestars Roxanne |
2001/05/08 |
S |
Britta Queen of The Stream |
2004/04/03 |
S |
Brizo of The Sea |
2022/05/02 |
BrD |
Broad Runs Black Betty |
1992/05/30 |
S |
Brody Barron |
2019/09/19 |
braun-weiss |
Broken Arrows Uzi |
2021/11/10 |
B |
Broken Halo Princess Warrior Xena |
2018/03/24 |
S |
Bromley |
1999/12/03 |
S |
Brooke Pierce |
2017/07/16 |
S |
Brooks The Bear for Cy Ridge |
2022/02/17 |
SrSW |
Brooksides Havens India Ink |
2006/03/31 |
S |
Brooksides Puddle Bear |
1986/11/10 |
S |
Brooksides Truffle |
2000/05/13 |
S |
Brookstones Hope |
2017/05/14 |
SrSW |
Brother Bears Tallulah Belle |
2006/07/17 |
S |
Brown Bear Maebell |
2019/08/04 |
B |
Brown Brandy Mace |
2020/07/13 |
braun-weiss |
Brownie Bites |
2018/05/28 |
Browns Lady Bug |
1993/09/14 |
S |
Bruce |
2003/12/06 |
S |
Bruce Adams |
0000/00/00 |
Bruce Almighty Hauswirth |
2019/03/02 |
GraurB |
Bruce The Moose |
2016/08/22 |
SrB |
Bruce VI |
2007/10/02 |
B |
Bruce Wayne |
2020/02/09 |
SrBrSWrD |
Bruin |
0000/00/00 |
Bruin |
1979/07/07 |
S |
Bruin de Navarre Ouellette |
2020/03/25 |
SmB |
Bruin III |
2012/04/24 |
S |
Bruin of Baie Verde |
1991/11/29 |
SW |
Bruiser |
1992/02/03 |
S |
Bruits Skahan |
2019/01/12 |
BrSWmD |
Brunette |
0000/00/00 |
Brunhilda Burton |
2020/02/13 |
BmSW |
Bruno |
0000/00/00 |
Bruno |
0000/00/00 |
Bruno |
0000/00/00 |
Bruno |
1982/09/10 |
S |
Bruno II |
0000/00/00 |
Bruno II |
1982/11/04 |
S |
Bruno III |
1994/08/27 |
SW |
Bruno IX |
2012/03/27 |
S |
Bruno Twinkie |
2004/03/31 |
B |
Bruno V |
1998/08/31 |
SW |
Bruno VI |
2006/02/11 |
S |
Bruno VIII |
2011/01/27 |
S |
Bruno XVI |
2021/07/22 |
SrBrSW |
Brunos Bockness Magic |
2017/05/19 |
SW |
Brushy Ridge Amazing Grace |
2019/03/11 |
SrB |
Brushy Ridge Artemis Darkflight Over Winters Moon |
2019/09/25 |
SrB |
Brushy Ridge Belle of The Ball |
2019/03/11 |
SrB |
Brushy Ridge Dreams Really Do Come True |
2021/06/06 |
S |
Brushy Ridge Hazelnut |
2017/04/24 |
B |
Brushy Ridge My Little Darlin´ |
2017/04/24 |
B |
Brushy Ridge Nala-Bear The Newfie of Country Roads |
2017/04/24 |
B |
Brushy Ridge Nevermore Nights Plutonian Shore |
2019/03/11 |
SrB |
Brushy Ridge Obsidian Fields Evader |
2021/06/06 |
S |
Brushy Ridge Olga Khranitel at North 40 |
2021/06/06 |
S |
Brushy Ridge On A Wing And A Prayer |
2019/09/25 |
SrB |
Brushy Ridge Phoenix Arizona at Rockcastle |
2017/04/24 |
B |
Brushy Ridge Phoenix Red Moon Arising |
2017/04/24 |
B |
Brushy Ridges A Star Is Born |
2019/03/11 |
B |
Brushy Ridges Darkflight Dream To Windswept Farms |
2019/09/25 |
SrB |
Brushy Ridges Invasion of The Great Gatsby |
2019/09/25 |
SrB |
Brushy Ridges Little Bit of Ireland |
2019/03/11 |
B |
Brutus |
2003/10/04 |
S |
Brutus Bartholomew |
1975/07/23 |
S |
Brutus Bear |
1982/01/07 |
S |
Brutus Bubbas Boogerbear |
1991/12/17 |
S |
Brutus Buckeye of Sunbury |
2002/11/22 |
Grau |
Brutus Caesar Perry |
1987/06/20 |
S |
Brutus Cedar Falls Studd |
2005/02/14 |
S |
Brutus de Bruin |
1995/01/01 |
S |
Brutus Dean Bailey |
1981/11/06 |
S |
Brutus d´Ebony |
1979/11/19 |
S |
Brutus Saylor |
2007/10/13 |
S |
Brutus VI |
1974/06/03 |
S |
Brutus VIII |
1976/04/13 |
S |
Brutus X |
1977/02/20 |
S |
Brutus XI |
1980/05/31 |
S |
Brutus XII |
1981/07/15 |
S |
Brutus XIX |
2009/01/25 |
S |
Brutus XV |
1996/06/11 |
S |
Brutus XVII |
2007/01/29 |
braun-weiss |
Brutus XX |
2012/05/24 |
SW |
Brutus XXI |
2013/03/28 |
SW |
Bs Autumn Flair |
2016/09/27 |
B |
BSD New York State of Mind |
2020/07/18 |
GraurB |
Bubba |
1982/01/16 |
S |
Bubba II |
1983/06/27 |
S |
Bubba IV |
2004/02/13 |
S |
Bubba VI |
2007/10/21 |
S |
Bubba VII |
2008/09/13 |
SmSWmD |
Bubba XI |
2020/05/31 |
B |
Buck |
2018/01/14 |
Buck IV |
2021/01/25 |
SrB |
Bud II |
1997/03/18 |
SW |
Budda II |
2017/02/16 |
SrB |
Buddha Drey |
2021/01/11 |
SrBmSWmD |
Buddha The Beast |
2013/12/03 |
SW |
Buddy Bear IX |
2017/09/02 |
braun-weiss |
Buddy Boy |
2008/01/13 |
SW |
Buddy XI |
2012/08/10 |
B |
Budgers Odin Ragnarr Make Me Smile |
2019/11/18 |
SrSW |
Buffalo |
1992/11/18 |
S |
Buffalo Bear Cody |
1979/05/25 |
S |
Buffalo Bear Cody II |
1991/05/08 |
S |
Buffalo Bill |
1975/03/21 |
S |
Buffalo Creeks Java Coffee Bean |
2013/01/19 |
S |
Buffalo Dancers Pride |
1994/04/22 |
S |
Buffalo Dogs Tuck for Home |
1998/03/26 |
SrSW |
Buffalo Gal of White Horse |
1998/03/26 |
S |
Buffy |
2006/02/12 |
SmB |
Bulachs Here Comes The Sun |
2013/01/28 |
SW |
Bulachs King Max |
2005/08/23 |
SW |
Bulachs Royal Angel |
2008/11/22 |
S |
Bull |
0000/00/00 |
Bunker The Brave |
2022/02/26 |
BrD |
Burning Embers Bear |
2021/09/30 |
S |
Burning Embers Phoenix Rising |
2021/09/30 |
S |
Burning Embers Princess Oso |
2021/09/30 |
S |
Burning Embers Ring of Fire |
2021/09/30 |
S |
Burr Oaks Miniature Dream |
1997/08/02 |
S |
Buster B Brown |
2019/02/05 |
BrSWmD |
Buster The Big Black Bear |
2018/12/23 |
SrSW |
Buster VI |
2020/08/10 |
S |
Busters Bear |
2019/04/19 |
SmBrSW |
Butlers Silver Maggie |
2008/10/29 |
grau-weissrB |
Buttercup II |
2019/08/13 |
BrSW |
Bythecreeks Right On Target |
2004/06/01 |
S |
B´Sharris Big Boy Buckley Bear |
2020/11/14 |
BrSWmD |
B´Sharris Breeze of Grace |
2019/10/02 |
SrB |
C |
2017/07/07 |
C And R Grand Panda Bear |
2007/01/12 |
SW |
Cacaos Babyruth |
2001/04/21 |
SW |
Cacaos Pele |
1997/07/21 |
S |
Cacaos Sunny Gummy Bear |
1997/07/21 |
S |
Cadillac Calie |
2020/12/25 |
BrSWrD |
Cadys Tara |
1975/01/07 |
S |
Caesar |
1997/10/28 |
Caesar Augustus Capacio |
1998/01/18 |
S |
Caesar Augustus de la Vistal Verde |
2002/10/10 |
S |
Caesar Augustus of Westwood |
1976/05/26 |
S |
Caesar Cacace |
1975/07/29 |
S |
Caesar II |
2003/12/13 |
S |
Caesar Lawrence Villade |
1975/07/08 |
S |
Caesar Majestic of Antietam |
1977/12/08 |
S |
Caesar Mauszycki |
2022/08/16 |
BmSWmD |
Caesar Octavian |
1988/11/20 |
S |
Caesar of La Dolce Vita |
2017/02/16 |
SrB |
Caesar of Meadow Springs |
1980/11/30 |
S |
Caesar of Vankirk |
1982/03/05 |
S |
Caesar Roland Romero |
1993/12/19 |
S |
Caesar Villalobos |
2005/12/02 |
S |
Caesar von Fredenburg |
1981/03/07 |
S |
Caesars Faithful Brutus |
1989/10/17 |
B |
Calamity Jane |
1982/10/16 |
S |
Caliban |
0000/00/00 |
California Girl |
2004/02/05 |
SW |
Call Sign Charlie |
2017/10/02 |
SrBrSW |
Call Sign Maverick |
2018/03/20 |
SWrB |
Calliope Kramer |
2020/08/04 |
SmSW |
Callisto Brunner |
2021/02/21 |
SrB |
Callisto of Pine River |
2019/03/26 |
SmB |
Callistos Black Canyon Mist |
2002/04/04 |
S |
Callistos Midnight Knight |
1990/05/24 |
S |
Callistos Misty Dawn |
1990/05/24 |
S |
Calypso |
2011/09/10 |
Came In Like A Wrecking Ball |
2019/01/04 |
S |
Cameron |
2019/03/18 |
B |
Campbells Abby of Castlewood |
2017/03/24 |
SrSW |
Candys Samara Ring |
0000/00/00 |
Canterbury Bacchus |
1996/08/25 |
S |
Canterbury Tujay Woolly Bear |
1989/03/14 |
S |
Canterburys Almighty Thor |
1989/03/14 |
S |
Canterburys Bar Bube |
1989/03/14 |
S |
Canterburys Black Baron |
1989/03/14 |
S |
Canterburys Black Mist |
1974/09/20 |
S |
Canterburys Excaliber |
1989/05/03 |
S |
Canterburys Lady Dot |
1990/10/31 |
SW |
Canterburys Lady Haticva |
0000/00/00 |
Canterburys Mad Max |
1989/03/14 |
S |
Canterburys Madrigal |
1990/09/23 |
SW |
Canterburys Victorian Girl |
1989/03/14 |
S |
Cap |
0000/00/00 |
Cap Smiler |
0000/00/00 |
Capricorns King of The Elves |
2000/12/27 |
S |
Capricorns Messiah |
2000/12/27 |
S |
Captain |
0000/00/00 |
Captain |
0000/00/00 |
Captain |
0000/00/00 |
Captain |
2021/01/01 |
Captain Boomer of The Lakes |
1988/10/06 |
S |
Captain Bronte Klaus |
1993/10/04 |
S |
Captain Cuppa Cocoa |
2019/12/06 |
SrSW |
Captain Jack Sparrow By Horner |
2019/04/26 |
SmB |
Captain James Hook |
2021/07/11 |
SrSW |
Captain Jason Morgan |
2003/06/15 |
S |
Captain Mammoth Blackjack |
1998/03/12 |
S |
Captain Morgan McFall |
1993/03/08 |
S |
Captain Morgan Quevedo |
2009/05/31 |
SW |
Captain Morgans Kueara |
1992/02/01 |
S |
Captain Neuf Kong |
1980/10/20 |
S |
Captain R. |
0000/00/00 |
Captured Dreams Amore Americano |
2018/05/11 |
S |
Care Bear Girl |
2018/05/14 |
SrB |
Cares Initforthekandy |
2006/04/18 |
SrSW |
Cares von Zipper of Armstrong |
2006/04/18 |
SrSW |
Carey LN Patches |
2021/08/11 |
SWrB |
Carissas Large And In Charge |
2007/02/19 |
S |
Carlo |
0000/00/00 |
Carlo |
1885/06/10 |
S, weisse Abzeichen |
Carlo |
0000/00/00 |
Carlo |
1887/03/01 |
S |
Carlo |
0000/00/00 |
Carlo |
0000/00/00 |
Carlo B |
1898/01/01 |
Carlo II |
0000/00/00 |
Carlow All Star Annie Bear |
1981/04/09 |
S |
Carlow Arrow T |
1987/01/02 |
S |
Carol Magnus |
0000/00/00 |
Carousels Anikin King |
1997/11/21 |
S |
Carousels Brunswick Inferno |
2005/09/23 |
S |
Carousels Georgia On My Mind |
2005/09/23 |
S |
Carousels Huckleberry |
2002/12/09 |
S |
Carters Boomer Boy |
1997/12/12 |
S |
Carters Dudley Dooright |
1984/05/23 |
Grau |
Carters Duncan |
2001/02/02 |
S |
Carters Empress Sasha |
1983/10/30 |
Grau |
Carters Grizz Bear Lindblom |
1984/05/23 |
Grau |
Carters Lady Cassidy |
1984/05/23 |
grau-weiss |
Carters Lil Miss Muffin |
1983/10/30 |
SW |
Carters Nanok of Yen´Dor |
2006/02/12 |
B |
Carters Promise |
1983/10/30 |
S |
Carters Rainey |
2000/12/26 |
S |
Carters Riley |
2004/10/25 |
S |
Carters Shamar |
1984/05/23 |
S |
Carters Smokey Ashes |
1983/10/30 |
Grau |
Carters Sunshine Abigail |
2006/03/05 |
S |
Carters Tawnka |
2004/04/03 |
S |
Carters Wilbur |
2007/11/28 |
S |
Carveys Maggie |
0000/00/00 |
Casa Lomas Good Golly Miss Molly |
2001/08/22 |
B |
Casa Lomas King Kodiak |
2003/03/23 |
B |
Casa Lomas Oatmeal Stout |
2000/12/11 |
B |
Casey |
1998/12/07 |
S |
Cash Harkness |
2021/11/25 |
Grau |
Cash III |
2020/08/01 |
SrSWrD |
Cassandras Chocolate Dream |
2019/08/12 |
B |
Cassie Dusthimer |
2013/05/08 |
S |
Cassie of Baie Verde |
1993/12/14 |
SrSW |
Cassie VI |
2019/04/04 |
B |
Castanewfs Before And After Voyager |
2007/04/02 |
S |
Castaway at Windswept Farms |
2019/12/11 |
B |
Castaways Black Trillium |
2015/12/14 |
S |
Castaways Color Guard |
2015/12/14 |
S |
Castaways Mountain Jack |
1981/06/17 |
S |
Castaways Southern Belle |
0000/00/00 |
Castaways Teddy Red Fred |
2015/12/14 |
S |
Castillos Moose |
2018/10/04 |
braun-weiss |
Castles Amelia Earhart at Carolyn Acres |
2013/12/19 |
SrSW |
Castles Annie Mae My Lady |
2013/12/19 |
SrSW |
Castles Dora The Explorer |
2013/12/19 |
SW |
Castles Echo Heartbreaker |
2013/12/19 |
SrSW |
Castles Favorite Giant |
2013/12/19 |
SW |
Castles Frankly My Dear |
2013/12/19 |
SrSW |
Castles Nala |
2013/12/19 |
SrSW |
Catalynas Bear Baleu |
2001/04/13 |
S |
Catharine |
0000/00/00 |
Cayenne |
1994/01/08 |
SmB |
Cayenne Peppar |
2018/08/08 |
braun-weiss |
CCKs Sweet Shiloh |
2015/12/09 |
BmSW |
Cecilia You´re Breaking My Heart |
2020/10/19 |
SrSW |
Cecils Grey Goose |
2010/04/16 |
Grau |
Cedar |
2020/08/26 |
BmSW |
Cedar Crests Polly Anne |
0000/00/00 |
Cedar Ridge Black Jack |
1995/02/05 |
S |
Cedar Valleys Kodiak |
2017/09/06 |
SrB |
Cedric |
0000/00/00 |
Ceilah Dory Adrift |
2002/08/13 |
S |
Ceilah King Braveheart |
2002/08/13 |
S |
Ceilah Nana of Plymouth Rock |
2003/08/03 |
S |
Ceilah Sebascudegan Sentinel |
2002/08/13 |
S |
Ceilah Sheba Keara |
2003/08/03 |
S |
Celebrity Wards Black Shadow |
2003/08/18 |
SmB |
Celebritywards Black Shadow |
2003/08/18 |
SmB |
Celestial Brendans Rescue |
1994/02/04 |
S |
Celestial Mitzi Vandergaurd |
1991/10/24 |
SW |
Celestials II |
1998/03/01 |
S |
Celestials Licorice Velvet |
2002/03/17 |
SW |
Celestials Olaf Son of Thunder |
1998/03/04 |
S |
Celestials Push My Bottons |
2002/03/17 |
SW |
Celestials Rufus |
2002/03/17 |
SW |
Celestials Star Heidi Rose |
1998/03/04 |
S |
Celtic Cross |
2007/05/16 |
S |
Celtic Cross Contessa |
2007/05/16 |
S |
Celtic Cross Henry Keep Your Brakes On |
2007/05/16 |
S |
Celtic Cross II |
2007/05/16 |
S |
Celtic Cross Linen And Lace |
2007/05/16 |
S |
Champagnes Mister Barkley |
1992/09/09 |
S |
Champion |
2004/09/23 |
S |
Chance |
2006/07/21 |
Chance Lyons |
2020/01/01 |
Chances Shadow |
2009/09/14 |
B |
Charlenes Tereo |
1991/02/10 |
S |
Charlie |
0000/00/00 |
Charlie Bear Boseke |
2003/09/17 |
SrSW |
Charlie Hot Chocolate Steiner |
2021/06/11 |
BmSWrD |
Charlie XVI |
2019/08/13 |
B |
Charlies Henri Girl |
2018/05/12 |
braun-weiss |
Charlotte |
0000/00/00 |
Charlotte |
2022/01/28 |
Charlotte Anne |
2020/01/08 |
Charlotte Lottie Simpson |
2019/06/02 |
SrB |
Chaser |
0000/00/00 |
Chatanika Rose |
2017/05/09 |
SWrD |
Chateaunewf N Nakiskas Bentleys More Than This |
2020/11/02 |
S |
Chateaunewfs Gibson Girl-Stella |
2020/11/02 |
S |
Chateaunewf´N Nakiskas Not On The Regular Menu |
2020/11/02 |
S |
Chauncey |
2018/10/17 |
SrSW |
Chauncey Haus |
2020/09/16 |
SWmD |
Che Bella Astrid |
2019/06/20 |
SWrB |
Checkerboards Little Bigfoot Joshua |
2005/05/28 |
S |
Chela |
0000/00/00 |
Chelsea Asia Tsunami |
1993/10/07 |
SrSW |
Chelsea of Baie Verde |
1992/11/29 |
SmSW |
Chelsea Saint John |
1992/02/01 |
S |
Chelseas Miss Callista |
1993/10/07 |
SrSW |
Cherokees Cookies N Cream 01 |
2001/11/08 |
SW |
Cherokees Terbaby Tessa |
0000/00/00 |
Cherokees Zeus of The James |
1997/11/05 |
SmSW |
Chesters Lord Archelaus Bear |
2022/12/22 |
Chewbaca Merlin Bear |
2005/10/31 |
S |
Chewbacca By Horner |
2019/03/10 |
SrB |
Chewbacca II |
1998/05/10 |
B |
Chewbacca Strine |
2018/04/16 |
S |
Chewbacca The Black Barbarian |
2006/03/11 |
S |
Chewbacca The Boatswain |
2009/01/10 |
B |
Chewbacca The Rocket Booster Grant |
2019/04/28 |
SmSW |
Chewbacca VI |
2005/07/17 |
S |
Chewbacca X |
2020/01/18 |
B |
Chewie Chubaka Mosbey |
2018/05/18 |
braun-weiss |
Chex Mix |
2004/12/25 |
SW |
Cheyenne Moon Dancer |
2000/11/17 |
S |
Cheyenne Snow |
2000/05/13 |
S |
Cheylins Beowulf |
1994/03/27 |
SrSW |
Cheylins Caesar of The Night |
1994/03/27 |
SW |
Cheylins Cassiopeia Menzies |
1994/03/27 |
SrSW |
Cheylins They Call Me Abby |
1994/03/27 |
SrSW |
Chief |
0000/00/00 |
Chief Greystone of The Rexfordborder |
2019/09/20 |
GraurB |
Chief Hero |
1889/01/10 |
S |
Chief May of KC |
2016/12/20 |
B |
Chief Robertson |
2020/09/12 |
S |
Chief White Bear |
1983/03/19 |
S |
Chillys Beachbrook Big Bwoy |
2006/01/02 |
SmSW |
China Coves Kodiac Sugarbear |
1994/03/22 |
S |
China Coves Sara Bars Cole |
1994/03/22 |
S |
China Coves Some Like It Hot |
1994/03/22 |
S |
Chloe |
0000/00/00 |
Chloe Dancer |
2017/11/07 |
B |
Chloe von Wildwood |
2016/07/14 |
SW |
Chloe XX |
2022/01/30 |
SmB |
Chloee |
2017/10/08 |
braun-weiss |
Chocolate Covered Snickers |
0000/00/00 |
BrSW |
Cholie |
2001/02/17 |
SrSW |
Choo Choo |
2013/12/15 |
S |
Christiansens Newfoundland |
2018/03/08 |
SrBmD |
Chubbs Charli Girl |
2020/01/08 |
B |
Chubby II |
2019/12/17 |
SrBmSW |
Church Mountains A Beauty To Be Hold |
2009/02/27 |
SW |
Church Mountains Blessed With Beauty And Grace |
2009/01/02 |
B |
Cinder And Snows Big Boy |
1982/02/19 |
S |
Cinder Bear of The Ranch |
1999/11/16 |
S |
Cinder Brumanda |
1984/10/05 |
S |
Cinder Eaken |
1984/06/20 |
S |
Cinder Elly of Carr House |
1996/10/10 |
S |
Cinder III |
1976/02/01 |
S |
Cinder of Kitchi |
1986/09/03 |
S |
Cinder of Moundsybear |
1977/11/06 |
S |
Cinder of Nasdaq |
1980/05/13 |
S |
Cinder of Shadduck |
1993/06/27 |
S |
Cinder Sindri |
2022/03/20 |
S |
Cinderella |
1987/02/13 |
S |
Cinderesllas Dream for Dancing Bears Dinastiya |
2017/11/27 |
S |
Cinders Coffee Cub |
1976/11/27 |
S |
Cinders Megan O´Riely |
2000/09/28 |
S |
Cinders Midnight Sun |
1982/05/02 |
S |
Cinders Patchwork |
1983/10/22 |
S |
Cindy III |
1994/05/07 |
SrSW |
Cindy Jane |
2020/09/17 |
S |
Cinnabun That´s All Folks |
2019/01/24 |
Cinnamon Believe In Aimin High |
2020/07/18 |
B |
Circle Bs Muddy Maggie Magpie |
2016/07/06 |
SrBrSW |
Cirilla Mae |
2022/06/14 |
BrSWrD |
Clairas Icing On The Cake |
2017/01/04 |
Clan of The Cave Bear Uba |
2007/11/23 |
S |
Clancy II |
2003/11/19 |
SmSW |
Clara |
0000/00/00 |
Clara Belle Mussehl |
2018/04/10 |
grau-weissmB |
Claras Nessie, Loch Lass of Willow |
2022/02/24 |
SW |
Clare de Lune of Baie Verde |
1991/11/29 |
SW |
Clarence |
2008/06/03 |
S |
Clark Fork Rivers Wish of Windsor |
2017/03/18 |
SrSW |
Clark W. Grizwold |
2004/10/30 |
B |
Clarks Big Girl Abigail |
2012/11/01 |
SW |
Clarks Duncan |
1977/04/05 |
S |
Clarks Grey Alan Bear |
1982/03/14 |
Grau |
Clarks Jesse Lee |
1993/04/20 |
S |
Clarks Lady Blue Libby |
1997/04/17 |
S |
Clarks Loving Tara |
2000/05/16 |
S |
Clarks Magic |
1984/01/11 |
S |
Clarks Molly C |
1975/10/21 |
S |
Clarks Semper Fidelis Queen |
1973/01/03 |
S |
Clasijo Nicco |
2021/06/06 |
SrBrD |
Claudia Kolndcke Johnson |
1998/02/02 |
S |
Claypits Molly |
2022/08/10 |
Cleo |
0000/00/00 |
Cleo |
1989/12/01 |
S |
Cleopatra |
0000/00/00 |
Cleopatra Baby Levelius |
1995/05/05 |
SrSW |
Cleopatra Rose Lee |
2002/05/19 |
S |
Cliff |
0000/00/00 |
Clifford V |
2023/01/05 |
SrB |
Cliffords Studmuffin of Koko |
2005/03/03 |
S |
Clifsides Willowing |
1983/07/05 |
S |
Clyd van Halen |
2020/09/01 |
GraurB |
Clyde II |
2006/02/09 |
S |
Coacoas Sadie |
2019/04/15 |
BmD |
Coal Valley Junior Loves Rough Water |
2019/01/07 |
S |
Coal Valleys Jojo |
2015/11/24 |
B |
Coal Valleys Long Arm of The Law |
2015/12/15 |
SWrB |
Coal Valleys Lovie Dovie |
2018/03/22 |
SrD |
Coal Valleys Music To My Ears |
2016/05/30 |
B |
Coalie |
0000/00/00 |
Coco Beitia Winchester |
2018/02/01 |
SrSW |
Coco Coco Coco Coco Coco Chameleon |
2018/11/24 |
B |
Coco Jeffs Wish Come True |
2008/01/28 |
S |
Coco of Spring Lake |
2020/07/13 |
BrSW |
Coco Pebble Eleanora |
2021/02/13 |
BrSW |
Coco X |
2019/01/31 |
B |
Coco XI |
2019/10/28 |
B |
Coco XII |
2019/02/05 |
braun-weissrD |
Cocoa Bear |
1965/08/21 |
Cocoa III |
2016/09/23 |
BrD |
Coda Prince Zepplin |
2021/01/03 |
braun-weiss |
Cody Bear of Pine River |
2020/11/05 |
SrSW |
Coffee Craze Supreme of Monark |
2022/08/16 |
BmSWmD |
Coker Creeks Abbey |
2006/02/11 |
S |
Coker Creeks Annabell Wiessner |
2006/02/11 |
S |
Coker Creeks Grutch The Great |
2005/06/24 |
SrBrSW |
Coker Creeks Jumbo |
2006/02/11 |
S |
Coker Creeks Mother Bear |
2005/06/24 |
SrBrSW |
Coker Creeks Samson Bartholmew Kanter |
2006/02/11 |
S |
Coker Creeks So Fine at TLC |
2005/06/24 |
SrBrSW |
Coker Creeks Unsinkable Molly |
2006/02/11 |
S |
Collins Belle Star |
1999/05/26 |
S |
Collins Donnybrook |
1975/11/17 |
SW |
Collins Spooky Boy |
1981/06/30 |
S |
Collins Sugar Magnolia |
1985/11/20 |
S |
Collins Wayfaring Princess |
1978/11/28 |
S |
Colonel Beauregard Diamondback |
1992/05/27 |
SW |
Colonel Beauregard of Alta |
1972/01/01 |
S |
Colonel Ivan of Waddell Creek |
2006/03/05 |
S |
Colorados Steele Judgement |
2016/09/23 |
SmBrD |
Colossal Koda County |
2021/02/11 |
BrSW |
Come By Chance III |
1995/08/05 |
S |
Commander |
1890/01/01 |
Commodore |
0000/00/00 |
Compasspoint Companions Patsy Cline |
2016/10/01 |
SmSWrD |
Conklins Newfoundland |
2018/12/31 |
BrSWrD |
Connors Lion |
0000/00/00 |
Conway Lake Caledonia |
1981/02/07 |
S |
Cooks Hero |
2019/01/14 |
braun-weissrD |
Cooks Sugar Pie |
2018/11/02 |
GraurB |
Cooper |
1984/08/06 |
S |
Cooper |
2018/08/04 |
Cooper Buddie of Mom |
2006/11/16 |
SrBmSW |
Cooper Da Bear of Wynship |
2001/05/24 |
S |
Cooper Davis |
2012/02/08 |
BmSW |
Cooper Domish |
2007/09/13 |
SW |
Cooper Duke |
2008/01/21 |
S |
Cooper Gage |
2008/04/21 |
B |
Cooper IV |
2005/05/01 |
S |
Cooper IX |
2013/02/20 |
B |
Cooper Ling |
2007/01/25 |
S |
Cooper Montgomery Burbank |
2006/07/26 |
S |
Cooper V |
2006/11/18 |
braun-weiss |
Cooper Vansickle |
2011/05/20 |
S |
Cooper VI |
2007/06/23 |
S |
Cooper VII |
2007/10/27 |
S |
Cooper VIII |
2011/09/14 |
S |
Cooper X |
2013/03/26 |
S |
Cooper XV |
2016/08/05 |
SrBmSWrD |
Cooper XVI |
2019/05/03 |
SmSW |
Cooper XXI |
2021/07/22 |
BrSW |
Coopers Britta Lenae |
2002/08/04 |
S |
Coopers Danner Boy |
2008/01/13 |
SmSW |
Coopers Fairway Fore |
2019/05/23 |
braun-weiss |
Coopers Ginger Georgianna |
2007/03/27 |
B |
Coopers Last Chance |
2000/07/24 |
SmSW |
Coopers Miss Texas Tornado |
1993/04/16 |
SW |
Coopers Shadow |
1978/06/14 |
S |
Coppe Penny of Briarcliff |
2013/03/01 |
B |
Copper Creek Amalia de Agoos |
1997/11/05 |
S |
Copper Foot Bosco |
1997/11/16 |
S |
Copper Meadows Memory Maker |
2005/11/15 |
SW |
Copper Ridge Pocjets |
1987/10/16 |
S |
Copperlines Brandon Alexander Lee |
1996/04/19 |
S |
Copperlines Candy Girl |
1996/04/15 |
SmSW |
Copperlines Cassiopeia |
1993/01/22 |
SrSW |
Copperlines Cool Hand Luke |
1995/05/16 |
SW |
Copperlines Doty Sue |
1997/03/10 |
SW |
Copperlines Elexus |
1995/05/16 |
SW |
Copperlines Jeckyl N Clyde |
1995/05/16 |
SmSW |
Copperlines Keileigh Onyx |
1997/03/10 |
SW |
Copperlines Lena-Nicole Nikki |
1995/05/16 |
SmSW |
Copperlines Little Scooter |
1996/04/19 |
S |
Copperlines Luther Lambeau |
1997/03/10 |
SW |
Copperlines Majestic Madness |
1996/04/15 |
SW |
Copperlines Maxwell |
1998/01/09 |
S |
Coral Seahorse |
2020/01/02 |
BrSW |
Coraline Bobb |
2021/05/06 |
braun-weissmD |
Coras Searra of The Sea |
2019/12/25 |
SWrB |
Corky Comet |
0000/00/00 |
BrSWmD |
Corona |
1932/01/01 |
Cortez Rain Fellows |
2019/01/25 |
braun-weiss |
Cortina Mountain Madness |
2021/04/22 |
B |
Cosimo Cortese Napolitano |
2021/01/11 |
braun-weissmD |
Cosmo Bobb |
2016/11/27 |
SrBrSWmD |
Count Leo |
0000/00/00 |
Countess |
0000/00/00 |
Countess de Boni |
0000/00/00 |
Country Roads Lady Guinevere |
2021/06/23 |
SrSW |
Country Ropads Destine To Be Great |
2019/10/08 |
GraurB |
Countrysides Baby Face |
1990/03/17 |
S |
County View Bella |
2017/07/10 |
BrSW |
Coupes Pennsylvania Pinkie Lee |
2019/01/24 |
S |
Coupes Wannabe Fonzarelli |
2019/01/21 |
SWmB |
Courtneys Bella Terranova |
2003/10/02 |
S |
Cove Bears Addison |
2017/12/15 |
BrD |
Covenent Farms Liberty Belle |
2017/03/16 |
GraurB |
Cr River |
2019/03/10 |
SrB |
Craigs Gentle Vendo |
2005/12/02 |
S |
Crazy Woman Mountains Tracker |
2001/02/19 |
S |
Creeksides King Oscar |
1998/05/10 |
B |
Creeksides Landins Edge |
2009/04/22 |
S |
Creeksides Maisy Blue |
1999/06/28 |
S |
Creeksides Olde Paths Smilo |
2002/06/27 |
BmSW |
Creeksides Red Tanner |
2002/06/27 |
braun-weiss |
Creeksides Rigby |
2003/12/31 |
braun-weiss |
Creosote Midnight Eve |
1988/07/19 |
S |
Crestani Cays Nereus |
2003/04/01 |
Crickets Tiny Angel |
2004/11/05 |
SrSW |
Crooked Rivers Brizzly Bear |
2015/08/17 |
S |
Crooked Rivers Cowgirls Don´t Cry |
2015/08/17 |
S |
Crooked Rivers Matilda Rue |
2015/08/17 |
S |
Crooked Rivers Rulli |
2015/08/17 |
S |
Crootes Newfoundland |
2013/01/26 |
SWmB |
Crossroads Bad Bad Leroy Brown |
2022/09/06 |
B |
Crossroads Bucklyee Big Bear |
2019/07/19 |
SrSW |
Crossroads Southern Belle |
2015/05/22 |
SrBrD |
Croxtens Diver |
0000/00/00 |
Cruella |
2022/01/07 |
SWrB |
Crystal Waters Experiment 560 |
2021/11/18 |
S |
Crystal Waters Risin Above The Strom |
2019/06/16 |
SrBrSW |
Crystal Waters Whisper In The Forest |
2021/10/16 |
B |
Cs Sky Earth Goddess |
2021/04/08 |
B |
Cubbie Bear Bouray |
2016/09/23 |
SmBrD |
Cuchulainn |
1987/08/14 |
S |
Cuie I |
0000/00/00 |
Cupcake |
2010/12/01 |
S |
Curly Hollabaugh |
2008/01/04 |
S |
Curry Acres Betty-N-Barneys Bam Bam |
2005/12/04 |
SW |
Curry Acres Gabriel Sparks A Fire |
2005/12/04 |
SW |
Cy Ridge Latin Hawthorne |
2018/11/19 |
B |
Cy Ridge Loving Admiration Magnolia |
2018/02/12 |
SrBrSW |
Cy Ridge of Course Im Hazelle |
2017/03/14 |
SW |
Cydney |
1992/10/20 |
S |
Cynthias Little Scuffer |
1993/02/26 |
SmSW |
Cypress Bays Lord Barrington |
2008/12/13 |
S |
Cyridge Moonlit Timber Takesmybreath |
2019/04/28 |
SmSW |
Daddys Little Gen-Tle Giant |
2000/10/22 |
SmD |
Daddys Little Girl |
1997/09/05 |
S |
Daddys Tiny Angel Peck |
1997/12/08 |
S |
Dago Red |
2021/04/03 |
SrBrSW |
Daisy |
0000/00/00 |
Daisy |
1981/03/07 |
S |
Daisy |
2012/01/01 |
Daisy Head Maisie |
2013/05/14 |
B |
Daisy II |
2001/02/01 |
S |
Daisy III |
2003/11/22 |
S |
Daisy IX |
2008/03/06 |
S |
Daisy Maize |
2021/09/28 |
Creme |
Daisy Sunrise |
2017/04/03 |
SrB |
Daisy The Gray Dutchess |
2018/03/17 |
Daisy V |
2004/12/01 |
SmSW |
Daisy VI |
2005/08/11 |
S |
Daisy VIII |
2008/02/25 |
SW |
Daisy XII |
2013/03/20 |
S |
Daisy XX |
2020/12/25 |
SrBrSWrD |
Dajas Tristan Oprasus |
1986/04/17 |
S |
Dakota |
2000/03/29 |
Dakota Findlen |
2010/02/09 |
S |
Dakota Johnson |
2008/03/01 |
B |
Dakota McKeena |
1997/08/09 |
S |
Dakota XIX |
2016/10/26 |
braun-weiss |
Dakota XXIV |
2021/10/21 |
SrBrSW |
Daltons Silver Sine |
2002/07/10 |
Grau |
Dame Cooper Fallon of Canterbury |
2021/03/15 |
braun-weiss |
Dan |
0000/00/00 |
Dance for Me Neena |
2003/12/21 |
S |
Dancer |
1982/02/26 |
SW |
Dandy |
0000/00/00 |
Dandy Boy |
0000/00/00 |
Dandy Skahan |
2018/11/16 |
GraurBrSW |
Daniels Archie Queen of The Valley |
2004/03/16 |
S |
Dante |
2013/08/16 |
Dantes Bronze Treasure |
2005/11/14 |
B |
Daphne Dandelion Adams |
2019/06/24 |
SrBrSW |
Daphne G |
2021/01/28 |
SrSWrD |
Daphnie Hurst |
2017/08/28 |
SrBrSW |
Darcie Neher |
2018/11/16 |
SrBrSWmD |
Dark Blue |
2018/03/25 |
Dark One of The Fortress |
2021/11/18 |
SrSW |
Dark Shadow |
1998/03/12 |
S |
Dark Shadows Lil Mt of Mischief |
1995/04/25 |
S |
Darley Bears Crystal of Cedar Hill |
2017/06/26 |
S |
Darley Bears Megan of Cedar Hill |
2017/06/26 |
S |
Darleys Black Bear |
2017/06/26 |
SrD |
Darling Shadow Bear of Tutty Manor |
2019/07/18 |
SrB |
Dash |
0000/00/00 |
Dashing Dax |
2002/04/04 |
S |
Dassysnewfies Beautiful Lady |
2018/08/16 |
SrSW |
Dassysnewfies Gracie Lulu |
2017/01/13 |
SWrBrD |
Dassysnewfies Lucy Lou |
2014/11/12 |
SW |
Dassysnewfies Precious Emerald |
2021/05/09 |
GraurSW |
Dassysnewfiesdixiecupblue |
2020/09/16 |
grau-weiss |
David R Rients |
2004/02/27 |
S |
Dawns Devil May Care |
1992/08/15 |
S |
Dax Skahan |
2019/11/20 |
Grau |
Dazzling Darla at Bearheart Newfoundlands |
2021/01/25 |
SWrB |
DD Guinness Stout |
2004/06/13 |
SrD |
Deborah |
0000/00/00 |
Decarlos Buffi |
1998/02/08 |
SW |
Decatur |
0000/00/00 |
Deckard Cain Homer |
2019/03/05 |
SW |
Decks Awash Grace Ann Henrys Shadow |
2004/03/28 |
SmSW |
Decks Awash IV |
2004/03/28 |
SmSW |
Decks Awash Rosco Big Paw |
2004/03/28 |
SW |
Decks Awash Sadie-West Shore |
2004/10/17 |
SW |
Declan Jasper Whitebread |
2019/05/03 |
SmSW |
Dee Dee Skahan |
2020/08/04 |
SmSW |
Deepwaters Majestic Ebony |
2015/03/03 |
S |
Deer Lakes Black Magic |
2000/11/05 |
S |
Deer Lakes Brie |
2004/12/06 |
S |
Deer Lakes Brutus Duets Duke |
1993/08/21 |
S |
Deer Lakes Chelsea |
1993/08/21 |
S |
Deer Lakes Chief |
1993/08/21 |
S |
Deer Lakes Don´t Boost My Eleanor |
2001/11/16 |
S |
Deer Lakes Grizzly Bear |
1999/12/23 |
S |
Deer Lakes Shadow Nose |
2000/11/05 |
S |
Deer Lakes Sir Ben Wally Zack |
1993/08/21 |
S |
Delight |
0000/00/00 |
Delighted To Be at Windswept Farms |
2018/12/01 |
B |
Delilah Bear Eberts |
2006/11/20 |
S |
Delilah Clair Williams |
2012/09/13 |
S |
Delilah II |
2003/11/19 |
SmSW |
Delilah III |
2005/11/25 |
S |
Delilah IV |
2008/09/13 |
S |
Delilah of Bearhavens |
1993/11/01 |
S |
Delilah of Hidden Hills |
1980/12/22 |
S |
Delilah of Tabu |
1975/12/18 |
S |
Delilah Ortolan |
2010/10/10 |
S |
Delilah Pooh Bear Honeypot |
2006/03/29 |
SW |
Delilah Rooster |
1976/09/21 |
S |
Delilah V |
2008/10/29 |
S |
Delilahs Samson |
1988/11/25 |
S |
Delilas Black Sister Cassie |
1989/12/28 |
S |
Demolitors Jess |
0000/00/00 |
Denver of Cheneverts Farm |
2019/02/09 |
SW |
Desert Bailey |
2002/01/20 |
S |
Desert Bruin King of Sport |
1979/01/13 |
SW |
Desert Mamba |
2002/01/20 |
S |
Desert Widow |
2002/01/20 |
S |
Desotos Little Bear |
1997/02/17 |
SrSWrTan |
Destiny |
2000/09/21 |
S |
Destiny |
2001/03/28 |
S |
Destiny Distawna Hartley |
2000/11/22 |
S |
Destiny Hope Dean |
2003/05/24 |
SW |
Destiny T. Dog |
2006/05/04 |
S |
Destinys Dream Ranch Presents Brownie Surprise |
2018/03/15 |
BrD |
Deva at Bear Heart Newfoundlands |
2020/01/26 |
SW |
Deva Dushes |
2015/03/09 |
SrSW |
Devanys Maud |
0000/00/00 |
Devons Dolly of Soulmate |
2000/09/17 |
SW |
Dex Karns |
2017/11/11 |
SrSW |
Dexter Block |
2009/02/19 |
SW |
Diamond |
1981/11/19 |
S |
Diamond Air Gracie |
1989/10/16 |
S |
Diamond Aurita Etana |
2004/04/16 |
S |
Diamond Ebony Bear |
2002/11/28 |
S |
Diamond II |
2012/09/30 |
SW |
Diamond Jillian Jane |
2005/02/26 |
SW |
Diamond Jim |
1977/09/24 |
SW |
Diamond Jim Brodie |
1978/09/02 |
S |
Diamond Jims Moocher |
1988/12/29 |
S |
Diamond Rock Molly |
1984/04/18 |
S |
Diamond Stella Vega |
2002/11/28 |
S |
Diamond Teri-Savage |
2013/08/05 |
S |
Diamonds Gentle Ben |
1980/09/23 |
S |
Diamonds Sabre Dance |
1988/08/10 |
S |
Diana |
0000/00/00 |
Dick Turpin |
0000/00/00 |
Did M Heart Love Til Now? |
2019/01/07 |
S |
Diesel Engine That Could |
2009/04/19 |
SW |
Diesel Maxx |
2012/12/20 |
S |
Diesel Newf of Merrill |
2005/03/27 |
S |
Diesel XV |
2019/12/01 |
SrB |
Diesel XVII |
2019/11/09 |
BrSW |
Diesel XX |
2020/12/15 |
BmSW |
Dillmans Black Pearl Louise |
2019/12/17 |
SrBmSW |
Dinah II |
0000/00/00 |
Dinas Bhalu of Blackwolf |
2019/01/04 |
SW |
Dingle Henry |
2019/11/08 |
S |
Dingle Otis |
2019/11/08 |
S |
Dingles Bantry Bay |
2014/12/16 |
S |
Dingles Black Velvet Moon |
2015/09/01 |
S |
Dingles Erin Go Bragh |
2019/08/29 |
SW |
Dingles Eye of The Storm |
2017/09/02 |
SrSW |
Dingles Furever Twilight Rozey |
2019/08/29 |
SrSW |
Dingles Gra Go Deo |
2019/11/08 |
S |
Dingles Humphrey |
2016/05/21 |
SW |
Dingles Hurricane Olive |
2014/12/16 |
S |
Dingles Irish Rebel |
2016/05/21 |
SW |
Dingles It Had To Be You |
2021/08/25 |
S |
Dingles Kumors Her Majesty Indefatigable |
2016/05/21 |
SW |
Dingles Malcolm |
2014/12/16 |
S |
Dingles Minnie Ursini |
2014/12/16 |
S |
Dingles Over The Rainbow Sofie |
2016/05/21 |
SW |
Dingles Princess Keely |
2015/09/01 |
S |
Dingles Sacajawea 2 |
2019/08/29 |
SrSW |
Dingles Sir Galahad |
2014/12/16 |
S |
Dingles Sweet Dreams Are Made of This |
2019/04/16 |
S |
Dingles Ta Me Go Hiontach |
2019/11/08 |
S |
Dingles The Archangel |
2017/09/02 |
SrSW |
Dingles The Banshee |
2014/12/16 |
S |
Dingles Uptown Girl |
2015/09/01 |
S |
Diosa de la Luna |
2019/01/19 |
SrD |
Dire Lake Odin of Valhalla |
2022/02/22 |
SrD |
Dis Black Magic Wishing Well |
1972/07/08 |
S |
Dixie |
1980/02/07 |
S |
Dixie Mae |
2012/11/06 |
braun-weiss |
Dixie of The South |
2018/05/12 |
SrBrSW |
Dixie Skahan |
2018/11/16 |
braun-weissmD |
Doc of Intercare |
1992/03/10 |
SrSW |
Doctor |
0000/00/00 |
Dogwoods Haughton Kom Trikru |
2017/08/21 |
BmSWmD |
Dolce Bear Stanga |
2022/08/16 |
BmSWmD |
Dolcemia Terranova |
1989/08/13 |
S |
Dolly |
0000/00/00 |
Dolly |
2002/08/23 |
S |
Dolly Dumptruck |
2022/02/22 |
SrD |
Dolly Sorensen |
2000/01/01 |
Dominions Ace N Baklavas |
2017/05/24 |
SW |
Dominions Creekside Angel |
2008/09/01 |
S |
Dominions Creekside Griffin |
2016/10/15 |
B |
Dominions Cricket N Banistas |
2017/05/24 |
SW |
Dominions Dominos N Conejitos |
2017/05/24 |
SW |
Dominions Ghost Ryder |
2017/04/19 |
BrD |
Dominions Isola N Eclairs |
2017/05/24 |
SW |
Dominions Janga N Samosas |
2017/05/24 |
SW |
Dominions Jax N Belekoys |
2017/05/24 |
SW |
Dominions Joyful Journey |
2021/02/09 |
S |
Dominions Lucky Penny |
2009/06/23 |
B |
Dominions Mate N Moon Cakes |
2017/05/24 |
SW |
Dominions Tag N Zlebias |
2017/05/24 |
SW |
Dominions Whiskey River Sojourn |
2014/08/03 |
BrSW |
Dominique Delight |
1995/05/01 |
S |
Domino III |
2021/06/22 |
SW |
Don |
0000/00/00 |
Don |
0000/00/00 |
Don |
0000/00/00 |
Don Rocco Captuo |
2019/05/23 |
SWmB |
Dons Gentle Giants Bambi |
2004/02/07 |
SmB |
Dora |
0000/00/00 |
Dora |
0000/00/00 |
Dottie |
2021/08/08 |
Dottie II |
2021/07/11 |
SrSW |
Double J Sarah |
1979/07/13 |
S |
Double M Warhorse Lady Bella |
2009/04/05 |
S |
Double Reverse Stuffed Oreo |
2005/03/27 |
S |
Double Stuff Oreo |
2012/04/09 |
SW |
Double Stuffed Oreo |
2012/08/17 |
S |
Double Trouble Camillo |
2018/04/20 |
SmB |
Doubletakes Sweet Emotion |
2002/04/04 |
S |
Doughtons A Blessing And A Joy |
2017/05/09 |
SWrD |
Doughtons Count Your Blessings |
2017/06/17 |
BrD |
Doughtons My Sweetest Blessing |
2017/10/30 |
braun-weiss |
Dovers Spanky |
2005/06/24 |
SrBrSW |
Dowager |
1900/01/01 |
Dozers Chiaroscuro Mishka |
2024/09/09 |
SrSW |
Dreamchasers Alexis Yona |
2015/11/19 |
S |
Dreamchasers Bella Bear |
2010/06/03 |
S |
Dreams |
1896/01/01 |
Dreyfus Susans Shadow Sundo |
1992/03/10 |
SrSW |
Drifters Moon Shadow |
1992/03/10 |
SW |
Driftwoods Ticonderoga |
1996/10/30 |
S |
Drinens Newfoundland |
2019/05/14 |
SrBrSW |
Driving Miss Amy |
2008/09/19 |
S |
Ds Captain Morgan |
2018/10/25 |
SWrB |
Ds One Great Believer |
2021/10/27 |
SW |
Dually |
2017/04/24 |
B |
Dublin of Erin Prarie |
1997/02/21 |
SrB |
Duchess |
0000/00/00 |
Duchess |
0000/00/00 |
Duchess |
0000/00/00 |
Duchess Greta of The Ridge |
2022/12/21 |
SrB |
Duchess Kate |
0000/00/00 |
Duchess Tillie |
2019/08/07 |
GraurSW |
Duck Creeks Barrett Benjamin |
2019/01/24 |
BrD |
Duck Creeks Junee Mae |
2018/11/23 |
SrD |
Duck Creeks Majestic Meara Bell |
2024/09/09 |
SW |
Dudley |
2004/10/12 |
braun-weiss |
Dudley Do Right IV |
2000/09/07 |
S |
Duke |
0000/00/00 |
Duke |
0000/00/00 |
Duke |
0000/00/00 |
Duke |
0000/00/00 |
Duke |
0000/00/00 |
Duke III |
0000/00/00 |
Duke James |
2017/05/19 |
BrSWmD |
Duke Magoo |
2018/06/01 |
SrBrSWrD |
Duke Major Devers |
2023/05/04 |
SmD |
Duke of Bostick |
2000/11/22 |
S |
Duke of Devonshine Emerald |
2016/07/01 |
S |
Duke of St. Marys |
1920/01/01 |
SrSWrTan |
Duke of Stillwater |
2003/11/30 |
S |
Duke XIX |
0000/00/00 |
Duke XVI |
2018/10/25 |
SrB |
Duncan II |
2000/07/24 |
SW |
Duncan VI |
2018/01/16 |
SrB |
Duncans Ray of Light |
2016/10/21 |
S |
Dunns Nancy |
0000/00/00 |
Dunrovins Gentle Ben Bo-Can |
1979/12/15 |
S |
Dupage Bears Iron Mike |
1988/11/25 |
SW |
Dusseaus Big Brownie Bear |
2018/07/17 |
B |
Dusseaus One Shot of Bourbon |
2017/04/29 |
SrBrSW |
Dutchess Dina of Black Watch |
1994/11/21 |
S |
Dutchess Freyja |
2021/08/29 |
SW |
Dutchess Marie |
1980/12/07 |
Grau |
Dutchess of Berwicks Diamond |
1985/03/11 |
S |
Dutchess of Blehhiem |
1982/08/19 |
S |
Dutchess of Byrony |
1990/02/28 |
S |
Dutchess of Curry Acres |
2005/12/04 |
SW |
Dutchess of Licorice Stick |
1981/12/02 |
S |
Dutchess of Townsends Inlet |
2002/09/01 |
B |
Dutchess Sugar Socks |
1994/05/07 |
SrSW |
Dutchess VI |
2007/01/08 |
S |
Dutchess VII |
2012/12/20 |
S |
Dutchess von Offutt |
1979/12/07 |
S |
Dutchess von Stoughenheimer |
1985/08/12 |
S |
Dutchess Whitney Manchester |
1987/01/22 |
S |
Dutchess´ Little Bear |
1989/05/19 |
S |
Dyer Lake Marlow |
2018/03/24 |
SrBrD |
Dyer Lake Mountain King Mossberg |
2018/08/28 |
braun-weiss |
Dyer Lake Penelope |
2017/10/14 |
S |
Dyer Lake The Nuts Fell Out of My Family Tree |
2019/02/18 |
GraurSW |
Dyer Lake-Griffin Volturnus |
2017/06/29 |
SrSW |
Dyer Lake-Kellys Montana Tiny |
2016/10/25 |
SWrB |
Dyer Lakes A Legend from His Time |
2022/09/06 |
B |
Dyer Lakes Angels of My Soul |
2017/06/29 |
SWrB |
Dyer Lakes Breaking All The Rules |
2019/06/27 |
SrB |
Dyer Lakes Crystal Waters Mountain Lake Guardian |
2021/10/26 |
B |
Dyer Lakes Crystal Waters Silver Lining |
2021/11/02 |
Grau |
Dyer Lakes Duke Diesel of Perrysburg |
2019/06/24 |
SrB |
Dyer Lakes Gun Powder N Lead |
2018/08/10 |
SWrD |
Dyer Lakes Here for A Good Time |
2021/01/28 |
GraurSW |
Dyer Lakes I Remember Everything |
2021/11/02 |
Dyer Lakes King Lion Simba |
2019/04/22 |
BrSW |
Dyer Lakes Loves Fall from Grace |
2015/12/15 |
SWrB |
Dyer Lakes Luv´s A Redneck |
2019/06/24 |
SrB |
Dyer Lakes Made In The USA |
2019/06/20 |
SrB |
Dyer Lakes Master of Water Nya |
2017/06/29 |
SW |
Dyer Lakes Misery Can Forget My Company |
2024/02/29 |
B |
Dyer Lakes She´s The Man |
2019/02/18 |
GraurSW |
Dyer Lakes Sunshine On My Shoulder |
2022/08/15 |
Dyer Lakes The Kids Aren´t Alright |
2019/06/20 |
SrBrD |
Dyerlakes She´s No Damsel In Distress |
2021/09/25 |
B |
Eagleeye Nakoda Bear |
2013/05/01 |
S |
Eagles Roost Scout |
1996/09/01 |
S |
Earl of Clichy |
0000/00/00 |
Eashas Harleen `Puddin´ Quinzel |
2018/02/07 |
SWrB |
East Bound And Down Booger |
2017/10/14 |
BrSW |
Eastside Block Boss |
1992/05/27 |
SW |
Easy Going Miss Ellah of Pine |
2022/05/05 |
Ebays Newport Tess |
1997/10/14 |
S |
Ebony of Bears Den |
1986/01/01 |
S |
Ebony of Eagle Hill |
1990/04/10 |
S |
Ebony of Nosnibor Six |
1996/08/12 |
S |
Ebony of Seitzer Alpaca Farms |
2005/08/29 |
S |
Ebony of Timberline |
1988/08/29 |
S |
Ebony of Wyncroft |
1988/05/06 |
S |
Ebony Owe Vaner |
1993/04/17 |
S |
Ebony Rose Lanza |
2005/11/11 |
S |
Ebony Rose Pretty Penny |
1998/02/02 |
S |
Edgar |
2022/03/15 |
BrSWrD |
Edisons Adventure On The Pine River |
2021/01/03 |
SrSW |
Eds Proud Blacky |
0000/00/00 |
Eds Wild Bunny |
2008/07/26 |
SrBrD |
Educans Playguard Captain Nimo |
1978/08/14 |
S |
Edwards Adam |
0000/00/00 |
Edwards Boy |
0000/00/00 |
Eevee Ash Ketchum Mosbey |
2019/04/04 |
B |
Eiger |
0000/00/00 |
Einstein Nadaud |
2005/09/01 |
El Perro Mojado |
2018/06/08 |
GraurBrSW |
El Perro Norte |
2020/02/09 |
SWrBrD |
Eli Henry Bearpawacres |
2022/03/03 |
SWmB |
Elk Mountains Star of The Cosmos |
2019/10/24 |
SrSW |
Ella McCandless |
2019/08/12 |
SmB |
Ella Rose Keller-Christie |
2020/08/01 |
BrSWrD |
Ella VII |
2018/03/01 |
BrSW |
Ellen Louise Ripley |
2020/01/02 |
grau-weissrB |
Ellie Celestial Amaya |
2007/09/26 |
braun-weiss |
Ellie Mae Lightly |
2018/04/19 |
SrSW |
Ellie Roo |
2019/05/16 |
SmBrSW |
Elsie Dwyer |
2007/02/10 |
B |
Elvis Has Blue Suede Shoes In Texas |
2022/01/30 |
SmB |
Elvis The King Begley |
2005/10/31 |
S |
Elwood Blues |
2017/01/20 |
SrB |
Emalees Birthday Bear |
1980/10/27 |
S |
Emerald Hills Lady Keltie |
2005/06/13 |
S |
Emerson |
2021/10/21 |
SrBrSW |
Emma |
2006/01/01 |
Emma M Carr |
2017/10/11 |
S |
Emmett |
2016/11/27 |
B |
Emmylou |
2021/03/15 |
BrSW |
Empress |
0000/00/00 |
Emrys Cox |
2021/04/22 |
SmB |
Enchanted Princess Eva |
1991/07/27 |
B |
Enchanting Ella Noir Hersh |
2005/07/17 |
S |
Enoch |
2019/05/16 |
SmBrSW |
Enzo |
2010/01/01 |
Enzo Chadwell |
2011/09/10 |
SrBrSW |
Erik The Red |
2016/06/20 |
B |
Erikas Sweet Bosco |
2006/11/16 |
SrBmSW |
Erins Sampson |
2021/04/02 |
SrSW |
Erma |
2018/11/12 |
SmSW |
Erminie |
0000/00/00 |
Essie Great Expectations |
2018/06/25 |
SrBmSW |
Estes-Ice´s Falcor |
2021/02/04 |
SrSW |
Esther Wiliams Hollis |
2018/05/26 |
SW |
Eugene Sanders |
2021/12/02 |
S |
Evee |
2023/01/03 |
SrBrSW |
Evenkeels Vineyard Sound |
1990/01/19 |
S |
Ever Faithful |
0000/00/00 |
Ever Loving Jadis at Bearheart Newfoundlands |
2021/06/11 |
B |
Evie Pou |
2019/07/19 |
SrSW |
Evvie Desony Podojil |
2000/11/22 |
S |
Ewes Natasha of Huckleberry Hill |
2009/02/27 |
SmSW |
Ezekial Ezeriah Ozzy |
2008/12/13 |
SmD |
Ezekiel II |
1974/12/24 |
SrSW |
F-Stops Keeper at Seek N Water |
2008/01/18 |
S, weisse Abzeichen |
F-Stops Romani Treasure |
2008/01/18 |
S |
F-Stops Trouble With Harry |
2008/01/18 |
S |
Fair Valley Patsy Cline |
2019/12/13 |
SWrB |
Fairchilds Amazing Grace |
2016/12/28 |
B |
Fairchilds Anfield Legend |
2017/01/16 |
SrB |
Fairchilds Arctic Fire |
2014/12/02 |
B |
Fairchilds B. Dawkins |
2017/01/16 |
B |
Fairchilds Boomer |
2017/01/16 |
SrB |
Fairchilds Boris Barnett |
2017/02/18 |
S |
Fairchilds Bruno St. Johns |
2016/12/28 |
B |
Fairchilds California Dreaming |
2016/12/28 |
B |
Fairchilds Ellie |
2016/12/28 |
B |
Fairchilds Finger Licking Good |
2016/12/28 |
B |
Fairchilds Good To Be Boss |
2014/12/02 |
SrB |
Fairchilds Hank The Tank Elliott |
2017/02/18 |
S |
Fairchilds Keeper By Chance |
2017/01/16 |
SrB |
Fairchilds Koda |
2017/01/16 |
B |
Fairchilds La Bella Vita Dakota |
2014/12/02 |
SrB |
Fairchilds Leonardi Da Vinci |
2016/12/28 |
B |
Fairchilds Livin´ On A Prayer |
2014/12/02 |
B |
Fairchilds Moosie Bear |
2017/02/18 |
S |
Fairchilds Otis |
2016/12/28 |
B |
Fairchilds Phoebe |
2017/02/18 |
S |
Fairchilds Picture Perfect |
2014/12/02 |
B |
Fairchilds Popeye The Sailor Man |
2017/02/18 |
S |
Fairchilds Princesse Blanche Neige |
2014/12/02 |
SrB |
Fairchilds Safe Haven |
2014/12/02 |
B |
Fairchilds Sheldon |
2014/12/02 |
B |
Fairchilds Son of Uno |
2014/12/02 |
SrB |
Fairchilds Sulley |
2017/02/18 |
S |
Fairchilds Tuckernuck |
2017/02/18 |
S |
Fairchilds Tugtug |
2014/12/02 |
SrB |
Fairchilds Zelda |
2014/12/02 |
B |
Fairviews Sasha-Rue |
2023/01/05 |
SrB |
Fairwinds All Bets Are Off |
1989/11/22 |
S |
Fairwinds Paddington |
1991/08/09 |
S |
Fairwinds Wisp O´Smoke |
1992/03/22 |
Grau |
Fairy And Tail Ellebelle |
2016/02/26 |
S |
Faith |
2012/11/16 |
S |
Faiths Carley |
0000/00/00 |
Famous Amos of Bears Den |
1992/05/29 |
SrSW |
Fan |
0000/00/00 |
Fan |
0000/00/00 |
Fan |
0000/00/00 |
Fancys Autumn |
2020/09/12 |
S |
Fannie |
0000/00/00 |
Fannie |
0000/00/00 |
Fannie |
0000/00/00 |
Fannie |
0000/00/00 |
Fannie |
0000/00/00 |
Fannie |
0000/00/00 |
Fannie |
2009/06/01 |
SW |
Fanny |
1883/03/01 |
SW |
Fanny Davenport |
0000/00/00 |
Fantasy Finns Fortune |
2008/04/24 |
S |
Farley Angus McGrath |
2021/06/30 |
grau-weissrB |
Farris Magnificent Remi Ray |
2021/06/23 |
Faulkners Newfoundlands |
2016/11/27 |
GraurBrSW |
Favres Boo Bear |
2015/04/18 |
S |
Featherwinds Nein Nein Lillian |
2008/05/13 |
SrSW |
Fedor The Great Pine River |
2022/06/02 |
B |
Felicia Magique d´Noel |
1996/09/08 |
S |
Felix of The North |
2017/06/26 |
S |
Fergus Mor´Du |
2020/01/27 |
SrB |
Fern |
2020/01/02 |
SrBrSWmD |
Fern Maybelle Gregory |
2020/09/01 |
BrD |
Fifi |
2009/06/24 |
S |
Fig Newfington of Pine River |
2021/01/03 |
SrSW |
Filson |
2018/04/21 |
SrB |
Finch Hamilton |
2018/12/31 |
SmBrSWrD |
Finley Jean T-Tuffy |
2017/01/04 |
S |
Finley Wheeler |
2016/07/06 |
SmSW |
Finn The Force |
2020/08/04 |
SW |
Finn Wadsworth of Pine River |
2022/06/02 |
B |
Finnegan |
2008/02/22 |
Finnegan Chonko |
2012/02/27 |
Finnegan We Win Again |
2000/11/18 |
Finnley |
2018/09/04 |
SWrB |
Fiona May Rose |
2017/12/06 |
SWmB |
Fiona Noel Flaherty |
2000/11/22 |
S |
Firesides Uhuras Song |
1994/07/30 |
S |
First Admiral |
0000/00/00 |
First Mate Bromley |
1972/06/20 |
First Mate Lady Daphne |
1990/08/28 |
S |
Fisherman Finn |
2017/03/18 |
SW |
Flaminios Brown Bear Elsa |
2021/05/06 |
BmSWmD |
Flaminios Noahs Ark of Tammy |
1996/11/10 |
SrSW |
Flash Murphy Martin |
2018/03/24 |
S |
Flash Murphy The P. T. Newfie |
2017/06/17 |
Creme |
Flashing Thunder Hurt |
1991/06/19 |
B |
Fleur de Iris Astoria |
2020/10/04 |
BmSW |
Flora |
0000/00/00 |
Flora |
0000/00/00 |
Flora |
0000/00/00 |
Flora |
0000/00/00 |
Flora |
0000/00/00 |
Flora |
0000/00/00 |
Flora (aus Amerika) |
0000/00/00 |
Flora B. |
0000/00/00 |
Florry |
0000/00/00 |
Flory |
0000/00/00 |
Floss |
0000/00/00 |
Floss |
0000/00/00 |
Floss |
0000/00/00 |
Floss |
0000/00/00 |
Flossie |
0000/00/00 |
Flossie |
0000/00/00 |
Flossie |
0000/00/00 |
Flossy |
0000/00/00 |
Floyd |
2015/09/12 |
Fluffer Nutter The Wise |
2020/06/10 |
S |
Flying Angels Casa Blanca |
2005/02/03 |
SW |
Flying Angels Golden Girl |
2005/02/03 |
SW |
Flying Barbie |
2017/05/04 |
SrBmSWrD |
Flying Pig Farms Maggie Mae |
2015/04/19 |
SrD |
Forest The Great of K9 Love |
2016/07/06 |
SW |
Forestviews Just Be Who You Are |
2008/08/01 |
BrSW |
Forever Fairviews Indie |
2023/04/10 |
braun-weissrD |
Forever Honoring Collins Gentle Spirit |
2016/07/15 |
S |
Forevers Deamboat Annie at Boot Hollow |
2016/07/04 |
S |
Forevers Liberty Belle |
2016/07/04 |
S |
Forevers Long Time Coming |
2016/07/04 |
S |
Forevers North Country Girl |
2016/07/04 |
S |
Forevers Ocean Explorer |
2016/07/15 |
S |
Fortneys Truman |
2013/08/30 |
B |
Fosters Midnight Toa |
2007/11/23 |
S |
Found Gold On Cloud Nine |
2021/02/09 |
SmB |
Four Paws In The Water |
1992/12/01 |
SrB |
Four Paws Kayla Katrina |
2017/10/18 |
BrSW |
Fox Rivers Millie of The Valley |
2020/01/18 |
B |
Fran Nanny of Cheneverts Farm |
2018/10/09 |
SrSW |
Francis |
2000/01/01 |
Frankie |
2008/04/18 |
Franklyn Woody of Rockcastle |
2022/01/02 |
BrD |
Fraziers Aquarius Clorox |
0000/00/00 |
Fred |
0000/00/00 |
Fred Bear Lindberg |
2021/04/30 |
SrB |
Freda |
0000/00/00 |
Freedom of Herren Acres |
2007/07/08 |
S |
Freia |
0000/00/00 |
Freya Eve Brice |
2019/03/06 |
S |
Freya of Firefly Hill |
2017/04/30 |
B |
Freya Vanderlin |
2019/08/04 |
B |
Freyja II Miller |
2014/01/21 |
SW |
Frida |
2021/03/15 |
SrD |
Frisky Jake Connelly |
2005/07/17 |
S |
Funquests Doktor Faustus |
1999/06/17 |
S |
Funquests Mission Little Sara |
1999/06/17 |
S |
Funtimes Little Miss Duchess |
2017/09/18 |
S |
Furball Acres |
2012/06/04 |
S |
Furball Acres Bailey Tanka |
2004/12/01 |
Furball Acres Barkley of The Valley |
2011/06/03 |
S |
Furball Acres Bearfoot Jungle Beat |
2017/12/24 |
S |
Furball Acres Bennie And The Jet |
2012/10/06 |
S |
Furball Acres Black Thunders Night |
2021/06/14 |
S |
Furball Acres Clementine of The Shore |
2016/12/22 |
S |
Furball Acres Dr. John Hamish Watson |
2013/06/13 |
S |
Furball Acres General Beauregard |
2014/05/21 |
S |
Furball Acres Jellos Angel Norbert |
0000/00/00 |
S |
Furball Acres Just Another Day In Paradise |
2021/10/27 |
S |
Furball Acres Just Keep Swimming |
2019/10/07 |
SrD |
Furball Acres Lifes Precious Moment |
2012/10/09 |
S |
Furball Acres Lillian Angel Faye |
2011/06/03 |
S |
Furball Acres Lord Byron |
2004/12/01 |
SW |
Furball Acres Luna |
2013/01/10 |
S |
Furball Acres Maggie |
2021/06/14 |
S |
Furball Acres Nobles Garden of Eden |
2021/10/27 |
S |
Furball Acres Oris McCormick |
2012/06/04 |
S |
Furball Acres Ransher Boo Boo Bear |
2014/12/10 |
S |
Furball Acres Rose Without A Thorn |
2008/11/16 |
S |
Furball Acres Saved By The Bell |
2022/10/06 |
S |
Furball Acres That Means Hurry Up |
2021/06/14 |
S |
Furball Acres The Bell That Coundn´t Jingle |
2014/12/10 |
S |
Furball Acres The Great Honey Pot |
2021/06/14 |
S |
Furball Acres Whomping Willow |
2022/10/06 |
S |
Furball Acres You´ll Be In My Heart |
2021/10/27 |
S |
Furball Afres Life of Riley |
2017/08/08 |
S |
Furever Atlas |
2019/07/24 |
braun-weiss |
Furever Finnegan |
2020/07/24 |
SWrD |
Furever Mr. Marlowe |
2020/07/24 |
SWrD |
Furever Newfies Jumping Into 21 |
2020/07/24 |
GraurSW |
Furever Newfies Not Your Average Bear |
2021/01/28 |
SWrD |
Furevernewfies Head Above The Clouds |
2021/01/28 |
grau-weiss |
Furevernewfies Nymphadora Tonks |
2019/01/31 |
B |
Furevers Lord Remington III of Eastern Hills |
2021/01/28 |
GraurSW |
Fuzznuggetfieldz Life In The Clouds |
2018/06/01 |
B |
Fuzznuggetfieldz Mountains Gift |
2018/06/01 |
SrB |
Fuzznuggetfieldz Touch of River Bear |
2018/06/01 |
SrB |
Fuzzy Lynard Chewbacca |
2005/03/27 |
S |
Fynn II |
2021/05/09 |
GraurSW |
Gabbie Rose |
2020/01/22 |
S |
Gabby |
1994/04/02 |
S |
Gabe Haas |
2006/12/30 |
Gables Glamorous Giant Cricket |
2019/05/05 |
B |
Gables Homegrown Spotted Pebbles |
2021/04/28 |
grau-weissrB |
Gabriel Allmandinger |
2015/05/18 |
SW |
Gabriel Black Bear Wisconsin |
1996/08/01 |
S |
Gabriel II |
2018/04/11 |
braun-weissrD |
Gabriella of Lava Ridge |
1996/11/25 |
S |
Gaia-Bailey Nita Ofi-Oe |
2018/06/21 |
BrD |
Galaxies Shine Above The Rest |
2020/01/18 |
S |
Galaxyhunter |
2009/04/23 |
braun-weiss |
Gander Havok Bohannan |
2018/09/11 |
S |
Gander-Bentley Rahr-Wood |
2021/08/29 |
SmSW |
Garden Acres Otis B Comotis |
1997/12/07 |
S |
Gardenia |
2018/05/14 |
B |
Garys Thunder Boy |
2001/02/17 |
SrSW |
Gawain de Clemente Rancho |
0000/00/00 |
Gen Jrnns Huggs and Kisses |
2004/02/07 |
B |
General Blue Jackson |
2003/04/12 |
General Jeb Stuart of Jarrettsville |
2007/11/23 |
B |
General Mason |
2006/05/05 |
S |
General Maximus Wooden |
2008/09/06 |
S |
General Ruger T. Bright |
2019/08/12 |
SmB |
Gentle Bears Winsome Lady |
1991/04/23 |
S |
Gentle Giant Alaska Willow Overdrive |
2020/10/15 |
SrBrD |
Gentle Giant Blue Sky |
2021/05/28 |
SrBrD |
Gentle Giant Holy River |
2022/12/21 |
S |
Gentle Giant Kschaos Blue Sky |
2021/05/28 |
SrBrD |
Gentle Giant Lazy Days |
2018/03/01 |
SW |
Gentle Giant Lazy River |
2019/12/11 |
SrSW |
Gentle Giant Lola Beans Brown Eyes Girl |
2015/03/27 |
SrD |
Gentle Giant Maid Marian |
2017/01/28 |
BmD |
Gentle Giant Nana |
2018/03/01 |
SW |
Gentle Giant Rumor Has It |
2019/04/09 |
SrD |
Gentle Giant Steele Magnolia |
2016/09/23 |
SmBrD |
Gentle Giant Sweet As Syrup |
2015/03/27 |
SrD |
Gentle Giant Time Traveler |
2019/04/09 |
SrD |
Gentle Giant Tricks And Treats |
2022/02/19 |
SrD |
Gentle Giant West Coast Tide Overdrive Titan Bear |
2020/10/15 |
SrBrD |
Gentle Giant Yogi Bear |
2018/10/28 |
SrSWrD |
Gentle Giants Majestic Faith |
0000/00/00 |
S |
Gentle Hoss Murphy |
1992/05/27 |
SrSW |
Gentle Shadow of Pine River |
2018/12/23 |
SrSW |
George |
1970/12/19 |
S |
George Danny Carrier |
2004/11/04 |
SmBmSW |
George Ruocco |
2017/01/19 |
BrSWrD |
George Zonn Thompson |
2019/11/20 |
SW |
Georgia Gael |
2014/10/04 |
S |
Georgias Epic Journey |
2001/02/17 |
SrSW |
Gertie Fluffy |
2022/01/06 |
SrB |
Ghost Donnelly |
2021/04/22 |
SmB |
Gia Fir of Pine River |
2020/11/05 |
SW |
Giant Belle By Jorg |
1986/09/02 |
S |
Giant Duchess |
1912/01/01 |
Giant Shadows Bella II |
2001/04/19 |
S |
Giant Shadows Benjamin |
2001/04/19 |
S |
Giant Shadows Brutus |
2001/04/19 |
S |
Giant Shadows Enchanted Zak |
1999/03/04 |
S |
Giant Shadows Gray Pearl |
2002/09/17 |
Grau |
Giant Shadows Malibu |
1999/03/04 |
Grau |
Giant Shadows Scannon |
1999/03/04 |
S |
Giant Shadows Super Samson |
2002/09/17 |
Grau |
Gibson Bennington Bear |
2009/11/24 |
S |
Gibson J200 Luxury Edition |
2009/11/24 |
S |
Gibson Tiger Lily |
2009/11/24 |
S |
Gidget Nelson |
2017/01/20 |
SrB |
Gillian, Wildling On The Move |
2021/01/03 |
braun-weiss |
Ginger Bear |
2006/08/20 |
B |
Ginger Brown Bear |
2019/11/09 |
braun-weiss |
Ginger Snap II |
2017/01/04 |
B |
Ginger VI |
2019/01/04 |
B |
Ginger Wheeler |
2019/04/25 |
B |
Gingers Chloe of Shady Lane |
2020/12/10 |
S |
Gipsey |
0000/00/00 |
Gipsey B. III |
0000/00/00 |
Gipsy II |
0000/00/00 |
Gitche Gumme Midnight Cruise |
2009/01/22 |
SrB |
Gitche Gumme Sisu |
2009/01/22 |
SrB |
Glacier Bosa Platt |
2021/11/25 |
SmD |
Gladys |
2020/09/27 |
B |
Glen Cove Gunter The Great |
2021/08/08 |
SW |
Glen Cove Miss Buttons |
2021/08/08 |
SW |
Gloria-Jean Lady Bear Becker |
1991/04/23 |
S |
Go Tell It On The Mountainn Amos for HFN |
2018/12/23 |
SW |
Goddess Aphradite of Pine River |
2019/06/12 |
SW |
Goddess Artemis of Mount Olympus |
2020/01/04 |
SrB |
Goddess Demeter of Pine River |
2019/11/19 |
B |
Goddess of Love & Beauty |
2022/04/30 |
SmBrSWrD |
Gods Newfoundland |
2019/06/24 |
SrB |
Godzilla Cheryl Martini |
2007/10/13 |
S |
Gold Star Salt N Pepper |
2018/12/25 |
SWrB |
Gold Star Weeping Willow of Love |
2018/12/25 |
Gold Star Zeus Thunderbolt |
2020/01/02 |
SWrBmD |
Goldcoasts Absolute Pandmonium |
1999/08/11 |
S |
Golden E Dairy Big Valley Edna |
2016/06/05 |
SW |
Goldenoaks Travellin´ Man |
2001/10/16 |
S |
Goldmine |
1886/01/01 |
S |
Goliah |
0000/00/00 |
Goliath |
0000/00/00 |
Goliath Aleman |
2019/04/25 |
SrB |
Goliath Bear Cleland |
1992/10/26 |
S |
Goliath Bogan Jr. |
1994/09/29 |
S |
Goliath David |
2016/10/21 |
SrSW |
Goliath Gental Giant |
1985/02/28 |
S |
Goliath Grizwald Gleason |
2009/05/22 |
S |
Goliath Hercules Meck |
2000/02/23 |
S |
Goliath Himler |
1999/04/04 |
S |
Goliath II |
1996/09/02 |
S |
Goliath III |
1997/03/14 |
S |
Goliath Jehovah Denham |
2006/05/09 |
S |
Goliath Keemo Slobbie Jr. |
1987/01/22 |
S |
Goliath King of Mischief Makers |
2010/07/01 |
S |
Goliath Nautilus |
1975/06/15 |
S |
Goliath of Sandy Ridge |
1989/01/29 |
S |
Goliath of Windy Waters |
1992/02/12 |
B |
Goliath Prescott |
2001/02/02 |
S |
Goliath The Giant |
1994/12/14 |
S |
Goliath The Great |
1998/07/03 |
S |
Goliath Theador Fortress |
1988/06/12 |
S |
Goliath Thor |
1988/06/28 |
S |
Goliaths Grand Manner |
1971/04/02 |
S |
Gomer Lee |
2021/05/29 |
Grau |
Good Golly Miss Molly |
2008/04/24 |
S |
Good Golly Miss Molly |
1986/03/22 |
S |
Good Golly Miss Molly |
2017/06/08 |
S |
Good Golly Miss Molly Bear |
2004/12/18 |
S |
Good Golly Miss Molly Brown |
2009/11/07 |
B |
Good Golly Miss Molly Hill |
1984/04/13 |
S |
Good Golly Miss Molly II |
1991/06/10 |
S |
Good Golly Miss Molly Irving |
2018/01/14 |
SWrBmD |
Good Golly Miss Molly IX |
1999/07/28 |
SW |
Good Golly Miss Molly X |
2001/01/01 |
S |
Good Golly Miss Molly XI |
2004/02/27 |
S |
Good Golly Miss Molly XIV |
2007/11/25 |
S |
Good Golly Miss Molly XV |
2009/06/04 |
SW |
Good Golly Ms. Molly |
1976/03/27 |
S |
Good Time Charlie |
0000/00/00 |
Goodes Tagalong Hannah |
1991/08/09 |
S |
Goose Boy Wigal |
2013/02/15 |
Gorgensons Sally |
0000/00/00 |
Grace |
2003/12/22 |
SmSW |
Grace G |
2020/09/12 |
BrSW |
Graceroses Sweet Tulepo Hunny |
2012/01/23 |
B |
Gracie |
2014/12/02 |
Gracie Allen |
1994/08/15 |
S |
Gracie Amazing Grace |
2010/01/25 |
S |
Gracie Ann |
2000/06/13 |
S |
Gracie Ann IV |
2021/09/27 |
grau-weissrB |
Gracie Ann Steveson |
2008/10/04 |
braun-weiss |
Gracie Bear |
2008/10/11 |
S |
Gracie Bear Paw Adams |
2021/05/12 |
SWrB |
Gracie Belle |
2009/10/13 |
S |
Gracie Belle II |
2022/04/30 |
GraumBrSW |
Gracie Bleu |
1999/10/23 |
SmB |
Gracie Burns Bay |
1994/03/25 |
S |
Gracie Garcia |
2012/10/08 |
S |
Gracie Girl |
2012/08/10 |
B |
Gracie Lou |
2006/10/25 |
Grau |
Gracie Lou |
2014/06/17 |
Gracie Mae III |
2021/09/27 |
braun-weissrD |
Gracie Mae of Houle Mountain |
1990/08/28 |
S |
Gracie Mae The Queen Bee |
1998/11/23 |
S |
Gracie of Amazing Heart |
2011/06/11 |
S |
Gracie of Blackoaks |
2003/11/30 |
S |
Gracie of Whispering Pines |
2016/10/26 |
BmSW |
Gracie Roo |
2005/06/26 |
S |
Gracie Rose |
2008/04/21 |
SW |
Gracie The Amazing of Littleton |
2013/03/14 |
SW |
Gracie Yvonne Nolley |
2003/01/10 |
SW |
Gracie-Mae von Phelps |
2021/04/23 |
SWmBmD |
Gracies Lady Alexis |
1992/09/09 |
S |
Grady Kissel |
2022/01/11 |
Grau |
Grady Leggett |
2017/01/20 |
SrB |
Gramps |
2019/05/14 |
BrSW |
Grand Banks Abigail |
1983/04/03 |
S |
Grand Banks Birghams Blubare |
1983/11/15 |
S |
Grand Banks Captain Thunder |
1981/06/07 |
S |
Grand Banks Ebony Princess |
1983/11/15 |
S |
Grand Banks Hopi |
1983/11/15 |
S |
Grand Banks Jesse James |
1983/03/26 |
S |
Grand Banks Lady Chelsea |
1983/03/26 |
S |
Grand Banks Neptune |
1981/06/07 |
S |
Grand Banks of Talls Folly |
1987/05/13 |
S |
Grand Banks Princess Shieba |
1983/06/12 |
S |
Grand Banks Rigel |
1992/09/17 |
SW |
Grand Banks Runnin´ Bear |
1981/06/15 |
S |
Grand Banks Shamu |
1982/03/28 |
SW |
Grand Banks Spellbound |
1983/04/03 |
S |
Grand Banks Titanic Waves |
1981/06/15 |
S |
Grand Banks Torboltons Bear |
1981/06/15 |
S |
Grand Bora Odissey |
0000/00/00 |
Grand Paws Annies Little Bear |
2005/06/23 |
S |
Grand Paws Carley Bear |
0000/00/00 |
Grand Paws Hunter |
2003/12/22 |
SmSW |
Grand Paws Luke´s Full of Gusto |
2003/12/22 |
SmSW |
Grand Paws Oops E Daisy |
0000/00/00 |
Grand Paws Storm Cloud Silver Lining |
2008/05/30 |
Grau |
Grand Paws Tin Roof Sunday |
2003/12/22 |
SW |
Grande Lexie |
2019/10/25 |
B |
Granite State Graceful Tula |
2018/03/18 |
SWmB |
Granite States Newt The Newf |
2019/07/05 |
SWrB |
Grannys Saint Louis |
2019/10/14 |
SrB |
Granthams Delilah of Sorek |
0000/00/00 |
Gray Hudson Ferguson |
2019/01/12 |
grau-weissrB |
Graysea Sailor |
2016/10/01 |
SmSWrD |
Great Basin Edgar Evans |
2013/03/22 |
S |
Great Basin Sarah You´re The One |
2012/12/22 |
B |
Green |
2018/03/25 |
Green Girl Wigal |
2013/02/15 |
Green Meadows Caesar Augustus |
1998/05/25 |
S |
Green Meadows Casey |
1998/05/25 |
S |
Green Meadows Daizy Mae |
1998/05/25 |
S |
Green Meadows Luxurious Lexus |
1997/05/19 |
S |
Green Meadows Prince Bart |
1989/12/02 |
SW |
Green Meadows Quasi Sadie |
1997/05/19 |
S |
Green Meadows Rudy |
1998/05/25 |
S |
Green Meadows Sir Winchester |
1990/10/06 |
SW |
Green Meadows Xena |
1998/05/25 |
S |
Green Mountains Majesty Moses |
2007/09/13 |
SW |
Green Puppy Chonko |
2012/02/27 |
Green Ridges Iris Kate |
2018/05/30 |
SrBrSW |
Green Ridges Iris Kate |
2018/05/30 |
SrBrSW |
Greenwoods Kenya |
2017/07/15 |
S |
Greenwoods Zuri |
2017/07/15 |
S |
Gregs Lady Bear |
1969/11/07 |
S |
Grey Puppy Dog |
1993/03/05 |
Grau |
Griffin |
1978/01/11 |
S |
Griffin Clay Monroe |
2018/01/24 |
SWrD |
Griffin II |
2008/12/18 |
S |
Griffin of Startford Square |
1987/03/19 |
S |
Griffins Black Kodiak |
1986/09/17 |
S |
Griffins Brutus |
1996/10/14 |
S |
Griffins Midnight Blazer |
1986/09/17 |
S |
Griffins Rosie Nightfall |
1986/09/17 |
S |
Griffins Sabean Nezuko Wren |
2021/04/24 |
SrB |
Griffins Sasquatch Shane |
1986/09/17 |
S |
Griffins Thatcher Grey Neel |
2010/04/01 |
S |
Griffins Two Left Feet |
2003/08/28 |
SW |
Griswold Langham |
2021/12/16 |
braun-weiss |
Griz |
2014/11/19 |
B |
Grizz Gunbjorn Gabrielsen |
2014/07/17 |
S |
Grizz IV |
2007/10/28 |
Grau |
Grizzley of Downerville |
2004/10/12 |
BrSW |
Grizzley of Downerville |
2004/10/12 |
BrSW |
Grizzly |
1976/02/20 |
S |
Grizzly Adams |
1978/09/25 |
B |
Grizzly Alias The Gster |
1990/01/28 |
S |
Grizzly Arctos |
2017/01/08 |
Grizzly B |
2004/11/05 |
S |
Grizzly Barney Kalbum |
1979/11/18 |
B |
Grizzly Bear |
1984/08/17 |
S |
Grizzly Bear Adams |
1983/06/21 |
S |
Grizzly Bear Adams II |
1987/10/28 |
S |
Grizzly Bear Bonfiglio |
1996/10/09 |
SW |
Grizzly Bear Carpenter |
1997/04/21 |
S |
Grizzly Bear Gray |
2021/10/16 |
B |
Grizzly Bear Guthrie |
1978/08/19 |
Grau |
Grizzly Bear II |
1987/02/14 |
S |
Grizzly Bear III |
1987/01/22 |
S |
Grizzly Bear IV |
1987/11/16 |
B |
Grizzly Bear of Trevose |
1987/09/05 |
S |
Grizzly Bear of Tucks Cove |
1980/08/12 |
S |
Grizzly Bear Shultz |
1976/10/22 |
S |
Grizzly Bear Sweet River King |
2022/10/30 |
SmBrD |
Grizzly Bear V |
1996/11/17 |
S |
Grizzly Bear VI |
1999/08/28 |
SW |
Grizzly Bear VIII |
2003/07/05 |
S |
Grizzly Bear X |
2008/04/10 |
B |
Grizzly Bear XI |
2017/04/03 |
B |
Grizzly Bearlord of Aurora |
1991/11/05 |
S |
Grizzly Bears Kissas at Sunset |
2011/07/04 |
S |
Grizzly Haven Christiansen |
2020/07/13 |
BrSW |
Grizzly II |
1983/07/06 |
S |
Grizzly III |
1986/09/26 |
S |
Grizzly IV |
1990/01/01 |
S |
Grizzly IX |
2010/06/24 |
S |
Grizzly Mae Plaisance |
2021/12/21 |
Grizzly V |
1992/02/01 |
S |
Grizzly VI |
2000/06/01 |
S |
Grizzly VII |
2009/01/21 |
S |
Grizzly X |
2013/06/18 |
B |
Grizzly XIX |
2019/11/20 |
SrD |
Grizzlys Meadow Along The Dunes |
2020/12/01 |
SWrB |
Grover |
0000/00/00 |
Grover |
0000/00/00 |
Grover |
2018/12/20 |
Grover S. |
0000/00/00 |
Gryphon Dover |
2011/01/01 |
Guardian Rivers Ashallayn´ Darkmyr Tallyn |
2021/08/12 |
SrBmSW |
Guardian Rivers Christmas Nightmare |
2021/08/12 |
SrBmSW |
Guardian Rivers Ezekiel Chayim Kavob |
2018/07/28 |
BrSW |
Guardian Rivers Ocean Tamer |
2021/08/12 |
SWrB |
Guardian Rivers Sea Spirit |
2021/08/12 |
SrBmSW |
Guardian Rivers Take Me To The River |
2021/08/12 |
Guardsman |
1900/01/01 |
Guess |
0000/00/00 |
Guinness of Windswept Farms |
2020/05/23 |
B |
Guinness VII |
2019/03/06 |
S |
Gunner Bear |
1991/02/05 |
S |
Gunner Bruns |
2016/01/05 |
S |
Gus |
2004/03/04 |
Gus |
1994/11/10 |
S |
Gus |
2022/06/26 |
Gus Gus |
2018/10/12 |
SW |
Gus Gus |
2020/01/01 |
Gus Paxton Gregory |
2020/09/16 |
grau-weiss |
Gus Ristenpart of Pine River |
2020/01/16 |
SW |
Gus X |
2020/05/03 |
SrB |
Gypsy |
1884/01/01 |
S |
Gypsy |
1995/08/05 |
S |
Gypsy Blu Bero |
2020/12/01 |
GraurBmSW |
Gypsy IV |
2021/04/28 |
SWrBrD |
Gypsy Rose Lee Johnston |
2017/01/20 |
SrB |
Gypsy Starfire Smith |
2019/05/03 |
SW |
H & Acres Baileys & Cream On The Porch |
2017/11/16 |
braun-weiss |
H & M Acres Sigrid Aka Ziggy |
2017/11/16 |
SWmB |
H And M Acres Callsign Rogue One |
2017/11/16 |
SWmB |
H And M Acres Fluffy Maggie |
2017/11/16 |
SmBrSW |
H And M Acres Hazel |
2017/11/16 |
braun-weiss |
H&M Acres Coronas Enjoying A Kona Ice |
2019/07/03 |
BmSWrD |
H&M Acres Coronas Enjoying Kahlua & Cream |
2019/07/03 |
braun-weissrD |
H&M Acres Hubble |
2018/05/17 |
SrD |
H&M Acres Meli Pea Aherne |
2019/07/03 |
SrBmSWrD |
Haddie Sue Sinclair |
2000/01/01 |
Hagen of Burge Creek |
2018/05/18 |
BmSW |
Haggis |
2021/11/24 |
B |
Hagrid De Pa |
2019/12/17 |
SWrB |
Hagrid III |
2018/06/25 |
braun-weiss |
Haines Bitch |
0000/00/00 |
Halcombs Cheri |
2004/06/13 |
SrD |
Halcombs Rusty |
2009/04/23 |
braun-weiss |
Halcombs Star |
2004/06/13 |
SrD |
Halcyons Whitney Houston |
1993/05/18 |
S |
Hamish |
2020/03/13 |
BrD |
Hanging Banners Lydia |
2021/10/28 |
BrD |
Hank IX |
2019/10/28 |
B |
Hank Schmidt |
2020/09/12 |
S |
Hank The Honey Hound |
2021/04/22 |
SrSW |
Hank VII |
2018/12/25 |
SrBrSW |
Hank Williams Stewart |
2020/08/26 |
SWmB |
Hank XIII |
2021/04/28 |
SWrBrD |
Hank XIV |
2021/06/06 |
S |
Hannah |
1973/01/10 |
S |
Hannah Babe Beara |
2000/08/28 |
S |
Hannah Ballou |
1984/01/20 |
S |
Hannah Bama Bear |
1998/09/03 |
S |
Hannah Bar-Bear-A |
1994/04/13 |
S |
Hannah Barberry of Utah |
2001/02/19 |
S |
Hannah Bear |
1988/02/24 |
S |
Hannah Bear Denton |
2007/11/23 |
SW |
Hannah Bear Lynn Wilkinson |
1990/02/20 |
S |
Hannah Bear of Twillingate |
1988/01/20 |
S |
Hannah Bear Pearl Hazel |
2004/02/23 |
S |
Hannah Bear Princess Beloved |
1983/03/23 |
SW |
Hannah Bell Louise |
1999/06/27 |
SWmB |
Hannah Belle of Portia |
2007/10/14 |
SW |
Hannah Belles Clancy |
1981/07/22 |
S |
Hannah Beth Carlson |
1991/02/10 |
Grau |
Hannah Clune |
2020/06/10 |
Hannah Grey Beauty |
2007/01/07 |
grau-weiss |
Hannah Harbor Mist |
1981/01/13 |
SW |
Hannah II |
1975/08/04 |
S |
Hannah IV |
1998/03/20 |
S |
Hannah Joli l´Ami |
1976/12/23 |
SW |
Hannah Kayla Bear |
2003/11/19 |
SW |
Hannah Mae |
1998/03/07 |
Grau |
Hannah May |
2018/02/08 |
SrBrSW |
Hannah Moocher I´m A Hoochiecoocher |
2007/10/01 |
S |
Hannah Nanna |
1994/12/14 |
S |
Hannah O´Maldy |
2002/01/02 |
S |
Hannah V |
2006/03/11 |
S |
Hannah VI |
2007/07/11 |
S |
Hans II |
2021/07/22 |
BrSW |
Hapipaws |
2006/09/26 |
S |
Hapipaws Alaska Koda Bear |
2006/09/26 |
S |
Hapipaws Bear Necessities |
2006/09/26 |
S |
Hapipaws Ms. Cherries Jubilee |
2006/09/26 |
S |
Happy Valleys Buckminister |
1999/06/29 |
SrSW |
Happy Valleys Violet |
2008/01/13 |
SmSW |
Harbor Deeps Little John |
1956/06/02 |
Harborlights Wizard of Ozs Auntie Em |
2010/02/09 |
S |
Hark |
0000/00/00 |
Harley Bear Farmer |
2004/06/13 |
SrD |
Harley Bear II |
2018/12/07 |
BmSW |
Harley David Jaimeson |
1993/09/14 |
S |
Harley Girl |
1992/09/09 |
S |
Harley Hercules Burke |
2009/02/19 |
SW |
Harley Honey Bear |
2000/12/28 |
S |
Harley McInteer |
2019/01/08 |
SrB |
Harley Might |
2011/07/22 |
SmSW |
Harley XIII |
2012/08/10 |
B |
Harley XV |
2020/05/28 |
SW |
Harliquin Mae |
2016/01/05 |
S |
Harlis Brown Eyed Girl Schutt |
2010/09/04 |
BrSW |
Harmons Flashy Las Vegas |
2006/12/05 |
S |
Harmonyhouse All Tuckered Out |
2019/12/02 |
SrB |
Harmonyhouse B-B-B Bennie And The Jets |
2019/12/02 |
SrB |
Harmonyhouse Giver of Rest |
2019/12/02 |
SrB |
Harmonyhouse Inquisitive Traveller |
2019/12/02 |
SrB |
Harmonyhouse Moment of Clarity |
2019/12/02 |
SrB |
Harold Tucker |
2005/11/14 |
B |
Harper Eleanor |
2017/03/08 |
B |
Harper Lee |
2021/06/13 |
grau-weiss |
Harper of Elmwood |
2012/04/09 |
Harpers Leroy Brown |
2018/10/28 |
Hartlans Flo |
0000/00/00 |
Harvest Acres Sweet Harmony |
2018/03/11 |
SrSW |
Harvey II |
2018/10/28 |
SrSWrD |
Hawk Creek Farms Icebreaker |
1995/05/05 |
SW |
Haytee & Journey Heaven Let The Light Shine Down |
2018/11/15 |
S |
Haytee & Journey Remember The Ladies |
2019/07/02 |
Grau |
Haytee & Journey Together We Have It All |
2019/07/02 |
SmD |
Haytee & Journey-Never-Say-Never @ Hospital-Point |
2019/07/02 |
SmD |
Haytee & Journeys at A Junction Via Chateaunewf |
2021/08/28 |
S |
Haywire Ranchs Bailey |
2018/04/06 |
SrB |
Haywire Ranchs Mojo |
2018/02/05 |
grau-weissrB |
Hazel Cappuccino |
2019/05/05 |
B |
Hazel G |
2020/09/12 |
braun-weiss |
Hazel Lee |
2019/12/27 |
BmSW |
Hazel Lu Johnson of Pine River |
2019/02/09 |
B |
Hazel May |
2017/04/24 |
B |
Head Full of Marbles of Pine River |
2022/06/02 |
B |
Heart of A Warrior |
2017/10/30 |
Hearthavens Blessing of St. John |
2014/11/01 |
S |
Hearthavens Good Deed |
2008/05/07 |
B |
Hearthavens Island Girl |
2019/10/17 |
SW |
Heaven Sents Lord Moofasa Reigns |
2017/04/08 |
SWrB |
Heavens Gabriel |
1996/08/25 |
S |
Hector |
0000/00/00 |
Hector |
0000/00/00 |
Heidi Miller |
2018/05/05 |
SrBmSW |
Helga |
2019/10/16 |
SW |
Hellmuths Major |
0000/00/00 |
Hello Newman Warrior King |
2020/09/01 |
BrD |
Henery IX St. George Kraemer-Rooker |
2017/01/23 |
SrB |
Henrietta |
0000/00/00 |
Henry III |
2005/09/10 |
S |
Henry IV |
2008/02/03 |
SW |
Henry Rosefreaney |
2015/03/19 |
SrB |
Henry V |
2011/09/18 |
S |
Her Majesty Savannah Banana |
1991/08/09 |
S |
Hera Bear of My Heart |
2009/04/06 |
SW |
Hercules |
1975/11/23 |
S |
Hercules Brutus McDrooly |
2008/03/31 |
S |
Hercules Duke Chenos |
1998/11/01 |
S |
Hercules Haskell |
2007/11/25 |
S |
Hercules Herky |
2000/10/17 |
S |
Hercules Leopold Searay Fluary |
2008/09/15 |
S |
Hercules of MT Sinai |
1979/05/21 |
S |
Hercules of Sachuest |
1977/05/14 |
S |
Hercules Phoenix Maxamillion |
2005/01/16 |
S |
Hercules Samson R Stucky |
1985/06/20 |
S |
Hercules Star Sully Telkes |
2006/05/04 |
S |
Hercules The Great Tristan |
2009/05/31 |
SW |
Hercules The Greatest |
2017/10/30 |
SrSW |
Hercules Tys Right Mistake |
0000/00/00 |
S |
Hercules VII |
2001/07/24 |
S |
Hercules von Glahn |
2010/08/24 |
SW |
Hercules Wankel Powered Luv |
1975/12/08 |
S |
Hercules X |
2004/11/29 |
S |
Heritage Ebonee Bear |
2006/02/24 |
S |
Heritage Hearts Claim II Fame |
2000/10/04 |
S |
Heritage of Legend Harley D |
2004/08/08 |
S |
Hermes Nebadon |
2020/05/04 |
Hermione Granger |
2018/01/01 |
braun-weissrD |
Hero |
0000/00/00 |
Hershey Bar |
1988/10/25 |
S |
Hershey Bar Mitzvah |
1985/11/25 |
S |
Hershey Bear |
1978/09/02 |
S |
Hershey Bear Di Meo |
2004/04/21 |
B |
Hershey Bear McFarlane |
2006/10/16 |
B |
Hershey Bear Thornrose |
1982/06/10 |
B |
Hershey Chocolate De Mur |
2007/11/23 |
B |
Hershey Flowers Kelly |
2011/06/07 |
B |
Hershey King |
2018/04/10 |
BmSWmD |
Hershey Kiss Delite |
1986/09/02 |
B |
Hershey Kisses |
1988/02/03 |
S |
Hershey Marie Hergert |
2016/12/20 |
B |
Hershey of Broken Knee Acres |
1985/11/25 |
B |
Hershey Osani |
2009/01/22 |
S |
Hershey Payaso Camacho |
2010/09/01 |
B |
Hersheys Best Chocolate |
2011/04/25 |
B |
Hersheys Kiss Cocoa |
1991/07/27 |
B |
Hersheys Kisses |
1986/01/26 |
S |
Hey There Pretty Girl |
2000/01/26 |
S |
Hidden Acres Sir Windsor |
1996/11/10 |
SrSW |
Hidden Akers Bodhisattva |
2014/06/21 |
SW |
Hidden Akers Chewbacca A Force To Be Reckoned Wit |
2014/12/11 |
B |
Hidden Akers Drax Guardian of H & M Acres |
2017/10/30 |
BrSW |
Hidden Akers I Love Lucy |
2014/06/21 |
SW |
Hideaways Hesper |
1982/11/19 |
SrSW |
Higgins Bear |
2010/06/24 |
S |
High Hopes Katy Did |
1985/09/13 |
S |
High Upon The Hindu Kush |
2005/12/24 |
SW |
Highlander Amb Roy |
1997/12/27 |
B |
Highlander Anastasia |
2019/05/29 |
SWmB |
Highlander Andre Robespierre Yeager |
2018/11/23 |
B |
Highlander Gwendolyn |
2017/01/28 |
B |
Highlander Lacey Cloud |
2019/05/29 |
SWmB |
Highlander Lady Beatrice |
2019/05/28 |
SrBrSW |
Highlander Midnight Moon Darcy |
2008/09/06 |
S |
Highlanders Abigail Cynthia Marie |
2019/05/29 |
braun-weiss |
Highlands Stormy Seas |
1973/11/28 |
Highpoint Hills Mortimer Mouse |
2021/04/03 |
SrBrSW |
Hilda of Spring Lake |
2020/06/30 |
BrD |
Hills Country Rocky |
0000/00/00 |
Hilltops Shipshape Suzy Bear |
1988/02/28 |
S |
Hitt Ranchs Indigo |
2020/06/23 |
HJSS Double Stuffed Oreo |
1993/09/06 |
SW |
Hodor |
2018/01/16 |
SrSW |
Holger Danske |
2020/08/15 |
SrBmD |
Hollis |
2018/10/22 |
SrSW |
Holly Berry Beauty |
2007/10/13 |
S |
Holly III |
2011/06/07 |
B |
Holly IV |
2006/09/01 |
S |
Holly VII |
2019/04/22 |
braun-weiss |
Homer II |
2019/02/26 |
SrSW |
Homer Pankhurst Bouray |
2018/03/01 |
SW |
Homer Sharma |
2019/06/24 |
B |
Honch Ogden of Pine River |
2019/11/19 |
B |
Honey |
1983/09/10 |
Honey Bear Aka M C Mocha Frapp |
2021/01/15 |
BmSWmD |
Honey MacElroy |
2019/01/12 |
braun-weissmD |
Hooligan Barret Sleeping Bear McCluff |
2018/12/03 |
SW |
Hoosier St. Patrick Grog |
2018/03/15 |
SmBrD |
Hope On The Pine River |
2019/02/09 |
B |
Hopes Top of The Mountain |
2020/11/28 |
SmSW |
Horizon Views Bruiser |
2018/06/10 |
braun-weiss |
Horners Alice |
2020/08/10 |
S |
Horners Ariana By Ashe |
2019/03/10 |
SrB |
Horners Bernie |
2019/03/10 |
SrB |
Horners Captain of The Seas By Spice |
2016/12/31 |
B |
Horners Comet |
2016/12/31 |
B |
Horners Digby |
2020/08/10 |
S |
Horners Haggis |
2020/08/10 |
S |
Horners Mabel Black Label |
2020/08/10 |
S |
Horners Meatloaf |
2019/03/10 |
SrB |
Horners Murphy |
2020/08/10 |
S |
Horners Myrtle |
2016/12/31 |
B |
Horners Naabe-Mooz |
2019/03/10 |
SrB |
Horners Narcissa |
2016/12/31 |
B |
Horners Nora |
2020/08/10 |
S |
Horners Pepper |
2020/08/10 |
S |
Horners Samantha |
2019/03/10 |
SrB |
Hoss Kies |
2015/06/29 |
S |
Houri |
0000/00/00 |
Houston |
2012/08/22 |
SW |
Houstons Elektra |
2005/12/22 |
SW |
Houstons Karman |
2005/12/22 |
SW |
Houstons Whitney |
1988/08/29 |
SW |
Houstons Willow of Wicked |
2006/02/24 |
SW |
Howser of Canada |
2021/05/29 |
SmD |
Hubble Tomlinson |
2021/01/11 |
braun-weissmD |
Huckleberry |
1988/10/31 |
S |
Huckleberry Biggie Boy |
2008/09/13 |
SWmD |
Huckleberry Finn |
1979/07/12 |
SW |
Huckleberry Hucklee Huck Stonewall Underfoot |
2010/12/12 |
SW |
Huckleberry III |
2003/11/03 |
SW |
Huckleberry Mountain Bear |
1979/10/28 |
S |
Huckleberry of Hickory Grove |
1997/10/13 |
S |
Huckleberry Padfoot Wells |
2007/03/21 |
SW |
Huckleberry Sugar Bear |
2009/04/05 |
SW |
Huckleberry Woofus Michael |
2003/08/28 |
SW |
Huckleberrys Bigfoot |
2001/11/08 |
S |
Huckleberrys Boomer Pride |
2007/11/20 |
S |
Huckleberrys Pixee Dust |
2003/08/13 |
S |
Huckleberrys Sooner Pride |
2007/11/20 |
S |
Huckleberrys Tinker Bell |
2003/08/13 |
S |
Hudson |
2001/12/23 |
S |
Hudson Bay |
1997/11/28 |
S |
Hudson Bay Enchanted Whisper |
1996/11/21 |
S |
Hudson River |
2006/03/29 |
SmSW |
Hudson River Sea Tow Monster |
2007/09/27 |
SW |
Hudson The Big Guy Marks |
2008/05/04 |
S |
Hueys Special Angel |
2005/10/12 |
S |
Huffs Brandy |
2017/08/01 |
braun-weiss |
Hug-A-Bears Return of Brie |
1995/07/20 |
S |
Huggy Bear Karmya |
2005/12/14 |
S |
Hugybears Brie of Spring Harbor |
1985/07/16 |
SW |
Hullabaloo Bear |
2021/05/03 |
BmSWrD |
Hummer Ranger |
2014/03/09 |
S |
Hundred Proofs Samson |
1993/01/22 |
SrSW |
Hunidoras Ozzies The Charm |
2006/10/29 |
SW |
Hunter Hillier |
2017/10/30 |
BrSW |
Hurley Oliver Hayes |
2019/04/04 |
B |
Hussey |
0000/00/00 |
Hyacinth |
0000/00/00 |
Icebergs Lone Ranger |
2017/06/03 |
SrSW |
Icebreakers Mister Sambuca |
1998/12/26 |
S |
Icebreakers Whistlestop Toby |
1998/12/26 |
S |
Ilio Pilikua Au O´Ke Kai |
1970/09/16 |
Imperial Sasha |
1999/11/08 |
S |
In The Shadow of Bevo |
2018/06/04 |
SmB |
Indian Coves Midnite Mandie |
1987/11/28 |
S |
Indian Hills Princess Koko |
1989/07/11 |
SW |
Indian Princess Black Cloud |
1976/04/21 |
S |
Indiana Joan Walker |
2020/12/22 |
SWrBrD |
Indiana Jones II |
1997/10/11 |
SW |
Indiana Jones Pease |
2008/09/13 |
S |
Indiana Sofie |
2001/12/26 |
SW |
Indiancoves Lady Gabrielle Mastway |
1989/09/17 |
S |
Indigos Letitia of Proud Magi |
1973/04/20 |
S |
Indy II |
2020/06/24 |
SrSW |
Indy Joan Hummel |
2016/07/06 |
SrBrSW |
Irene |
0000/00/00 |
Irish Acres Mr. Bojangles |
2009/06/20 |
SW |
Irish Big´N |
1987/03/02 |
S |
Irish Brandys Samson |
1986/04/17 |
S |
Irish Bushmill Whiskey |
1974/11/03 |
black and tan |
Irish Jack Murphy |
1986/11/14 |
S |
Irish Lighthouses Nana |
2006/05/10 |
S |
Irish Luna Eclipse Causes Tropic Thunder |
2009/06/06 |
S |
Irish of The Blue Fields |
2002/08/08 |
S |
Irish Prince Cormac |
1986/03/22 |
S |
Irish Spirits Tazmane |
1991/10/16 |
S |
Irish True Admiral O´Keeffe |
1980/05/12 |
black and tan |
Irishcream Gone Bad |
2002/07/29 |
S |
Irishcream Vonszentpaly |
2009/10/06 |
B |
Iron Ranges Magic at Bootjack |
2010/10/10 |
S |
Irwindals Black Stormye Sea |
1985/05/10 |
Irwing Baby Biloxi |
2020/10/04 |
BmSW |
Isabella Bair |
2010/07/05 |
B |
Isabella Bear Carbone |
2002/09/29 |
S |
Isabella Bella Pinch |
2002/03/24 |
S |
Isabella Boo Rhoades |
2006/05/30 |
S |
Isabella Contrel Ashland |
1995/09/12 |
S |
Isabella Delphina |
2004/08/29 |
S |
Isabella Diana |
2004/11/19 |
SmSW |
Isabella Gault |
2013/01/24 |
S |
Isabella II |
2007/10/17 |
SW |
Isabella III |
2010/07/13 |
S |
Isabella Izzy Bear Sweeney |
2005/10/18 |
S |
Isabella Laraine Brandt of Elk Valley |
2006/09/07 |
S |
Isabella Lucy Stanton |
2004/02/01 |
S |
Isabella Misha McGuinness |
2011/04/16 |
B |
Isabella of 4t Ranch |
2003/07/06 |
S |
Isabella of Birchbark |
1999/10/12 |
S |
Isabella of Bluemoon |
2004/09/25 |
S |
Isabella Queen of Hearts Imlay |
2008/05/01 |
S |
Isabella Rae of Black Forest |
2001/10/14 |
S |
Isabella Raine |
2007/03/04 |
S |
Isabelle |
0000/00/00 |
Isabelle Grayce |
2006/12/30 |
S |
Isabelle IV |
2012/02/14 |
S |
Isabelle Sueann Marie Phleps |
2013/08/30 |
Grau |
Isabelle Zaza Gover |
2000/12/18 |
S |
Isabelles Sweetest Oreo Bear |
2011/07/07 |
SW |
Isabels Follow Your Destiny |
2022/02/22 |
SrD |
Isis |
1991/08/09 |
S |
Isla |
2020/01/04 |
Ivory |
1992/11/01 |
S, weisse Abzeichen |
Ivy III |
2019/06/22 |
SWrBmD |
Ivy Mocha of Blue Tide |
2019/03/14 |
B |
Ivy Togo |
2019/09/24 |
SrD |
Ivy Volkerding |
2020/08/15 |
GraurB |
I´m Your Huckleberry |
2020/11/17 |
SW |
J. S. Midsummers Eve Hidden Treasure |
2022/09/06 |
B |
Jack |
0000/00/00 |
Jack |
0000/00/00 |
Jack |
0000/00/00 |
Jack |
0000/00/00 |
Jack Corliss |
0000/00/00 |
Jack of Hearts |
2002/10/06 |
S |
Jack V |
2005/11/11 |
S |
Jackie Kennedy |
2007/11/11 |
S |
Jackies Joy |
2019/11/20 |
SrSW |
Jacko |
0000/00/00 |
Jackson |
0000/00/00 |
Jackson |
1986/06/23 |
SW |
Jackson Bear |
1993/01/11 |
S |
Jackson Bridger Luvrnewfies |
2007/01/06 |
SW |
Jackson Creeks Dear Abby |
1994/10/10 |
S |
Jackson Cross |
2001/04/13 |
S |
Jackson Hale |
2010/12/28 |
S |
Jackson McDaniel |
2003/12/21 |
S |
Jackson of McIntosh |
1988/02/07 |
S |
Jackson Peters |
2010/01/10 |
S |
Jacksons Amzn Ambidextergus |
2003/08/18 |
SmB |
Jacksons Arms Night´N Furry Armor |
2008/03/02 |
S |
Jacksons Black Buccaneer |
1983/03/15 |
S |
Jacksons Dog Peanut |
2022/10/22 |
SW |
Jacksons Fairway Buoy |
1984/01/12 |
S |
Jacksons Hot Cup of Java |
2009/04/23 |
braun-weiss |
Jacksons Mr. Bo Jangles |
2010/09/02 |
S |
Jacksons Storm |
2008/12/13 |
Grau |
Jacksons Tiny Black Bear |
1994/02/22 |
S |
Jacksons Welder |
1998/02/03 |
B |
Jacob |
2009/02/21 |
S |
Jacob Yoder Schutt |
2006/06/02 |
SWrB |
Jacobs Whatever Lola Wants |
2009/02/19 |
SW |
Jada Lin-De of Tall Timbers |
2004/06/13 |
SrD |
Jade II |
2018/01/16 |
SrSW |
Jade Juniper |
2021/10/16 |
B |
Jaffa |
0000/00/00 |
Jagger The Situation Burris |
2018/05/18 |
SWrB |
Jaggers Washing Mist |
2021/06/30 |
BrSWmD |
Jake |
2003/06/29 |
S |
Jake Buster Anderson |
2004/03/05 |
S |
Jake III |
1975/05/26 |
S |
Jake IV |
1975/10/14 |
S |
Jake VII |
1993/03/08 |
S |
Jake VIII |
1994/08/23 |
S |
Jake X |
2001/02/21 |
S |
Jake XI |
2001/09/10 |
S |
Jake XIV |
2006/02/21 |
S |
Jake XV |
2008/04/21 |
S |
Jake XVI |
2009/04/16 |
S |
James Garvey |
2017/10/30 |
SrSW |
Jameson Willmott |
2012/01/01 |
Jana |
2013/11/12 |
Janette |
0000/00/00 |
Janies Got A Gun Bear Paw Adams |
2021/10/21 |
SrBrSW |
Japanese for Cat |
2008/04/09 |
S |
Jasmin Lily Anderson |
2007/11/11 |
S |
Jasmine Alissa Hergert |
2018/05/09 |
B |
Jasmine Bear Domino |
1989/07/11 |
SW |
Jasmine Flower of The Ozarks Long |
2018/11/23 |
SrB |
Jasmine IV |
2005/07/08 |
S |
Jasmine Mai Tuttle |
1990/09/02 |
S |
Jasmine Noyes |
2004/12/31 |
S |
Jasmine of The Ranch |
2006/01/28 |
SW |
Jasmine Onyx Chenoweth |
1998/03/05 |
S |
Jasmine Shadow In The Night |
1987/04/18 |
S |
Jasmine Sierra of Somerset |
1997/03/14 |
S |
Jasmine Two Socks |
2005/05/20 |
SmB |
Jasmine V |
2006/04/13 |
S |
Jasmine VI |
2006/04/13 |
S |
Jasminemarie Samson Selash Ingalls |
2017/12/23 |
BmSW |
Jasper |
2015/01/29 |
Jasper Barkley Walker |
2006/11/04 |
S |
Jasper Becker |
2000/09/28 |
S |
Jasper Chompers Odiferous |
2008/11/05 |
SW |
Jasper II |
1985/12/29 |
S |
Jasper IV |
2008/06/01 |
S |
Jasper Jorg Dubois |
2001/02/11 |
SW |
Jasper of Canada |
2021/05/29 |
SrD |
Jasper of Glowood |
1987/01/19 |
S |
Jaspers Boy Bearly |
1995/02/03 |
S |
Jaspers Little Abigail |
2009/11/05 |
S |
Jaspers Two Steppin´ |
2005/01/13 |
SW |
Jax |
2014/01/22 |
Jaxon Bear |
2020/02/11 |
B |
Jaxson Cox |
2020/09/12 |
S |
Jayla Hamm |
2020/02/11 |
SrB |
Jazs Don Jaun Romeo |
2009/06/23 |
B |
Jazzy Bears Ebony |
2004/12/18 |
S |
Jazzy Jasmine at Bearheart Newfoundlands |
2021/02/22 |
SrSW |
JC Highland Black Watch Bear |
1991/06/19 |
SmB |
Jean Louise Finch A.K.A. Scout |
2016/04/11 |
SmBrSW |
Jennie |
0000/00/00 |
Jenny Bear The Heart of Pine River |
2019/02/09 |
B |
Jensfjords Mark of Sojowase |
0000/00/00 |
Jerk |
0000/00/00 |
Jerk |
0000/00/00 |
Jerk |
0000/00/00 |
Jerk |
0000/00/00 |
Jerry Garcia |
1995/05/24 |
S |
Jerrys Ace |
1992/10/20 |
S |
Jerrys Black Magic |
1979/03/30 |
S |
Jerrys Carrie of Turtleridge |
1976/08/17 |
S |
Jerrys Cinder Bear |
1988/11/22 |
S |
Jessey |
1891/11/05 |
S |
Jessica Belle |
1982/03/17 |
S |
Jessica III |
1994/03/07 |
S |
Jessica Jean Kodiak |
1986/12/04 |
S |
Jessica Kaleh |
1976/01/07 |
S |
Jessica Lee of Edgewood |
1977/11/24 |
S |
Jessica of Chadwicks Dream |
1993/03/20 |
S |
Jessica of Old Bailey |
1981/08/29 |
SW |
Jessica of Sunrise Meghan |
1984/07/08 |
SrD |
Jessica Sams Shadow |
1984/04/18 |
S |
Jessica Seawards Blackbeard |
1995/03/14 |
S |
Jessicaa |
1989/05/08 |
S |
Jessicas Big Jakey Dog |
2000/11/18 |
S |
Jessicas Burt |
1977/10/09 |
S |
Jessicas Dakota Dream |
1994/02/07 |
S |
Jessicas Joshua Bear |
1980/10/22 |
S |
Jessicas Lady Nadia |
1997/06/21 |
S |
Jessicas Oh Brother |
1977/10/09 |
S |
Jessicas Roxi Carmichael |
2008/08/04 |
S |
Jessie |
0000/00/00 |
Jessie Bear of Fair Haven |
1995/10/01 |
S |
Jessie Gentle Skyview |
2000/04/30 |
S |
Jessie Girl |
1994/09/18 |
S |
Jessie Girl Adams |
2006/03/28 |
S |
Jessie James |
1976/04/13 |
S |
Jessie James Griswold |
1981/06/30 |
SW |
Jessie James Smart |
1997/12/07 |
S |
Jessie Little Phantom Bear |
1991/12/12 |
S |
Jessie Madden |
1988/10/18 |
S |
Jessie of Misty Ridge Island |
1990/10/13 |
S |
Jessie of Whitebrook |
2004/10/10 |
B |
Jessies Adoras Pride |
2005/03/08 |
S |
Jet |
0000/00/00 |
Jet |
2020/12/23 |
SrBrSWrD |
Jett |
1903/01/01 |
Jetta |
2013/05/16 |
Jetta Abide With Me |
2020/11/21 |
SrB |
Jetta of Mardendale |
1987/05/08 |
S |
Jgs His Royal Highness King Henry I |
2021/01/02 |
SmB |
Jill |
0000/00/00 |
Jill |
0000/00/00 |
Jilos Princess Dakota |
2020/09/16 |
SWmD |
Jilos Princess Denver |
2020/09/16 |
SWmD |
Jim |
0000/00/00 |
Jim |
0000/00/00 |
Jim |
0000/00/00 |
Jim Dandys Pine River |
2018/12/21 |
SW |
Jingo |
0000/00/00 |
Jipsy Queen |
0000/00/00 |
JJ Gunnar Love |
2021/01/25 |
SrBrSW |
JJ Rasta Bear |
2003/08/18 |
SmB |
Joanie Marie of Pine River |
2018/12/21 |
SW |
Joe |
0000/00/00 |
Johnson Farm Byron |
2021/05/02 |
Johnson Farms "Noah" Ark of Peace And Comfort |
2019/02/26 |
SrSW |
Johnson Farms Apollo |
2019/10/05 |
SrSWmD |
Johnson Farms Banrigh Milne |
2021/01/05 |
SrB |
Johnson Farms Bit O Irish Sass |
2022/09/23 |
B |
Johnson Farms Cade Gabis Juno |
2008/10/29 |
GraurBmSW |
Johnson Farms Coco Chanel |
2019/07/17 |
Grau |
Johnson Farms Cosmo Shadow Nicometo |
2019/07/17 |
SrD |
Johnson Farms Cruze |
2019/12/13 |
B |
Johnson Farms Echo II |
2021/01/05 |
B |
Johnson Farms Enchanting Willow |
2019/02/26 |
SrSWrD |
Johnson Farms Fergus |
2016/07/13 |
SWmB |
Johnson Farms Ford |
2019/10/05 |
GraurSW |
Johnson Farms Guardian of Mt. Tabor-Fred |
2016/07/13 |
SmBrSW |
Johnson Farms Jed Meriwether Emerson |
2019/07/17 |
SrD |
Johnson Farms Jeep Renegade |
2021/05/08 |
Grau |
Johnson Farms Legend |
2018/05/22 |
B |
Johnson Farms Lisa Martin |
2021/01/25 |
SrD |
Johnson Farms Logan |
2021/02/21 |
SrB |
Johnson Farms Lotus |
2021/02/21 |
B |
Johnson Farms Loyale |
2018/05/22 |
B |
Johnson Farms Luna |
2019/07/17 |
Grau |
Johnson Farms Marbella |
2022/09/23 |
B |
Johnson Farms Maverick |
2019/12/13 |
B |
Johnson Farms Maybach |
2022/09/23 |
B |
Johnson Farms Mercedes Margarett |
2017/04/30 |
SrD |
Johnson Farms Pantera |
2018/03/10 |
SrB |
Johnson Farms Passport |
2019/10/23 |
SW |
Johnson Farms Range Rover Vogue |
2019/07/17 |
Grau |
Johnson Farms Stealth |
2021/01/25 |
Grau |
Johnson Farms Sunny Sunshine |
2016/07/13 |
BrSW |
Johnson Farms Sylvie Betty Bleu |
2021/05/08 |
GraurB |
Johnson Farms The Power of Man |
2008/10/29 |
CrememSW |
Johnson Farms Tinkerbella |
2019/02/26 |
SW |
Johnson Farms Volkswagen Beetle |
2019/10/05 |
SrSWmD |
Johnson Farms Weeble Wobble |
2019/02/26 |
SrSW |
Johnson Farms Woody |
2019/12/13 |
SmB |
Johnson Farms Zeus |
2007/10/11 |
B |
Johnson Farms Zoe Giard |
2016/07/13 |
SWmB |
Jollimores Tilly |
0000/00/00 |
Jolly Rogers Ellie Sandcastle |
1997/03/18 |
SW |
Jolly Rogers Waltz´N Matilda |
1997/03/18 |
SW |
Jordan Lee Heart |
1996/02/03 |
S |
Jordan Lee Potts |
2001/10/29 |
S |
Jordan Sojourner of The Sea |
1997/03/14 |
S |
Jordans Cajun Belle Abbey |
1999/10/04 |
S |
Jordans Midnite Magic |
1997/01/17 |
S |
Jordans Precious Shawnae |
2001/02/02 |
S |
Jordans Sailing Lad |
1976/03/27 |
Grau |
Jordans Valiant Thor |
1976/06/16 |
S |
Joseph |
0000/00/00 |
Joseph James March |
2000/10/22 |
SmD |
Joseph Ruffington |
1976/05/23 |
SW |
Josephina |
2002/01/28 |
S |
Josephine |
0000/00/00 |
Josephine |
0000/00/00 |
Josephine Mae Black Bear |
2008/06/03 |
S |
Josephine Marcus Bollwahn |
2013/10/15 |
S |
Josephine of Peaks |
1992/09/20 |
S |
Josephine Onyx Beauty |
2009/11/24 |
S |
Josephono Orion |
1997/09/05 |
S |
Josephs Grandson of Victor |
1989/02/22 |
B |
Joshua |
2005/08/16 |
SW |
Joshua Bear |
1975/03/15 |
S |
Joshua Freedom |
1979/12/09 |
S |
Joshua Grande De Miel |
1982/04/25 |
S |
Joshua of Coatbridge |
1977/11/12 |
S |
Joshua of De Col |
1979/12/10 |
S |
Joshua V |
1975/09/25 |
S |
Joshuas Gentle Ben |
1977/08/08 |
S |
Joshuas Hero |
1993/10/04 |
S |
Joshuas Jody |
1975/02/24 |
S |
Joshuas Lady Daphne |
1981/05/20 |
S |
Joshuas Licorice Lollypop |
1981/05/06 |
S |
Joshuas Lively Boy |
1988/01/18 |
S |
Joshuas Midnight Jewel |
2000/05/16 |
S |
Joshuas Shana Naomi Josneb |
2005/07/29 |
S |
Joshuas Siddy of Big Creek |
2004/03/16 |
S |
Joshuas Sir Princeton |
1991/04/23 |
S |
Joshuas Waterboy of Camelot |
1980/05/06 |
S |
Josie Blue |
2018/03/23 |
Journey Infinity of Pine River |
2019/08/16 |
SW |
Jss Sr Lil Miss Raylynn |
2019/11/27 |
BrSW |
Jude Meeker |
2017/03/28 |
Judge |
2020/09/12 |
BrSW |
Jughead of Dreamacres |
2021/10/27 |
SW |
Juice |
2020/05/03 |
SrB |
Juju |
2004/06/02 |
Jujumon |
2021/06/30 |
SWrBmD |
Juliette Dee Dee Rankin of Pine River |
2021/01/03 |
SrSW |
Juliette Harp |
2021/06/30 |
grau-weissrB |
Jumbo |
0000/00/00 |
Jumbo |
0000/00/00 |
Jumbo |
0000/00/00 |
Jumbo |
0000/00/00 |
Jumbo Girl III |
0000/00/00 |
Juneau |
2008/03/30 |
Juneau |
2019/12/27 |
SmD |
Junior of Pine River |
2019/06/12 |
SW |
Juno (Wurrs) |
0000/00/00 |
Juno at Quillapaw |
2022/05/02 |
BrD |
Juno Sleeping Bear |
2018/12/03 |
SW |
Just Plain Chuck |
1992/05/27 |
SW |
Justa Veree Black Berree |
1992/04/23 |
S |
K And B April Showers |
1993/04/17 |
S |
Kahlua Mikenzie Gentry |
1999/11/08 |
S |
Kahlua V |
2019/07/09 |
BrD |
Kahua Kane |
2018/04/11 |
grau-weissmB |
Kai |
2018/11/18 |
Kai Orson Obrien |
2022/06/09 |
GraurB |
Kaiju Rodan |
2020/03/13 |
SrBrD |
Kaisers Aspen |
2016/02/07 |
SrBrSWrD |
Kala Headrick |
2021/12/02 |
S |
Kalebs River Rain of Tail Wag Acres |
2010/05/23 |
B |
Kane Hennessy |
2019/06/24 |
B |
Kanes Black Panda |
1973/07/11 |
S |
Kara Contessa Come By Chance |
1988/06/28 |
S |
Karbon |
2017/08/21 |
grau-weissrB |
Karlos |
1927/01/01 |
Karly Friend |
2015/12/18 |
Kasia of Long Lane Honey |
2019/05/27 |
Kate |
2018/06/08 |
Kathleen |
0000/00/00 |
Kathys Black Bear |
1986/11/08 |
S |
Kathys Boo Boo |
1976/09/03 |
S |
Kathys Grizzly Bear |
1992/07/12 |
S |
Kathys Kodi Bear |
1985/07/03 |
S |
Kathys Little Bogie |
2000/01/03 |
Grau |
Kathys Snoppy |
1974/07/08 |
S |
Katie |
0000/00/00 |
Katie II |
1996/05/27 |
SmSW |
Katie Mae II |
2018/11/19 |
braun-weiss |
Katies Kiss |
2008/11/08 |
SrB |
Katies Midnight Gift |
2008/10/11 |
S |
Katonah |
0000/00/00 |
Kayce De A Bell of Bells |
1996/11/16 |
S |
Kayla Kaboo Pomeroy |
0000/00/00 |
KCs Little Kianna |
1993/04/17 |
S |
Keegan |
2013/05/17 |
Keeners Apollo |
2018/05/23 |
SWrB |
Keeper |
0000/00/00 |
Keeper |
2001/07/17 |
S |
Keeper II |
2007/05/31 |
S |
Keepers Remington of Old Bay |
1994/03/04 |
S |
Keepers Trouble Bear |
1988/10/22 |
S |
Keeva-Her Sisters Keeper |
2016/09/07 |
SW |
Keifer |
0000/00/00 |
S |
Keisha Care-A-Lot Bear |
1994/04/13 |
S |
Kelby Bamsey |
2020/06/07 |
SrBmD |
Kelly IV |
2019/04/15 |
GraurB |
Kelly V |
2019/06/04 |
SrSW |
Kenai Abiqua McCammon |
2017/03/04 |
B |
Kennedys Southpaw Ruby |
1997/02/17 |
SWrTan |
Kenny |
0000/00/00 |
Kenya III |
2021/01/25 |
SrBrSW |
Kenzo |
2011/03/02 |
S, weisse Abzeichen |
Keplers Chocolate Diamonds |
2019/08/04 |
BrD |
Keplers Ruby Filled Gold Crown |
0000/00/00 |
GraurBrSW |
Kerry |
0000/00/00 |
Keweenaw Calumet |
2017/12/20 |
SrB |
Keystones American Justice |
2004/04/20 |
S |
Keystones Phoenix |
2001/10/31 |
SW |
Khephera Tabu Isis´ Angel |
2016/12/20 |
SW |
Khoalie Zuch |
2010/09/18 |
Kianda of The Sea The Guardian |
2022/11/21 |
Non-Standard Colour |
Kiara Lee-Ferguson |
2015/07/02 |
SW |
Kiara Lynn |
2021/08/12 |
SrBmSW |
Kiddys Rover |
0000/00/00 |
Kiki Brown Bear Baklashev |
2018/06/01 |
BmSW |
Killians Brooklyn of Rockcastle |
2018/01/15 |
SrB |
Killians HRH Briar Rose of Summer Hill Timbers |
2020/12/10 |
S |
Kimballs Country Long Shot-Hoosier |
2018/01/19 |
SrSW |
Kimballs Country Midnight Sailyr |
2018/04/19 |
SW |
Kimberlys Princess Tina |
1996/12/23 |
S |
Kimi Ringler |
2005/06/04 |
SW |
Kimoke Bay Caledonia |
2002/04/29 |
S |
Kimoke Bay Commodore Perry |
2002/04/29 |
S |
Kimoke Bay Kamehameha |
2002/04/29 |
S |
Kimoke Bay Kasodis Joy Theo |
2002/04/29 |
S |
Kimoke Bay Keeper of My Heart |
2002/04/29 |
S |
Kimoke Bay Newfoundqueen |
2002/04/29 |
S |
Kimoke Bay Sea Whisper |
2002/04/29 |
S |
Kimoke Bay Twilight Mist |
2002/04/29 |
S |
Kimoke Bay Uptown Girl |
2002/04/29 |
S |
Kindred Spirits Reya |
2021/05/17 |
SWrB |
King |
0000/00/00 |
King |
0000/00/00 |
King |
1910/01/01 |
King Augustus of Gilbert Station |
2018/10/27 |
grau-weiss |
King Boscos Dream |
2006/11/16 |
SWrB |
King Carlo |
0000/00/00 |
King Cole |
0000/00/00 |
King Cronus of Pine River |
2019/03/26 |
SrB |
King Curler |
0000/00/00 |
King Farm Lily |
2021/11/24 |
SrB |
King George Falcor The First |
2007/10/01 |
SW |
King Georges 2nd Star To The Right |
2018/08/10 |
SW |
King Greystoke of Browning |
1992/01/13 |
SW |
King Huey Thompson |
2004/11/04 |
SmBmSW |
King Jaspers Bam Bam |
1993/12/19 |
S |
King Kong of Jefferson |
2006/06/10 |
S |
King Louie Pfister |
2019/05/05 |
B |
King Magnus The Good Dog |
2021/10/07 |
SrD |
King Mako |
2021/02/25 |
S |
King Noir |
0000/00/00 |
King Samson of Colorado |
1993/10/04 |
S |
King Simba of Moose Peaks |
2009/11/20 |
S |
King Sloppy Samson |
2019/07/19 |
SWrB |
Kingan |
0000/00/00 |
Kings Own |
0000/00/00 |
Kings Prod |
0000/00/00 |
Kings Ranse |
1903/01/01 |
Kings Royal Maple Leaf |
2021/12/03 |
S |
Kiowas Shayna Littlebear |
1981/09/18 |
S |
Kippens |
2021/01/03 |
braun-weiss |
Kipper of The Black Pearl |
2007/01/11 |
S |
Kiprocks Pursuit of Perfection |
2007/03/02 |
SW |
Kissed By Chocolate |
2006/12/06 |
B |
Kitale Ghee Mato |
2017/09/18 |
B |
Kitty By Horner |
2019/03/10 |
SrB |
Kiva Branfort |
2020/08/04 |
SmSW |
Kloofbear Rounds The Horn To Freedoms Harbopr |
2023/01/18 |
KMJ Arlo |
2020/02/22 |
SWmB |
KMJ Bear |
2021/10/27 |
SrSW |
KMJ Bjorn Angus Og |
2020/05/28 |
SrSW |
KMJ Bourbon Grace |
2020/02/22 |
SWmB |
KMJ Cooks Sebastian |
2020/05/28 |
SWrBrD |
KMJ Lieutenant Archibald Anderson |
2020/05/28 |
SrSW |
KMJ Rocky Fork Charlie |
2021/10/27 |
SW |
KMJ Scour Remington Davis |
2022/05/21 |
SrD |
KMJ-Rocky |
2020/02/22 |
BrSW |
KMJs Howdy Doody Time |
2018/01/01 |
SWrBrD |
KMW Skye Wheat |
2020/05/28 |
SWrD |
Knight of Bitter Sweet Rejection |
2018/11/22 |
SrBrSWrD |
Knox |
2019/12/17 |
SWrB |
Knox Baloo |
2021/10/28 |
SmBrD |
Knox Gardens Own Newman |
2016/01/05 |
S |
Koa Searfoss |
2007/04/12 |
Koby |
2017/11/16 |
SWmB |
Koda Bare |
2021/04/23 |
BrSWmD |
Koda Bear of Wellington |
2023/05/21 |
BrSW |
Koda Bear Vanderpeol |
2019/02/05 |
GraurBrSW |
Koda Far North |
2019/01/27 |
B |
Koda IX |
2008/11/29 |
SrSW |
Koda of Long Lane Honey |
2018/12/22 |
GraurSW |
Koda Palmer |
2007/11/14 |
S |
Koda SGB |
2019/04/19 |
SmBrSW |
Koda V |
2005/11/11 |
S |
Kodah Bear |
2016/12/27 |
SWrBrD |
Kodi Bear |
2016/09/23 |
SmBrD |
Kodi Big Bear |
2018/11/23 |
BrSW |
Kodi P |
2017/01/04 |
B |
Kodiak Abiqua McCammon |
2016/09/09 |
B |
Kodiak Klassics Kannon |
1986/06/01 |
S |
Kodiak Q of Kaleb |
2008/03/09 |
B |
Kodiak Whiskey Venture |
1992/12/01 |
B |
Kodiaks Grand Lass |
1992/11/11 |
S |
Kodiaks Midnight Shadow II |
1989/11/22 |
S |
Kodiaks Tinker of Stormy Cs |
0000/00/00 |
Kona Shadowsong |
2020/02/09 |
GraurBrSW |
Kona Spirit Vroman |
2020/05/03 |
B |
Kona XIII |
2020/06/10 |
S |
Kona XV |
2021/01/05 |
B |
Krasny Opatrovnik of Pine River |
2019/08/16 |
SmSW |
Kristens Mississippi Bingo |
2004/12/25 |
braun-weissrD |
Kristies Karma |
2020/08/15 |
SrBmD |
Kuma Bonnie Kent |
2017/01/15 |
SrSW |
Kyantee Demato |
2010/03/22 |
Kylie Horstman |
2000/01/01 |
Kyro III |
2019/01/19 |
SrD |
Lacey Shapland-Fay |
2012/11/03 |
S |
Lady |
2008/12/04 |
Lady Agnes |
2017/07/04 |
SW |
Lady Ann Belvedere |
1970/04/26 |
S |
Lady Anna of Summerdale |
2017/09/09 |
B |
Lady Babe Magdeline Maquire |
1992/09/09 |
S |
Lady Bell |
0000/00/00 |
Lady Bird English |
2021/01/11 |
SWmBmD |
Lady Brielle of Bauline |
2020/12/22 |
SrBmSWrD |
Lady C. |
0000/00/00 |
Lady Calypsos Song |
2010/09/02 |
S |
Lady Charlee Cee of Casa del Mar |
2021/05/29 |
SrD |
Lady Dina |
2003/08/18 |
B |
Lady Florry |
0000/00/00 |
Lady Grace |
0000/00/00 |
Lady Grace |
1906/01/01 |
Lady Green |
0000/00/00 |
Lady Jessica of The Gulph |
1992/02/03 |
S |
Lady Jumbo |
1905/01/01 |
Lady Kaia Silverstar |
2007/03/27 |
S |
Lady Lander Too |
1993/01/11 |
S |
Lady Lexus |
1992/10/20 |
S |
Lady Lucy Raider |
2003/09/17 |
SW |
Lady Margaret Mae |
2002/03/30 |
S |
Lady Mildred of Rock Castle |
2022/01/02 |
BrD |
Lady Molly of Baie Verde |
1993/12/14 |
SrSW |
Lady Natasha of Foxcroft |
1989/07/02 |
Lady Nova |
1975/12/20 |
Lady of Canton |
2006/12/29 |
S |
Lady of Carefree |
1978/04/25 |
S |
Lady of Lanark |
1979/04/13 |
SW |
Lady of Sugar Grove |
1976/02/27 |
S |
Lady of The Lake |
1974/05/29 |
S |
Lady of The North |
1986/06/25 |
S |
Lady of Treebrook Sheila |
1992/12/15 |
Grau |
Lady of White Mist |
1975/08/11 |
SW |
Lady Rainicorn |
2017/05/09 |
SrSW, weisse Abzeichen |
Lady Sadie Grey |
2021/11/25 |
Grau |
Lady Sarah Belle |
1999/01/15 |
S |
Lady Shucky Beans of Cindy Blair |
2020/12/15 |
BmSW |
Lady Snow The First |
2017/02/25 |
Lady Tara of Jarrettsville |
2007/05/31 |
S |
Lady Violet |
0000/00/00 |
Lake Country Newfoundlands Yogi Da Bear A |
2019/06/02 |
B |
Lakota |
2004/03/16 |
S |
Lalah Grace Vrell |
2020/09/12 |
SWrB |
Lana |
2017/01/15 |
SrD |
Landseer Girl Chonko |
2012/02/27 |
Laney Rooke |
2008/01/01 |
S |
Lanham Hills Oso |
1974/11/01 |
S |
Lanie |
2019/10/25 |
B |
Larkins Maize In Blue |
2010/02/09 |
S |
Larry |
0000/00/00 |
Larry |
2012/12/22 |
LAs Hagar The Loveable |
1994/01/08 |
SmB |
Lasky |
1930/04/02 |
S, weisse Abzeichen |
Lass |
0000/00/00 |
Lass |
0000/00/00 |
Latin Andrea Emily of Course |
2013/04/29 |
Latin Cy Ridge Lena |
2020/05/20 |
B |
Latin Daisy Joe of Course |
2023/07/11 |
Latin Goddess Athena |
2017/09/18 |
B |
Latin Kayleigh of Pure Meadow |
2020/11/13 |
Latin Lt Nico of Course |
2020/12/15 |
SWmB |
Latin Maggie B Onyx Jewel |
2023/01/14 |
SrB |
Latin Nana Rose of Course |
2013/03/05 |
Latin Phoebe Brooke |
2022/11/25 |
SW |
Latin Sophia Estelle |
2022/01/18 |
Latin Sylvia Jo of Course |
2022/02/17 |
SrSW |
Latin William Wallace III The Warrior |
2019/04/28 |
SmSW |
Latin Zeus Mount Olympus |
2016/12/02 |
Laura B |
0000/00/00 |
Laura of Gentle Ben |
1994/03/07 |
S |
Layla Loves Kentucky Fried Chicken |
2021/05/29 |
SmD |
Layla of Black Wolf |
2007/08/21 |
SrSW |
Layla Uzwy |
2019/11/20 |
SrSW |
Laylav |
2017/02/19 |
S |
Lazy Heart D Blu Baloo |
2017/01/28 |
GraumB |
Lazy Mazie Mae |
2020/05/18 |
SrBrD |
Lea |
2001/08/04 |
S |
Leach-Blue |
2018/01/10 |
Grau |
Leah II |
2019/05/03 |
SmSW |
Leah Kahlua Cajas |
2014/06/25 |
B |
Leda |
0000/00/00 |
Leeli |
2015/01/14 |
Lefton |
0000/00/00 |
Legacy Ridge Amina By North Fork |
2021/11/01 |
BrD |
Legacys Allstar Jake Peavy at Trinty Cove |
2008/12/13 |
S |
Legacys Real Spitfire Lola Luna |
2008/12/13 |
S |
Legend |
2008/06/01 |
Legends Dancing Bear |
2001/01/01 |
S |
Legends Little Sis |
2021/01/25 |
SrB |
Legends Mr. Beau Jangles |
1998/03/12 |
S |
Legends Nile Queen Cleopatra |
1998/03/12 |
S |
Lekays Boo Boo Bandit |
2018/04/29 |
BrSW |
Lela |
2020/07/02 |
SrB |
Leo |
0000/00/00 |
Leo |
0000/00/00 |
Leo II |
2016/10/15 |
B |
Leo The Lion of Blackstrap |
2016/08/27 |
S |
Leof |
0000/00/00 |
Leonitus |
2009/08/25 |
S |
Lesters Vernal Equinox |
2001/04/14 |
S |
Let´s Turn The Page |
0000/00/00 |
SrB |
Lexi-Lou |
2019/05/23 |
SWmB |
Lexis Lady at M&M |
2021/02/04 |
SrBrSW |
Liam Dynamite Ferguson |
2017/04/03 |
SrB |
Liberty III |
2004/11/29 |
S |
Liberty of Howanitz Estates |
1992/08/15 |
S |
Life Full of Bliss at Lilly Creek |
2019/03/05 |
SrSW |
Life Is Good |
2008/09/06 |
S |
Life of Riley |
2011/11/27 |
Life Saver |
0000/00/00 |
Lifeguard Phantom Kuma |
2004/04/20 |
S |
Lifeguard Samson |
2004/04/20 |
S |
Lifesaver |
0000/00/00 |
Life´s An Echo |
2018/02/11 |
SrB |
Light Blue |
2018/03/25 |
Lighthouses Against The Wind |
2009/04/15 |
S |
Lighthouses Biloxi Blu |
2001/04/14 |
S |
Lighthouses El Greco Boo Bear |
2011/08/05 |
SW |
Lighthouses Heartbreaker Dez |
2009/10/29 |
S |
Lighthouses Hot Chocolate |
2009/06/04 |
BrSW |
Lighthouses Marina del Ray |
2009/04/15 |
S |
Lighthouses Noahs Ark |
2001/04/14 |
S |
Lighthouses Pride N Glory |
2001/04/14 |
S |
Lighthouses Sail Away |
2009/04/15 |
SrBrSWrD |
Lighthouses Shiloh |
2001/04/14 |
S |
Lighthouses Spirit of Calypso |
2011/08/05 |
SW |
Lighthouses Sweet Atticus |
2011/08/05 |
SrSW |
Lighthouses Sweet Emotion |
2011/08/05 |
SrSW |
Lighthouses Taylor Bay |
2001/04/14 |
S |
Lighthouses Theodora Amadeus |
2011/08/05 |
SrSW |
Lighthouses Western Gambler |
2004/08/03 |
S |
Lil Bear |
2021/08/10 |
S |
Lil Peanut |
2007/01/12 |
SW |
Lilies Southern Patriot |
2016/07/06 |
SrBrSW |
Lilly |
2004/12/26 |
S |
Lilly Creeks Beautiful Samara |
2021/04/27 |
SrBmSW |
Lilly II |
2010/01/18 |
S |
Lilly-Ann Marie |
2014/09/12 |
S |
Lillymae Ann Sills |
2014/11/19 |
B |
Lily III |
2015/11/11 |
SrB |
Lil´ Brooks Brigus Oyster Bay |
1989/04/12 |
SW |
Limericks T´Aintabully |
1997/08/02 |
S |
Lincoln Finally Arrives |
2019/01/17 |
B |
Lincoln Logg Nelson |
2014/04/13 |
SrB |
Link |
0000/00/00 |
Link Lopez |
2019/07/03 |
SrBrSWmTan |
Linsey of Greydigger Ranch |
2019/04/19 |
BrSW |
Linusthe Happy Prince |
2018/04/29 |
SWrB |
Lion |
0000/00/00 |
Lion |
0000/00/00 |
Little Anne |
2000/06/29 |
SmSW |
Little Baby Bear Bunches |
1992/12/15 |
S |
Little Bear Beau-Gins Pride |
1972/01/22 |
Little Bears Tank Full of Joy |
2009/06/23 |
B |
Little Ben of The Valley |
2014/09/12 |
S |
Little Bit Curtis |
2017/11/10 |
B |
Little Black Sophie Bear |
1997/12/07 |
S |
Little Boy |
0000/00/00 |
Little Darby Lee |
1997/08/10 |
S |
Little Joes Bella |
2009/08/17 |
SmBmSW |
Little Joes Benson |
2009/08/17 |
SmBmSW |
Little Joes Duchess |
2008/07/30 |
S |
Little Joes Dudley |
2009/08/17 |
BmSW |
Little Joes Jax Chad Stewart |
2009/08/17 |
SWmB |
Little Joes Precious Redemption |
2009/08/17 |
SmBmSW |
Little Joes Princess Tiger Lily |
2009/08/17 |
BmSW |
Little Joes Sasha |
2009/04/28 |
SW |
Little Lady Casandra |
1977/04/25 |
S |
Little Lady Landseer |
2011/03/22 |
SW |
Little Lady R |
1993/03/06 |
SmSW |
Little Liza Jane |
2012/08/22 |
S |
Little Miss Aggie Sue |
2005/12/11 |
S |
Little Miss Alexandra |
2004/12/22 |
S |
Little Miss Bella |
2007/01/17 |
S |
Little Miss Daisy |
2000/06/20 |
S |
Little Miss Honey Peaches |
1991/12/12 |
S |
Little Miss Laken |
2012/05/24 |
S |
Little Miss Lucy Woo Woo |
2018/03/01 |
SW |
Little Miss Mandy from Ohio |
2008/02/02 |
SrSW, weisse Abzeichen |
Little Miss Marley Plante |
2009/02/05 |
S |
Little Miss Megalodon |
2021/07/11 |
SrSW |
Little Miss Minnie Pearl |
1992/04/10 |
S |
Little Miss Molly II |
2009/01/10 |
B |
Little Miss Muffin II |
1975/02/11 |
S |
Little Miss Roxie Ru of The Oaks 143 |
2008/11/08 |
SrB |
Little Miss Sally Jane of Sweetbear |
1996/01/23 |
S |
Little Nell |
0000/00/00 |
Little Rivers Maggie Mae of Nautical Newfoundlands |
2017/05/15 |
BrSW |
Little Scarlett O´Hara |
2012/10/14 |
S, weisse Abzeichen |
Little Vernon Bear |
2001/12/28 |
SrSW |
Littlefoot Baloo |
2016/10/01 |
SmSWrD |
Liza |
2007/02/20 |
S |
Liza |
2013/10/21 |
Lizzy Lily Blue |
2005/02/03 |
SrSW |
Li´L Als Poki Loki |
2022/02/17 |
SrSW |
Logan Trudeau |
2018/04/11 |
braun-weissrD |
Loki IX |
2017/05/04 |
SrSW |
Loki Winston Churchill Turner |
2017/10/18 |
braun-weiss |
Loki XI |
2019/01/19 |
SrD |
Lola Magnus |
0000/00/00 |
Lola VII |
2013/04/04 |
B |
Lola X |
2017/02/24 |
B |
Lola XI |
2017/10/20 |
B |
Lola XV |
2020/07/02 |
B |
Long Living Jessica |
2023/04/10 |
BmSWrD |
Longships All The Rage at Greenwood |
2019/07/11 |
S |
Longships Jolly Roger |
2006/06/27 |
SmSW |
Longships Lady at Hycove |
2006/06/27 |
SW |
Lord Baronet (Lord Baron) |
0000/00/00 |
Lord Byron Bear |
1997/12/07 |
S |
Lord Domino Moore of The North Fork |
2018/08/04 |
SWrD |
Lord Duke of Cambridge |
2004/03/05 |
S |
Lord Hades Titan |
2016/12/20 |
SrB |
Lord Hamilton of Fairfax |
1997/03/14 |
S |
Lord Judge |
0000/00/00 |
Lord Kato |
1991/12/12 |
S |
Lord Maximus The Great |
2005/12/02 |
S |
Lord Murphy Legend of Southland |
2021/04/03 |
SrBrSW, weisse Abzeichen |
Lord Ottis Wellington Vold 1 |
2020/08/04 |
SmSW |
Lord Reno |
0000/00/00 |
Lord Rubeus of Seacrest Court |
2005/07/19 |
S |
Lord Tank Legend of Socal |
2022/12/21 |
B |
Loris Ema Sue |
2020/01/02 |
BrSW |
Lottie |
0000/00/00 |
Lou |
0000/00/00 |
Lou |
0000/00/00 |
Lou Wood |
2018/11/16 |
SrBrSWmD |
Lough |
2023/02/26 |
Louie Armstrong Nikoma |
1993/02/26 |
SmSW |
Louie McKinnon |
2009/03/11 |
S |
Louise Chewbacca Newf |
1988/11/01 |
SW |
Louise Logan |
2020/04/11 |
SWrBmD |
Lovable Lola Lou |
2018/12/19 |
SWrB |
Love Crazed Ray of Hope |
2017/08/08 |
SrSW |
Love N Hopes Savin´ Grace |
2017/10/30 |
BrSW |
Lovely Luna of Lansing |
2018/12/07 |
BmSW |
Loveynoodles Titan |
2018/06/16 |
BrD, weisse Abzeichen |
Loving Acres Seamaid Savannah |
1992/02/12 |
S |
Lpp Dreaming Knight |
2019/05/28 |
SrBmSW |
Lu Lu |
2011/07/22 |
SW |
Lu-Jado Murphy |
2020/02/13 |
SrBmSW |
Luca IV |
2023/05/12 |
S |
Lucie Doozie |
2018/12/03 |
SrSW |
Lucille Alice |
1975/06/28 |
S |
Lucille Ball Welder |
2010/05/10 |
S |
Lucille Bhaer Noullet |
1993/07/17 |
S |
Lucille Marie The First |
2003/11/04 |
S |
Lucille Spirit of Grace |
2007/10/17 |
S |
Lucky Lady Mabelline |
2015/05/13 |
SrSW |
Lucky Liz |
1992/05/27 |
SrSW |
Lucky Stones Ellie Mae from Carolina Way |
2021/04/23 |
SWmBmD |
Lucky Stones Rock Solid Samson |
2020/06/30 |
B |
Lucy |
2000/09/05 |
S |
Lucy |
0000/00/00 |
Lucy |
2021/01/01 |
Lucy Ann Gooch |
2015/05/22 |
SrB |
Lucy Fairest of Them All |
2018/06/07 |
SmSWmD |
Lucy Honeybear |
2020/08/15 |
SrBmD |
Lucy Lowe |
2018/05/01 |
BmSW |
Lucy Wonder |
2018/04/20 |
SrB |
Lucysuestaintlayman |
2018/02/07 |
BmSW |
Ludo Bear Trimble |
2018/11/12 |
SmSW |
Luke of Bearhaven |
2004/03/05 |
S |
Lull |
1906/01/01 |
Lulu Sleeping Bear |
2018/12/03 |
SW |
Lumi Brunn Haer Shield Maiden |
2021/11/24 |
B |
Luna Bear IV |
2018/11/12 |
SmSW |
Luna Bear VII |
2022/02/19 |
SrD |
Luna Bella |
2021/09/29 |
BmSWrD |
Luna Birthday Present Klein |
2020/12/01 |
GraurBmSW |
Luna Brown |
2022/03/20 |
S |
Luna By Horner |
2019/03/10 |
SrB |
Luna Eclipse 24-Carat Truffle |
2018/06/04 |
B |
Luna Lou Lou Nolan |
2021/08/18 |
SWrB |
Luna Moon Bear Paw Adams |
2022/05/04 |
SWmB |
Luna Porter |
2019/02/05 |
BrSWmD |
Luna Wheeler |
2019/04/24 |
Grau |
Luna Winters |
2018/05/01 |
SrBmSW |
Luna XVIII |
2018/10/18 |
SrSW |
2018/12/13 |
SmSW |
Lunba Baier |
2024/09/09 |
SrSW |
Lupe Mayberry |
2020/09/01 |
GraurB |
Luv R Newfies Miss Bree |
0000/00/00 |
SrSW, weisse Abzeichen |
Luvrnewfies Boji Girl II |
2019/07/19 |
SW |
Luvrnewfies Boscos Bo |
2016/06/06 |
SW |
Luvrnewfies Emma |
2016/10/21 |
SrSW |
Luvrnewfies Frankie Girl |
2021/12/06 |
SW |
Luvrnewfies Lizzy |
2018/01/16 |
SrSW |
Luvrnewfies Mattie Girl |
2021/08/03 |
SrSW |
Luvrnewfies Zealands Black Iris |
2017/01/13 |
SrBrSW |
LVs Sweet Gentle Giant |
2015/12/09 |
BmSW |
Lydia |
2005/11/14 |
B |
Lynn K Black Bud |
2004/06/13 |
S |
Lynn K Black Gib |
2004/06/13 |
S |
Lynn K Black Gold |
2004/06/13 |
S |
Lynn K Brads Rose |
2017/08/10 |
SrB |
Lynn K Bubba |
2000/05/01 |
SmB |
Lynn K Emma Lee Boots |
2000/05/01 |
SmB |
Lynn K Harbor Winds Khaliah |
2000/05/01 |
SmB |
Lynn K IV |
2000/05/01 |
B |
Lynn K Lexie Lou Peterson |
2000/05/01 |
B |
Lynn K Macy |
2000/05/01 |
B |
Lynn K Marley II |
2016/08/07 |
SrBrD |
Lynn K Minnie |
2016/08/07 |
S |
Lynn K Miss Gigi |
2020/01/02 |
SmBrSW |
Lynn K Miss Willow |
2020/01/02 |
SmBrSW |
Lynn K Nyx Night Magick |
2013/11/12 |
SrD |
Lynn K Shadow Little Bear Glenn |
2000/05/01 |
SmB |
Lynn K Tow Boat |
2000/05/01 |
SmB |
Lynn K Tug Boat Annie |
2000/05/01 |
B |
M. Bruno |
1895/01/01 |
Mabel of Pleasant Pond |
1985/09/20 |
S |
Mable of Willowcroft |
1996/09/09 |
SrB |
Mable Rooker |
2019/05/03 |
SmSW |
Macho Bacio |
2015/01/17 |
Grau |
Macie |
2023/01/12 |
Mack Morrison |
2017/01/15 |
S |
Mack Murphy |
2021/06/06 |
S |
MacKenzies Jasper of Kodiak |
1997/04/21 |
S |
Mackey Smosna |
2017/02/16 |
SrB |
MacNeirs Shadow Princess |
2017/05/17 |
GraurBmSW |
Macon Manors Warrior Prince Tonga at Fox Tribe |
2020/06/01 |
SrBrSW |
MacWells |
2013/01/26 |
SWmB |
Macy Mae Woofington |
2021/05/06 |
grau-weissrB |
Macys Ramblin Bell |
2017/06/28 |
B |
Mad Max Vanover |
2018/07/25 |
SrSW |
Madame Babe Hannah |
1975/06/29 |
SW |
Madame Bijou De Beracah |
1997/10/28 |
S |
Madame Boo Bear |
1986/06/06 |
S |
Madame Diesel Dudley |
1979/12/07 |
S |
Madame Ebony Bear |
1988/01/16 |
S |
Madame Graysea |
1998/08/28 |
Grau |
Madame Jazmin Booty Kopcik |
2000/06/16 |
SW |
Madame Kasey Baby Bear |
1991/09/16 |
S |
Madame Maddix Nicole Cross |
2004/02/04 |
GraumSW |
Madame Meggon Landseer |
1979/08/22 |
SW |
Madame Merasheen |
1981/12/02 |
S |
Madame Mollysha |
1979/11/19 |
S |
Madame Noire Obie |
1990/12/28 |
S |
Madame Onyx |
2012/06/08 |
S |
Madame Pasha Puntel |
1977/05/29 |
S |
Madame Tasha Tundra |
1987/01/20 |
S |
Madame Tonya |
1976/01/07 |
S |
Maddie |
1999/01/01 |
Maddie SCNR |
2012/01/01 |
Madeline Shaughnessy |
2022/06/11 |
SrBmSW |
Madeline Yarbrough |
2018/08/06 |
SrD |
Madge |
0000/00/00 |
Madge |
0000/00/00 |
Madge |
0000/00/00 |
Madge |
0000/00/00 |
Madison |
1991/07/15 |
S |
Madison Angel Bear |
2004/08/14 |
S |
Madison Avenue Campo |
2006/12/21 |
SmSW |
Madison Belle of The South |
1996/03/29 |
S |
Madison Gypsy Rose |
1991/11/21 |
S |
Madison Jae Aka Maddie |
2020/04/11 |
SWrBmD |
Madison Jefferson Bailey |
2002/09/05 |
S |
Madison of Havana |
1999/10/15 |
SW |
Madison of Kensington |
1996/10/15 |
S |
Madison of Morning Dew |
2001/02/16 |
S |
Madison Savannah Ellis |
1999/04/05 |
S |
Madison Thatcher |
2010/08/26 |
S |
Madison V |
1999/12/23 |
S |
Madison VII |
2008/04/24 |
S |
Madison vom Ishcabibble |
1991/11/28 |
S |
Madisons Lady Bear |
1982/08/27 |
S |
Madisons Teddy Bear |
2005/12/24 |
S |
Mag |
1994/12/28 |
S |
Magdelyn Rose |
2008/06/01 |
S |
Maggi Monroe |
2021/11/03 |
SWrB |
Maggie Fae Brown |
2009/12/09 |
BmD |
Maggie Kuma Kent |
2021/08/29 |
SW |
Maggie Mae |
1981/11/05 |
S |
Maggie Mae Bear |
1987/04/04 |
S |
Maggie Mae Dailey |
2011/05/03 |
S |
Maggie Mae Edwards |
2005/10/29 |
S |
Maggie Mae III |
1998/07/20 |
S |
Maggie Mae IV |
2005/07/20 |
S |
Maggie Mae Kennedy |
1991/08/14 |
SW |
Maggie Mae Lahti |
2010/01/10 |
S |
Maggie Mae Majestic Light |
2013/02/27 |
S |
Maggie Mae McCoy |
1994/05/07 |
SrSW |
Maggie Mae McFly Davis |
1998/02/08 |
SW |
Maggie Mae Meyer |
2005/01/12 |
S |
Maggie Mae Moose |
2022/02/19 |
SrD |
Maggie Mae of Bean Hill |
1987/07/09 |
S |
Maggie Mae of Precious Gems |
1993/11/27 |
S |
Maggie Mae of Willow |
2021/02/10 |
SrSW |
Maggie Mae Reilly |
2007/10/29 |
S |
Maggie Mae Skidmore |
1997/08/10 |
S |
Maggie Mae Star of Smokey Mountains |
2012/01/23 |
S |
Maggie Mae VI |
2012/11/22 |
S |
Maggie Maerouf Bear |
2002/01/04 |
S |
Maggie May Majchrzak |
2019/05/25 |
Grau |
Maggie May of Le Lo La |
2000/05/15 |
S |
Maggie Taylor |
1988/01/13 |
S |
Maggie XXI |
2018/05/18 |
B |
Maggie XXVII |
2020/08/28 |
SW |
Magical Pandas Mystery |
2018/05/04 |
SW |
Magnificent Macey Grace |
2004/06/13 |
S |
Magnificent Molly De |
1989/02/10 |
S |
Magnificent Moonmaiden |
1987/03/25 |
S |
Magnificent Ramses |
1976/10/05 |
S |
Magnolia |
1980/08/18 |
S |
Magnolia Bear Nelson |
2013/05/07 |
SW |
Magnolia Black Bear |
1990/10/10 |
S |
Magnolia Blossom |
1976/01/29 |
S |
Magnolia Bud of Jackson |
1993/12/12 |
S |
Magnolia Diamond In The Ruff |
2003/11/20 |
S |
Magnolia Dream Bear |
2005/07/21 |
S |
Magnolia of Windflower |
2002/06/18 |
S |
Magnolia Rose Taylor |
1999/11/28 |
SmD |
Magnolia Whitney Bernard |
1989/11/23 |
S |
Magnolias Big Easy |
2008/10/11 |
S |
Magnum |
1982/05/04 |
S |
Magnum Cum Laude |
1980/09/23 |
S |
Magnum De Colossus Sir |
1984/08/13 |
S |
Magnum Force |
1982/01/16 |
S |
Magnum Gunnar Baldwin |
2006/03/06 |
S |
Magnum Marley of Rockrose |
2004/02/04 |
GraumSW |
Magnum of Celtic |
1991/03/04 |
S |
Magnums Hemi |
2005/12/05 |
S |
Magnums Shadow Samson |
1987/08/30 |
S |
Magnums Thor Son of Stanley |
1981/11/16 |
S |
Magnus The Great |
2022/02/22 |
SrD |
Mahogany |
2016/06/18 |
Maia Jefferson |
2003/01/14 |
Maia Oceana Persephone |
2014/12/26 |
SWrB |
Majestic Trails Catching Fire |
2014/03/24 |
SrSW |
Majestic Trails Chasin A Dream |
2014/03/24 |
SrSW |
Majestic Trails Hudson |
2014/03/24 |
SrSW |
Major |
0000/00/00 |
Major |
0000/00/00 |
Major |
0000/00/00 |
Major II |
1913/06/06 |
S, weisse Abzeichen |
Major Zachary |
1983/06/23 |
SrD |
Make A Big Splash |
2007/04/25 |
SW |
Mako Lord Byron |
2021/02/10 |
SrSW |
Makwa Animosh |
2015/11/11 |
SrB |
Malcolm X of Southland |
2022/12/21 |
SrB |
Mamacibns Tonka Toy of Dunrovin |
2018/07/08 |
SrSW |
Mamacin Witchapaw of Dunrovin |
2017/01/27 |
SW |
Mamacins Maddie |
2021/08/18 |
SWrB |
Mamas Boy Sir Coleman |
2001/05/24 |
S |
Mandy II |
1975/05/18 |
S |
Mandy III |
1976/11/22 |
S |
Mandy IV |
1984/11/20 |
S |
Mandy V |
1990/01/21 |
S |
Mango Tango |
2021/06/09 |
S |
Mank The Tank |
2021/06/30 |
BrSWmD |
Manny Tatonka Hailey Moon Pie |
2020/10/04 |
braun-weiss |
Maple Roybal |
2017/05/17 |
GraurBmSW |
Maple Syrup Adams |
2022/09/04 |
SmD |
Maras Midnight Caesar |
0000/00/00 |
Marcarpents Winston Moonlight Dream |
2007/10/02 |
S |
Marcus Aurelius Augustus |
2014/06/21 |
SrSW |
Margarita Summer Nights |
2018/07/16 |
SW |
Margoree |
2018/09/13 |
SrB |
Margot Addabear |
2016/09/05 |
SrBrD |
Mari-Mac Newlyn |
2018/07/15 |
SrB |
Marinas Amazikeens Kinzua Bear |
2021/05/06 |
BmSWmD |
Mariners Coal |
2002/01/01 |
SW |
Mariners Liberty |
1988/02/22 |
Mark |
0000/00/00 |
Markey |
0000/00/00 |
Marlee |
2020/12/25 |
Marley Ryholbrooke |
1999/12/23 |
S |
Marley VI |
2017/05/04 |
SrSW |
Marley XI |
2021/01/25 |
SrB |
Marlin Weber |
2017/07/03 |
BrSW |
Marnie |
2017/01/28 |
SmBmD |
Marshall |
2017/08/21 |
BmSWmD |
Marshall Arthur MacGyver |
1996/06/11 |
S |
Marshall Butter Bean Bear |
2011/07/07 |
S |
Marshall Deboer |
2019/06/02 |
SrB |
Marshmallow LI |
2017/08/16 |
S |
Martins Boss |
0000/00/00 |
Marvelous Miss Mabel Dreicer |
2019/04/25 |
B |
Marvelous Miss Macie |
2021/09/26 |
SrB |
Marvis Hughes |
2020/08/04 |
SmSW |
Mary |
0000/00/00 |
Mary Rabers Sir Winston of Axe |
2017/07/16 |
SrB |
Mary-Kate The Twin of Pine River |
2017/05/16 |
SrB |
Marys Sweet Boy Smokey |
2017/05/13 |
GraurBmSW |
Masterman |
0000/00/00 |
Matilda of Firefly Hill |
2017/04/30 |
B |
Matilda of WHF |
2020/04/15 |
B |
Mattie May Hays |
2020/01/02 |
SmBrSW |
Maudie Lynn Bonwell |
2021/05/29 |
SmD |
Maui Cicchini |
2016/10/08 |
S |
Maui Demigod of The Wind And Sea |
2020/07/06 |
BrSW |
Maverick Leo |
2020/11/30 |
SWmBrD |
Maverick Mariner of Springhaven |
2006/03/28 |
S |
Maverick Shining Light of Moonridge |
2022/11/18 |
SWrB |
Maverick V |
2018/06/04 |
B |
Maverick Walton |
2022/08/16 |
GraurBmSW |
Mavericks Shinning Star |
2002/01/28 |
S |
Max Dominguez |
2022/03/20 |
S |
Max XIX |
0000/00/00 |
BrSWmD |
Max XVI |
2018/02/28 |
SrSW |
Maxim Nottingham Cross |
2019/10/16 |
SW |
Maximilian Aka Max |
2008/01/13 |
SW |
Maximilian De Hermosa |
1998/09/16 |
S |
Maximilian O Bertotti |
2008/09/13 |
GraumSW |
Maximillian Fitzgerald |
1991/10/15 |
S |
Maximus VII |
2007/03/21 |
SW |
Maxwell |
2001/08/01 |
May |
0000/00/00 |
May |
0000/00/00 |
May Marshall |
0000/00/00 |
Maya Moo |
2020/08/01 |
SmBrSWrD |
Mazikeen |
2020/02/23 |
SWrD |
Mazikeen Sugar Bear |
2017/01/23 |
BrSWrD |
McCracken Points Black Diamond |
2000/12/13 |
SmSW |
McFalls Jackson Oshianas Little Bear |
2008/11/29 |
SrSW |
McNatts Newfoundland |
2018/03/01 |
SrBrSW |
McNeills Rollo |
0000/00/00 |
Mcritchies Poetry of Maya Angelou |
2018/05/26 |
SW |
Mea Marie Miller |
2018/12/07 |
GraumBrSW |
Meadow Thorpe Flora |
0000/00/00 |
Meadow View Ruby |
2017/09/15 |
S |
Medicine Creeks Aimin High |
2015/06/29 |
B |
Medicine Creeks All That Glitters |
2020/12/09 |
BrSW |
Medicine Creeks Creators Wind |
2018/09/08 |
SWrB |
Medicine Creeks Moment In Time |
2021/02/20 |
S |
Medicine Creeks On Cloud Nine |
2018/02/24 |
SrB |
Medicine Creeks Top Gun |
2019/10/23 |
SWrB |
Medicine Creeks Wind of Fortune |
2018/02/24 |
S |
Medium Blue |
2021/03/30 |
Medium Rare Porterhouse Parrett |
2007/04/01 |
SW |
Meehans Black Crystle Maiden |
1995/07/28 |
S |
Meehans Midnight Rose |
2005/06/13 |
S |
Meggie of Luv R Newfies |
0000/00/00 |
SrBrSW |
Melany |
2007/08/12 |
S |
Memories of Muskoka Trinity |
2004/12/01 |
SW |
Mercedes |
2011/11/20 |
S |
Mercedes |
2008/12/10 |
S |
Mercedes Bear |
2003/01/04 |
S |
Mercedes Dernehl |
2006/07/17 |
S |
Mercedes Diamond Davison |
2008/11/16 |
B |
Mercedes Gingerbread Girl |
2007/04/10 |
B |
Mercedes Midnight Sebring |
1998/02/16 |
SmD |
Mercedes of Seaton Springs |
1992/01/19 |
S |
Mercedes Razorback Hagen |
1978/01/09 |
S |
Mercedes Victoria Rose |
1990/04/20 |
S |
Mercedes Wee Black Magic |
1998/05/23 |
S |
Merlin |
2004/02/13 |
S |
Merlin Bacca Kern |
2017/02/24 |
B |
Mermaids Black Pearl |
1990/05/23 |
S |
Mermaids Bluenose Schooner |
1990/05/23 |
S |
Mermaids Ladd de Shane |
1990/05/23 |
S |
Mermaids Murphy Brown |
1990/05/23 |
S |
Merry Chase King Kong |
1977/01/29 |
SW |
Merry Chase Yojo |
1977/01/29 |
SW |
Merry Hope |
2002/08/02 |
S |
Merry Jay Miss Muggins |
1982/05/14 |
S |
Merry Jesse James |
2003/02/22 |
S |
Merry Madisons Cosmo Souri |
2000/06/29 |
SW |
Merry Mariner of Palmyra |
1978/03/16 |
S |
Mesa |
2016/10/15 |
Mesa Park Tuxedo |
2011/09/10 |
SWrB |
MFNs Finest Tuxedo |
2022/11/18 |
Mia Zook |
2018/10/02 |
B |
Michael Angelo |
1989/12/12 |
S |
Michael Jans Moon Bear |
1982/08/26 |
S |
Michael Tyson Stellato |
1988/08/29 |
S |
Michaellas Kubrick |
2003/02/03 |
SWmB |
Michaels Abbey Counter |
2001/02/14 |
S |
Michaels Barbara Fritchie |
1974/08/06 |
S |
Michaels Black Knight |
1993/07/27 |
S |
Michaels Blackberry Muffin |
1984/11/30 |
S |
Michaels Kara-Ben |
1988/04/23 |
S |
Michaels Little Black Sambo |
1978/01/03 |
S |
Michaels Muffin |
1977/02/08 |
S |
Michaels Reckless Rambo |
1986/01/07 |
S |
Michelob Maximus Turnblom |
2006/07/26 |
S |
Midas Bengazi of Baie Verde |
1992/11/29 |
SmSW |
Middletons Harley Davidson |
1999/07/28 |
SW |
Midget Benton Bear |
1998/02/02 |
S |
Midnight |
0000/00/00 |
Midnight Boomer |
2020/05/18 |
BrD |
Midnight Moe |
2007/10/13 |
S |
Midnight XV |
2021/09/28 |
SrBrD |
Midway Birdy |
2023/05/04 |
Mighty Manfred |
1971/01/10 |
S, weisse Abzeichen |
Mila |
2019/06/20 |
SWrB |
Mila Gagne |
2017/12/27 |
SW |
Millerhaus Nobel A Bailey |
2010/05/10 |
S |
Millers --- Samsons Delilah |
2017/04/03 |
SrB |
Millers Big Boy Bear |
2002/11/04 |
S |
Millers Dylilah Sissee |
1983/11/24 |
S |
Millers Marvelous Midnight |
1998/08/04 |
S |
Millers Meadow Baxter The Beast |
2021/05/05 |
SrB |
Millers Murphy Brown |
1996/10/20 |
S |
Millers Newfoundland |
2012/12/22 |
S |
Millers Nokian Skye |
2012/05/14 |
S |
Millers Regal Dutchess |
1984/04/18 |
S |
Millers Remember The Titan |
2004/02/07 |
B |
Milli-Barns Mikki |
1991/10/16 |
S |
Milli-Barns Miranda |
1991/10/16 |
S |
Millie |
2010/09/02 |
S |
Millie III |
2020/02/23 |
grau-weiss |
Millie IV |
2020/11/30 |
SrBrSW |
Millie of Kennonwood |
2022/08/30 |
SrSW |
Millie Thunder Paws Monroe |
2009/06/01 |
SW |
Millie-Rose of Molly McGuire |
1992/03/10 |
SrSW |
Milo |
1874/01/01 |
S |
Milo DeGroot |
2021/05/29 |
SrD |
Milo Monster |
2010/08/08 |
SrBrSW |
Milo of Yarbrough Acres |
2019/01/23 |
SWrB |
Mindy II |
2022/05/23 |
SrB |
Minerva |
2019/11/08 |
S |
Minerva II |
2020/12/26 |
S, kein B/kein D (DNA) |
Minglewoods Princess Casey |
1992/03/10 |
SrSW |
Minka |
0000/00/00 |
Minnie |
2009/11/26 |
SW |
Minnie Bear Kehrli |
2011/04/26 |
S |
Minnie H Ha |
1984/07/04 |
S |
Minnie IV |
2009/06/19 |
S |
Minnie Moo |
2013/03/18 |
SW |
Minnie Mouse |
2009/11/30 |
S |
Minnie of Onion River |
1999/06/09 |
S |
Minnie of Yarbrough Acres |
2019/01/11 |
SWrB |
Minnie Pooh Bear |
1993/09/14 |
S |
Minnie Thissell |
2019/06/20 |
SrBmSW |
Minnie VII |
2012/03/09 |
S |
Minniebelles Noir Guardian |
2010/04/29 |
S |
Minniex |
2018/10/28 |
SWmB |
Mira |
1881/01/01 |
Miracles Paislee-J |
2018/06/21 |
BrD |
Mirza |
0000/00/00 |
Mischief |
0000/00/00 |
Mischief |
1990/10/03 |
S |
Mischief Maggee of The Century |
1997/01/02 |
S |
Mischiefs Bonnie Ebony |
1975/07/14 |
S |
Mischiefs Cava Canem |
1977/05/10 |
S |
Mischiefs Ebony Amber |
1976/07/21 |
S |
Mischiefs Ebony Lass |
1982/06/22 |
Grau |
Misha Bewar of Bogey Drive |
2016/09/05 |
SrBrD |
Mishas Lady Liberty |
2016/02/13 |
SrB |
Miss |
0000/00/00 |
Miss Annie Oakley Rockmere BF |
2019/01/12 |
SrSW |
Miss Bianca |
2019/03/05 |
SW |
Miss Big Foot of Pine River |
2021/06/08 |
SmB |
Miss Calamity J Rosie Rockmere BF |
2019/01/12 |
SW |
Miss Clementine |
2020/11/15 |
SrSW |
Miss Edith Smythe of Pine River |
2020/11/05 |
SrSW |
Miss Eleanor |
2018/11/19 |
B |
Miss Eleanor R Rockmere Berm Finca |
2018/02/08 |
SW |
Miss Emilys Holly |
2007/10/27 |
S |
Miss Georgia Mae |
2019/01/07 |
S |
Miss Gray |
2017/12/02 |
Miss Grizz |
2021/06/28 |
Miss Judith of Pine River |
2022/06/02 |
SrB |
Miss Keystone Shadow |
0000/00/00 |
Miss Kylie Marie Fleming |
2018/05/05 |
braun-weiss |
Miss Lady Day Raines-Hepple |
2009/08/25 |
S |
Miss Lady Days |
2020/08/01 |
SrSWrD |
Miss Licorice Buttons |
1991/12/12 |
S |
Miss Lunatick Blaze |
2021/03/23 |
SWrB |
Miss Maggie Mae |
1976/10/09 |
S |
Miss Maggie Mae Brewer |
2009/09/12 |
S |
Miss Maggie Mae II |
1994/01/11 |
S |
Miss Maggie Mae V |
2003/10/06 |
SW |
Miss Maggie Mae VI |
2006/10/03 |
S |
Miss Maggie McGee |
1996/06/13 |
Miss Maggie Melsa Foley |
1992/07/12 |
S |
Miss Maggie of Millbrook |
2004/08/02 |
S |
Miss Maggie of Mountain View |
2007/06/25 |
S |
Miss Maggie Over The Rainbow |
1996/09/08 |
S |
Miss Magness |
1996/11/10 |
SrSW |
Miss Magnolia of Jacksonhole |
2018/07/08 |
SWmB |
Miss Marci of Tillie Town |
0000/00/00 |
S |
Miss Millie Mae of Hidden Oak |
2018/11/24 |
B |
Miss Molly Annabear |
1990/04/19 |
S |
Miss Molly Anne |
2002/07/10 |
SmD |
Miss Molly Bear |
2004/11/04 |
SmBmSW |
Miss Molly Black |
1988/01/18 |
S |
Miss Molly Brown |
1988/11/05 |
S |
Miss Molly Brown II |
1997/01/18 |
S |
Miss Molly IV |
2007/12/22 |
B |
Miss Molly Jo |
2005/06/02 |
S |
Miss Molly Madison |
1992/02/03 |
S |
Miss Molly Mae II |
2005/12/16 |
S |
Miss Molly May-Bell |
1992/09/18 |
SmB |
Miss Molly of Rainbow |
1982/04/18 |
S |
Miss Molly of The Martin Stream |
2010/07/13 |
S |
Miss Molly of The Shire |
2003/11/03 |
S |
Miss Molly of Whispering Pines |
2009/06/01 |
SW |
Miss Molly Polly Bear |
2012/06/18 |
S |
Miss Molly Strength |
2005/11/24 |
SW |
Miss Molly Sugarbear |
1981/01/31 |
S |
Miss Opals Pandora |
2017/08/01 |
SW |
Miss Orange |
2017/12/02 |
Miss Panda Bear of Pine River |
2020/01/16 |
SW |
Miss Teal |
2017/12/02 |
Miss Venus |
2006/11/11 |
S |
Miss Yellow |
2017/12/02 |
Miss Zara Raines-Hepple |
2009/08/25 |
S |
Mister |
2017/06/29 |
SrSW |
Mister Blu Son of Seamus |
2018/05/18 |
B |
Mister Bowser McGruffin |
2016/06/26 |
SWrB |
Mister Flynn |
2019/05/23 |
SmBmSW |
Misty Morning Molly |
1999/11/28 |
Grau |
Misty Roses Princess Natagla |
2004/11/05 |
SW |
Misty Roses Queenie |
2004/11/05 |
SmSW |
Misty Roses Rocky Bilboa |
1998/02/25 |
S |
Misty Roses Slim Pickins |
2003/04/14 |
SW |
Misty Sea Breeze |
1977/04/26 |
SW |
Misty Seaport of Windlass |
1975/07/11 |
S |
Misty X |
2018/12/22 |
SrSW |
MN Landseer Newfoundlands Claire |
2017/06/25 |
braun-weiss |
MN Landseer Newfoundlands Greta |
2022/01/07 |
braun-weiss |
MN Landseer Newfoundlands Vivienne |
2022/01/07 |
braun-weiss |
Mnementh |
1998/02/02 |
S |
Mo Katcher |
2020/08/04 |
SmSW |
Moby Bear Williams |
2020/12/03 |
braun-weissrD |
Mocca |
2019/03/14 |
B |
Mocha Mae Hergert |
2020/06/08 |
B |
Mocha Mountain of Monark |
2022/08/16 |
BmSWmD |
Mocha Mousse |
2017/08/11 |
SrSW |
Mohican Tina |
2016/12/17 |
SrSWrD |
Mojo El Osito |
2013/02/25 |
S |
Mojo No |
2011/09/11 |
SrSW |
Mollie |
0000/00/00 |
Mollie By Golly at Bearheart |
2020/08/28 |
SW |
Mollie Lee Sunshine |
1991/11/21 |
S |
Molly |
1996/06/30 |
S |
Molly |
2019/10/15 |
Molly Grace |
2018/10/18 |
SrSW |
Molly Hall |
2006/02/14 |
S, weisse Abzeichen |
Molly Halo |
2019/07/03 |
SrBrSWmTan |
Molly II |
0000/00/00 |
Molly of Lake Ozark |
1978/04/16 |
S |
Molly of Moonlight Shadow |
1999/04/02 |
S |
Molly of Niagra |
2000/07/20 |
S |
Molly of North View |
2021/08/18 |
SWrB |
Molly of Oak Lawn |
1988/11/24 |
S |
Molly of Pinewood |
2004/05/18 |
S |
Molly of Rocky Coast |
1979/07/01 |
S |
Mollycuddler |
1993/10/07 |
SrSW |
Mommas Jackson Bear |
2019/04/04 |
B |
Mona |
0000/00/00 |
Mona |
0000/00/00 |
Monarch |
0000/00/00 |
Monarch |
0000/00/00 |
Monarch |
0000/00/00 |
Monark Adel II |
2019/07/03 |
SrBrSWmTan |
Monark Aggie |
2019/07/03 |
SrBrSWmTan |
Monark Alexi |
2019/07/03 |
SrBrSWmTan |
Monark Annie |
2019/07/03 |
SrBrSWrDmTan |
Monark Babs |
2018/08/06 |
SrD |
Monark Bali |
2023/05/04 |
Monark Bear |
2019/04/25 |
SrB |
Monark Biscuit |
2021/04/22 |
SmBrD |
Monark Bittsy |
2023/05/04 |
Monark Black Magic Mojo |
2019/06/01 |
SrBmSW |
Monark Blanche |
2023/05/04 |
Monark Blue Bell |
2018/11/08 |
Grau |
Monark Brittany |
2023/05/04 |
Monark Brooke |
2019/01/12 |
SrBrSWmD |
Monark Buffy |
2023/05/04 |
SmD |
Monark Candy II |
2021/11/25 |
SmD |
Monark Caramel |
2019/06/01 |
BmSW |
Monark Carmen |
2005/06/01 |
SW |
Monark Cisco |
2021/11/25 |
SmD |
Monark Crissy |
2019/06/01 |
SWrB |
Monark Dean |
2018/11/16 |
GraurBrSW |
Monark Duncans Tonya |
2018/06/08 |
GraurSW |
Monark Elexis |
2018/05/05 |
BrSWrD |
Monark Elsie |
2019/04/24 |
SrSWmD |
Monark Erica |
2019/04/24 |
SmD |
Monark Esther |
2018/05/05 |
SrBmSW |
Monark Fergi |
2021/06/30 |
SrBrSWmD |
Monark Gatsby |
2019/04/25 |
SrBrSW |
Monark Gemma |
2019/04/25 |
SrB |
Monark Gidget |
2019/04/25 |
SrB |
Monark Gwen |
2017/01/20 |
SrBrSW |
Monark Harmony |
2021/04/14 |
GraumBmSW |
Monark Harry |
2019/08/12 |
SmB |
Monark Hazel |
2021/04/14 |
GraumBmSW |
Monark Helen |
2019/08/12 |
SmB |
Monark Isla Bear |
2023/05/04 |
Grau |
Monark Janie |
2017/04/02 |
BrTan |
Monark Lindy |
2021/05/29 |
SmD |
Monark Lynn |
2019/07/27 |
S |
Monark Marie |
2021/12/02 |
S |
Monark Marvelous Maddie |
2019/01/12 |
GraurBrSW |
Monark Nadia |
2019/11/20 |
SrD |
Monark Nova |
2021/12/16 |
BrSW |
Monark Piston |
2021/05/29 |
SrD |
Monark Prema |
2021/05/29 |
SrD |
Monark Roscoe |
2022/03/20 |
S |
Monark Taylor |
2022/09/04 |
SmD |
Monark Tippy |
2018/03/08 |
SrBmD |
Monark Twister |
2021/01/11 |
GraurBmSW |
Monarks Tobias of Feinview |
2021/01/11 |
BmSWmD |
Monarkss Mischka at Kaos Ranch |
2018/09/27 |
SW |
Monique von Shady Oaks |
2021/07/17 |
BrD |
Mono |
1927/01/01 |
Montamas Tahoe Willy |
1995/10/24 |
S, weisse Abzeichen |
Montana |
1999/06/17 |
S |
Montana Ann |
1985/01/24 |
S |
Montana Camp |
1983/10/17 |
S |
Montana Geoffs Kodiak Bear |
1979/10/28 |
S |
Montana II |
2006/12/05 |
S |
Montana Moose |
1977/05/28 |
S |
Montana of Indian Lore |
1999/01/15 |
S |
Montana Rose Bud |
2001/01/18 |
S |
Montana Sassy Pants |
2001/10/31 |
SW |
Montana Skyline Bear Claus |
1997/03/29 |
S |
Montana Wildhack |
1978/03/14 |
S |
Montanas Jesse James |
1996/09/01 |
S |
Montanas Midnite Bruin |
1988/07/18 |
S |
Montanas Miss Daisy Mae |
2023/03/18 |
B |
Montanas Miss Meesha Bear |
1989/12/24 |
S |
Montville Louise |
0000/00/00 |
Monty III |
2016/09/16 |
SrBmSW |
Moon Bear |
1991/12/12 |
S |
Moon Mountain Dipper |
2015/02/20 |
SrSW |
Moon Mountain Moses |
2018/03/27 |
SrSW |
Moon Mountain Splashing Star |
2015/02/20 |
SW |
Moonacre Clark Griswold |
2020/11/14 |
GraurBrSW |
Moonacre Glamorously Bewitching |
2022/01/24 |
SWrBrD |
Moonacre The Showgirl |
2019/07/27 |
SWrB |
Moonacres 42 Crowns of Gold |
2018/12/21 |
SWrD |
Moonacres Royal Fortune |
2018/06/19 |
B |
Moonacres Silver Tongue Devil |
2024/09/09 |
SrSW |
Mooncusser Amazing Grace |
2023/05/12 |
S |
Mooncusser Grizzly Jojo Bear |
2023/05/12 |
S |
Mooncusser Monomoy Midnight Runner |
2020/09/30 |
S |
Mooncusser Navigating Southshore |
2023/05/12 |
S |
Mooncusser Uss Winston Churchill |
2020/09/30 |
S |
Mooncusser Walks The Plank |
2019/08/09 |
S |
Mooncussers Halyard |
2023/05/12 |
S |
Mooncussers Home from The Sea |
2023/05/12 |
S |
Mooncussers Laurian´ Sojeeb Annung |
2023/05/12 |
S |
Mooncussers Merry Brigand |
2020/09/30 |
S |
Moondancers Double Dog Dare |
2002/12/06 |
SW |
Moonfleets The Secret Is Out Newf Horizon |
2019/12/15 |
SmD |
Moonpie Vomackas Tsunami Floowing The Storm |
2013/01/24 |
S |
Moore |
0000/00/00 |
Moose |
2009/12/19 |
S |
Moose Allen |
2022/01/30 |
B |
Moose Jeremiah O´Shea |
2019/09/19 |
braun-weiss |
Moose Lundgren |
2009/12/19 |
Moose of Steel Rain Acres |
2020/11/16 |
SWrB |
Moose On The Loose II |
2023/07/05 |
BrSW |
Moose Peaks |
2008/08/28 |
B |
Moose Peaks Bella Amore Green |
2013/02/01 |
S |
Moose Peaks Gunther Theodore Gibson |
2009/11/20 |
S |
Moose Peaks Indian Onyx |
2004/06/24 |
S |
Moose Peaks Little Satch |
2005/05/28 |
S |
Moose Peaks Murphy Jones |
2008/08/28 |
S |
Moose Peaks Shea |
2011/03/19 |
S |
Moose Peaks Wavey On The Pond |
2013/02/01 |
S |
Moose Spirn |
2019/04/25 |
SrB |
Moose The Gentle Giant |
2018/12/25 |
SWrB |
Moose Tracks |
2020/08/26 |
SmBmSW |
Moose Tracks Along The Pine River |
2019/02/09 |
B |
Moose Tressler |
2022/01/24 |
braun-weissrD |
Moose van Tuyl |
2018/04/25 |
S |
Moosie Jake Mud Dobber |
1992/05/27 |
SW |
Morgan Belle of Furball Acers |
2004/12/01 |
SmSW |
Morgan of Midnight Moonshadow |
1996/10/15 |
SW |
Morgans Criminal Mind |
0000/00/00 |
Morgans Molly |
2018/07/08 |
BrSW |
Morning Glory In The Snow |
2008/03/14 |
S |
Morning Sides Junior |
1996/12/05 |
S |
Morning Star Bear |
1984/01/04 |
S |
Morning Star Ebony Field |
1984/01/04 |
S |
Morning Star Lady of The Lakes |
1984/01/04 |
S |
Morning Stars Abrahams Son |
1981/10/17 |
S |
Morning Stars Deja Vu |
1984/07/18 |
B |
Morning Stars Morgan |
1984/01/04 |
B |
Morning Stars Tobias Michael |
2004/08/12 |
S |
Morning Stars Tucker |
2002/05/14 |
S |
Morning Thunder Morris |
1990/08/25 |
S |
Mornings Breaking Dawn |
2011/11/25 |
S |
Mornings Lil Brave Heart |
2011/11/25 |
S |
Mornings Steel Magnolia |
2011/11/25 |
Grau |
Morningsides Black Berry |
1988/03/18 |
S |
Morningsides Cocoa Bear |
1988/03/18 |
B |
Morningsides Precious |
1988/03/18 |
S |
Morpheus Goodfellow |
1999/05/11 |
S |
Mortimer The Brave |
2017/09/21 |
S |
Mortons Hussey |
0000/00/00 |
Mortons Nat |
0000/00/00 |
Moselle |
2019/12/01 |
SrB |
Moses |
1976/11/08 |
S |
Moses Clagmore Siudak |
2021/12/03 |
S |
Moses II |
1992/02/03 |
S |
Moses III |
1992/02/03 |
S |
Moses IV |
2003/05/14 |
S |
Moses Robinson |
2006/03/26 |
Moses VI |
2006/12/05 |
B |
Moses XII |
2021/02/20 |
S |
Moses XIII |
2021/08/11 |
SrSWmD |
Mother Freedom from Calloway |
1992/11/11 |
S |
Motleycrue Beeman The Nekoosa Newfie |
2019/01/27 |
B |
Motleys Pine River Crue |
2019/02/09 |
B |
Mount Olympus Brown Missouri Miss at Ozark Legends |
2023/10/18 |
B |
Mount Olympus The Goddess Gaia |
2023/10/18 |
B |
Mount Olympus Zeus of Blue Heart |
2021/02/10 |
SrB |
Mountain Bliss Chloe |
2009/10/10 |
S |
Mountain Bliss Clara |
2009/10/10 |
S |
Mountain Bliss Lola |
2009/10/10 |
S |
Mountain Bliss Quintus |
2009/10/10 |
S |
Mountain Boy Jasper |
0000/00/00 |
S |
Mountain Lores Brianna V Celtic |
1989/08/29 |
SW |
Mountain Magic |
1996/03/29 |
S |
Mountain Mists Digby Adrift |
2003/01/26 |
SrSW |
Mountain Shadows Zoey |
2022/03/20 |
S |
Mountain Top Sunrise Bentley |
2017/02/24 |
braun-weiss |
Mountain Valleys Jamie |
2000/05/08 |
SW |
Mountain Valleys Oreo |
2000/05/08 |
SW |
Mountain Valleys Salt |
2000/05/08 |
SW |
Mountain West Laika |
2020/11/15 |
SrSW |
Mountain West N. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot |
2021/05/27 |
SW |
Mountainbelle Elsie Gladys Pancake |
2012/02/06 |
S |
Mountainbelle III |
2012/02/06 |
S |
Mountainbelle Jonah |
2011/09/21 |
S |
Mountainbelle Moses Earl Johnson |
2010/02/04 |
S |
Mountainbelle North Star Ranger |
2012/01/02 |
SW |
Mountainbelle Phoebe |
2011/09/23 |
S |
Mountainbelle Sagewinds Grace |
2011/03/01 |
SW |
Mountainbelles Baxter |
2008/07/21 |
S |
Mountainbelles Clara Bear |
2009/01/29 |
S |
Mountainbelles Goosebay Gus |
2009/01/29 |
S |
Mountainbelles Obadiah Sealander |
2009/01/29 |
SW |
Mountainbelles Truman Maude |
2008/07/21 |
S |
Mouse |
2016/04/11 |
SmBrSW |
Mowgli Rebe Gacia |
2018/05/01 |
SrBmSW |
Moxie Nova |
2020/02/09 |
GraurBrSW |
Mozey |
2019/10/16 |
SW |
Mr. Barries Luath |
0000/00/00 |
SW |
Mr. Blue |
2017/12/02 |
Mr. Bojangle Beaureguarde |
1974/10/01 |
S |
Mr. Brown |
2017/12/02 |
Mr. Brown Boy Wigal |
2013/02/15 |
Mr. Cooper of Pine River |
2022/06/02 |
B |
Mr. Green |
2017/12/02 |
Mr. Keystone Banjo |
2004/03/23 |
S |
Mr. Red |
2017/12/02 |
Mr. Winston |
2020/12/03 |
grau-weissrB |
Ms Trixie Mysty |
2019/04/19 |
SmBrSW |
Ms. Ruthie - Chomper of E. Northport |
2019/01/24 |
S |
Mt Mountains Monstress Fiona |
2020/11/17 |
SrB |
MT Valleys To Be Or Not To Be |
2000/05/08 |
SW |
Mt. Pleasants Dumplin |
0000/00/00 |
Mufasa Knight |
1997/12/27 |
SmB |
Muffin VIII |
2021/12/02 |
S |
Muirs Charlie |
0000/00/00 |
Mukwahs Colonel Boone |
1987/07/19 |
S |
Mukwahs Dudley Crockett |
1987/07/19 |
S |
Mukwas All In Pouch Cove |
2004/07/23 |
S |
Mukwas Ben To The Rescue |
2009/05/06 |
S |
Mukwas Montesaurus Wrecks |
2009/05/06 |
S |
Murdoch Laird Loch Raven |
2004/11/29 |
S |
Murdoch Notabear |
2017/02/24 |
B |
Murfy |
2013/04/23 |
B |
Murpheys Midnight Lace |
1972/07/25 |
S |
Murphie Amelia |
2019/03/19 |
BrSW |
Murphy Clune |
2020/06/10 |
Murphy Peterman |
2010/03/01 |
B |
Murphy XXIII |
2020/09/01 |
BrD |
Murphys Big Boy Blue Finley McBear |
2016/05/13 |
SrB |
Murphys Rosey The Great |
2019/01/24 |
S |
Murphys Teddy Bones Jones |
2014/11/19 |
B |
Music |
0000/00/00 |
Music To My Ears Emlovit |
2019/04/30 |
S |
My Big Black Angus Bull of Jacksonhole TLC |
2018/10/18 |
SrSW |
My Boo |
2021/01/02 |
SmB |
My Cousin Vinny at CKE |
2007/01/09 |
S |
My Darling Splish Splash |
1993/10/17 |
S |
My Lady La Rue Baby Bexar |
1994/04/16 |
SW |
My Lady Stain |
2003/04/01 |
S |
My Lord Emlovit |
2019/04/30 |
SrBrSW |
My My Miss Mazikeen |
2018/07/25 |
SrB |
My Name Is Maximus |
2003/11/30 |
S |
My Sweet Angel |
2008/03/20 |
S |
My Sweet Brandywine Otis |
2004/08/02 |
S |
My Valentine |
1991/08/14 |
SW |
Mycrofts Rockford Solution |
1999/01/01 |
Myra |
2018/04/14 |
Myra Girl |
2008/08/28 |
SW |
Myra Maybelle Star Boatswain D´Elsa |
2016/12/20 |
SW |
Mystie Newhalls Mystery Girl |
2008/03/30 |
S |
N H & Rs Newport Roxy |
2014/03/01 |
SW |
N40s Charlee Brown |
2019/03/19 |
BrSW |
Nab |
0000/00/00 |
Nadia Grace Mullins |
2017/02/19 |
S |
Najuananlo Mocha Princess |
2018/10/28 |
BrSW |
Najuananlos Southern Belle of Rockcastle |
2020/03/08 |
BmD |
Nakita Christine |
2006/03/31 |
S |
Nala The Newfoundland |
2018/01/14 |
S |
Nala XII |
2019/07/19 |
SW |
Nalu Gaze |
2021/07/11 |
SrSW |
Nana Muffin |
1998/02/02 |
S |
Nana of The Netherlands |
2015/05/13 |
SrSW |
Nana of The North |
2021/04/24 |
B |
Nana XXV |
2021/07/22 |
SrBrSW |
Nancy B. |
0000/00/00 |
Nanna |
2016/07/24 |
S |
Nanny |
2015/06/22 |
Nannys Abra Kadabra |
2021/03/30 |
SrB |
Nannys Alexis Nevaeh |
2009/10/07 |
SW |
Nannys Always Greenbriers Grace |
2009/10/07 |
SrSW |
Nannys Amercias Faforite Cookie |
2016/07/31 |
SWrD |
Nannys Bella Sera |
2019/02/14 |
SrBrSW |
Nannys Best Medicine |
2018/03/22 |
SrSW |
Nannys Big Friendly Giant II |
2016/07/31 |
SrSWrD |
Nannys Black Opal |
2020/01/04 |
SrBrD |
Nannys Buckley Pie Son of A Muffin |
2019/07/28 |
S |
Nannys Bug Malachi |
2009/10/07 |
SrSW |
Nannys By Invitation Only |
2009/09/28 |
BrSW |
Nannys Center of Attention |
2016/01/21 |
SrD |
Nannys Chouquette Delight |
2020/07/25 |
SrB |
Nannys Dark Rich & Full Bodied |
2019/07/09 |
BrD |
Nannys Descending Spirit |
2019/02/19 |
SmSWrD |
Nannys Exquisite Gem |
2020/01/04 |
SrBrD |
Nannys Ferrero Rocher |
2018/07/23 |
B |
Nannys Fire In The House |
2011/10/31 |
GraurBrSW |
Nannys Flowering Lilly |
2011/02/14 |
S |
Nannys French Suave |
2017/10/10 |
SmSW |
Nannys Gabe of Ridgeview Way of Obx |
2019/07/09 |
BrD |
Nannys George S. Patton |
2020/10/04 |
SrBmSW |
Nannys Glorious Angelic Halo |
2018/01/10 |
SrBrSW |
Nannys Happy Adventure Maggie |
2003/08/06 |
S |
Nannys Hearts Content Cabot |
2009/10/07 |
SrSW |
Nannys Homer of Stillmeadow |
1999/11/04 |
S |
Nannys Howling Moon |
2020/01/20 |
GraurBrSW |
Nannys Jjoplin |
2016/01/21 |
SrD |
Nannys Knight Bfor Christmas |
2003/12/24 |
Nannys Koda |
2019/07/09 |
BrD |
Nannys Maximus Adonis Nereus |
2009/03/15 |
S |
Nannys Most Beautiful Autumn |
2020/10/04 |
BmSW |
Nannys Mountain of Grace |
2009/10/07 |
SrSW |
Nannys Night With The King |
2020/10/04 |
SrBmSW |
Nannys Noble Jamaican Giant |
2020/01/04 |
SrBrSWrD |
Nannys Norrie |
2019/07/28 |
S |
Nannys Odysseus King of Harmony Hill |
2020/10/04 |
BmSW |
Nannys Paddington Bear |
2018/01/10 |
SrB |
Nannys Passion for Grace |
2010/11/10 |
SrSW |
Nannys Pleasant Pastry |
2019/07/28 |
S |
Nannys Polka Dot Bikini |
2018/03/22 |
SW |
Nannys Precious Jewel Ruby |
2018/05/15 |
GraurBrSW |
Nannys Redemption Strong Tower |
2020/01/18 |
SrBrD |
Nannys Remington Mt. Top Sunshine |
2010/11/10 |
SW |
Nannys Shenandoah Endless Wonder |
2011/02/14 |
S |
Nannys Silverstreak Zillah |
2019/02/19 |
SWrD |
Nannys Sip of Pinot Grigio |
2021/03/30 |
B |
Nannys Smithwicks |
2021/03/30 |
SrB |
Nannys Striking Beauty |
2011/02/14 |
Nannys Tara Bear |
1999/11/04 |
S |
Nannys The Daisy The Gray Dutchess |
2018/05/15 |
GraurBrSW |
Nannys Tinker Fairy of Neverland |
2019/02/19 |
SmSWrD |
Nannys Violet |
2009/03/15 |
S |
Nannys Water Cannon |
2019/02/14 |
SrBrSW |
Nannys West Virginia Belle |
2011/02/14 |
S |
Nannys Willow |
2017/10/10 |
SW |
Nannys World Atlas |
2021/03/30 |
B |
Nans Nellie Anne |
2017/12/11 |
SW |
Nantahalas Luke Skywalker |
1999/01/22 |
SW |
Nantahalas Magnificent Dream |
1999/01/22 |
SrSW |
Nantahalas Manting Udin Tecch |
1999/01/22 |
SW |
Nantahalas Midnight Delight |
1999/01/22 |
SrSW |
Nantahalas Moonlight Snow |
1999/01/22 |
SW |
Nantahalas Zeus |
1999/01/22 |
SrSW |
Naoma |
0000/00/00 |
Napoleon Black Bear |
1995/02/05 |
S |
Napoleon Boomerang |
1975/03/15 |
SW |
Napoleon Dynomite Overton |
2005/06/22 |
S |
Napoleon III |
1976/08/25 |
S |
Napoleon IV |
1977/03/26 |
S |
Napoleon of Puget Sound |
2009/04/18 |
S |
Napoleon of Winterhawk |
1992/11/26 |
S |
Napoleon V |
1981/04/20 |
Grau |
Nash Wagner |
2018/08/06 |
SrD |
Nashau Aukes Merchant P. J. |
2000/06/01 |
S |
Natasha Brittany K And Tice |
1998/09/16 |
S |
Natasha from The Wood |
1999/03/24 |
SW |
Natasha II |
1996/05/08 |
S |
Natasha III |
1995/12/07 |
S |
Natasha IV |
1996/04/27 |
S |
Natasha Lady of The Lake |
1986/10/27 |
S |
Natasha Marie Fitzsimmons |
1996/08/01 |
S |
Natasha Negra de Rio Abajo |
1975/09/25 |
S |
Natasha of Baie Verde |
1991/11/29 |
SW |
Natasha of Dames Ferry |
1986/11/03 |
S |
Natasha of Fox Hollow |
1979/06/15 |
S |
Natasha of Nittany Acres |
1979/11/15 |
S |
Natasha Queen of Da´Nile |
1995/02/03 |
S |
Natasha The First |
1980/09/14 |
S |
Natasha V |
1998/08/16 |
S |
Natasha VI |
2006/05/05 |
S |
Natashas Black Bear |
1982/07/28 |
S |
Natashas Ned Nogoodnik |
1975/11/18 |
S |
Natashas Puzzle Lord Sinbad |
1989/02/26 |
SW |
Nautikas Christmas Miracle |
2004/12/24 |
SrSW |
Nautikas Little Drummer Boy |
2004/12/24 |
SrSW |
Nautikas Tis The Season |
2004/12/24 |
SrSW |
Naz Morris Carlson |
2017/04/24 |
B |
Ned |
0000/00/00 |
Ned |
0000/00/00 |
Nell |
0000/00/00 |
Nell |
0000/00/00 |
Nell |
0000/00/00 |
Nell |
1904/01/01 |
Nell |
0000/00/00 |
Nelli |
0000/00/00 |
Nellie |
0000/00/00 |
Nellie |
0000/00/00 |
Nellie |
0000/00/00 |
Nellie |
2019/03/01 |
Nellie Belle Barton |
2007/03/21 |
SW |
Nellie Belle of Marshall Manor |
2017/01/02 |
SWrB |
Nelson |
0000/00/00 |
Nemo Puggely |
2021/12/16 |
braun-weiss |
Nens Winnie The Pooh Bear |
2019/04/19 |
SmBrSW |
Neptune |
0000/00/00 |
Neptunes Lady Savannah |
1994/08/13 |
S |
Neptunes Thunder Boomerbear |
1997/11/05 |
S |
Nera |
0000/00/00 |
Nero |
0000/00/00 |
Nero |
0000/00/00 |
Nero |
0000/00/00 |
Nero |
0000/00/00 |
Nero II |
0000/00/00 |
Nerow |
0000/00/00 |
Nessi |
0000/00/00 |
Nessie The Loch Ness Monster Mosbey |
2017/01/15 |
SrD |
Nessie The Sea Monster |
2018/12/31 |
SWmBrD |
Nestle |
2014/01/07 |
S |
Netanya Angelina |
2007/01/11 |
S |
Nevaeh Decurtis |
2016/09/05 |
SrBrD |
Neverlands Bourbon George |
2022/02/03 |
SrBrSW |
Neverlands Dear Black Dahlia |
2022/02/03 |
SrBrSW |
Neverlands Ella Fitzgerald |
2022/02/03 |
SrBrSW |
Neverlands Generally Do-Little |
2008/08/08 |
SW |
Neverlands Ginger Mill |
2004/11/19 |
SW |
Neverlands Maple Polfus-Coleman |
2007/09/28 |
S |
Neverlands Miss Mulligan |
2007/07/07 |
B |
Neverlands Mr. Darcy |
2009/01/10 |
S |
Neverlands Nana Belle |
1996/12/06 |
S |
Neverlands Night Music |
1994/06/03 |
S |
Neverlands Olive The Other Newfie |
2016/09/25 |
B |
Neverlands Pipiere Beauregard |
2007/09/18 |
S |
Neverlands Scarlet |
2004/06/27 |
S |
Neverlands Sir Diesel Phelps |
2007/09/18 |
S |
Neverlands Stout Murphy |
2007/09/18 |
S |
Neverlands Thunder Mountain |
2004/01/20 |
S |
Neverlands Wizard de Boz |
2007/09/18 |
S |
New Angles Kick Down |
2011/01/12 |
S |
New Harmonys Abigail Two |
1995/11/07 |
S |
New Moons Alexcis |
1996/12/23 |
S |
New Plaza Miron |
2020/05/15 |
SW |
New Rivers Algonquin Thunder |
1990/11/20 |
S |
New Rivers Cecis Amy |
1993/01/08 |
SmSW |
New Rivers Daniel Boone |
1991/08/14 |
SW |
New Rivers Dizzi Darlin´ |
1993/01/08 |
SmSW |
New Rivers How About It Murphy |
1993/02/26 |
SmSW |
New Rivers I Like Flint |
1991/08/14 |
SW |
New Rivers Jazzy Keys |
1991/08/14 |
SW |
New Rivers Miss Selie |
1993/01/08 |
SW |
New Rivers Sassie Sadie |
1993/01/08 |
SmSW |
New Rivers Smoky Bears Shadow |
1993/02/26 |
SmSW |
New Rivers Southern Wind |
1993/01/08 |
SmSW |
New Rivers Wishful Thinking |
1990/11/20 |
S |
New Royalty at Windswept Farms |
2019/01/07 |
S |
Newberrys Windsor Bear |
1999/06/27 |
braun-weiss |
Newf Horizon & Moonfleets Magiktank |
2019/12/15 |
SmD |
Newf Horizon & Moonfleets Monochrome |
2019/12/15 |
Grau |
Newf Horizon & Moonfleets Ms. Brooke |
2019/12/15 |
SmD |
Newf Horizon Charlotte |
2021/02/04 |
SrD |
Newf Horizon Sir Bentley Oliver |
2021/02/04 |
SrD |
Newf Horizons Issac |
2021/02/04 |
SrD |
Newf Horizons Pippa |
2021/02/04 |
SrD |
Newf Horizons Windy Lou Who |
2021/02/04 |
SrD |
Newf Wiseman |
2018/12/26 |
GraurB |
Newfhavens Choo Choo Charlie |
1988/06/17 |
S |
Newfhorizons Cole |
2017/04/27 |
SrSW |
Newfie Hansen |
2020/06/01 |
SmBrD |
Newfie VII |
2019/01/17 |
B |
Newfoundlands Pride |
1979/07/03 |
S |
Newfriends Chiming Cloktower |
1993/09/14 |
S |
Newftexs Big Head Otto |
2005/08/16 |
SW |
Newftexs Blackjack Farris |
2001/01/20 |
SmSW |
Newftexs Darkness Spreading |
2005/08/16 |
SmSW |
Newftexs Femme Falate: Natasha |
2017/03/24 |
SrSW |
Newftexs Kachina Doll |
2001/01/20 |
SW |
Newftexs Painted Arrow |
2001/01/20 |
SW |
Newftexs Pride Without Prejudice |
2017/03/24 |
SrSW |
Newftexs Wonderdog-Manfred |
2001/01/20 |
SmSW |
Newfy Named Narc |
1992/03/07 |
S |
Newhavennefs Coacoa |
2016/11/07 |
BrSWrD |
Newman III |
2019/12/16 |
B |
Newman Murphy Angelillo |
2013/02/25 |
S |
Newman Torbay |
2008/11/23 |
S |
Newnew Darla |
2017/12/02 |
braun-weiss |
Newsteads Sea Gypsy |
1986/08/13 |
S |
Newton Best Watch Bearhartford |
2000/03/20 |
S |
Newton Black And White And Read All Over |
2005/12/04 |
SW |
Newton Black Bear |
2003/10/02 |
S |
Newton Bruin Whitney |
1981/06/07 |
S |
Newton Connors |
1992/11/30 |
SmD |
Newton Dakota |
1994/08/10 |
S |
Newton Hull-Henderson |
1994/08/13 |
S |
Newton II |
1995/05/01 |
S |
Newton IV |
2010/12/27 |
B |
Newton Jay Bear |
1981/06/07 |
S |
Newton of Elma |
1975/03/26 |
S |
Newton of Pinon Ridge |
1978/01/31 |
S |
Newton Prince of Hampden |
1996/12/09 |
S |
Newton Rider Duke of Daleville |
2006/02/10 |
S |
Newtons Black Bexar |
1983/03/23 |
S |
Newtons Brandy Jo |
1983/03/09 |
S |
Newtons Little Boy Bruno |
1983/12/02 |
S |
Newtons Melissa Bear Truex |
1975/01/24 |
S |
Newtons Oreo Cookie |
2001/06/27 |
SW |
Newtons Paladin Maximillian |
1983/12/02 |
S |
Newtons Top Lady Cassidy |
1983/12/02 |
S |
Newtons Ursa Primary |
2006/02/23 |
S |
NFN Herman Melville |
2021/07/11 |
SW |
Niagras Theodore Bear |
2000/07/30 |
S |
Nicholas Alexander |
1974/03/16 |
SW |
Nicholas Alexander The Great |
1982/05/02 |
SW |
Nicholas Cole |
1989/07/13 |
S |
Nicholas Murphy Ryan |
1996/10/20 |
S |
Nicholas Nickleby ´O Batavia |
1985/11/07 |
S |
Nicholas of Cottage |
1983/01/18 |
S |
Nicholas Panda Prange |
1984/08/08 |
SW |
Nicholas Pinney |
1991/11/07 |
S |
Nicholas R J Scovill |
1987/10/01 |
SW |
Nicholas Saint of Sailors |
1983/11/04 |
S |
Nigel III |
2017/11/24 |
SW |
Nigger Girl II |
0000/00/00 |
Night N Lively |
0000/00/00 |
S |
Nikita III |
2019/09/25 |
SrB |
Nikita of The Frozen Tundra |
2004/06/13 |
SrD |
Niks Sir Orion of Bentley |
1989/12/01 |
S |
Nimbus Larue Walker |
2020/05/07 |
SW |
Nimi Ami Virtue of Authority |
2010/01/01 |
Nina |
2017/05/24 |
Nina Jimenez |
2019/07/27 |
S |
Nite Skys Capella |
1985/03/02 |
SW |
Nitushi |
2020/11/17 |
SrB |
Nixie |
2022/03/25 |
SWrB |
Nixie Ann Ivie |
2018/01/05 |
SWmD |
NMN Black Moon Phoebe |
2018/10/04 |
SrBmSW |
NMN Phoenix Rising |
2019/10/16 |
SW |
Noah of Dakotas Big Sioux |
1995/02/08 |
B |
Noah of The Waters |
2021/10/12 |
SW |
Nobels Goddess Aphrodite |
2018/07/05 |
GraurSW |
Noble |
0000/00/00 |
Noble Newfoundlands Oakley Rose |
2018/11/12 |
SW |
Nobles Amazing Argentina |
2021/11/03 |
SrBmSW |
Nobles Fine China |
2018/07/05 |
SrSW |
Nobles Windswept American Olive |
2021/09/23 |
BrSW |
Nobles Windswept Red Ruby |
2021/04/08 |
B |
Nobles Windswept Seaside Daisy |
2021/09/23 |
SWrB |
Nobles Windswept Whiskey Willow |
2021/04/08 |
B |
Nodessas Rita Skeeter |
2017/07/16 |
SrB |
Noel Faith |
2016/10/01 |
SWrD |
Noel IV |
2017/09/28 |
BrSW |
Noelle |
2005/08/16 |
SmSW |
Noels Bear |
1993/04/17 |
S |
Noels Speedrunner Baker |
0000/00/00 |
Nola Big Easy Dancer Robinson |
2020/05/10 |
SW |
Nolts Coalie |
1979/08/24 |
S |
Nolts Jennifer Ann |
1982/03/05 |
S |
Nolts Trudy Lorelei |
1980/01/31 |
S |
Nooh |
0000/00/00 |
Nora |
0000/00/00 |
Nora |
0000/00/00 |
Nora |
0000/00/00 |
Nordic Wonder Bear With Me |
2007/02/01 |
S |
Norm of Newfield |
0000/00/00 |
Norman |
0000/00/00 |
Norman Eugene Reid |
2023/03/18 |
B |
North Country Joyful Melody |
2019/04/09 |
BmSW |
North Cub Hatcher |
2020/09/19 |
SrB |
North Forks Annie Bean |
2021/11/01 |
BrD |
North Forks Badass Tank |
2022/01/02 |
BrD |
North Forks Barrett The Brave |
2011/08/27 |
S |
North Forks Beauregard |
2011/08/27 |
S |
North Forks Calliope |
2017/11/18 |
SrBrSW |
North Forks Copper Penny |
2020/03/25 |
B |
North Forks Dde Normandys Ike |
2016/10/13 |
grau-weissrB |
North Forks Doc Hudson |
2013/03/13 |
B |
North Forks Finest Cabernets Belle Fleur |
2002/09/11 |
S |
North Forks Gandalf The Grayt |
2016/06/24 |
GraurB |
North Forks General Sullivan |
2022/04/26 |
grau-weiss |
North Forks Grey Ghost Ranger Mosby |
2016/06/24 |
GraurB |
North Forks In The Nick of Time |
2021/10/25 |
BrSW |
North Forks Koda Bear |
2016/10/13 |
braun-weissmD |
North Forks Kora Scout |
2019/12/18 |
B |
North Forks Lily Belle |
2002/09/11 |
S |
North Forks Magical Midnight Storm |
2011/08/27 |
S |
North Forks Mamas Boy Arturo Porter Kridler |
2011/08/27 |
S |
North Forks Marvin Earl of Linden |
2020/10/14 |
braun-weiss |
North Forks Midnight Storm |
2017/11/18 |
SrBrSW |
North Forks Miss Kitty from Rockcastle |
2020/03/08 |
BmD |
North Forks Red Hot Cinder |
2020/10/14 |
SmBrSWrD |
North Forks Roslyn |
2013/03/13 |
B |
North Forks Savannah |
2016/06/24 |
GraurB |
North Forks Silver Dollar |
2022/04/26 |
GraurSW |
North Forks Twinkle Toes Gaston |
2019/09/04 |
SrSW |
North ForksCoco Mocha Bean Delite |
2016/10/13 |
BmSWmD |
North Piers Big Daddy Colton |
2018/05/10 |
SW |
North Star Coco Emma |
2014/11/19 |
B |
North Star of The Show Foster |
2005/05/02 |
S |
North Stars Denali II |
2005/05/02 |
S |
North Stars Gracies Angus Duff |
2005/05/02 |
S |
North Stars Gustafson |
1994/10/05 |
SrSW |
North Stars Kilykas Gentle Ben |
2005/05/02 |
S |
North Stars Misty Fjell |
1994/10/05 |
SrSW |
North Stars Nikishka Lady |
1994/10/05 |
SrSW |
North Stars Ragnar of Endor |
2005/05/02 |
S |
North Stars Thule |
2005/05/02 |
S |
Northern Empress Emmy |
1992/12/15 |
S |
Northern Lights |
2014/10/30 |
SmSW |
Northern Twilight at CKE |
0000/00/00 |
Northpiers A Mari Esque Ad Mare |
2018/05/10 |
SW |
Northpiers Lil´ Miss Latte Trouble |
2018/05/10 |
SW |
Northpiers Solace |
2018/05/10 |
SW |
Northpiers Sonny And Seventy Five |
2018/05/10 |
SW |
Northpiers Taking Us By Storm |
2018/05/10 |
SW |
Northwest Newman Chasin´ The Moon |
2013/02/25 |
S |
Nosey Rose |
1992/09/09 |
S |
Nova Belle at M & M |
2021/07/22 |
BrSW |
Nowickes Bear |
2019/05/24 |
SrBmD |
Nox Goddess of The Night |
2018/12/16 |
S |
Nula Lawson |
0000/00/00 |
Numi |
2019/02/05 |
BrSWmD |
Nyssa Aza Wyn |
2008/11/22 |
S |
Nyx |
2021/02/21 |
SrB |
Nz Gus |
2018/12/26 |
Creme |
Oakley Abraham |
2017/06/19 |
SW |
Oakley Anne Nero Vader |
2017/12/27 |
SW |
Oakley Troyer |
2021/06/11 |
BmSWrD |
Oakleys Slick Shot |
2021/04/27 |
Oceanos It´s About Time |
2020/10/31 |
S |
Oceanus Annabelle Princess |
1971/12/07 |
S |
Oceanviews Bailey Ana |
2007/03/05 |
S |
Oceanviews Bessie Lu Frufru |
2009/02/12 |
SW |
Oceanviews Captain Oreo Marcus Tank |
2010/01/10 |
SW |
Oceanviews Chloe Da Newfy |
2004/03/26 |
SmSW |
Oceanviews Chuy Bear |
2008/04/06 |
SW |
Oceanviews Ella Koula |
2009/02/12 |
SW |
Oceanviews Indigo Blue Boy |
2010/01/10 |
SW |
Oceanviews Joes Scarlet Cammi |
2004/03/26 |
SmSW |
Oceanviews Kahless The Unforgettable |
2009/02/12 |
SW |
Oceanviews Magnolia Blossom |
2010/01/10 |
SW |
Oceanviews Marshall Dillon |
2004/03/26 |
SW |
Oceanviews Monster Inc |
2007/03/05 |
S |
Oceanviews Otto |
2006/02/09 |
SW |
Oceanviews Poseidon |
2007/03/05 |
S |
Oceanviews Seahawk Rascak Joe |
2006/02/09 |
S |
Oceanviews Spirited Kramer |
2006/02/09 |
S |
Oceanviews Splashin´ Toby |
2010/01/10 |
SW |
Oceanviews Star Angel Kiana |
2004/03/26 |
SW |
Oceanviews Stella |
2010/01/10 |
SW |
Oceanviews Thunder Moose |
2006/02/09 |
S |
Oceanviews Thunder Wade O´Hara |
2006/02/09 |
S |
Oceanviews Turners Sadie Bear |
2008/04/06 |
SW |
Oceanviews Wave of Rolling Thunder |
2009/02/12 |
SW |
Oda Mae Hersheys Something To Talk About |
2016/10/15 |
B |
Odin Beauregard Ruiz-Crosswhite |
2018/04/19 |
SW |
Odin Big Kahuna Battle |
2007/10/13 |
S |
Odin Cole |
2022/02/24 |
SW |
Odin Dylanson |
2017/12/23 |
SrBmSW |
Odin Fjell |
2020/04/11 |
GraurBrSW |
Odin of Unionville |
2021/10/21 |
SrBrSW |
Odin Stormy Misty Nikisha |
2015/08/16 |
S |
Of Course I´m Sydney of Windancer |
0000/00/00 |
Officer Bear |
1996/01/01 |
S |
Ohana Brady |
2018/03/01 |
BrSW |
Ohios Sir Cricket Albeit Royal |
2007/04/04 |
S |
ÖLady |
2016/12/03 |
Old Bays Bennachie |
1994/03/04 |
S |
Old Doo |
0000/00/00 |
Old Ned |
0000/00/00 |
Olde Paths |
1999/12/29 |
SW |
Olde Paths Alexandria The Great |
2001/10/04 |
SmSW |
Olde Paths Big John |
1998/03/04 |
S |
Olde Paths Big Mac |
2000/08/16 |
SmSW |
Olde Paths Charlie |
1999/12/14 |
SW |
Olde Paths Darkstorm Rufus |
1999/12/29 |
SmSW |
Olde Paths Harlequin Harley Bear |
2000/08/16 |
SW |
Olde Paths Howard |
1998/03/04 |
S |
Olde Paths Kodiak |
1999/03/24 |
S |
Olde Paths Lil´ Man Lazarus |
2001/10/04 |
SW |
Olde Paths Lil´ Man Shadrach |
2004/06/10 |
S |
Olde Paths MacDavid |
2001/10/04 |
SmSW |
Olde Paths Queen Elizabeth |
2001/10/04 |
SW |
Olde Paths Sassyassy Groze |
1998/09/13 |
S |
Olde Paths Smokey |
1999/03/24 |
SW |
Olde Paths Syncee Soo Belle |
1998/03/04 |
S |
Olde Paths Synders Lynn |
2000/08/16 |
SmSW |
Olde Paths Tammy |
2004/06/10 |
S |
Olde Paths Teddy |
2001/10/04 |
SmSW |
Olde Paths Tess |
2000/06/11 |
S |
Olde Paths Theodore |
2003/06/15 |
S |
Oldenburgs Bear |
2021/01/25 |
SrB |
Olive Pollyanna |
2016/12/13 |
SrBmD |
Olive Trees Elsas Candy Kisses |
2016/04/11 |
BrSW |
Oliver Molely Stanley |
2022/04/30 |
BrSWrD |
Oliver Twist |
2001/01/01 |
S |
Olivers M&M Rosie |
2019/12/01 |
SrB |
Ollie III |
2019/05/05 |
B |
Ollie Keenan |
2023/05/05 |
GraurB |
Olsen Dronen Burdick |
2016/04/03 |
SrD |
Omega of The Good Shepherd |
1974/06/23 |
S |
On Fire Elton John |
2019/05/16 |
SmBrSWrD, weisse Abzeichen |
On Fire Koda |
2017/04/30 |
SrBrSW |
One of A Kind Chieftain |
2002/04/04 |
S |
Onstreams Apollo |
0000/00/00 |
Onyx Bellagio Vincent |
2004/12/01 |
SmSW |
Oolums Gentle Giant of Pine River |
2020/01/16 |
SW |
Oolums Solvi Thora On The Pine River |
2018/12/21 |
SW |
Oona of Alaska |
2018/08/09 |
SrSW |
Opal II |
2021/02/10 |
SrSW |
Openeing Heavens Door Willow |
2022/10/03 |
SW |
Openeingheavensdoor Theodorable, First of His Name |
2022/10/03 |
SW |
Opening Heavens Door Obie |
2021/07/08 |
SW |
Opening Heavens Doors 4 Emerald Eyes |
2022/11/11 |
S |
Opening Heavens Doors 4 Kimberlite |
2019/12/06 |
SrSW |
Opening Heavens Doors 4 Princess Elsa |
2018/10/25 |
SrBrSW |
Opening Heavens Doors Bear van Eerden |
2023/04/24 |
BrSW |
Opening Heavens Doors Bouncing High Beti |
2018/11/08 |
SrBrSW |
Opening Heavens Doors Cecilia Breaking My Heart |
2023/01/12 |
SrSW |
Opening Heavens Doors Charles of Stony |
2023/04/24 |
BrSW |
Opening Heavens Doors Charlotte |
2018/05/18 |
B |
Opening Heavens Doors Doogle Dandy |
2020/05/31 |
B |
Opening Heavens Doors Ellie Grace |
2021/07/08 |
SW |
Opening Heavens Doors Emotions Angus |
2018/10/25 |
SrB |
Opening Heavens Doors Fettuccine Pici Pedace |
2023/01/12 |
SW |
Opening Heavens Doors Flower Power |
2021/05/02 |
SrSW |
Opening Heavens Doors King Solomon Reigns |
2022/02/17 |
SmSW |
Opening Heavens Doors Koda Bear |
2021/09/11 |
S |
Opening Heavens Doors Lily of The Valley |
2017/12/24 |
S |
Opening Heavens Doors Lord Have Mercy |
2018/05/18 |
BrSW |
Opening Heavens Doors Loretta In |
2021/01/10 |
BrSW |
Opening Heavens Doors Meanna Rose |
2017/12/24 |
S |
Opening Heavens Doors Miss Daisy Mae |
2022/02/17 |
SW |
Opening Heavens Doors Miss Mabel Mae |
2021/01/10 |
B |
Opening Heavens Doors Moo Moo Over |
2021/01/26 |
SWrB |
Opening Heavens Doors Oakley |
2023/07/05 |
BrSW |
Opening Heavens Doors Play Your Trump Card |
2019/12/06 |
SrSW |
Opening Heavens Doors Polka Dot |
2021/07/08 |
SW |
Opening Heavens Doors Puddle Jumping Mudd |
2018/11/26 |
B |
Opening Heavens Doors The Black Pearl |
2023/04/24 |
SrBrSW |
Opening Heavens Doors Tinkerbelle |
2019/12/06 |
SrSW |
Opening Heavens Doors Trumps Lady Melania |
2021/09/11 |
S |
Opening Heavens Doors Ultra Violet |
2020/07/22 |
SrB |
Opening Heavens Doors Unleash The Beast |
2017/10/24 |
B |
Opening Heavens Doors Violet |
2023/01/12 |
SW |
Opening Heavens Doors Willy Do It! |
2021/01/10 |
SrB |
Opening Heavens Doors Yard Baby Iris |
2022/04/14 |
SWrB |
Opie Alan Williams Vernetti |
2020/01/22 |
S |
Opie Ray Baker |
2017/02/20 |
BrSWrD |
Oprah |
1995/10/06 |
SW |
Orange Boy |
2021/09/07 |
Ords Cassandra |
1988/11/30 |
S |
Oreo Cookie Cammie |
2017/05/04 |
SWrBrD |
Oreo Double Fluff |
2019/03/05 |
SW |
Oreo Is Not Just A Cookie |
1993/11/04 |
SW |
Oreo Panda Bear Boullon |
2013/01/26 |
SWmB |
Oreo XIX |
2019/01/08 |
SWrD |
Oreo XXII |
2018/03/27 |
SW |
Oreos Bennett |
2004/12/01 |
SW |
Orfious |
2001/05/24 |
S |
Orphus |
0000/00/00 |
Os Ranch House Oodles of Noodles |
2019/12/25 |
SrBrSW |
Oscar Scott Stafford |
2015/05/18 |
SW |
Oso Grandes Topper Two |
1978/01/18 |
S |
Oso II |
1992/09/09 |
S |
Oso XIII |
2019/09/19 |
BmSW |
Othello Requena Gonzalez |
1998/11/23 |
S |
Otis Michael |
2017/12/18 |
SW |
Otter II |
2021/10/21 |
SrBrSW |
Otto Muth |
2019/04/28 |
SmSW |
Our Charming Gracie |
2022/05/02 |
SmBrD |
Our Ebony Maleficent Furball Acres |
2017/08/08 |
S |
Our Ebullient Hearts Delight |
2017/10/14 |
S |
Our Fat Cash Is Flowing |
2019/01/08 |
SrB |
Outlaws Dance With The Devil |
2020/03/09 |
SW |
Outports Diesel |
0000/00/00 |
Over The Moon Dizzs Dizz |
2019/11/18 |
SW |
Over The Moon Williams Alabama Boy |
2019/11/18 |
SW |
Over The Moons Winters Brezzy Kiss |
2019/11/18 |
SW |
Owen Jackson |
2020/08/10 |
S |
Ozark Legends Hubert |
2022/02/05 |
SrSW |
Ozark Legends Iko |
2022/02/05 |
SrSW |
Ozark Legends Luna Sunbelle Walker |
2022/02/05 |
SrSW |
Ozark Legends Neville Longbottom |
2022/02/05 |
SW |
Ozark Legends Oreo |
2022/02/05 |
SrSW |
Ozark Legends Rigal |
2022/02/05 |
SrSW |
Ozark Legends Roxie Christianson |
2022/02/05 |
SW |
Ozark Legends Windsor Ebony |
2022/02/05 |
SrSW |
Ozark Symphonys Song of Jubilee |
2018/11/23 |
B |
Ozarks Legend Kia |
2019/06/20 |
SrBrSW |
Ozarks Legend Treasure |
2019/06/24 |
SrBrSW |
Ozzie 2.0 |
2021/05/29 |
SmD |
O´Gradys Juno |
0000/00/00 |
Packs Bella Lapue |
2011/03/06 |
SW |
Paddingtons Pilot |
2007/06/23 |
S |
Paisley 23 |
2017/06/17 |
SrBrD |
Paisley Beam Rocky Ridge Toothman |
2018/03/20 |
SrB |
Paloma Brull |
2021/05/29 |
SrD |
Pancho |
2020/11/17 |
SW |
Panda |
2009/05/01 |
Panda |
2020/02/09 |
Panda Bear Coorg |
2021/04/27 |
SrBmSW |
Panda Bear Tucker |
2018/12/07 |
SWrB |
Panda Clifford |
2013/01/26 |
SWmB |
Pandora |
1908/01/01 |
Pandora Opened The Box |
2021/04/22 |
SW |
Panini |
2019/09/20 |
SrBmD |
Panzer Girl |
2018/06/07 |
SWmD |
Paragon Miss Captain Morgan |
1992/12/28 |
SW |
Paragon Murphy The Bear |
1992/12/28 |
SW |
Paragon Myss Esther Wyllyms |
1992/12/28 |
SW |
Paramount Bopwaters Rendezvous In Paris |
2021/06/08 |
SrSW |
Paramounts Anni Moss |
2019/11/01 |
S |
Paramounts Daddys Girl |
2019/11/01 |
S |
Paramounts Domino |
2019/11/01 |
S |
Paramounts Lord Byron of Highwood |
2019/11/01 |
S |
Paramounts Sophia Mae |
2019/11/01 |
S |
Paramounts Whale of A Tale |
2019/11/01 |
S |
Parkers Black Rose Bud |
1992/03/07 |
S |
Pascal |
2018/06/19 |
SrB |
Pascal West |
1999/06/29 |
SrSW |
Pascha |
1882/05/01 |
S |
Pattys Maximillian Seger |
1988/10/19 |
S |
Pavel |
2017/11/07 |
SrB |
Peaceful Hollow Nelda |
2017/05/17 |
SWrBmD |
Peaceful Hollow Victoria |
2017/05/17 |
GraurBmSW |
Peacesteads Becky |
1975/06/10 |
S |
Peacesteads Whitmans Sampler |
1975/06/28 |
Pear |
0000/00/00 |
Pearl |
0000/00/00 |
Pearl VII |
2019/04/09 |
braun-weiss |
Pebbeles Beach Reter |
2021/05/29 |
SmD |
Pebbles Jackpot |
2006/12/29 |
S |
Penelope Pinecone |
2022/03/03 |
BmSW |
Penelope von Moose |
2017/05/09 |
SrSWrD |
Penny III |
1999/08/24 |
SW |
Penny Lane Williams |
2019/04/09 |
SrD |
Penny SCNR |
2011/01/01 |
Pepper of Windsor Hills |
1993/03/06 |
SmSW |
Pepper Sweetgirl |
2019/11/09 |
SWrB |
Pepper Two Saddles |
1997/03/18 |
SW |
Pepper XV |
2022/01/07 |
SWrB |
Pepperjack West |
2020/01/30 |
SW |
Peppermint Patty LI |
2019/10/28 |
B |
Perrin Cosmo Kern |
2017/02/24 |
SrB |
Persephonegodessofdrool |
2021/07/11 |
SrSW |
Peter Pan |
1994/06/01 |
SW |
Peter Pan of Neverland |
2023/02/19 |
Grau |
Peytons Next Chapter |
2020/08/01 |
BrSWrD |
Pha Jennifer |
2018/04/11 |
braun-weissrD |
Pha Lady Haze |
2018/04/11 |
grau-weissmB |
Pha Roses Delight |
2018/04/11 |
grau-weissmB |
Pha Wyatt |
2018/04/18 |
grau-weiss |
Phalin |
1997/11/01 |
Phalin Lord Ravin |
1996/11/10 |
SrSW |
Phillip of Shameless |
2019/01/12 |
SWrBmD |
Phillippa |
1985/02/23 |
S |
Philomena |
2002/10/06 |
S |
Phineus |
2021/02/10 |
B |
Phoebe Esther Brice |
2020/08/26 |
SWmB |
Phoebe The Snurf of Idy |
2002/10/06 |
S |
Phoebe V111 |
2017/09/13 |
BrD |
Phoebe VIII |
2017/09/13 |
B |
Phoebes Lakeview Katie |
1982/01/16 |
SrSW |
Phoenix Lily |
2016/07/06 |
SrBrSW |
Phynn Sorter |
2017/07/16 |
S |
Pickles Star Corey |
2023/07/05 |
SmBrSW |
Pieces of Eight Reef |
1985/09/25 |
S |
Pierres Painted Marge |
2018/03/19 |
B |
Pierres Sheila |
2021/07/29 |
B |
Pine Ann First Black Shadow |
1987/05/27 |
S |
Pine River Atlas |
2019/03/26 |
SmB |
Pine River Buddy |
2019/08/16 |
SmSW |
Pine River Gastone |
2019/03/26 |
SmB |
Pine River Gentle Giant |
2017/02/11 |
S |
Pine River Maggie |
2018/12/21 |
SW |
Pine River Meg |
2022/06/02 |
SrB |
Pine River S. S. Edgar MacDuff |
2020/11/05 |
SrSW |
Pine River Tommys Boy Farley |
2019/03/26 |
SmB |
Pine River Tsunami |
2016/12/26 |
S |
Pine Rivers Arctic Winter |
2018/12/21 |
SW |
Pine Rivers Bento |
2020/01/16 |
SW |
Pine Rivers Big Teddy Bear |
2022/06/02 |
SrB |
Pine Rivers Bodacious Dreams Do Come True |
2019/09/07 |
B |
Pine Rivers Brown Irish Brew |
2019/02/09 |
B |
Pine Rivers Finn |
2019/02/09 |
B |
Pine Rivers Huckleberry |
2019/01/13 |
SW |
Pine Rivers Midnight Moose |
2018/12/21 |
SrSW |
Pine Rivers Misty Breeze |
2020/11/05 |
SWrB |
Pine Rivers Moon Over Miami |
2020/01/16 |
SW |
Pine Rivers Mullen Crown White |
2018/12/21 |
SW |
Pine Rivers Murphy Sea Warrior |
2020/01/16 |
SW |
Pine Rivers Reese Piece |
2019/08/16 |
SmSW |
Pine Rivers Thor |
2019/08/16 |
SmSW |
Pine Valley Chip |
2018/02/18 |
B |
Pineridge Archie |
2016/12/20 |
B |
Pineviews Black Magic |
1992/09/09 |
S |
Pink |
2018/03/25 |
Pink Girl Wigal |
2013/02/15 |
Piper Belle Perrigo |
2021/08/18 |
SWrB |
Piper Brabant |
2017/11/26 |
SrBmSWmD |
Piper Flora of Monroe Valley |
2021/08/10 |
S |
Piper Hiper |
2019/09/20 |
SrBmD |
Piper Hope Goode |
2017/04/24 |
B |
Piper Velez |
2019/01/12 |
GraurBrSW |
Piper VI |
2021/10/21 |
SrBrSW |
Piper VII |
2020/03/22 |
SrSW |
Pirate |
1995/08/05 |
S |
Pixie of Murphys |
2018/01/16 |
SrB |
Plato Oskar |
2016/04/03 |
SrD |
Pluto II |
1922/06/14 |
Pollyanna |
0000/00/00 |
Pontoon |
0000/00/00 |
Pooles Samson The Great |
2022/10/30 |
SmBrD |
Poppins Anderson |
2021/12/02 |
S |
Poppy Buckley |
2016/09/12 |
SW |
Porsha Jones |
2021/05/29 |
SrD |
Port Winds Down By The Sea Chasing Tides |
2015/11/09 |
S |
Porter Sorensen |
2000/01/01 |
Porters Maggemae Or Mae Not |
2012/05/24 |
SW |
Portlys Beloved Tosca |
1995/05/01 |
S |
Poseidon VI |
2023/07/05 |
SmBrSW |
Posidon Kish |
2000/01/01 |
Pouch Cov's Southwind Tempest Stella |
2016/07/19 |
S |
Pouch Coves Had To Be Southwind |
2016/07/19 |
S |
Pouch Coves Southwind Fendi |
2018/12/07 |
S |
Pouch Coves Southwind Guess Who´s at Bowater |
2018/12/07 |
S |
Pouch Coves Southwind Imagine |
2021/03/27 |
S |
Pouch Coves Southwind On The Shorepath |
2021/03/27 |
S |
Pouch Coves Southwind Oscar Ping |
2021/03/27 |
S |
Pouch Coves Southwind Schiaparelli |
2018/12/07 |
S |
Preacher Defelices |
2021/09/11 |
S |
Precious Baby |
2004/03/16 |
S |
Precious Pearl of The Prarie |
2018/02/07 |
SrBmSW |
Pretty Girl Minerva |
1997/09/05 |
S |
Pretty Girl Molly McGee |
2006/10/03 |
S |
Prides Huckleberry Finn |
2019/06/02 |
SrB |
Primrose Princess Stella |
2016/07/24 |
SrSW |
Prince |
0000/00/00 |
Prince |
0000/00/00 |
Prince |
0000/00/00 |
Prince |
0000/00/00 |
Prince |
0000/00/00 |
Prince |
0000/00/00 |
Prince |
0000/00/00 |
Prince Duke Diciotto |
2014/06/25 |
SrB |
Prince Humbert |
0000/00/00 |
Prince of Saranac |
0000/00/00 |
Prince Sampson of Wilkes |
2015/05/18 |
SW |
Prince William of Cheyenne |
2014/03/24 |
Princess |
0000/00/00 |
Princess |
0000/00/00 |
Princess Chloe Belle |
2006/05/30 |
S |
Princess Ebony |
1976/11/12 |
S |
Princess Ivroy Maze |
2016/06/20 |
B |
Princess Jasmine V |
2003/11/20 |
S |
Princess Juliet |
2015/12/09 |
braun-weiss |
Princess Laci On The Prairie Creek |
2021/05/05 |
B |
Princess Madison |
2007/02/16 |
S |
Princess Maggie Mae II |
2004/12/25 |
SmBmSWrD |
Princess Miley Bayliss |
2008/11/22 |
S |
Princess Nymphadora Ponks |
2017/07/03 |
SmBrSW |
Princess Patricia II |
1931/06/06 |
Princess Rosemary Sapphire Sparkles |
2017/02/16 |
SrB |
Princess Shira |
2002/07/10 |
SmD |
Princess Sofia of Brushy Ridge |
2019/03/11 |
B |
Princess Tabatha |
1969/12/07 |
S |
Priscilla Bolivar-Baca |
2020/03/22 |
SrSW |
Prittypaws Gretta Bear |
2018/10/27 |
GraumSW |
Professor Andreas Vesalius |
1979/01/31 |
S |
Professor Anthony |
0000/00/00 |
Professor Aronnax of Big Sur |
2008/04/06 |
SW |
Proud Magis Mystique of Adrian |
1992/12/29 |
S |
Proudhouse Sadie Nuss |
1991/02/16 |
SrSW |
Prudence |
0000/00/00 |
Pruitts Carolina Kodiak |
2008/05/13 |
SrSW |
Ps Dolly Madison |
2018/03/26 |
SW |
Psyche |
0000/00/00 |
Puccinni Bear |
1996/11/16 |
S |
Pulafonto Tuffy |
1981/11/16 |
S |
Pumpers Sister Superior |
2001/04/13 |
S |
Punch |
0000/00/00 |
Que Que Circes Black Beauty |
1978/03/18 |
S |
Queen |
0000/00/00 |
Queen |
0000/00/00 |
Queen |
1910/01/01 |
Queen |
0000/00/00 |
Queen Anne of Spades |
1999/04/04 |
S |
Queen Bess |
0000/00/00 |
Queen Bess |
0000/00/00 |
Queen Floss |
0000/00/00 |
Queen Ida Zydeco |
1997/07/03 |
SW |
Queen Raja |
1998/05/25 |
S |
Queen Rhea of Mount Olympus |
2019/01/07 |
S |
Queen S. |
0000/00/00 |
Queen Sophie of Pine River |
2019/03/26 |
SmB |
Queen Sophie Valentine |
2021/02/10 |
SW |
Quincy O´Neill Crosslin |
2005/08/11 |
S |
Quinn Lauer |
2021/08/29 |
SmSW |
Quinns Lyndon Joseph |
2014/04/15 |
SW |
Qwyatts Bandit Bear |
1996/11/16 |
S |
R. A. Elmers Misty |
2021/09/29 |
GraurBrSW |
R. A. Jay |
2021/02/18 |
BrSW |
Rachael Tori Roseman |
1994/03/07 |
S |
Radagast The Brown of Pine River |
2019/09/07 |
B |
Radiant Roxy |
2017/07/04 |
SmSW |
Raegan |
2017/07/07 |
SWrD |
Rafter |
2011/04/16 |
S |
Rainey The Rose of E. Northport |
2019/01/24 |
S |
Ralees Black Jack Warner |
2002/05/19 |
S |
Ralees Callie of Bee Creek |
1999/05/13 |
S |
Ramakenis Gold of Baie Verde |
1993/12/14 |
SW |
Rambo IV |
2014/08/28 |
SWrB |
Ramea Rose Hageman |
2009/04/23 |
braun-weiss |
Rana |
0000/00/00 |
Rana II |
0000/00/00 |
Randalls Big Blue |
2016/04/22 |
BrSW |
Randybrooks Black Pearl |
1974/02/24 |
S |
Randys Cuby Bear |
1984/08/28 |
S |
Ranger Noah Mattingly |
2019/11/07 |
SWrBrD |
Ranger VIII |
2018/05/01 |
braun-weiss |
Rangers Black Whiskey |
2009/06/23 |
SmB |
Raricks Nikodemus |
0000/00/00 |
SrB |
Rascals Precious Jade |
2018/03/24 |
S |
Ratcliffs Maverick |
2015/04/19 |
SrD |
Raul Rosario |
2012/08/26 |
S |
Raven Flying Over Rock River Bridge |
2017/01/23 |
SrB |
Raven Giannini |
2018/12/20 |
SrSW |
Raven Haired Lolita |
2009/08/25 |
S |
Raven of Fall River Homestead |
2018/02/11 |
SrB |
Ravens Gold |
2020/10/28 |
BrD |
Raya |
2021/05/03 |
BmSWrD |
Rayah |
2015/05/05 |
Rebas Ms Morgan of Bee Creek |
1999/05/13 |
S |
Rector |
0000/00/00 |
Red |
2018/03/25 |
Red Boy |
2021/09/07 |
Red Sawyer Paris |
2017/04/02 |
B |
Redwoods Room for One More |
1995/06/24 |
S |
Reese |
2021/07/17 |
SrBrD |
Reeses Piece of Luck |
2012/11/06 |
BrSW |
Reggie Marsico |
2009/05/18 |
Regionald Smart of Pine River |
2020/11/05 |
SrSW |
Regning In Grace |
2020/01/22 |
S |
Regoreos El Oso Gris |
1983/06/23 |
S |
Reinhards Brown Bearett |
2016/11/27 |
B |
Remington III |
2013/03/18 |
S |
Remington Rose |
2022/11/18 |
SrBmSW |
Renaissance Abby Dabble |
2007/10/14 |
SW |
Renaissance Azimuth |
2006/12/03 |
S |
Renaissance Beatrice Butterfly |
2006/12/03 |
S |
Renaissance Bosco Warrior |
2006/05/30 |
B |
Renaissance Elvis Is In The House |
2006/12/03 |
S |
Renaissance Macey Frego |
2006/12/03 |
S |
Renaissance Newfoundlands Oreo Brumus |
2007/10/14 |
SW |
Renaissance Precious Angel |
2006/05/24 |
S |
Renaissance Sirius Black Bear |
2006/12/03 |
S |
Renaissance Sweet Mauis Paradise |
2006/05/30 |
SmB |
Renaissance Zeus of Misty Mountain |
2006/05/30 |
SmB |
Renegade Trail By The Sea |
2015/11/09 |
S |
Reno |
0000/00/00 |
Rescue Snorkal Brt Str Blkt |
2003/12/22 |
S |
Revolutionary Rupert The Red |
1999/01/01 |
Rewfie The Newfie |
2014/10/30 |
SW |
Rex |
0000/00/00 |
Rex Fisher |
2016/05/01 |
SrBmSW |
Reynolds Bella Rosie |
2018/01/14 |
S |
Rhea Bear |
2021/06/11 |
B |
Rhea of Olympus The Maternal |
2019/09/03 |
B |
Rhys Beaucephus |
2017/11/27 |
Grau |
Ricky Ricardos Cuban Congaboy |
2007/01/03 |
SW |
Rico Riches of Love |
2019/11/20 |
SrD |
Ridge Back Teddy |
2019/12/24 |
BrSW |
Rigel Hummel |
2021/01/11 |
SrBmSWmD |
Riggs Emmett Otterton |
2018/12/25 |
SWrB |
Riggs Malone |
2019/10/28 |
B |
Rigs Henry |
2017/09/18 |
S |
Riley |
2006/04/01 |
Riley |
2019/08/14 |
Riley Belle |
2019/04/27 |
braun-weiss |
Rinncon Diva del Mar |
2006/06/17 |
S |
Rio of Swan Creek Farm |
2018/08/12 |
B |
Rip Uder |
2021/01/11 |
GraumBmSW |
Ripley Rose |
2022/10/30 |
BrD |
Ripple |
1880/01/01 |
Ripplin´ Waters Bathsheba |
2018/12/14 |
SW |
Ripplin´ Waters Joshua |
2018/11/25 |
BrSW |
Rising Hopes Decendent Noble |
2020/06/05 |
SWrB |
Rising Hopes River Commander |
2020/06/05 |
braun-weiss |
Rising Hopes Trouble Maker |
2020/06/05 |
braun-weiss |
River Heart Woolley Magpie |
2021/04/27 |
SWrB |
River Hills Baileys Irish Cream |
2018/08/28 |
River Hills Locked And Loaded |
2018/07/25 |
SrB |
River Hills Maddie |
2018/07/25 |
SrB |
River Hills Maia |
2014/12/26 |
SWrB |
River Hills Winchester |
2018/07/11 |
Non-Standard Colour |
River III |
2022/05/04 |
SmBmSW |
River Moorman |
2019/04/26 |
River Reachs Beary Good |
1999/06/22 |
S |
River Reachs Bonnie Beary |
1999/06/22 |
S |
Riverbrooks Coco Chanel |
2008/11/01 |
B |
Riverhouses Lady Daphne |
1980/07/14 |
S |
Riverhouses Sugarfoote Starr |
1980/07/14 |
S, weisse Abzeichen |
Riverhouses Turtle Pie |
1991/02/16 |
SrSW |
Riverside Newfoundlands Memory Maker |
2019/07/24 |
braun-weiss |
Riverwilds Mouseketeer |
2004/04/20 |
S |
Roadsidedaisy |
2017/03/07 |
BrSWrD |
Roberts Pine River Storm |
2019/08/16 |
SW |
Robinsons Old Palace |
0000/00/00 |
Robinsons Palace |
0000/00/00 |
Robinsons Young Palace |
0000/00/00 |
Rock On Sir Hollingsworth |
1999/06/22 |
S |
Rock River Harley |
2016/06/05 |
SW |
Rock River Laylee |
2016/06/05 |
SW |
Rock River Lightening Bolt |
2016/06/05 |
SW |
Rock River Onyx |
2014/10/30 |
SW |
Rock River Tucker |
2016/06/05 |
SW |
Rock Rivers Black Pepper |
2020/07/30 |
SrB |
Rock Rivers Brown Sugar Bear |
2020/01/18 |
B |
Rock Rivers Lucie of Da North |
2017/01/23 |
SrB |
Rockcastles Alexandria of The Youghiogheny |
2020/03/08 |
SrBmD |
Rockin Gray Rebel |
2018/05/22 |
grau-weiss |
Rocking Bs Grizzly Clyde |
1997/02/17 |
SrSWrTan |
Rocklittle Bear Black Diamond |
1976/02/18 |
S |
Rockriver Shilo |
2021/09/27 |
SWrBrD |
Rockrivers Galaxy Far Far Away |
2021/12/28 |
braun-weiss |
Rockrivers Oreo |
2020/12/01 |
SWrB |
Rocky Balboa |
2008/01/16 |
Rocky Brooks After All This Time of Amity |
2021/01/23 |
S |
Rocky Brooks Free Spirit of Amity |
2021/01/23 |
S |
Rocky Brooks Just Agound The Riverbend of Amity |
2022/05/31 |
S |
Rocky Brooks Ursa Major of Amity |
2021/01/23 |
S |
Rocky Brooks Where There Is A Willow of Amity |
2021/01/23 |
S |
Rocky Fork Merry Bella |
2021/11/03 |
SWrB |
Rocky Fork Noble Ebony |
2018/07/05 |
SrSWmD |
Rocky Harbours Pooh Bear |
1987/06/26 |
S |
Rocky Mountain Magic |
2002/03/30 |
S |
Rocky VII |
2013/12/08 |
S |
Rocky XIV |
2020/12/24 |
B |
Rockyridge Bruin at Pumpkintown Acres |
2018/03/20 |
B |
Rodolph |
0000/00/00 |
Roger |
0000/00/00 |
Roger |
2017/01/01 |
Rogers Bounce |
0000/00/00 |
Roldans Obi |
2021/03/15 |
BrSW |
Rolling Hills Sampson |
2005/10/03 |
S |
Rolling Hs Morning Glory |
0000/00/00 |
Rolling Starboard Stone |
1978/12/31 |
S |
Rollinghills Chocolate Kisses |
2008/12/20 |
BrSWrD |
Rollo |
0000/00/00 |
Rollo |
0000/00/00 |
Rollo |
2015/08/03 |
S |
Roman |
2015/11/01 |
Roman The Mighty Barbarian Krieg |
2017/01/13 |
SWrB |
Ronin |
2020/12/22 |
SrBmSWrD |
Roo |
2013/02/23 |
Rooster II |
2024/09/09 |
SW |
Roper |
2016/08/05 |
grau-weissrB |
Rory |
2019/11/16 |
B |
Rose |
0000/00/00 |
Rose |
0000/00/00 |
Rose |
1997/03/18 |
SW |
Rose Wibbing |
2020/08/04 |
SmSW |
Rosella Fluffy Sullivan |
2017/10/18 |
braun-weiss |
Rosetta |
2017/08/05 |
Rosie Belle |
2019/07/27 |
BmSW |
Rosie Lady of Rosenau Farms |
2020/11/17 |
SW |
Rosie Rivets The Heart of Pine River |
2021/03/21 |
SW |
Rosie XIII |
2021/08/03 |
SrSW |
Rosie XV |
2022/03/25 |
braun-weiss |
Rosiland Twomey |
2017/05/17 |
SrBmSWmD |
Rosy Hope Zimmerli |
2013/04/01 |
S |
Rover |
0000/00/00 |
Rover |
0000/00/00 |
Rover |
0000/00/00 |
Rover |
0000/00/00 |
Rover |
0000/00/00 |
Rowdy |
0000/00/00 |
Roxie |
0000/00/00 |
Roxie Hart |
2021/04/08 |
B |
Roxie The Name On Everyones Lips |
2017/05/09 |
SmSWrD |
Roxy Brown |
2017/01/20 |
SrB |
Roxy Joyce of Pine River |
2022/06/02 |
SrB |
Roxy Query |
2018/04/10 |
SmBmSWmD |
Roxy V |
2013/12/08 |
S |
Royal Duchess |
2016/06/05 |
SW |
Royal Duke |
0000/00/00 |
Royal Jade Sadie |
2017/05/19 |
BrSWmD |
Royal Jr. |
0000/00/00 |
Royal Jr. II |
0000/00/00 |
Royal Stars Clementine Churchill |
2017/05/19 |
GraumBrSW |
Ruba Ebunyzar Bear |
1997/02/17 |
SrSWrTan |
Ruby of Tamarack Lake |
2017/08/28 |
SW |
Ruby Rae Kiososki |
2020/06/01 |
BrD |
Ruby VI |
2018/06/07 |
SWmD |
Ruby Wibbing |
2020/08/04 |
SmSW |
Rudder of Curtis Cove |
2018/03/01 |
braun-weiss |
Rudolph H. |
0000/00/00 |
Rufus |
1996/11/18 |
Rufus Orellana Torres |
2020/01/22 |
S |
Rufus XIII |
2020/11/17 |
B |
Ruger Fast On The Draw (Mister Ruger) |
2017/04/30 |
B |
Ruger Horner |
2019/03/10 |
SrB |
Ruger Miller |
2013/05/03 |
SW |
Rumble Rife |
2019/01/17 |
B |
Rumple Minze |
2016/06/05 |
SrSW |
Runa Neubauer |
2019/11/20 |
SrD |
Rushs Terri Dandy |
0000/00/00 |
Rushung for Freedom |
2021/12/26 |
B |
Russells Knuffalah |
2002/08/06 |
S |
Ryandras Baby Blue Lola Luck |
2006/02/01 |
Grau |
Ryker The Giant of Pine River |
2019/09/07 |
B |
Sabastian Queue Pine River |
2019/09/07 |
B |
Sable III |
2009/06/23 |
SmB |
Sadie |
1998/07/17 |
S |
Sadie Jane |
2019/12/03 |
SWrD |
Sadie Mae Flowers Hitchcock |
2018/04/26 |
SrBrSW |
Sadie Nashama Evans |
2018/09/04 |
SrBrSW |
Sadie Tucker |
2021/04/28 |
SrBmSWrD |
Sadie Wall |
2020/08/04 |
SmSW |
Sadie Water Bear |
2000/11/22 |
S |
Sadie Williams |
2014/04/25 |
S |
Sadies Choice Dakota |
1995/02/08 |
B |
Sadies Hankmiester of Sugarland |
2000/08/28 |
SmB |
Sadies Place On Earth |
2018/02/21 |
S |
Sadis Brandy Wine |
2020/07/13 |
BrSW |
Safari Stradivarius |
2019/02/14 |
Sage |
2011/09/15 |
S |
Sage II |
2018/10/18 |
SrSW |
Sahrs Newfoundland |
2019/07/03 |
black and tanmBmSW |
Sailor |
0000/00/00 |
Sailor |
0000/00/00 |
Sailor |
0000/00/00 |
Sailor Clark Jr. |
2021/04/22 |
SmB |
Sailorjakeonliberty |
2020/08/26 |
SmBmSW |
Saint John of Briarcliff |
0000/00/00 |
Sakura No Kuma of Briarwood |
2019/02/24 |
S |
Sal |
0000/00/00 |
Sally Queens Rockcastle |
2020/03/08 |
Creme |
Sally Ride |
2000/12/28 |
S |
Salt Creeks Kaylani |
2002/10/06 |
S |
Salt Creeks Tonka Truck |
2002/10/06 |
S |
Saltys Code Blue Times Two |
1988/06/25 |
S |
Sam |
0000/00/00 |
Sam IX |
2020/12/03 |
CremerSW |
Sam Smith |
2007/06/19 |
Samantha Leiseth |
2008/12/18 |
S |
Samarah Eve Hopkins |
2018/02/02 |
S |
Sambo |
0000/00/00 |
Samira Haven Christiansen |
2020/07/02 |
SrB |
Sammie |
2010/12/24 |
Sammy |
0000/00/00 |
Sammy Davis of Culmore |
2019/02/14 |
B |
Sammy Jo Bear Tofte |
2006/11/16 |
SrBmSW |
Sammy Shever-Parvathaneni |
2021/04/28 |
SWrBrD |
Sampson Bear Harper |
2014/05/28 |
SrB |
Sampson Mearthur Lee |
2003/02/03 |
BmSW |
Sampson X |
2005/08/29 |
S |
Sampsons Tenderheart |
2016/06/20 |
B |
Samson |
2009/12/09 |
S |
Samson A Royal Servant Loves Delilah |
2017/05/19 |
SWmBmD |
Samson Abe |
2021/02/13 |
BrSW |
Samson Brutus Baker |
0000/00/00 |
Samson of Baie Verde |
1992/11/29 |
SW |
Samson of Buffalo |
1991/07/27 |
B |
Samson of Burky Hill |
2018/04/20 |
SmBrD |
Samson of Devonshire |
1991/08/09 |
S |
Samson ouie Sanders |
2019/05/16 |
braun-weiss |
Samson Tahoe Wilson |
2021/01/11 |
SWmBmD |
Samson The Lightning Charger |
2017/09/02 |
SrBrSW |
Samson XXXII |
2008/11/29 |
SrSW |
Samsons Strength |
1994/01/08 |
SmB |
Samual Edwin of Baie Verde |
1993/12/14 |
SW |
San Sebastian Gretchen |
1974/07/01 |
Sandra Leas Aint She A Dream |
2003/01/26 |
SrSW |
Sandra Leas Dr. Quinn at TN |
2005/05/08 |
B |
Sandra Leas Sweet Mocha Bear |
2005/11/14 |
B |
Sandy Coves Love Is Blind |
2018/09/11 |
S |
Sandy Honeysuckle In The Morning |
2017/02/19 |
S |
Sandys Big Foot Bear |
1975/03/26 |
SrSW |
Sanfords Little Black Sam |
0000/00/00 |
S |
Sangars Kisseybear |
1996/03/24 |
S |
Sangars Little Red Rid´N Hood |
2007/08/02 |
S |
Sangars Lotus Blossom |
2002/06/01 |
S |
Santa Fe TRL FMS Buffalo Gun |
1993/03/06 |
SW |
Sanyador |
2018/04/20 |
B |
Sara II |
2016/05/01 |
SWrB |
Sara vom Bayernwald |
2017/10/07 |
B |
Sarabi Bungee Midnight Stone |
2021/07/22 |
SrBrSW |
Sarahs Gentle Parker Bear |
2013/02/27 |
S |
Saras Knee Deep In Hoopla |
2009/08/20 |
B |
Sarge Kates Wendy |
2017/07/03 |
BrSW |
Sasha IX |
2017/09/18 |
SrSW |
Sassy Bogan Reams |
2012/11/06 |
BrSW |
Sassy Savannah Smiles |
1999/05/11 |
S |
Satan |
0000/00/00 |
Satin |
0000/00/00 |
Savages Daisy Buttercup Delight |
2008/11/08 |
SrB |
Savannah Grace |
2016/10/01 |
SWrD |
Saving Heart Sally |
2018/10/28 |
SmBrSW |
Savvys Pride N Joy Miss Topsy |
2009/09/14 |
B |
Sawyer II |
2020/05/07 |
SW |
Sawyer Reuter |
2020/10/04 |
BmSW |
Scarlet Last |
2020/07/22 |
SrB |
Scarlett Rose |
2018/03/18 |
SmBrSW |
Schapers Presently Perfect Running Water |
2016/06/20 |
B |
Schapers Watch The Water Dance |
2019/07/18 |
SrB |
Schmitzs Mosey On Moser |
2019/05/14 |
braun-weiss |
Schneiders Samantha |
2009/09/11 |
S |
Schrecks Layzee Dayzee |
2007/01/12 |
SW |
Schwartzbarhofs Virginia Woof |
1995/04/25 |
S |
Schwechels Sweet Surrender |
2008/05/13 |
SrSW |
SCNRs Don´t Give Up The Ship |
2014/06/15 |
B |
Scotts Nanny |
0000/00/00 |
Scout Duchess of Arendelle |
2017/03/22 |
SWrD |
Scout Grant |
2019/01/23 |
SrB |
Sea of Mercy |
2020/05/28 |
B |
Sea Wifes Mousse-Choco |
1975/11/22 |
SrD |
Seabreezes Buck The Bear |
2004/12/18 |
S |
Seabrooks Never Stop Jumping Dawson |
2015/08/16 |
S |
Seacliffs Knight Galaid |
1994/05/07 |
SrSW |
Seacliffs Ladi Love-A-Lotts |
1994/05/07 |
SrSW |
Seafarer Jack |
1988/02/22 |
Seamarks Bittersweet Chocolat |
1995/02/08 |
B |
Seamus Bearnard Jd Hill |
2008/04/10 |
B |
Seawind Beloved Tolif |
2018/08/09 |
SrSW |
Seaworthys Miracle Chance of Five KN |
2000/04/06 |
S |
Sebastian |
2010/07/19 |
S |
Sebastian Bastian |
2022/02/17 |
SmSW |
Sebastian Coe Brandenburg |
1997/03/16 |
S |
Sebastian V |
1993/12/12 |
S |
Sebastian VII |
2001/07/17 |
S |
Selah By Horner |
2019/04/26 |
SmB |
Selma |
0000/00/00 |
Selma |
0000/00/00 |
Selms Nana Grace |
2019/03/01 |
SrSW |
Senator |
0000/00/00 |
Seneca |
2005/11/11 |
S |
Senecals Kojo |
1987/07/26 |
SW |
Sensation |
1902/01/01 |
Sent-Djons Duke Bombardier I Believe I Can Fly |
2021/02/04 |
SrSW |
Serendipitys Sammy |
2005/02/14 |
S |
Serenity Kalispell Josephine |
1997/12/12 |
SW |
Serenity Linn |
2017/07/07 |
grau-weiss |
Sergeant III |
2017/11/07 |
SrB |
Seventythrees Surrender To The Nos |
2010/04/16 |
S |
Shad of Bryer |
2012/10/10 |
braun-weiss |
Shadow Shannon Lee |
1993/12/14 |
SW |
Shadowlodges Carolina Cowboy |
1994/05/07 |
SrSW |
Shadowlodges Carolina Panther |
1994/05/07 |
SrSW |
Shadows Blossom |
2020/03/10 |
SWrB |
Shadows Bonnilay |
2017/06/13 |
B |
Shadows Della May |
2017/06/13 |
B |
Shadows Emprevia |
2017/06/13 |
B |
Shadows Fez Blythe |
2021/01/15 |
grau-weissrB |
Shadows Spenglers Puffin |
2021/01/15 |
CrememSW |
Shadows Tally Twist |
2021/01/15 |
CrememSW |
Shaggy Knog Flop |
2002/01/20 |
S |
Shakespeare In Love |
2019/11/18 |
SrBrSW |
Shakors Chocolate Nrownie |
2017/10/07 |
B |
Shamrock of Hardscrabble |
2005/03/27 |
S |
Shamu Snow Shoe |
2006/11/16 |
SWrB |
Shanadoah Skye |
2022/08/16 |
braun-weissmD |
Shangrlies Hearts Delight |
1964/06/24 |
Shannons Papa Abraham |
2018/02/11 |
SrB |
Sharrocks Cheerios |
2019/02/01 |
braun-weiss |
Sharrocks Dylan - Son of The Sea |
2018/11/23 |
SWmB |
Sharrocks Gracie of Windswept Farms |
2021/02/20 |
SW |
Sharrocks Luna |
2019/02/01 |
SrBrSW |
Sharrocks Ouray |
2019/02/01 |
BrSW |
Sharrocks Ryder |
2022/03/20 |
S |
Sharrocks Sweet Brandy |
2018/07/11 |
B |
Shasta of Rabbit Ridge |
1996/08/19 |
S |
Shaughrues Big Benjamin |
1973/06/16 |
She Bears Grace |
1992/09/09 |
S |
She Shoots She Scores |
2020/06/10 |
S |
Sheba Rose Raider |
2003/09/17 |
SW |
Shekinahs Hallelujah Girl |
1981/06/14 |
S |
Shekinahs II |
1981/06/14 |
S |
Shekinahs Northern Nieko |
1981/06/14 |
S |
Shekinahs Sadie of Bonne Bay |
1981/06/14 |
S |
Shekinahs Sweet Peaches |
1981/06/14 |
S |
Shelby |
2003/03/18 |
Shelby C. Caraway |
2020/05/28 |
SW |
Shelby J |
2020/07/24 |
GraurSW |
Shelbys Lord Barrett |
1988/01/09 |
SrSW, weisse Abzeichen |
Sheldon |
2017/05/13 |
SWrBmD |
Shelley Blackbear of Old Bay |
1994/03/04 |
S |
Sheraph of The Capes |
2017/02/24 |
B |
Shere Khan of Southland |
2022/12/21 |
B |
Sherwood of Forest |
2000/06/13 |
S |
Sheza Missou Diva |
2006/04/18 |
SrSW |
She´s Got The Look That Shiloh of Pine River |
2018/12/21 |
SW |
Shiloh Belle |
2021/02/04 |
SrSW |
Shiloh de Montana |
1993/01/11 |
S |
Shilohs Theodosios Maximos |
2017/01/15 |
SrD |
Shindy Ridges Bin Lying Ahull |
2007/09/26 |
BmSW |
Shindy Ridges Memories And Elephants |
2012/09/03 |
Grau |
Shindy Ridges Sir Rio Barksalottoo |
2009/04/16 |
SW |
Shindy Ridges Widow In Da Mourning |
2011/05/28 |
S |
Shine As Bright As Lunas Night |
2020/05/07 |
SW |
Shining Moon |
2017/02/14 |
SrBrSW |
Shiprocks Brutus of Pouch Cove |
1991/02/18 |
S |
Shiprocks Duncan Pouch Cove |
1991/02/18 |
S |
Shiprocks Shash´N Froth of Pouch Cove |
1991/02/18 |
S |
Shipshapes Grand Bruit |
1968/05/10 |
Shipshapes Molly of Cobhill |
1973/10/01 |
Shiver Me Timbers |
1972/06/12 |
S |
Shrew |
0000/00/00 |
Shugga |
2020/09/19 |
SrB |
Sidney Bailey |
1996/10/10 |
S |
Siena Cicchini |
2016/06/26 |
SW |
Sienna Dream Hitchcock |
2016/12/20 |
B |
Sierra Cheyenne Autumn |
2003/04/01 |
S |
Sierra of Somerset |
1997/03/14 |
S |
Sierra Tallapoosa Grande Rio |
2020/12/01 |
BmSWrD |
Sierra The Great |
2016/09/25 |
B |
Silver Blossom Breeze |
2023/05/21 |
Silver Callie |
2020/12/23 |
SrBrSWrD |
Silver Crystal |
2020/12/23 |
SWrBrD |
Silver Shania |
2020/11/30 |
braun-weissrD |
Silver Sherri |
2020/11/30 |
braun-weissrD |
Silverbrooks Captains Courageous |
1992/09/20 |
S |
Silverbrooks Clarabelle |
1992/09/20 |
S |
Silverbrooks Gentle Ben |
1992/09/20 |
S |
Silverbrooks Lucky Lady |
1992/09/20 |
S |
Simba Banerjee |
2022/03/20 |
S |
Simba Bear New King |
1996/12/23 |
S |
Simmons Bear |
2003/01/26 |
SrSW |
Simon II |
2016/06/05 |
SrSW |
Sir Albert Bertie Bott Dumblefloof |
2020/05/23 |
B |
Sir Alexander The Great |
1996/05/27 |
SW |
Sir Angus Cadwell of Bravura |
2004/11/05 |
SW |
Sir Augustus |
2016/04/11 |
BrSW |
Sir Barrett von Dripslobber |
2004/02/07 |
SmB |
Sir Bear Winston |
2007/09/27 |
SW |
Sir Belvedere Olson |
1991/02/05 |
S |
Sir Bentley Miller |
2019/04/24 |
SrBmD |
Sir Boatswain Bishop of Kenyon |
2002/08/06 |
S |
Sir Boatswains Mate |
2012/02/08 |
SWmB |
Sir Bob of Sun Valley |
1991/12/12 |
S |
Sir Bojo of Baehr Mtn |
1996/01/17 |
S |
Sir Boots of Antietam |
1977/12/08 |
S |
Sir Bowaters Gray Brogue |
1975/06/29 |
Grau |
Sir Briggs of Du Nord |
2020/11/22 |
B |
Sir Brucington Sylvestor Zuzga of Pine River |
2021/06/08 |
SmB |
Sir Brutus Jasper Woods |
2004/02/04 |
SWmD |
Sir Bubba Lord of Hillcrest |
1999/11/08 |
S |
Sir Buckingham Pahle |
1992/01/19 |
S |
Sir Clanc A Lot |
1991/02/08 |
S |
Sir Deacon Black Bear |
2000/11/22 |
S |
Sir Delmar of Utley Mountian |
2019/08/11 |
B |
Sir Dozer Lancelot of Forro |
2013/03/26 |
S |
Sir Francis Tug of Pouch Cove |
1991/02/18 |
S |
Sir Franklin |
0000/00/00 |
Sir Gaston of Burnham |
2019/06/26 |
SW |
Sir Grover Goliath of Lincur |
1993/11/27 |
S |
Sir Gustavus of Raebrook |
2019/11/23 |
S |
Sir Harley Bigboy of Covington |
2003/11/20 |
S |
Sir Henry Boone |
2004/12/01 |
SmSW |
Sir Henry Boopasaur |
2021/04/03 |
SrBrSW |
Sir Herbert Maui |
2019/05/16 |
BrSW |
Sir Hugo Park |
2017/01/20 |
SrB |
Sir Isaac Beebe |
2016/12/13 |
GraurB |
Sir Issac Newton Gravity Dog |
2004/03/05 |
S |
Sir John Osbourne |
2019/05/23 |
SmB |
Sir Lancelot |
1920/12/24 |
SW |
Sir Lancelot I´m A Sweet Serenade of Cy Ridge |
2020/10/22 |
SW |
Sir Lancelot of Landseer |
1993/02/26 |
SW |
Sir Lancelots Lady Holly |
2004/12/25 |
SmBmSWrD |
Sir Louis of Ulmstead |
2007/05/31 |
S |
Sir Matrix Bacardi |
1993/02/26 |
SW |
Sir Maximus of Riverton |
2000/05/15 |
S |
Sir Maxwell III |
2001/10/31 |
SW |
Sir Midnight Blue |
1991/10/15 |
Grau |
Sir Murphy of Gitche Gumee |
2016/07/24 |
S |
Sir Newton Clark |
1999/07/28 |
SmSW |
Sir Oliver Haviland of Pine River |
2021/01/03 |
SrSW |
Sir Oliver Lancelot |
2004/05/17 |
SW |
Sir Oliver of The Fluffy Pants |
2017/04/17 |
S |
Sir Riley Bear |
2013/05/01 |
S |
Sir Robin of Hood |
0000/00/00 |
Sir Rockford of Kesslersville |
1997/03/14 |
S |
Sir Roderick |
0000/00/00 |
Sir Ryder of Valhalla Farms |
2022/02/26 |
BrD |
Sir Samson of Turtleridge |
1976/08/17 |
S |
Sir Sebastian Sedona Sunrise |
2007/10/14 |
S |
Sir Silas Murdoc of Blue Castle |
2017/02/24 |
B |
Sir Smokey Bear |
2021/05/29 |
SmD |
Sir Smokey L Rockmere Berm Finca |
2018/02/08 |
SW |
Sir Superman |
1993/03/06 |
SW |
Sir Takoda Vegas |
2019/02/05 |
braun-weissmD |
Sir Tripp Alexander Snavely |
2006/02/06 |
SmSW |
Sir Ulysses SG Rockmere Berm Finca |
2013/12/08 |
SrSW |
Sir Winston of Temprance |
2020/05/19 |
SWrB |
Sir Zeus of Lindenwold |
1991/08/09 |
S |
Sirius Black |
2003/11/26 |
S |
Sirt Arnold Bentley |
2022/05/23 |
SrB |
Skii Chocolate Chip |
1994/01/08 |
B |
Skye II |
2020/03/22 |
SrSW |
Skye III |
2020/12/22 |
SWrBrD |
Skye Lightspeed |
2021/06/06 |
S |
Skylar Seilius |
2015/09/01 |
S |
Skyler 2020 |
2019/10/28 |
B |
Skys Sunspot Baby |
1998/08/04 |
S |
Sleeping Bears Blk Tie Affair |
1997/12/16 |
S |
Sleeping Bears Herr Bruno |
1997/12/16 |
S |
Sleeping Bears Minnewaukan |
1997/12/16 |
S |
Sleeping Bears Ravens Legacy |
1997/12/16 |
S |
Sleeping Bears Tatonka |
1997/12/16 |
S |
Smalls of Pine River |
2020/11/05 |
SW |
Smiling Spirit of The Waters Crest |
2020/06/10 |
S |
Smokey Spires |
2018/01/05 |
GraurSW |
Smokey The Bear VI |
1990/01/04 |
S |
Smokey XVII |
2000/10/22 |
Grau |
Sniders Moses Gabriel |
2017/02/14 |
SWrB |
Snoopy MacDog Franklin |
2018/01/05 |
SWmD |
Snow Lane Allie |
2017/11/26 |
SWrBrD |
Snow Lane Angie |
2018/01/23 |
B |
Snow Lane Annie |
2018/01/23 |
SrB |
Snow Lane Moby |
2017/07/16 |
S |
Snow Lane Zona |
2021/01/06 |
GraurSW |
Snowdrifts Great Sebastian |
2000/10/15 |
S |
Snowflake of Baie Verde |
1993/12/14 |
SrSW |
Snowhavens Abbie Gamble Gannon |
2007/09/08 |
S |
Snowhavens Autumn Reflection |
2007/09/08 |
S |
Snowhavens Doolins Biscuit |
2007/09/08 |
S |
Snowshoes Bos Teddy Bear |
1997/06/29 |
S |
Snuffaluffagus Poopala Bear |
1991/08/09 |
S |
Snyders Patches |
2017/07/07 |
SWrD |
Sofia Maka Nani Kraft |
2019/05/23 |
BmSW |
Some Day I´m Going To Make It Rain |
2017/01/25 |
braun-weiss |
Somedays Earl |
2022/08/12 |
SmSW |
Somedays Follow Your Arrow |
2020/11/30 |
SrBrSW |
Somedays I Can Only Imagine |
2018/11/23 |
SWrB |
Somedays It´s All Coming Back |
2018/12/01 |
SrBrSW |
Somedays Kick The Dust Up |
2018/06/28 |
BrSW |
Somedays Life Changes |
2018/07/18 |
Somedays Mabel |
2020/09/10 |
B |
Somedays Make It Sweet |
2018/07/18 |
SWrB |
Somedays Oceans |
2018/12/01 |
SmB |
Somedays One of The Good Ones |
2019/09/19 |
SrB |
Somedays Rolling On The River |
2019/05/19 |
B |
Somedays Scarlett O´Hara |
2019/10/14 |
SrB |
Somedays The Dixies Mary Ann |
2021/11/09 |
B |
Somedays Wanda |
2021/09/26 |
B |
Somedays Wildest Dreams |
2018/01/08 |
SrB |
Soney Creeks Midnight Coal |
0000/00/00 |
Sonya Cox |
2021/04/22 |
SmB |
Sophia M |
2021/11/28 |
SWrB |
Sophia Marie Lola Kaupp |
2006/12/11 |
SW |
Sophia of Sherwood |
1993/11/27 |
S |
Sophias Sweet Caroline |
2022/04/04 |
braun-weissrD |
Sophie Amarnas Choice |
2010/06/10 |
SW |
Sophie Bear Fisher |
2017/05/17 |
SrB |
Sophie Dylla |
2017/04/08 |
S |
Sophie II |
1996/11/16 |
S |
Sophie La Bear |
2016/01/31 |
Grau |
Sophie Lynch |
2001/01/01 |
S |
Sophie Marie Huner |
2016/12/25 |
SrB |
Sophie XVII |
2017/05/13 |
GraurBmSW |
Sophie XXII |
2019/06/20 |
SWrB |
Sorritellis Kodiak Star |
2013/01/26 |
SmBmSW |
Soulmates Andie Pandie |
2000/09/17 |
SmSW |
Soulmates Easy Come Easy Go |
2000/09/17 |
SmSW |
Soulmates Jasper of Bee Creek |
2000/09/17 |
SW |
Southern Belles Kupcake |
2015/11/24 |
SrSW |
Southern Belles Po Master of His Destiny |
2020/01/30 |
SW |
Southern Charms Huckaberry Finley |
2013/12/03 |
SW |
Southern Moosetracks |
2023/05/05 |
BmD |
Southlands Ursa O´Nite Sky |
1985/03/02 |
SW |
Southpaws Stark Raven Mad |
2000/05/15 |
S |
Southshores One Love |
2019/12/30 |
Southwinds Pouch Cove Famous Amos |
2016/07/19 |
S |
Southwinds Pouch Cove Gabriel Moss |
2016/07/19 |
S |
Southwinds Pouch Cove Hudson |
2016/07/19 |
S |
Southwinds Pouch Cove Plus One |
2016/07/19 |
S |
Sparkmans Blue Skys Dakota |
1991/02/10 |
Grau |
Sparky Alexander |
2018/05/01 |
SrBmSW |
Spice It Up Mocha Surprise |
2019/10/25 |
B |
Spicy Violet June |
2021/12/03 |
S |
Spirit Oaks Kings Counsel |
1981/05/08 |
S |
Sport |
0000/00/00 |
Sport |
0000/00/00 |
Sport |
0000/00/00 |
Spreckels Dog |
0000/00/00 |
Springhavens Barts Blessing |
1994/09/05 |
SW |
Springhavens Bears Buddy |
1999/02/08 |
SW |
Springhavens Captain Chaos |
2006/03/28 |
S |
Springhavens Katy |
1994/09/05 |
SW |
Springhavens Me´N My Shadow |
1999/02/08 |
S |
Springhavens Molly Bear |
2012/02/06 |
SW |
Springhavens Nellie Manila |
1999/02/08 |
SW |
Springhavens Onyx |
2012/02/06 |
SrSW |
Springhavens Oreo Cookies N Cream |
1999/08/24 |
SW |
Springhavens Ponyboy |
1999/08/24 |
SW |
Springhavens Royce |
2012/02/06 |
SW |
Springhavens Sarah Beauty |
1999/02/08 |
SW |
Springhavens Steele Beckett |
1999/02/08 |
S |
Springhavens Zowie |
1994/09/05 |
SW |
Sprinkles of Blessings |
2018/02/28 |
SW |
Sprotten |
0000/00/00 |
Sr. Winston R. Elsamahi |
2019/07/27 |
SrBmSW |
St. Kitts |
2021/04/24 |
B |
Stamms Magnificent Maggie |
2015/03/11 |
SrD |
Stanley |
1997/04/01 |
S |
Stapleton |
2022/02/24 |
SW |
Starbucks Cheyenne Blaze |
1996/10/15 |
B |
Starbucks Mocha of Redwood Circle |
2013/03/22 |
B |
Starr Kings Sable |
1991/11/07 |
S |
Starr Kings Sadie II |
1991/11/07 |
S |
Starr Valleys Murphy |
2020/11/28 |
SW |
Steadfasts Casco Bay Black Bear of Bustins |
2015/03/19 |
SrSW |
Steadfasts Echoes In The Wilderness |
2015/03/19 |
SrSW |
Steadfasts Yogi of Bearbrook |
2015/03/19 |
SrSW |
Steel City Roz Is Always Watching |
2021/04/02 |
SrSW |
Steel City Sampson |
2018/12/03 |
SW |
Steel Magnolias Black Pearl |
2003/07/17 |
SrD |
Steel Magnolias Juniper |
2003/07/17 |
Grau |
Steel Magnolias Paddington Bear |
2003/07/17 |
Grau |
Steel Magnolias Sage |
2003/07/17 |
Grau |
Steeles Baby Girl |
2001/02/21 |
S |
Steeles Cassie of Overbrook |
1996/12/05 |
S |
Steer To My Heart Rudder |
2003/11/27 |
Stella By Starlight |
2006/11/16 |
SrB |
Stella IX |
2022/02/19 |
Grau |
Stella Jo of Pine River |
2019/02/09 |
B |
Stella Marie Dent |
2019/05/29 |
SWmB |
Stella Nightingales Winter Song |
2015/01/23 |
SrSW |
Stella Rose |
2018/04/18 |
grau-weiss |
Stella Shirley Thyer |
2015/11/11 |
SrB |
Stephanie And Kenny Goetzs Kodiak Cody Bear |
2008/05/13 |
SrSW |
Sterling Acre Sweet Toffee |
2021/02/09 |
B |
Sterling Acres True Ella |
2021/02/09 |
S |
Stevedores Captain Tobia |
0000/00/00 |
Stevie Samantha H & M Acres Jordan |
2019/07/03 |
SWrBrD |
Stoic Adam Brice |
2019/05/22 |
GraurSW |
Stonebrookes Hope for The Future |
2009/06/23 |
B |
Stonetrees Macho |
1979/01/13 |
S |
Stoney Creek Betsy |
2018/04/10 |
SmBmSWmD |
Stoney Creeks Bufford |
0000/00/00 |
Stoney Pastures Beau Jangles |
2001/04/01 |
S |
Storey Creek Bentley |
2018/05/01 |
BmSW |
Storm of The Night |
2020/06/24 |
SW |
Stormy Bear Williams |
2022/09/04 |
Grau |
Stormy Wind |
2019/01/07 |
S |
Stormyacre Midnight Magic Millie Jo |
2022/06/17 |
BrSWrD |
Storys Wren Cygnus |
2001/02/19 |
S |
Stryker |
2020/01/22 |
S |
Sturdee |
0000/00/00 |
Sugarbear of Bayville |
1993/09/06 |
SW |
Sugarbear of Pelico |
1997/01/02 |
S |
Sugarbears Sadie Hawkins |
2003/04/01 |
S |
Sugarloaf Newfoundlands Iris of The Meadow |
2021/02/14 |
SWrB |
Sujons Storm Cloud |
1992/03/10 |
SW |
Suklaa Taivaan A Day In The Life of Eleanor Rigby |
2023/09/17 |
B |
Suklaa Taivaan A Special Place In Our Hearts |
2023/09/17 |
B |
Suklaa Taivaan Bravest of Hearts |
2023/09/17 |
B |
Suklaa Taivaan for The Love of Ireland |
2023/09/17 |
B |
Suklaa Taivaan Golden Girl |
2023/09/17 |
B |
Suklaa Taivaan Gothams Amazin´ Ace Tom Terrific |
2023/09/17 |
B |
Suklaa Taivaan Just Couldn´t Say No |
2023/09/17 |
B |
Suklaa Taivaan Lakesides Delight & All Things Tahoe |
2023/09/17 |
B |
Suklaa Taivaan Little Spitfire from Timbucktoo |
2023/09/17 |
B |
Sulley The Newfie |
2017/12/23 |
braun-weiss |
Sullivan III |
2018/10/19 |
SrSW |
Sullivan Lehman |
2018/11/20 |
SW |
Sully Boy of Pine River |
2019/06/12 |
SW |
Sultan |
0000/00/00 |
Summer Man |
1906/01/01 |
Summer Wagar |
2008/11/22 |
S |
Summers Black Pearl |
2007/01/08 |
S |
Summit of Squam |
2013/12/08 |
S |
Sun Hillows C J Barnabus |
1979/09/03 |
S |
Sun Hillows Cassiopeia |
1993/09/06 |
SW |
Sun Valleys My Sienna |
0000/00/00 |
Sunjettys Egebaek Power Play |
2005/10/23 |
S |
Sunjettys Extravagent Tangent |
2005/10/23 |
S |
Sunjettys Good Golly Miss Molly |
2005/10/23 |
S |
Sunjettys Live Love Laugh |
2005/10/23 |
S |
Sunjettys Sawy Sweettea Serendipity |
2005/10/23 |
S |
Sunjettys Smoke On The Water |
2005/10/23 |
S |
Sunjettys Soulmate |
2005/10/23 |
S |
Sunrise Benedict Arnold |
2017/02/24 |
BrSW |
Sunrises Mossy of T-Bar |
1983/01/27 |
SW |
Sura Luulubear |
2018/06/19 |
B |
Susana Springs Beauregard II |
1989/11/10 |
S |
Susana Springs Courageous |
1990/01/25 |
B |
Susana Springs Dustin McDunnough |
1998/07/18 |
B |
Susana Springs Monsoon Moby |
1990/01/25 |
S |
Susie Wibbing |
2018/03/08 |
SrBmD |
Susitnas Beaujolais |
2019/11/01 |
S |
Susitnas Let´s Sink Another Drink |
2019/11/01 |
S |
Susitnas Nori Otterbear |
2019/11/01 |
S |
Sutton Sailor Gibbs |
2020/01/18 |
B |
Suzy Bear Sorm |
1971/02/27 |
Swamp Valley Rambo |
2019/04/14 |
BrD |
Swanp Trailers Bunty of The Mire |
2021/10/21 |
SrBrSW |
Swansons Bubba |
1992/11/21 |
S |
Swansons Captain Chum |
0000/00/00 |
Sweet As Honey |
2019/08/11 |
Sweet As Honey at Bearheart Newfoundlands |
2019/08/11 |
B |
Sweet Belle of Mine |
2002/03/02 |
S |
Sweet Guardian of Candy Kisses |
2019/06/22 |
SWrBmD |
Sweet Pea Angel of Hope |
1997/12/27 |
SmB |
Sweet Peas Angus Cannon Kuebler |
2019/03/06 |
S |
Sweet Peas Midnight Maggie |
2019/06/19 |
S |
Sweet Peas Tess My Mess |
2019/03/06 |
S |
Sweet Pepper Humphrey |
2020/11/30 |
SrBrSW |
Sweet Pixie Dust |
2018/06/01 |
SW |
Sweet Shades of Grace |
2017/07/10 |
B |
Sweetbays Vivica |
2010/04/04 |
Sweetbears Grizzly Encounter |
1996/01/23 |
SW |
Sweetbears Whezzers Glory |
1996/01/23 |
SW |
Sweetheart |
0000/00/00 |
Sweetwaters Angel In The Centerfold |
2015/03/19 |
B |
Sweetwaters Chloe Mac |
1991/02/08 |
S |
Sweetwaters Lucky Star |
1991/02/08 |
S |
Sweetwaters Maximilian |
1991/02/08 |
S |
Sweetwaters Midnight Majesty |
1991/02/08 |
S |
Sweetwaters Rowdy Bear |
1991/02/08 |
S |
Sweetwaters Sea Warrior Murphy |
2015/03/19 |
SrB |
Sweetwaters Southern Nanna |
1991/02/08 |
S |
Sweetwaters Webbigail |
1991/02/08 |
S |
SWVKs Twinkling Starlight |
0000/00/00 |
Sydney Bogart Bacall |
1994/08/10 |
S |
Sydneys Irish Eyes |
2004/08/29 |
S |
Sylvia |
0000/00/00 |
Tabitah of Baie Verde |
1991/11/29 |
SW |
Tabor Farm Elizabeth Swann |
2004/12/18 |
S |
Tacketts Toby Bear |
2004/05/17 |
SmSW |
Take A Chance On Hopkins |
2017/12/23 |
SWrB |
Takwaaki of The Catoctin Mountains Miss Autumn |
2018/05/18 |
B |
Talley Vanaskie |
2019/07/31 |
Tallulah Belle |
2010/12/17 |
SW |
Tallulah Rue Lobner |
2014/10/30 |
SmSW |
Tandys Vulcanbar Parker |
1975/10/05 |
S |
Tank XIV |
2019/07/17 |
SrD |
Taras Angelic Black Beauty |
1992/05/30 |
S |
Tarawins Bathsheba of Amarna |
1998/03/26 |
SrSW |
Tarawins Belle |
1998/03/26 |
SrSW |
Tarawins Bo Kodiak |
1998/03/26 |
SrSW |
Tarawins Bo-Peep Chien de l´Eau |
1998/03/26 |
SrSW |
Tarawins Bonnie Sammi |
1998/03/26 |
SrSW |
Tarawins Seamus of Denali |
1998/03/26 |
SrSW |
Tarbearys Hey Lady Do I Look All Blurry To You |
2008/11/14 |
S |
Tarbearys I´m Just A Waitress |
2010/02/19 |
S |
Tarbearys Ramona |
2008/11/14 |
S |
Tarheel Newfoundlands Robustful Remington |
2022/11/22 |
Tarheel Newfs Bruno The Behemoth |
2019/12/27 |
braun-weiss |
Tarheel Newfs Isabella Irish Luck |
2021/05/03 |
SWrBrD |
Tarheel Newfs Kodiaks Promise |
2021/05/03 |
BmSWrD |
Tarheel Newfs Lucy In The Sky |
2020/12/21 |
SW |
Tarheelnewfs La Mia Bella Luna |
2020/12/21 |
SmSW |
Tarheels Newfs Dingo Dog |
2022/03/15 |
braun-weissrD |
Tarheels Newfs Rarity In Isabella |
2022/03/15 |
CremerSW |
Tasunkes Lovely Lady |
0000/00/00 |
Tatonka |
1991/02/16 |
SrSW |
Tatonkas Bourbon Lace |
2019/11/16 |
B |
Tauriel |
2019/11/07 |
SrBrSWrD |
Taylors Bess |
0000/00/00 |
Taylors Duchess |
0000/00/00 |
Taylors Nero |
0000/00/00 |
Tazers Halo of Hope |
2014/09/12 |
S |
Ted E Bear VI |
2000/06/20 |
S |
Teddie Bear Bosse |
1992/09/18 |
B |
Teddy |
2015/12/01 |
Teddy Bear |
2014/11/10 |
Teddy Bear Lampe |
2021/04/28 |
SWrBrD |
Teddy Bear Too of The Ranch |
2006/01/28 |
SW |
Teddy Bear XIII |
1994/08/27 |
S |
Teddy Bears Piper Cub |
0000/00/00 |
Teddy By Horner |
2019/04/26 |
B |
Teddys Painted Dandy |
0000/00/00 |
Teklas Ossa |
0000/00/00 |
Tember |
0000/00/00 |
Tenderhearted Benjamin on Lost Pines |
2020/11/17 |
SW |
Tenderhearts And Moores Wild Grizz |
2016/05/22 |
B |
Tenderhearts Bernard Gaston |
2020/11/15 |
SrSW |
Tenderhearts Bindi Down Under |
2018/10/25 |
BrSW |
Tenderhearts Deja-Vu |
2019/01/07 |
S |
Tenderhearts Kenzie |
2021/04/02 |
SrSW |
Tenderhearts Mystique |
2021/04/02 |
SrSW |
Tenderhearts Nectar of The Gods |
2021/04/27 |
BmSW |
Tenderhearts River Pebbles |
2018/10/25 |
BrSW |
Tenderhearts Tai-Lee |
2018/11/19 |
B |
Tennessees Southern Belle |
2011/06/07 |
S |
Terra Novas Duff Dugan |
1996/04/15 |
S |
Terra Novas Hurricane Matilda |
1995/10/06 |
SW |
Terra Novas My Last Duchess |
1995/10/06 |
SrSW |
Terra Novas One In A Million |
1996/04/15 |
S |
Terringtons Tigger Bear |
2005/10/31 |
S |
Terrys Parker Double |
1997/02/17 |
SrSWrTan |
Tessa Aubreys Little Dream |
2019/08/07 |
GraurSW |
Tessie |
2021/01/01 |
Tessie Bear Moon Beam |
1992/03/10 |
SW |
Tetontitans Merrills Black Jack |
2018/11/20 |
SW |
Tetontitansapollo The Sun God |
2018/11/20 |
SW |
Thanos |
2021/06/22 |
SW |
The Black Pearl Sails at Moonpie Bay |
2016/03/22 |
SrSW |
The Buddas Mystique |
1992/10/20 |
S |
The Dowager Countess Violet |
2019/09/25 |
SrB |
The Duke |
0000/00/00 |
The Giving Light of Eagle Ridge |
2016/10/15 |
BrSW |
The God Zeus of Mount Olympus |
2019/11/16 |
SW |
The Grand Princess Ebony |
2004/02/07 |
SmB |
The Jordans Tank |
2002/03/30 |
S |
The Magnificence Mountain Tiger |
2019/01/05 |
S |
The Man |
0000/00/00 |
The Mighty Thor |
2017/08/11 |
SrSW |
The Road Runner |
2022/08/12 |
The Salaman of The Skii |
1983/11/01 |
S |
The Show Me States Stars And Stripes |
2018/03/18 |
SWmB |
The Sullivan of Pine River |
2019/08/16 |
SmSW |
The Sweetest Emerald Princess |
2022/06/14 |
BrSWrD |
The Sweetest Nani Girl |
2017/03/09 |
Creme |
Thender Princess Sophie |
2021/06/11 |
B |
Theo III |
2018/03/18 |
BrSW |
Theodore Beeker |
2006/07/17 |
S |
Theodore Bexar York |
2019/04/09 |
SrD |
Theodore Edmond Bear of Cedar Glen |
2013/12/08 |
S |
Theodore Frasier |
1999/12/23 |
S |
Thickets Gracious Safe Harbor |
2010/01/05 |
S |
Thomas´ Beauty |
0000/00/00 |
Thomas´ Flo |
0000/00/00 |
Thomas´ Watch |
0000/00/00 |
Thompsons Morgan Ivee |
2005/12/11 |
S |
Thor |
2009/01/01 |
S |
Thor Bean Bear Hollers of Pine River |
2021/06/08 |
B |
Thor Phillips |
2017/12/06 |
BmSW |
Thor The God of Thunder |
2018/12/22 |
SrSW |
Thora Iona Wilt |
2013/01/26 |
braun-weiss |
Thorburns A Touch O´Shimsea |
1990/05/24 |
S |
Thorburns Dancin´ In The Dark |
1997/07/03 |
SW |
Thorburns Excalibur |
1990/05/24 |
S |
Thorsday Jackson |
2012/11/06 |
BrSW |
Thumper Rose |
2008/12/20 |
S |
Thunder Bear Ballinger |
1995/07/28 |
S |
Thunder Hills Jessie |
2006/12/05 |
SmB |
Thunder XII |
2019/12/27 |
SmD |
Ticaboo |
2022/08/04 |
Tillie Simpson |
2015/10/08 |
SrB |
Tilly Skahan |
2022/09/04 |
Grau |
Timber Goes Boom at M&M |
2020/01/09 |
braun-weissrD |
Timber Ridges O´Le Bear |
1999/06/22 |
S |
Timber Ridges Shilo |
1999/06/22 |
S |
Timber van Nornam |
2019/05/24 |
GraurB |
Timberknolls Everlasting Miracle |
2021/09/07 |
S |
Timberrocks All That Matters |
2000/08/29 |
SrSW |
Timbers Watch Rolling Sherman Tank |
2019/01/22 |
B |
Time On The Pine River With Big Ben |
2019/03/26 |
B |
Tinker Bear of Minot |
2004/12/18 |
S |
Tiny |
0000/00/00 |
Tiny |
2002/03/30 |
S |
Tiny V |
2018/06/01 |
SrBmSW |
Tip Toed Onyx |
1999/06/22 |
S |
Titan |
2010/01/01 |
Titan Briggs |
2022/09/04 |
SmD |
TLCs Almost Famous |
2009/01/26 |
BrSW |
TLCs Mahogany Bond 007 Newf´Dyet com |
2009/01/26 |
BrSW |
Tobias III |
2021/10/28 |
braun-weissrD |
Toby |
0000/00/00 |
Toddrick Elliott Von Elzy |
2020/01/30 |
SW |
Toners Newfoundland |
2015/01/17 |
Grau |
Tonk The Bear |
2017/04/09 |
Grau |
Tonka |
2020/07/27 |
Tonka Kresser |
2011/07/31 |
Tonka of The Chugach |
2020/01/18 |
S |
Tonka Rogers |
2020/11/16 |
SWrB |
Tonka Valencia |
2018/04/10 |
SmBmSWmD |
Tonkas Sunshine-Bella |
2008/04/24 |
S |
Tonyas Little Panda Benelli |
2016/09/16 |
SWrB |
Too Hot In Havasus Columbeau |
2008/06/01 |
S |
Toons Habib |
2016/04/22 |
SWrB |
Toons Sister-Sally |
2016/04/22 |
SWrB |
Tootsie |
2021/10/10 |
Top Shelfs Kiss In The Dark |
2015/03/19 |
SrB |
Toph |
2015/07/15 |
Topmasts Legend Charlie |
1998/03/12 |
S |
Topsy |
0000/00/00 |
Torbay |
2020/03/22 |
SrSW |
Tormenta delMar |
2016/09/06 |
Grau |
Torrey Hills Colnial Cooper |
1995/08/21 |
S |
Torrey Hills F Baybeary |
1995/08/21 |
S |
Torrey Hills Hammerhead Freya |
1997/01/08 |
S |
Torrey Hills Honeysuckle |
1995/08/21 |
S |
Torrey Hills Noel |
1997/01/08 |
S |
Torrey Hills Sweet Magnolia |
1995/08/21 |
S |
Torrey Hills Sweet Pea |
1995/08/21 |
S |
Tosha of Laurel Ridge |
2017/07/03 |
S |
Traci II |
2016/09/22 |
S |
Tracys Shadow Brook |
2017/07/16 |
S |
Trailblazing Dame Scored Points On The Pine River |
2019/02/09 |
B |
Treasure Buddha Du Zen von Scar |
2019/05/20 |
S |
Trinity Bays Bear |
2001/01/01 |
S |
Trinity Bays Sadie Bear |
2001/01/01 |
SW |
Trinity II |
0000/00/00 |
Trinitys Koda |
2020/01/27 |
SrB |
Trinitys Magnus Opus Howlelujah Chorus |
2020/01/27 |
SrB |
Trinitys Roaring Like A Lion |
2021/01/06 |
S |
Trinitys Ser Bronn of The Blackwater |
2019/03/06 |
SrB |
Trinitys Song of Fire |
2019/03/06 |
SrB |
Tritan |
2022/01/01 |
Triton III |
2016/06/05 |
SW |
Triton Son of The Sea |
2005/12/05 |
S |
Tritons Holly Of Stonebear |
1988/07/22 |
S |
Tritons Rock Solid |
1988/07/22 |
S |
Trix |
1916/01/01 |
Trixie Tang |
2004/11/04 |
braun-weiss |
Trouble |
1983/10/07 |
Troxells Buccaneer |
1975/06/24 |
S |
Troy Acres Holly |
2018/06/04 |
GraurB |
Troy Mystic Foot Soldier |
2020/07/18 |
GraurB |
Trubel |
2021/06/23 |
SrSW |
Trusty |
0000/00/00 |
Truth |
0000/00/00 |
Tsuwa Tsiyvwi-Sakonig Dodaly |
1994/05/07 |
SrSW |
Tucker |
2018/06/05 |
Tucker IV |
2006/10/25 |
Grau |
Tucker VI |
2016/12/22 |
SrBrSW |
Tucker XI |
2019/09/20 |
GraurB |
Tuckers Molly Rose |
2002/05/14 |
S |
Tufts Gus |
0000/00/00 |
Tug Menegus |
2019/05/22 |
GraurSW |
Tuna Tabatchnick |
2021/10/21 |
SrBrSW |
Tuppence The Magic Dragon |
2020/11/15 |
SrSW |
Turk |
0000/00/00 |
Turtleridges Clydes-Dale |
1976/08/17 |
S |
Tuttles Molly |
2020/12/01 |
grau-weissrB |
Tuxedo Tails |
2000/12/29 |
SW |
Twilas Ramblin Barrett of Sarona |
2017/09/28 |
SWrB |
Twilight Wayward Sun |
2018/12/14 |
Twillengate |
2021/01/03 |
braun-weiss |
Two Bears Gentle Jack |
2004/05/17 |
SmSW |
Two Bears Jilly Bean |
2004/05/17 |
SmSW |
Two Moon Solo Star |
2015/12/12 |
Tyr Tougard Ernouf Devleming |
2019/12/27 |
Grau |
Tyras |
0000/00/00 |
Tyson |
0000/00/00 |
Ubba |
2021/02/04 |
SrSW |
Uhura Skahan |
2022/03/20 |
S |
Ullr |
2017/11/21 |
SrBrSW |
Ulysses Trevor Gargan |
2001/10/16 |
S |
Umber |
2020/07/18 |
B |
Umfleets Ambrosial Ivy |
2018/12/22 |
SrSW |
Umfleets Apocalyptic Everly |
2021/03/23 |
SWrB |
Umfleets Audacious Winston |
2019/01/08 |
B |
Umfleets Bloshoi Xena |
2019/10/20 |
B |
Umfleets Calamitous Annabelle |
2019/07/05 |
SrBrSW |
Umfleets Cherubic Cordellia |
2021/02/11 |
BrSW |
Umfleets Chiaroscuro Guinevere |
2021/02/11 |
SWrB |
Umfleets Delphian Thor |
2019/05/24 |
SrB |
Umfleets Diabolique Luna |
2018/02/11 |
SrB |
Umfleets Gargantuan Grady |
2021/09/25 |
B |
Umfleets Hugo of Pine River |
2021/01/03 |
SrSW |
Umfleets Idulatrous Lyla |
2021/10/12 |
SW |
Umfleets Incandescent Darcy |
2021/07/07 |
B |
Umfleets Man of Constant Sorrow |
2021/07/11 |
SrSW |
Umfleets Maximus Goliath |
2019/10/18 |
SrBrD |
Umfleets Mystic Mimzy |
2017/10/30 |
SrSW |
Umfleets Ochre Luna |
2022/06/09 |
BmD |
Umfleets Perspicacious Anora |
2020/03/04 |
SrSW |
Umfleets Pulchritudinous Patsie |
2021/07/11 |
SrSW |
Umfleets Pulchritudinous Piper |
2015/01/29 |
BrD |
Umfleets Saccharine Lilly Belle |
2018/12/22 |
SrSW |
Umfleets Sepia Jolene |
2019/12/01 |
BrD |
Umfleets Sepia Justine |
2018/03/18 |
B |
Umfleets Sovereign Cash |
2019/04/19 |
SrBrSW |
Umfleets Tenacious Dozer |
2021/10/12 |
SrSW |
Una |
2013/12/19 |
SrSW |
Unkas Bellemont |
0000/00/00 |
Uri of Gentle Ben |
1994/03/07 |
S |
Ursa Littlefur Garnet Morrison |
2018/07/08 |
BrSW |
Ursa Major Bear Bear |
2017/03/07 |
braun-weiss |
Ursula II |
2001/02/17 |
SrSW |
Ursula Rosso-Prodonovich |
2017/02/19 |
S |
Ursulas Grand Adventure |
2004/12/01 |
SmSW |
Uschies Double Trouble |
2017/03/08 |
B |
Uss Black Huckleberry |
2021/12/03 |
S |
Vader 2 |
2016/07/24 |
S |
Vag |
0000/00/00 |
Vagabond Gypsy at Lilly Creek |
2021/04/27 |
SrBmSW |
Valadezs Samson |
2018/05/01 |
BmSW |
Valentine of Brighton |
1993/11/27 |
S |
Valhallas Angel Gabriel |
2014/06/25 |
S |
Valhallas I Dream of Hazel |
2012/08/13 |
S |
Valympus Skadi Styles Collinsworth |
2022/06/14 |
BrSWrD |
Ventures Daisy of Bear Hug |
1992/12/01 |
SrB |
Ventures Dallas Star |
1992/12/01 |
B |
Venus |
0000/00/00 |
Venus |
2000/01/18 |
SW |
Venus |
2020/04/12 |
Vermillions Bear Hazel Nut |
2020/06/07 |
GraurB |
Vermillions Bear Wheeler |
2017/09/02 |
SWrBrD |
Vermillions Boo-Boo |
2019/06/22 |
CremerSW |
Vermillions Burning Cinder Rose |
2021/11/06 |
Creme |
Vermillions Handsome Hal |
2019/01/14 |
braun-weissrD |
Vermillions Red Cedar Bear |
2021/10/28 |
BrSWrD |
Vermillions Wonder |
2019/01/14 |
grau-weissrB |
Versace Kong von Bear |
2008/10/29 |
GraurBmSW |
Vert |
2021/03/30 |
Vert Flash |
2021/03/30 |
Vic (imported) |
0000/00/00 |
Victoria |
0000/00/00 |
Victoria |
0000/00/00 |
Victoria |
0000/00/00 |
Victoria |
0000/00/00 |
Victoria |
1887/01/01 |
Victoria Annabelle |
0000/00/00 |
Villades Aphrodisiac |
0000/00/00 |
Villades Aragorn Dawn Treader |
0000/00/00 |
Villades Captain Nemo |
1975/07/08 |
S |
Villades Seaworthy |
1975/07/08 |
S |
Vinny |
2015/03/19 |
SrSW |
Violet IV |
2020/12/25 |
SrBrSWrD |
Violet Rose China Doll |
2013/12/22 |
Virginia Wolf |
2005/06/06 |
braun-weiss |
Von Bear Nana |
1995/12/25 |
S |
Voyagers Future of Flight With Chateaunewf |
2020/11/19 |
S, weisse Abzeichen |
Voyagers Once More Unto The Breach |
2014/09/21 |
S |
Vruwinks Grizzly Brutus |
2019/08/11 |
S |
Vsewing Hercules Sauquoit |
2022/06/11 |
SWrB |
Wabash Valleys Rendy Lake |
2018/12/26 |
BrD |
Waldrons Bear |
2021/02/04 |
BrSW |
Waldrops Hnk Mr. Winston |
2022/01/30 |
SmB |
Wally II |
2021/07/22 |
BrSW |
Walter Harvey Felger |
2017/05/17 |
SrBmSWmD |
Walter Loki |
2022/05/04 |
braun-weiss |
Wandering Baer Venture Valle |
1992/12/01 |
SrB |
Wannabes Sherman Tank |
2019/01/21 |
SWmB |
Wannemachers Josie Mar |
2022/07/12 |
SrB |
Wannemachers Roxie Roo |
2022/07/12 |
B |
Wasatch Big Sky Gentle Giant Captain |
2022/10/30 |
SmBrD |
Wasatch Care Bears Shasta |
2021/08/18 |
S |
Wasatch Foxy Bailey |
2018/05/26 |
SrSW |
Wasatch Newfoundlands Scarlets Beauty |
2020/11/17 |
B |
Wasatch Overdrive Steel Magnolias Lady |
2022/07/09 |
GraurB |
Wasatchs Concealed Overdrive Roxanne |
2021/09/28 |
Creme |
Wasatchs Impressive Kona |
2018/07/17 |
B |
Watchbears Elliott The Gentle |
2018/01/16 |
SrSW |
Watchbears Mac Truck |
2017/05/04 |
SrSW |
Watchbears Rocky |
2018/01/16 |
SrSW |
Watchbears Texas Tornado |
1997/07/21 |
S |
Waterwitch |
0000/00/00 |
Wave |
0000/00/00 |
Wavedancers Casandra S S |
1986/07/31 |
S |
Wavedancers Cutwater |
1986/07/31 |
S |
Wavedancers Maxwell |
1986/07/31 |
S |
Wavedancers Schwarz Madchen |
1986/07/31 |
S |
Waycons Phoenix Sun A Risen |
2009/11/16 |
S |
Waylon II |
2019/12/11 |
B |
We Love Our Lucy Lyons |
2019/07/19 |
SW |
Webster Agabus Shilling |
1995/10/01 |
S |
Webster Brownlee |
2019/05/28 |
SrBmSW |
Wee Jock Tamson |
2021/04/22 |
SW |
Weezy River Boomer Beyerbach |
2020/01/18 |
SrB |
Wellington Duke of Cloister |
2001/04/14 |
SW |
Wend |
2022/07/01 |
Grau |
Wendys Baxter Boy |
2000/11/22 |
S |
West Hoolmes Amber |
2021/01/19 |
SWrD |
Westward Saga |
2018/04/10 |
SmBmSWmD |
Whiskey |
2013/03/04 |
Whiskey Cavalier Sir Knight King Richard |
2009/06/01 |
SW |
Whiskey River |
2018/12/07 |
BrSWmD |
White Fang Frankly Franklin |
2002/06/18 |
S |
White Female Moore |
2012/04/03 |
Whitenacks Oliver |
2022/03/25 |
braun-weiss |
Whitewaters Adaline |
2017/02/05 |
SrSW |
Who Goes With Fergus? |
2021/04/22 |
SrSW |
Wholesome Heritage Berries |
2019/01/08 |
grau-weiss |
Wholesome Heritage Shadow |
2019/01/08 |
GraumSW |
Wilbons Category Five Tornado |
2020/04/03 |
S |
Wilbons Hungry Eyes |
2020/04/03 |
S |
Wilbons It´s A Beautiful Noise |
2020/04/03 |
S |
Wild West Black Beauty |
2008/08/08 |
S, weisse Abzeichen |
Wild Willow Bear of Brushy Ridge |
2019/09/25 |
SrB |
Wildhorse Rulon |
2019/01/24 |
S |
Wilford Little Star Harbart-Thomas |
2022/02/17 |
SmSW |
Willa |
2022/08/30 |
SrSW |
Willamina Reynolds |
2020/03/22 |
SrSW |
Williams Magnus Opis O´Ghostus |
2016/10/01 |
SWrD |
Willie Mae Thorton |
2021/01/01 |
Willo The Meatball Burris |
2018/04/08 |
BrSW |
Willomena Free To Be Me |
2007/10/02 |
S |
Willow |
2017/04/24 |
Willow Bobb |
2018/03/20 |
SrB |
Willow Burke of Forever |
2016/07/15 |
S |
Willow Oaks 07 Girl Pup |
2005/10/29 |
S |
Willow Prince |
2021/09/28 |
BrD |
Willow Ritchey |
2016/04/03 |
SrD |
Willow Vann |
2021/06/28 |
B |
Willowcrofts Cimmie Bear |
1999/10/23 |
B |
Willows Estelle Violet |
2022/02/24 |
SrSW |
Willows Henry Frank |
2018/12/20 |
SW |
Willys Bearfoot Beignet |
2007/12/08 |
SmB |
Willys Boulder |
1996/10/10 |
S |
Willys II |
2007/12/08 |
SmB |
Willys Lyra de Lorano |
2007/12/08 |
B |
Willys Maci Better Days |
2007/12/08 |
SmB |
Willys Sasha |
2007/12/08 |
B |
Wilsons Skyview Farm Ringo Star |
2019/05/03 |
SmSW |
Windancers Black Magic |
2014/07/01 |
S |
Windsongs Alyeska |
2019/02/04 |
S |
Windsongs Kodiak |
2000/09/28 |
S |
Windsongs Kona |
2016/11/18 |
B |
Windsongs Shadow of Denali |
2016/09/26 |
S |
Windswept Camden Kentuky Buck |
2021/04/08 |
B |
Windswept Copy And Paste at Brushy Ridge |
2021/02/20 |
SW |
Windswept Noble Calypso Bay |
2020/05/23 |
B |
Windswept Whiskey River |
2018/12/01 |
B |
Windswepts Bonnie Blue |
2018/12/01 |
SmB |
Windswepts Bourbon Lady |
2020/05/23 |
B |
Windswepts Gen GS Patton VI of Summer Hill Timbers |
2022/08/12 |
SW |
Windy Hills Azalea from The Queen |
2020/03/13 |
GraurB |
Windy Hills Brown Hazel |
2019/04/22 |
braun-weiss |
Windy Hills Juniper from The Queen |
2020/03/13 |
Creme |
Windy Hills Olive My Lady |
2022/09/06 |
B |
Winners Theodore Arthur |
2021/02/10 |
SrSW |
Winnie By Horner |
2019/04/26 |
SmB |
Winnie Cruz |
2019/12/06 |
SrSW |
Winnie Gates |
2021/04/22 |
B |
Winnie IX |
2021/05/09 |
SWmD |
Winnie Karns |
2016/12/11 |
SrSW |
Winnipeg Manitoba Moose |
2019/11/15 |
B |
Winston Ceili O´Neill |
2005/08/11 |
S |
Winston Kostich |
2020/05/24 |
Winston Ravenswood Nadolsky |
2012/05/24 |
SW |
Winston The Roaring Lion |
2019/12/17 |
SWrB |
Winston The Significant |
2019/01/08 |
B |
Winterhawks Midnight Shadow |
1992/11/26 |
SmSW |
Winterhawks Milenium Falcon |
1992/11/26 |
SW |
Witch |
0000/00/00 |
Wizard of Ozzy |
2017/05/04 |
SrSW |
Wojtek Paz |
2022/05/04 |
SmBmSW |
Wolf |
0000/00/00 |
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart |
1992/12/15 |
S |
Wolfgang von Volbrecht |
1997/01/17 |
S |
Wolfy Wollner |
2022/08/16 |
BmSWmD |
Wonder |
0000/00/00 |
Wonder Twin Ahsa |
2016/02/14 |
S |
Wonder Twin Shodu |
2016/02/14 |
S |
Woodland Newfies Let It Rain After Eight |
2009/09/28 |
SmB |
Woodland Newfies Smokey Bear |
2014/06/25 |
SrB |
Woodrows Scarlett Ohara Jones |
2019/12/25 |
SWrB |
Woods Wonder |
0000/00/00 |
Wookie |
1992/02/01 |
S |
Wookiee Gordon Puchi |
2010/08/29 |
S |
Woolards Kodiak Running Bear |
1989/12/23 |
S |
Woolards Sadie |
1990/07/08 |
S |
Wotanita |
0000/00/00 |
WS53103804 |
2016/03/12 |
Wyndholms Jemimah |
0000/00/00 |
Wynships Gary Cooper at Portside |
2017/08/12 |
S |
Wynships Go for The Gusto |
2001/05/24 |
S |
Wynships Heart of The Lion |
2017/08/12 |
S |
Wynships Out of The Ashes |
2017/08/12 |
S |
Wynston |
2019/05/28 |
braun-weiss |
Xana-Dee |
2019/01/21 |
braun-weiss |
Xena |
2000/08/31 |
Xena Bena Fofena |
2017/12/06 |
SWmB |
Xena Sapphire Kuehl |
1998/02/02 |
S |
Yellow |
2018/03/25 |
Yellow Female Moore |
2012/04/03 |
Yellow Puppy Chonko |
2012/02/27 |
Yeti McDuff |
2016/09/05 |
SrBrD |
Yeti of The Foothills Fellows |
2020/11/16 |
SWrB |
Yogi |
2019/03/28 |
S |
Yogi Bear Gibbs of Alaska |
2018/08/09 |
SrSW |
Yogi Bear III |
2005/05/20 |
B |
Yogi Bear of Chesapeake |
1997/03/14 |
S |
Yogi Bear Sangster |
1999/10/12 |
S |
Yogi Beara Gulsvig |
2014/06/25 |
SrB |
Yogi Bears Mingo Junction |
2006/12/05 |
SmB |
Yogi Gogi Mallorca |
2021/10/07 |
SrD |
Yogi XII |
2016/09/16 |
BmSW |
Yogi XV |
2018/05/18 |
B |
Yonahs Harbour Grace |
1975/11/08 |
S |
Yondu |
2021/05/28 |
SrBrD |
York of Bosworth |
2003/08/18 |
SmB |
Yosemites Black Kettle |
1979/02/25 |
S |
Youngs King Samson |
2000/08/28 |
B |
You´re Just As Sane As I Am |
2018/07/31 |
S |
Z Elba |
0000/00/00 |
S |
Zach Ertz |
2018/05/05 |
BmSW |
Zach II |
2022/04/26 |
SrSWrD |
Zachary Zeuss Robinson |
1999/10/23 |
B |
Zack |
1999/01/01 |
Zada |
1998/10/23 |
S |
Zander |
2002/05/01 |
S |
Zander The Great |
2022/08/07 |
SrSW |
Zaras Royal Gray |
2018/01/14 |
GraurBmSW |
Zeddicus |
2001/02/17 |
SrSW |
Zeeb Girl Wigal |
2013/02/15 |
Zenna |
2016/12/16 |
Zephyr IV |
2019/08/11 |
B |
Zephyrus Murphy |
1991/08/21 |
Zeref By Horner |
2019/04/26 |
SmB |
Zeus Bear |
2018/10/04 |
SrBmSW |
Zeus Bear Paw Adams |
2018/12/07 |
SrBmSW |
Zeus Funk |
2021/12/16 |
SWrB |
Zeus of Country Hills |
2017/03/07 |
BrSW |
Zeus Thunderstriker |
2014/09/12 |
S |
Zeus XXXIV |
2016/04/30 |
BrSW |
Zeus XXXV |
2018/11/24 |
B |
Zia Goddess of Attitude |
2017/02/19 |
S |
Ziva |
2016/01/05 |
S |
Ziva II |
2018/05/26 |
SrSW |
Ziva III |
2019/05/28 |
SrBmSW |
Zoe Gabris |
2017/01/20 |
SrB |
Zoey Rainie Stevenson |
2019/05/14 |
braun-weiss |
Zorillo Ray Pena |
2010/10/25 |
Zowie |
2011/03/01 |
Zuva The Diva |
2015/03/09 |
SrSW |