Name |
geboren |
Rüde / Hündin |
Farbe |
Foto |
Kloofbear Big Hearted Oskar |
02.06.2018 |
SW |
Kloofbear Hold The Door |
02.06.2018 |
SW |
Kloofbear Release The Kraken |
02.06.2018 |
SW |
Kloofbear Ripley Roo |
02.06.2018 |
SW |
Kloofbears Cosmic Moonbeam from Heaven |
02.06.2018 |
SW |
Sent Djons Altair Bright Star |
22.02.2017 |
SW |
Sent Djons Anabel |
22.02.2017 |
SW |
Sent Djons Andrej Rublev |
22.02.2017 |
SW |
Sent Djons Anozer Dimension |
02.06.2012 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Arktik Sunrise |
02.06.2012 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Artur King of Se Kamelot |
22.02.2017 |
SW |
Sent Djons at Silver Munlight |
02.06.2012 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Avalon |
22.02.2017 |
SW |
Sent Djons Avatar |
22.02.2017 |
SW |
Sent Djons Avatar |
01.01.2021 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Azar Amikus Verus |
01.01.2021 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Azure Sia |
02.06.2012 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Back In Black To Darkflight |
07.02.2021 |
S |
Sent Djons Balu |
07.02.2021 |
S |
Sent Djons Barni Blak Tjulp |
03.08.2012 |
S |
Sent Djons Beatritsche |
07.02.2021 |
S |
Sent Djons Beau Bear |
07.02.2021 |
S |
Sent Djons Because I Love You |
03.08.2012 |
S |
Sent Djons Bi Braun |
26.05.2017 |
BmD |
Sent Djons Big Stephan |
26.05.2017 |
GraurB |
Sent Djons Big Tschill |
07.02.2021 |
S |
Sent Djons Bit of Success To Cismes |
07.02.2021 |
S |
Sent Djons Blak Batterfljaj |
03.08.2012 |
S |
Sent Djons Blek Bear Maj Hope |
07.02.2021 |
S |
Sent Djons Blek Imp Bonzaj |
07.02.2021 |
S |
Sent Djons Boschi |
07.02.2021 |
S |
Sent Djons Boston Valtz |
03.08.2012 |
S |
Sent Djons Brenda |
26.05.2017 |
SrBmD |
Sent Djons Buk of Tschentschsch |
03.08.2012 |
S |
Sent Djons Dajana Ross |
12.12.2012 |
SW |
Sent Djons Dali |
23.01.2003 |
S |
Sent Djons Dalida |
12.12.2012 |
SW |
Sent Djons Dan Blek |
17.01.2022 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Debora |
12.12.2012 |
SW |
Sent Djons Defender |
03.06.2017 |
S |
Sent Djons Dejzi Miller |
12.12.2012 |
SW |
Sent Djons Dekster |
17.01.2022 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Dimitrij Dolgorukij |
17.01.2022 |
SW |
Sent Djons Dobrynja Nikititsch |
17.01.2022 |
SW |
Sent Djons Donna Sammer |
12.12.2012 |
SW |
Sent Djons Dora |
23.01.2003 |
SrD |
Sent Djons Dschudi |
23.01.2003 |
S |
Sent Djons Duglas |
23.01.2003 |
S |
Sent Djons Eboni In Fajer |
04.11.2011 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Edem In Maj Cheart |
04.11.2011 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Eklips of Ze Mun |
04.11.2011 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Ekskiting Glanse |
30.09.2016 |
S |
Sent Djons Ekskljusiv |
30.09.2016 |
S |
Sent Djons Elajs |
29.11.2004 |
S |
Sent Djons Elegant Men |
30.09.2016 |
S |
Sent Djons Eleonor |
30.09.2016 |
S |
Sent Djons Elika |
29.11.2004 |
S |
Sent Djons Elisabet The Great |
12.08.2017 |
SW |
Sent Djons Emanuel |
30.09.2016 |
S |
Sent Djons Emperor Ljuniks |
01.04.2013 |
SW |
Sent Djons Enisej |
29.11.2004 |
S |
Sent Djons Enisej |
24.01.2022 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Ensejgne |
12.08.2017 |
SW |
Sent Djons Enthusiast |
30.09.2016 |
S |
Sent Djons Erni Maritsch |
30.09.2016 |
S |
Sent Djons Esenija |
29.11.2004 |
S |
Sent Djons Esenin |
29.11.2004 |
S |
Sent Djons Espoir |
12.08.2017 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Esprit d´Ekjuipe |
12.08.2017 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Etienne |
12.08.2017 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Etoil Noir |
01.04.2013 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Etoile Noire Chez GB Wow |
04.11.2011 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Etonnant |
12.08.2017 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Etrager |
12.08.2017 |
SW |
Sent Djons Europiin |
12.08.2017 |
SW |
Sent Djons Eva |
24.01.2022 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Evelasting Love |
01.04.2013 |
SW |
Sent Djons Evrazija |
01.04.2013 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Evri Bodi Danse |
30.09.2016 |
S |
Sent Djons Evropa |
29.11.2004 |
S |
Sent Djons Fabersche Collekschen |
08.07.2010 |
SW |
Sent Djons Fabled Storm of Nanjuananlo |
26.10.2019 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Fabulos Adventure |
18.01.2016 |
S |
Sent Djons Faithful Heart To Royleway |
26.10.2019 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Fantom |
18.01.2016 |
S |
Sent Djons Faraon |
18.01.2016 |
S |
Sent Djons Farless Bear |
26.10.2019 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Farvater Dlja Berega Dona |
26.10.2019 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Fast Forward |
26.10.2019 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Ferdinand |
26.10.2019 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Fever of Love |
18.01.2016 |
S |
Sent Djons Fiesta of Sammer Dej |
08.07.2010 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Flaming Russian Lajte Acaviste |
18.01.2016 |
S |
Sent Djons Floksa |
26.10.2019 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Follou Juuoir Hert |
26.10.2019 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Forever In Love Tender Ebony |
18.01.2016 |
S |
Sent Djons Forrest Gamb |
08.07.2010 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Forward |
18.01.2016 |
S |
Sent Djons Freddi |
18.01.2016 |
S |
Sent Djons Frende Vill Bi Soming |
18.01.2016 |
S |
Sent Djons Gala Najgt |
10.09.2021 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Gamlet |
03.07.2017 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Gavr |
10.09.2021 |
B |
Sent Djons Gentle Kiss |
10.09.2021 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Germes |
03.07.2017 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Gestija |
10.09.2021 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Glamur Ledi |
29.09.2012 |
SW |
Sent Djons Golden Dawn |
10.09.2021 |
B |
Sent Djons Goliaf |
03.07.2017 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Gosposcha Udatscha |
10.09.2021 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Graf Dscharo |
10.09.2021 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Griffin Glori |
29.09.2012 |
SrSW, weisse Abzeichen |
Sent Djons Grimlin |
03.07.2017 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Gvendolin Glorius Garden |
29.09.2012 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Halbjorn Framsan |
17.12.2010 |
S |
Sent Djons Handsel for Me |
17.12.2010 |
S |
Sent Djons Happy Holiday |
31.01.2016 |
S |
Sent Djons Hardy Jarrod |
19.12.2019 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Harebell |
17.12.2010 |
S |
Sent Djons Harrison Ford |
19.12.2019 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Heavently Haze |
31.01.2016 |
S |
Sent Djons Hejli Kuitmi |
17.12.2010 |
S |
Sent Djons Heppi Gou Lakki |
17.12.2010 |
S |
Sent Djons Heppi Tu Dej |
17.12.2010 |
S |
Sent Djons Hero for Kloofbear |
17.12.2010 |
S |
Sent Djons Hillari |
31.01.2016 |
S |
Sent Djons Hillary |
19.12.2019 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Hippocrat |
31.01.2016 |
S |
Sent Djons Hloe Kvin Schtscha Spadies |
31.01.2016 |
S |
Sent Djons Hummer |
17.12.2010 |
S |
Sent Djons I Ja s Toboj |
25.06.2022 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Ikar |
19.05.2006 |
Grau |
Sent Djons Ilani |
25.06.2022 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Ima |
25.06.2022 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Imagination |
07.12.2013 |
SW |
Sent Djons Imichej |
07.12.2013 |
SW |
Sent Djons Imperial Gold |
07.12.2013 |
SW |
Sent Djons In Glori |
07.12.2013 |
SW |
Sent Djons Indiana Dschons |
10.01.2018 |
S |
Sent Djons Indigo |
19.05.2006 |
SmD |
Sent Djons Inessa |
10.01.2018 |
S |
Sent Djons Infanta |
07.12.2013 |
SW |
Sent Djons Infiniti |
19.05.2006 |
SmD |
Sent Djons Inkredibl Luk |
07.12.2013 |
SW |
Sent Djons Inspirejschen |
07.12.2013 |
SW |
Sent Djons Integral Part of Maj Chert |
25.06.2022 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Intelidschent Men |
07.12.2013 |
SW |
Sent Djons Inter |
07.12.2013 |
SW |
Sent Djons Intriga |
07.12.2013 |
SW |
Sent Djons Invating Smaile |
10.01.2018 |
S |
Sent Djons Irbis |
07.12.2013 |
SW |
Sent Djons Irma |
25.06.2022 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Irone of Fote |
25.06.2022 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Irvin |
10.01.2018 |
S |
Sent Djons Irvin |
25.06.2022 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Irving Klement |
10.01.2018 |
S |
Sent Djons Isabel Grace |
10.01.2018 |
S |
Sent Djons Isida |
07.12.2013 |
SW |
Sent Djons Issidora Dunkan |
10.01.2018 |
S, weisse Abzeichen |
Sent Djons Istvud |
10.01.2018 |
S |
Sent Djons Itaka |
10.01.2018 |
S |
Sent Djons Iv Montan |
10.01.2018 |
S |
Sent Djons Izjum |
19.05.2006 |
SmD |
Sent Djons I´m Russian Model |
10.01.2018 |
S |
Sent Djons Ja Adel |
21.01.2017 |
S |
Sent Djons Ja Tschief Amond |
05.10.2020 |
SW |
Sent Djons Jager Spiid of Sound |
21.01.2017 |
S |
Sent Djons Jahoo |
05.10.2020 |
SW |
Sent Djons Jamajka |
05.10.2020 |
SW |
Sent Djons Jang |
05.10.2020 |
SW |
Sent Djons Jang Men |
21.01.2017 |
S |
Sent Djons Jasmine Perfekt for Me |
05.10.2020 |
SW |
Sent Djons Jasna Russian Prinzess |
05.10.2020 |
SW |
Sent Djons Ju Maj Lav |
15.11.2011 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Jue Tu |
15.11.2011 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Jugra |
15.11.2011 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Jukatan |
15.11.2011 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Jukon Kvest |
15.11.2011 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Jukos |
15.11.2011 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Juna |
15.11.2011 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Junirika Perl of Visdom |
06.01.2017 |
S |
Sent Djons Junona |
06.01.2017 |
S |
Sent Djons Jupiter |
15.11.2011 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Jurata |
06.01.2017 |
S |
Sent Djons Juse Your Illusion |
06.01.2017 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Jusson from Sanni Spring |
06.01.2017 |
S |
Sent Djons Justas |
06.01.2017 |
S |
Sent Djons Justinija Julija |
06.01.2017 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Juventa Kvin of Se San |
06.01.2017 |
S |
Sent Djons Juventus |
15.11.2011 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Kadet |
19.01.2014 |
S |
Sent Djons Kalipso |
19.10.2006 |
S |
Sent Djons Karavella |
19.10.2006 |
S |
Sent Djons Kasper for Kloofbear |
19.01.2014 |
S |
Sent Djons Katarina |
30.04.2018 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Kej To Maj Hert |
30.04.2018 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Keroll |
19.10.2006 |
S |
Sent Djons King of The Ring |
30.04.2018 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Kip Klose |
30.04.2018 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Klajford |
30.04.2018 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Klifford |
19.10.2006 |
S |
Sent Djons Knajt of The Lajt |
30.04.2018 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Konan |
19.01.2014 |
S |
Sent Djons Korsika |
19.10.2006 |
S |
Sent Djons Krischna |
30.04.2018 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Kruiz |
19.10.2006 |
S |
Sent Djons Lajt af Dschoj |
19.03.2014 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Land of Dreams |
28.05.2018 |
S |
Sent Djons Larel Leolanda |
19.03.2014 |
SrBrD |
Sent Djons Lark Song |
28.05.2018 |
S |
Sent Djons Larri King |
21.04.2007 |
S |
Sent Djons Lastin Impreschn |
19.03.2014 |
B |
Sent Djons Lav et Fjost Sejt |
19.03.2014 |
B |
Sent Djons Leaves In Autumn |
28.05.2018 |
S |
Sent Djons Ledi Floris |
21.04.2007 |
S |
Sent Djons Legenda Morja |
21.04.2007 |
S |
Sent Djons Lejdi af se Haus |
19.03.2014 |
B |
Sent Djons Leksus |
21.04.2007 |
S |
Sent Djons Lesnaja Feja |
21.04.2007 |
S |
Sent Djons Let It Be |
28.05.2018 |
S |
Sent Djons Letnjaja Notsch |
21.04.2007 |
S |
Sent Djons Lin On Mi |
19.03.2014 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Lolita |
26.01.2023 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Loving Star |
19.03.2014 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Lunnaja Sonata |
21.04.2007 |
S |
Sent Djons Made In Russija |
19.09.2014 |
S |
Sent Djons Maks Hold |
19.09.2014 |
S |
Sent Djons Malkin Seventy One |
19.09.2014 |
S |
Sent Djons Marco Polo |
21.02.2023 |
SW |
Sent Djons Marsel |
21.02.2023 |
SW |
Sent Djons Martin |
21.02.2023 |
SW |
Sent Djons Mask of Zorro |
19.09.2014 |
S |
Sent Djons Mefisto |
25.08.2007 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Meri Poppins |
19.09.2014 |
S |
Sent Djons Merkury |
21.02.2023 |
SW |
Sent Djons Merlin |
08.08.2018 |
SW |
Sent Djons Mersedes |
21.02.2023 |
SW |
Sent Djons Miledi Vinter |
08.08.2018 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Mirasch |
08.08.2018 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Mischel |
25.08.2007 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Mischel |
21.02.2023 |
SW |
Sent Djons Miss Fury |
21.02.2023 |
SW |
Sent Djons Mon Plezir |
25.08.2007 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Moonlajgcht Schadou |
21.02.2023 |
SW |
Sent Djons Mooring at Homeport |
19.09.2014 |
S |
Sent Djons Morning Star |
21.02.2023 |
SW |
Sent Djons Mulen Rusch |
25.08.2007 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Najt Drim |
26.09.2014 |
S |
Sent Djons Naschenal Prajd |
26.09.2014 |
S |
Sent Djons Nau Ju Vis Mi |
09.12.2018 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Nau Ui A Tugese |
26.09.2014 |
S |
Sent Djons Nejvi Sial |
09.12.2018 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Nerd |
09.12.2018 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Never Giv Ap |
26.09.2014 |
S |
Sent Djons Nia Se San |
26.09.2014 |
S |
Sent Djons Niagara Falls |
26.09.2014 |
S |
Sent Djons Nikol |
09.12.2018 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Nirvana |
25.09.2007 |
S |
Sent Djons Non Stop Dancing |
09.12.2018 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Nordik Pauer |
26.09.2014 |
S |
Sent Djons Nort |
26.09.2014 |
S |
Sent Djons Nosern Igl |
09.12.2018 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Nou Uej Tu Ajdl |
09.12.2018 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Noubl Olivija |
09.12.2018 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Nulle Part Ajleus |
26.09.2014 |
S |
Sent Djons O Sole Mio |
10.12.2018 |
S |
Sent Djons Odin |
10.12.2018 |
S |
Sent Djons Odissej |
10.12.2018 |
S |
Sent Djons Okean of Love |
19.10.2014 |
SW |
Sent Djons Oliver Kromvel |
19.10.2014 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Oliver Tvist |
12.11.2007 |
S |
Sent Djons One And Only |
19.10.2014 |
SW |
Sent Djons Onli Ju |
10.12.2018 |
S |
Sent Djons Open Ju Cheart |
19.10.2014 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Opium for Mi |
19.10.2014 |
SW |
Sent Djons Optimus Prajm |
19.10.2014 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Orchideja Noir |
12.11.2007 |
S |
Sent Djons Orfej |
12.11.2007 |
S |
Sent Djons Oskar |
12.11.2007 |
S |
Sent Djons Ostap Bender |
12.11.2007 |
S |
Sent Djons Otrada |
12.11.2007 |
S |
Sent Djons Ovan End Onli |
19.10.2014 |
SW |
Sent Djons Parat Planet |
28.03.2008 |
SW |
Sent Djons Parti Tajm |
03.03.2019 |
S |
Sent Djons Partikular Event |
03.03.2019 |
S |
Sent Djons Patriot |
15.11.2014 |
SW |
Sent Djons Pazifik Ouschen |
03.03.2019 |
S |
Sent Djons Pearl for Kvin |
03.03.2019 |
S |
Sent Djons Penelona Krus |
28.03.2008 |
SrSW, weisse Abzeichen |
Sent Djons Peppi Dlinnij Tschulok |
28.03.2008 |
SW |
Sent Djons Perfect for Vantolla |
15.11.2014 |
SW, kein D (DNA) |
Sent Djons Personal Angel |
03.03.2019 |
S |
Sent Djons Petit Prinzess |
03.03.2019 |
S |
Sent Djons Piligrim |
28.03.2008 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Piter Pen |
28.03.2008 |
SW |
Sent Djons Plejboj |
28.03.2008 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Polar Starling |
03.03.2019 |
S |
Sent Djons Portugess Star |
03.03.2019 |
S |
Sent Djons Posejdon |
15.11.2014 |
SW |
Sent Djons Precious Royal Style |
15.11.2014 |
SW |
Sent Djons Premer Ministr |
28.03.2008 |
SW |
Sent Djons Preschions Heart |
03.03.2019 |
S |
Sent Djons Prima de Ferolli |
15.11.2014 |
SW |
Sent Djons Prinz |
15.11.2014 |
SW |
Sent Djons Prinzip Domino |
28.03.2008 |
SW |
Sent Djons Prisme Event at Deep Love |
15.11.2014 |
SW |
Sent Djons Ragnar Goluboj |
05.12.2014 |
S |
Sent Djons Rajnbov Schajne |
05.12.2014 |
S |
Sent Djons Ray of Hope |
05.12.2014 |
S |
Sent Djons Redford |
05.12.2014 |
S |
Sent Djons Redschinald Fildi Arvizu |
22.11.2008 |
S |
Sent Djons Rej of San |
05.12.2014 |
S |
Sent Djons Ringo Star |
05.12.2014 |
S |
Sent Djons Ritschard Blek Gold |
22.11.2008 |
S |
Sent Djons Rojal Dschons |
05.12.2014 |
S |
Sent Djons Rok Kristall |
05.12.2014 |
S |
Sent Djons Rokko Stella di Sant Eramo |
22.11.2008 |
S |
Sent Djons Rolleks |
22.11.2008 |
S |
Sent Djons Romanse of Love |
22.11.2008 |
S |
Sent Djons Romeo |
18.05.2019 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Rouz for Me |
22.11.2008 |
S |
Sent Djons Ruky |
18.05.2019 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Russian With Love To Newfashion |
18.05.2019 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Sabina Mistikal |
15.05.2009 |
S |
Sent Djons Sajma |
25.05.2015 |
SWrB |
Sent Djons Salvador Dali |
15.05.2009 |
S |
Sent Djons Samba |
28.05.2019 |
S |
Sent Djons Santa |
28.05.2019 |
S |
Sent Djons Schadou On Ajs of Serenitie |
19.07.2016 |
SW |
Sent Djons Schagane |
16.07.2011 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Schaklin |
27.07.2005 |
S |
Sent Djons Schampan |
16.07.2011 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Schankold Schanna |
06.04.2013 |
S |
Sent Djons Schanna d´Ark |
27.07.2005 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Schannet |
27.07.2005 |
S |
Sent Djons Schanson |
19.07.2016 |
SW |
Sent Djons Schar Ptiza |
21.03.2022 |
SW |
Sent Djons Scharlotta |
16.07.2011 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Scharmel |
16.07.2011 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Scharp Imidsch |
19.07.2016 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Scharvud |
16.07.2011 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Schasmin |
27.07.2005 |
S |
Sent Djons Schdanislav |
27.07.2005 |
S |
Sent Djons Schedberri |
11.08.2011 |
S |
Sent Djons Schedi |
11.08.2011 |
S |
Sent Djons Scherif |
16.07.2011 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Scherlok Holms |
19.07.2016 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Schi Is Se Oan |
19.07.2016 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Schiffar Anri |
06.04.2013 |
S |
Sent Djons Schirandol |
06.04.2013 |
S |
Sent Djons Schirar Remi |
06.04.2013 |
S, kein D (DNA) |
Sent Djons Schirarden Vinsent |
06.04.2013 |
S |
Sent Djons Schiskar d´Esten Edmon |
06.04.2013 |
S |
Sent Djons Schizel |
27.07.2005 |
S |
Sent Djons Schofrej Platel |
06.04.2013 |
S |
Sent Djons Schoselin |
06.04.2013 |
S |
Sent Djons Schouvi Rej |
19.07.2016 |
SW |
Sent Djons Schozajja Valeri |
06.04.2013 |
S |
Sent Djons Schozefina |
27.07.2005 |
S |
Sent Djons Schul Vern |
27.07.2005 |
S |
Sent Djons Schulet Binosch |
27.07.2005 |
S |
Sent Djons Seliger |
25.05.2015 |
SrBrSW |
Sent Djons Severga |
25.05.2015 |
SrBrSW |
Sent Djons Shampagne |
09.04.2020 |
SW |
Sent Djons Shelby for Smigar |
09.04.2020 |
SW |
Sent Djons Shhh It´s A Secret Chariboo |
09.04.2020 |
SW |
Sent Djons Shining Star |
19.07.2016 |
SW |
Sent Djons Shoots To The Top |
25.05.2015 |
SWrB |
Sent Djons Show Must Go On |
19.07.2016 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Showmen Vantolla |
09.04.2020 |
SW, kein D (DNA) |
Sent Djons Siamen |
15.05.2009 |
S |
Sent Djons Simba |
28.05.2019 |
S |
Sent Djons Sinara |
25.05.2015 |
SrBrSW |
Sent Djons Sjuzi Kvatro |
15.05.2009 |
S, kein SW (DNA) |
Sent Djons Snou |
28.05.2019 |
S |
Sent Djons Sofija Dlja Kara Deniz |
15.05.2009 |
S |
Sent Djons Step Baj Step |
28.05.2019 |
S |
Sent Djons Stepchen Sstepter of Se Gods |
28.05.2019 |
S |
Sent Djons Superioriti |
25.05.2015 |
SWrB |
Sent Djons Tais Afinskaja |
23.07.2009 |
S |
Sent Djons Tajlor Mejd |
21.07.2019 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Tajson |
23.07.2009 |
S |
Sent Djons Tavrida |
23.06.2015 |
S |
Sent Djons Techasskij Rejndscher |
23.07.2009 |
S |
Sent Djons Tefida |
23.06.2015 |
S |
Sent Djons Tekirova Nightflight |
21.07.2019 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Tender Kiss of Elli |
23.07.2009 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Tenstrajk |
21.07.2019 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Tesej |
23.06.2015 |
S |
Sent Djons Tet-A-Tet |
21.07.2019 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Texas |
23.06.2015 |
S |
Sent Djons Tim Bilder |
21.07.2019 |
SrB |
Sent Djons To England from Russia With Love To Acaviste |
23.06.2015 |
S |
Sent Djons Tom Sojer |
23.07.2009 |
S |
Sent Djons Tor |
21.07.2019 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Tortuga Dark Flajt |
21.07.2019 |
SrBrD |
Sent Djons Tristan |
23.06.2015 |
S |
Sent Djons Trjufel |
23.07.2009 |
S |
Sent Djons Tschallendsch Assepted |
18.04.2016 |
SrBrSW |
Sent Djons Tschandtsch Juou Lajf |
18.04.2016 |
SrBrSW |
Sent Djons Tschans for Vin |
18.04.2016 |
SrBrSW |
Sent Djons Tscharkoul |
18.04.2016 |
SrBrSW |
Sent Djons Tscheerful Kolors of Life |
18.04.2016 |
SrBrSWrD |
Sent Djons Tschelenscher |
16.05.2011 |
S |
Sent Djons Tschelesta |
16.05.2011 |
S |
Sent Djons Tschelsi |
16.05.2011 |
S |
Sent Djons Tschelsi |
05.04.2020 |
B |
Sent Djons Tscherisched Moment |
18.04.2016 |
SrBrSW |
Sent Djons Tschertschill |
16.05.2011 |
S |
Sent Djons Tschikago Stajl |
18.04.2016 |
SrBrSW |
Sent Djons Tschingizchan |
16.05.2011 |
S |
Sent Djons Tschojs Best |
18.04.2016 |
SrBrSW |
Sent Djons Tschuus Mi |
18.04.2016 |
SrBrSW |
Sent Djons Ubertino |
24.11.2009 |
SrB |
Sent Djons Ugo |
24.11.2009 |
S |
Sent Djons Uiljam |
14.10.2019 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Uliss |
24.11.2009 |
S |
Sent Djons Ulla Dlja Kara Ajular |
24.11.2009 |
S |
Sent Djons Ulrika |
24.11.2009 |
S |
Sent Djons Umilnyj |
24.11.2009 |
S |
Sent Djons Una Fortuna |
15.10.2015 |
SW |
Sent Djons Unallojed Happines |
14.10.2019 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Unchajned Melodi |
15.10.2015 |
SW |
Sent Djons Underkover Model |
17.02.2024 |
S |
Sent Djons Unique Winner |
14.10.2019 |
SW |
Sent Djons Universal Kode |
15.10.2015 |
SW |
Sent Djons Unkommon Valor |
14.10.2019 |
SW |
Sent Djons Until The End of Tajm |
14.10.2019 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Urban Love |
15.10.2015 |
SW |
Sent Djons Uriel |
24.11.2009 |
S |
Sent Djons Ursmaro |
24.11.2009 |
S |
Sent Djons Ursula |
15.10.2015 |
SW |
Sent Djons Ursus Uintfiuld |
15.10.2015 |
SW |
Sent Djons Ursus Uniforgettfble Boj |
15.10.2015 |
SW |
Sent Djons Ursus Unikjue for Othellos Sunlight |
15.10.2015 |
SW |
Sent Djons Utecha Lualua |
15.10.2015 |
SW |
Sent Djons Valentines Day |
12.09.2012 |
SW |
Sent Djons Valiant Knajt |
12.09.2012 |
SW |
Sent Djons Vallej of Love |
03.06.2017 |
SW |
Sent Djons Vam I Ne Snilos |
13.05.2021 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Vanila Ajs Krim |
03.06.2017 |
SW |
Sent Djons Vanilla Ajs |
12.09.2012 |
SW |
Sent Djons Vera vom Buloverg Berg |
13.05.2021 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Veri Loving Gerl |
03.06.2017 |
SW |
Sent Djons Verona |
12.09.2012 |
SW |
Sent Djons Vesper Bell |
12.09.2012 |
SW |
Sent Djons Vida |
13.05.2021 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Vigorus Gij |
03.06.2017 |
SW |
Sent Djons Viking |
13.05.2021 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Viktor |
03.06.2017 |
SW |
Sent Djons Viola ze Flover |
12.09.2012 |
SW |
Sent Djons Violetta |
12.09.2012 |
SW |
Sent Djons Vital Power |
03.06.2017 |
SW |
Sent Djons Vitus for Sky Bear |
13.05.2021 |
SrSW, weisse Abzeichen |
Sent Djons Viva Viktorija |
12.09.2012 |
SW |
Sent Djons Vivien Sun Shine |
13.05.2021 |
SrSW, weisse Abzeichen |
Sent Djons Volcano of Passion |
03.06.2017 |
SW |
Sent Djons Volver A Empesar |
03.06.2017 |
SW |
Sent Djons Ya Schiness |
23.03.2012 |
S |
Sent Djons Yachtsmen |
23.03.2012 |
S |
Sent Djons Yanesse Svitti Smajl |
23.03.2012 |
S |
Sent Djons Yantar |
23.03.2012 |
S |
Sent Djons Yantarnaja Kaplja |
23.03.2012 |
S |
Sent Djons Yara Love at First Sight |
05.10.2020 |
SW |
Sent Djons Yaris Bär von der Rothebek |
05.10.2020 |
SW |
Sent Djons Yaschma |
23.03.2012 |
S |
Sent Djons Yasna |
23.03.2012 |
S |
Sent Djons Yason |
23.03.2012 |
S |
Sent Djons Yeld To None for Seabrook |
23.03.2012 |
S |
Sent Djons Zaferano |
13.04.2013 |
S |
Sent Djons Zakk Uajld |
30.04.2022 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Zamilla |
01.01.2011 |
SW |
Sent Djons Zamira Blis Winds |
13.04.2013 |
S |
Sent Djons Zarevna Lebed |
01.01.2011 |
SW |
Sent Djons Zarina |
13.04.2013 |
S |
Sent Djons Zariza Tamara |
01.01.2011 |
SW |
Sent Djons Zaura |
13.04.2013 |
S |
Sent Djons Zefej |
01.01.2011 |
SW |
Sent Djons Zefira |
14.10.2005 |
S |
Sent Djons Zejlon for Tripond |
01.01.2011 |
SW |
Sent Djons Zejsija |
23.03.2016 |
SW |
Sent Djons Zemfira |
13.04.2013 |
S |
Sent Djons Zenit of Fame |
30.04.2022 |
SrSW |
Sent Djons Zenturion |
01.01.2011 |
SW |
Sent Djons Zerera |
23.03.2016 |
SW |
Sent Djons Zerera de l´Iliade et l´Odyssée |
01.01.2011 |
SW |
Sent Djons Zest for Lajf |
01.01.2018 |
B |
Sent Djons Zest In Kejt |
13.04.2013 |
S |
Sent Djons Zeus |
01.01.2018 |
B |
Sent Djons Zevs |
01.01.2018 |
B |
Sent Djons Zhag Le Gri |
25.12.2017 |
SW |
Sent Djons Zhak Schirak |
25.12.2017 |
SW |
Sent Djons Zhan Zhak Russo |
25.12.2017 |
SW |
Sent Djons Zhara |
25.12.2017 |
SW |
Sent Djons Zheng Lee |
25.12.2017 |
SW |
Sent Djons Zhesika Dschoj |
25.12.2017 |
SW |
Sent Djons Zhofrej |
25.12.2017 |
SW |
Sent Djons Zhour de Fete |
25.12.2017 |
SW |
Sent Djons Zhus De Flers |
25.12.2017 |
SW |
Sent Djons Ziklamen |
01.01.2011 |
SW |
Sent Djons Zimnjaja Vischnja |
14.10.2005 |
S |
Sent Djons Zimo |
23.03.2016 |
SW |
Sent Djons Zinija |
23.03.2016 |
SW |
Sent Djons Ziva for Sakala |
13.04.2013 |
S, kein B/kein SW/kein D (DNA) |
Sent Djons Zizilija |
01.01.2011 |
SW |
Sent Djons Zoe My Queen for Seabrook |
13.04.2013 |
S |
Sent Djons Zolotoe Runo |
14.10.2005 |
S |
Sent Djons Zona of Fajer |
13.04.2013 |
S |
Sent Djons Zorro |
14.10.2005 |
S |
Sent Djons Zvezdotschet |
30.04.2022 |
SrSW |